Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1950)
r ’Copter Landing Made Here By Sky Workers T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE After a bit of survey work this week whirring down at noon came a yellow helicopter smack into a cozy spot near the 8-Ball recreation center ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATl’RF.’S EMPIRE in Mill City. Kermit Jones of Seattle, piloted the unfamiliar craft to its nesting place MILL CITY. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1950 Vol. VI—No. 50 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy for a short noon-hour stay in Mill City. He and his passenger, Ed. Hooven, Chief of the Mouse Patrol of the Oregon State Forestry de partment, dismounted their strange sted, shed sheep skin-lined outer clothing, and after a session with curious citizen onlookers grabbed what they came down for in the first place—lunch. The advance gifts organization reported $184.300 had been subscribed for Over coffee, Hooven and Jones dis closed the wherefore of their presence the building and equipping of the Santiam Memorial hospital at the opening Mill City grade school children and in this area. They indicated that the of the general campaign Monday night. December 11th, held at the American Herman A. Poulin Co., pioneer spe their directors stage the annual Legion hall in Stayton. Christmas program Thursday eve cialists in helicopter seeding of forest The general campaign to raise funds for Santiam Memorial hospital to land, has undertaken the Douglas Fir ning, December 21, at 8 p.m, in the serve a large section of Santiam valley and Canyon area made a very suc Mill City grade school gymnasium, re-seeding of Tom Rock Burn, a co cessful start with more than 130 workers present at the kickoff meeting. operative research and re-habilitation grade teacher Miss Smith reported ■ 1 . i« i. ■ ■ ._ 1 by _ al _ — ■ I'raat Great onf enthusiasm was shown the project in air-to-ground seeding meth today. The upper-grade play entitled eight groups of workers from the ods of the State Forestry department. Valley division and the groups of Through somewhat chattering teeth “Christmas Eve in Hillside Village" Hooven explained his unusual title, is a cantata-drama under the direc workers from the Canyon area repre Chief of Mouse Patrol. Ridding an tion of teachers Mr. Hollyman, Mr. senting Idanha, Detroit, Gates, Mill I City, and Lyons. area of mice by poison baiting prior Schunk, Mrs. Rogers and Miss Smith to seeding is of prime importance in who also provides the music. G. W. Schachtsick, general chair The synopsis of the upper-grade order to prevent the mice eating the man of the money-raising campaign A complete civil defense plan is presided. Among the speakers were tiny Douglas Fir seeds strewn from play states that a “simple, unplanned act of friendly kindness is the best being drawn up because of the gravity the helicopter, Hooven revealed. C. Kimmel, associate general chair of the international crisis, Oregon J. . He was dressed all in fur from his head to Jones, who has been doing 'copter gift we can make. The young people man and manager of the Canyon Area civil defense leaders announced today. division work since 1947, estimated that he has of ‘Hillside Village’ proved this one his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished of the campaign; Walter H. spread recently poisoned grain via Christmas Eve, when a delayed bus This new plan will be ready in a Bell, president of Santiam Memorial with ashes and soot; a bundle of toys he had left a group of travelers stranded 'copter over some 1,600 acres of forest few days. It will outline exactly what hospital; Dr. Wm. H. Burrell, chair flung on his back, and he looked like a ped land which includes a quarter mile there for several hours.” regional, state, county and local agen- man of the advance gifts committee Cast for the play is composed of buffer strip surrounding the Tom Icies are expected to do in an emer- j and Louis D. Barr, adviser. dler just opening his pack. His eyes how Jackie Bickett as “Mrs. Wright”, Rock Burn area slated for seeding. gency. they twinkled! His dimples how merry! His Volunteer Workers Introduced According to Hooven only the areas Ellen Shelton as “Mrs. Elder”, Terry Civil defense leaders are meeting Muir plays “ Rob ” , Charles Dexter is cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry; Robert L. Stewart, chairman of ths completely denuded of reproduction or today in San Francisco to work out | general organization of workers for seed sources will be treated. Nearly “Tom”, Robert Cree as “Sam”, June mutual aid agreements whereby Cali his droll little mouth was drawn up like a 325 acres will be sown with % pound Cox, “Amy”; Carolyn Harmon as fornia, Washington and Oregon would the Santiam valley section of the bow, and his beard on his chin was as white campaign introduced the members of of Douglas Fir seed per acre and re “Bess”; Audrey Campbell, “Cathy”; help each other in case of attack. his organization, as the snow; . . —Clement Moore. maining acres with % of a pound per Robert Giannola, "Dave”; David J. C. Kimmel, This agreement will cover law en chairman of the Canyon area, intro acre in an effort to determine how Mitchell as “Ed”; Lynn Brown as forcement, fire-fighting, medical aid, duced the workers for the Canyon — — SANTA-GRAM — — much seed is needed to satisfactorily “Marion”; Jean Thomas, “Nancy”; land transportation, such as sending area. These 130 volunteer workers Arthur Cox, “Paul”; Glenn Boothby, re-stock a denuded area. | heavy rescue equipment to a stricken are now starting the general soliciting CHRISTMAS Rudy Kallander, Rehabilitation Di “Leslie”; Marcia Cox as “Olive”; area. MILL CITY of residents who will be protected by rector of the Oregon State Forestry Michael O’Leary, "Mr. Taylor”; Rob Those attending this conference the new memorial hospital. ert Ditter, “ Mr. Foster ” ; Myrna Roy, department of Salem, disclosed today BOYS AND GIRLS GOOD AND from Oregon are State Civil Defense that Jones and Hooven are carrying “Mrs. Foster'”, and Judith Bigger as Walter H. Bell, president, at the Director Louis Starr and State Health TRUE COME GET GOODIES I out the policy of the Forestry depart “Miss Wilson”. close of the opening dinner for the 'Officer Harold M. Erickson. The choir made up of members HAVE FOR YOU! ment which is the re-stocking imme The basic Oregon plan will cover general campaign, stated that “many diately of all state-owned forest land from grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 will sing MOMMY . . . SEE THAT THEY every phase of civil defense operation, more memorials must be obtained on which the timber has been des all the numbers for the upper-grade from those who are able to subscribe DO ... ! including mutual aid. play. The choir includes Maurice troyed by fire. larger amounts and that if each per More than 400 experienced welfare (s) SANTA CLAUS Some 7,500 acres of forest land Bassett, Richard Crook, Truman son, who will he protected by the workers have been signed up for quick Jones, Winifred Murray, Diane Peter has been re-seeded in the Tillamook hospital, subscribes to the best of his i assignment in event of a disaster. Burn thi- and approximately son, Barbara Podrabsky, Phyllis Pro Santa Claus guided and escorted by Chief of Police ability there will be no doubt but I State police, and county and local 5,100 aci of the Nicolai Mt. Burn vost, Walter Quarles. Sue Roberts, J. T. King in the city patrol car visits and gives out candy j law enforcement officers will meet in what this hospital can be built, and in Clatsop county has undergone Camille Goble, Patty Alexander, Nor- that anyone who can possibly sub- i ma Downer, Eddie Gregory, Joyce and other goodies to the children of pre-school and school Salem next Tuesday to work out civil { {scribe for $100 memberships should treatment, Kallander indicated. defense problems as they affect law I Pilot Jortes, a former Coast Guards- Jones, Richard Keyes, Eddie Leach, age of Mill City Saturday afternoon, December 23, in the The meeting, called by I do so; those who cannot subscribe ns- stated that ‘the Pc_*m :r.p iny ¡Josephine Bell, Barbara Kenslow, Mill City fire hall, Mrs. Frank “Tex” Blazek reported i enforcement. Starr, will hear defense experts tell i for a $100 or a voting .'iienibership | Patsy Newsome, JoAnn Leach. uses another 'copter which is piloted win become an associate member r. iih how police officers can help out. today. Kenny Andrews. Nancy Bruder, by Bob Murray of Priest River, Idaho. I the privilege of attending all meetings Seeing to the gas, oil, and mechanical Hazel Caudle, Jimmy Caudle, Pauline Following the tradition of past years, Mrs. Blazek of thr hospital and have all the rights (Continued on page 5) problems of the 'copters is mechanic of members except voting. An asso indicated that the Mill City Firemen and Auxiliary spon Bernie Bollinger from Yakima. He ciate member at a later date may pay sor the Saturday afternoon holiday spirit arrival of drives a service truck up and down the balance due on the voting mem forestry roads spotting open areas Santa in Mill City and at the fire hall. bership and become an active voting where the 'copters can come safely member. All who desire to help build During the Santa festivities the Auxiliary members down to earth for care, Jones re the hospital should remember that the Fire Chief Arlo Tuers retains plan the playing of Christmas carols and helping Santa ported. they may pay in installments. helm of Mill City and area’s fire de- Hooven noted that 85 acres of the Claus distribute candy and oranges to children guests Albert Seitzinger, 84 and a widower partment as a result of the regular No (juntas or Assessments burn will not receive any treatment President Bell stated “there are in the effort to discover what Nature of Idanha, passed away Tuesday, Dec. between the hours of 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Mill City election of officers held this week in 12, while ill in Portland in the home fire hall, Mrs. Blazek disclosed. the Mill City fire hall, according to absolutely no quotas or assessments; herself can do with a barren area. of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Helen information revealed by Fireman Roy no person or organization is down for I Seitzinger, she reported. Beebe. any amount of money. This hospital Fire Chief Tuers has diligently per will be financed through voluntary During the last years of his life, formed his many and time-consum effort, There are no coercion or Mr. Seitzinger and his son, Merl Seitz ing fireman's duties and thereby won pressure tactics used in this method inger, the only surviving heir, owned the vote of confidence of his firemen or plan of financing. The problem and operated the Seitzinger Lumber this week, Fireman Lee Knowles in of hospital protection belongs to each Co. in Idanha. Funds raised by School District dicated. Mill City Firemen Auxiliary elected person. The 130 volunteer workers Mill City citizens’ Christmas spirit Prior to Mr. Seitzinger’s change of Burnett Cole, president of the Fire are giving their time and greatly ap surged this week as city officials and residence to Idanha he lived for many 129-J in a 1949 bond issue in amount Elma Stewart, president, and Irene $101,700.00 were spent upon new Podrabsky, vice president of the Aux men, replaces ¿’rank “Tex” Blazek preciate the hearty co-operation that businessmen erected and decorated I years on a ranch near Mill City. construction Lee Kipling King, Linn during their meeting today in and Martin Hansen, treasurer, suc is being shown them by the whole Mill City’s Ckristmas tree in the local The funeral is scheduled for 2 p.m. county auditor, found while making iliary the Mill City fire hall, Firemen Aux ceeds “Sparky” Ditter. Wilbur Mein community.” triangle. in the funeral home in Stayton. In his annual check. ilary member, Mrs. Frank Blazek, re ert has the secretarial responsibility The campaign workers of the Mill When the tree was lighted by turn terment will be in the Fox Valley as a result of the Firemen’s vote this City area will meet for 6 p.m. dinner Total moneys obtained as a result ported. ing on its pretty shaped and colored cemetery. The Auxiliary expanded the num week. each Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the March, 1949, bond issue sale lights, C. E. Coville, contributor and Re-elected Fire Chief Tuers, Roy evenings at Mom and Pop's Cafe. total $102,811.65. When the bonds ber of elective offices by electing Alice co-decorater of the some 30-foot tree, were sold, $932.25 in interest had ac Estenson, secretary, and Mary Ann Beebe, Clarence Estenson, “Tex” indicated if was a job well done. crued already on them. A premium Stewart, treasurer, to succeed Audrey Blazek and Lee Knowles this week Chief of Police J. T. King. City , of $179.40 was paid by the bond pur Strickler who last year held both attended the Marion County Fire As Gates PTA Schedules Patrolman Kenneth Hunt, George sociation regular meeting which was offices. chasers, King’s audit shows. Stewart. W. R. Green and C. E. Co President Elma Stewart takes over held in Donald. The entire sum of $102,811.65 built New Year’s Eve Party ville masterfully set the trunk of the Fire Chief Tuers indicated that up by District 129-J through this bond the reins of the Auxiliary from past Christmas tree in the city triangle’s American Legion Post No. 159 issue has been spent by the district president Betty Meinert. Elma Stew next January the Marion County Fire The Gates PTA met Thursday eve ground and attached necessary guy members drive in Mill City and area wires to give the effect that the tree towards the goal set for the Oregon ' in new building construction, school art steps up one notch since she was Association will meet in the Mill City ning of last week in the social rooms fire hall for the election of officers. of the high school for the December | records on date June 30, 1950, in- vice president last year. has always grown where it is now. American Legion of $5.000 for gifts I dicate. meeting. The Auxiliary has completed the George Stewart put his wrecker to some 2,000 hospitalized veterans Harold Wilson presided at the busl- task of boxing the candy treats sched into service as a Christmas tree toter in Oregon, David Kelly, post adjutant, , ness meeting. The PTA party pre- uled for Santa Claus* use Saturday and successfully erected Mill City’s announced this week. !viously planned was postponed until afternoon, December 23, Mrs. Blazek tree without damaging its delicate Pretty metfibers of the local Legion after the holidays. indicated. The Auxiliary meets every FRIDAY— branches. Last year public-spirited post Auxiliary have been gathering I.OOF meeting. The ways and means committee third Thursday. citizens pitched in to provide the tree’s in the greenbacks and coins for Mill Mill City IWA meeting last Friday announced a party will be staged in adornments. the high school gymnasium New MONDAY— The position of the Yule tree near City's part in this “Gifts to the Yanks the Mountain States Power Co. office I Who Gave”. Gates—At a meeting held last week O.E.S. Installation Dec. 26, 8 p.m. Year's Eve. The proceeds going into Mill City Chief of Police J. T. King called by the local board of school on highway 222 leaves little doubt in American Legion Auxiliary 2d Mon PTA projects. The pupils of the first grade were the minds of passing motorists that [and Norman Jensen presented the {directors, a special levy of $10,000 Boy Scouts 6 30 p.m. awarded the prize for the month, for Lions club meeting Mill City has the correct holiday gift idea to a theatre audience last was voted upon and approved, for Sunday, Kelly indicated j the purpose of erecting a new school spirit. A F. A A M. No. 180 stated meet having the largest number of parents Another mode of fund gathering ’ room and equipping it. ; in attendance at the November PTA ing third Monday. used by the local Legion is milk meeting. The new room, when added to the TUESDAY— carrying indentification tags Following the business session, the Dick Tickle Snares New i | bottles grade school building, will relieve the placed in the local business houses, O.E.S. meeting, 2d Monday month. evening was in charge of members congested condition that now exists. revealed. Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday I of the losing side of the recent mem- Cowboy Duds in Contest I Jensen Gifts of shaving kits will be pur The contract for the construction Women's club 8 p m. 1st, 3rd Tues, bership contest Mrs. Riley Champ Dick Tickle, aged 8 and son of chased from the “Gifts to the Yanks I of the new addition was awarded to acted as master of ceremonies. WEDNESDAY— the W. F. Tickles of Mill City, won Who Gave” fund and presented on ! A. T. Barnhardt. Construction work A number of amusing games were Chamber of Commerce 8 p m. for himself a complete cowboy outfit Christmas momirg to veterans in began this week. played with prizes awarded to the Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed. At the close of the special meet this week as a result of a Ix>ne Oregon’s veterans administration hos Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm. {winners. Music was furnished by a Ranger box-top contest award for the pitals at Portland. Roseburg, and ing^ Oswald Hirte, who has served group of grade school boys and girls. at Detroit school building best 15-word slogan, reliable sources Medford, Legion spokesman reported. as school director for the past four Mrs. Gwen Schaer directed at the Santiam Rebekah IM 1st and 3rd revealed. This year the program will be years, submitted his resignation. ' piano. • Wed. at 8 p.m. Dick figured out the slogan and greater than before because of vet A director to replace Hirte will A short play was presented by THI K8DAY- did all the spade work on the project. erans returning to these hospitals ¡either be appointed by the county members of the high school drama A letter from the Lone Ranger re from the Korea Theater of War, Le- school superintendent or a special St. Catherines* Altar Society meets club, Maxine Schoeder, Lorena Devine, quested body measurements of Dick i gion officials commented. ¡meeting will be called later for that Dec. 14. at Mrs. Humphreys home. LaVetta Powelson and Carolyn for fitting frontier pants, a cowboy All contributions should be trans | purpose. Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 1st Brejcha. hat, shirt, spurs and boots, two-gun mitted to the local fund gathering The crowded condition in the Gates and 3rd Thursdays. Refreshments were served by the holster, etc., it was disclosed. agencies or to the Department Head I school arises as a direct result of the Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p.m. committee in charge at the close of Mill City will have a real cowboy quarters of the Legion or Auxiliary. I increased inflax of new families into American Legton 2d and 4th Thurs. the program. The next regular meet- when Cowhand Dick Tickle struts his 7th Floor, Gen. Geo. A. White Bldg., | this area because of the construc Firemen Auxiliary meets 3d Thurs. | ing of the PTA will be Thursday eve- 429 SW 4th Ave.. Portland. tion work here. stuff in his new get-up. Garden elub fourth Thursday. ning, January 4, at the school. Grade Children Stage Annual Yule Program á Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN G VI ES ID\NH A LYONS MEHAMA MONGOLD HE WILL BE HERE... Memorial Hospital Gifts Total Over $184,000 Civil Defense Plan Readied Chief Arlo Tuers Keeps Fire Helm Albert Seitzinger Succumbed Tues. District 129-J’s $102,811 Gone Yule - Tide Spirit Surges This Week Elma Stewart Heads Firemens’ Women Post No. 159 Drives On Gifts to Yanks Coming Events: Gates School Gets New School Room HAAIP OUT-TB AND USE CHRISTMAS 5EALS T