Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1950)
Linn Co. Court Appoints New School Head E. G. Arnold, Linn county judge, revealed this week the Linn county court’s appointment of William H. Dolmyer as Linn county superinten dent of schools to fill out the unex pired term and vacancy left by the death of the late J. M. Bennett in the county school system. Superintendent Dolmyer brings to ' his new position some 22 years of j educational experience in grade and | high schools in Oregon. Mr. Dolmyer left the principalship of Albany’s senior high school to take over the county school superintendency. He j was principal of the Albany senior high for two years and principal of the Albany junior high for eight | years. Supt. W. H. Dolmyer taught in and was principal of the grade schools in Mitchell, Oakridge, West Fern, and Marcola communities prior to his principalship of the Albany high schools. Supt. Wm. H. Dolmyer received his Master of Arts degree from the University of Chicago in 1940. He earned his Master of Education de gree from Oregon state in June, 1950. Superintendent Dolmyer serves as Linn county superintendent of schools until January, 1953. the expiration date of the late J. M. Bennett’s term of office. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATES IDANH \ LYONS MEH \M \ MONGOL!» OS THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY’ TO THE HEART OF NATURE'S EMPIRE /—=====^========== Vol. VI—No. 4» MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY.'NOVEMBER .10, 1950 . $2.50 a Year. 5c a Copy December 11th Starts Off Hospital Campaign Drive The date for the opening dinner best of his or its ability, at the start of the general campaign to raise of this campaign, to lay a strong funds for Santiam Memorial Hospital foundation of memorials prior to the has been changed from December 5th soliciting by the general organization to Monday night. December 11th be for memberships and smaller amounts. cause of the dedication of the new It is going to take a high standard Stayton Union High School. The of donations for memorials on the opening dinner on December 11 th part of those who are able to do so. will be attended by the members of “If each person subscribes accord the Advance Gifts committee and the ing to his ability we are certain that Stayton area General Campaign or this new hospital will be built. This ganization now being formed under problem belongs to every citizen,” the leadership of R. L. Stewart. This observed Mr. Bell. organization will add 60 additional workers to the 30 volunteer workers of the Advance Gifts committee. The Canyon area hospital campaign organization comprised of 40 volun teer workers from groups at Idanha. Detroit, Gates, Lyons and Mill City will also attend according to J. C. Kimmel, chairman of the Canyon Area Division of the Santiam Mem The annual basketball Jamboree of the Marion County B-league will Marion Forks fish hatchery with its rectangular and circular fish growing ponds, up-to-date fish food prep orial Hospital campaign. be held December 2 in the Willamette "Whether or not sufficient money aration room and refrigerated storage vaults tied to a constant supply of fresh water from Marion Creek in university gymnasium in Salem. is raised to build Santiam Memorial sures adequate facilities for growing tiny fish eggs into fish to delight the Oregon angler. The new Marion By JEAN ROBERTS Th« Jamboree will begin at 7:30. Hospital depends upon the donations Fork hatchery on the upper Santiam river above Idanha replaces the old one located on highway 222 near During the evening Detroit, Gates, of A number of elk hunters reported memorials by those who can give Mehama. (Photo Courtesy The Statesman) , larger amounts”, stated Walter Bell, Mill City, Sublimity, Jefferson, St. a poor season, many who failed to president Santiam Memorial Hospital. Paul, Gervais, Chemawa, Oregon bag game in eastern Oregon are try "Insofar as volunteer workers are School for the Deaf, and Salem Bible ing the coast area. concerned the campaign will be a I Academy will pair off into five teams. With hunters more plentiful than success; they are donating their time , Each team plays 10 minutes. Mill elk in some areas, many sportsmen and working for the protection of all (City meets the Oregon School for the were forced to seek cover before a who reside here. It is now a matter Deaf in the third game of the evening. barrage of rifle fire on opening day. The dedication time for the new [ of the prompt response of each per This Jamboree will be a preview of Lee Kipling King, auditor and ac Ray Branch reports hearing approxi Stayton high school gymnasium ar- I son and organization giving to the all the basketball teams’in our league mately 600 shots within two hours countant, reports that school district rives Dec. 5 in the new gymnasium I for this year. on opening morning and witnessing a 129-J’s accounts were in the red $10,- An assembly commemorating the herd of elk 82 in all, completely eradi 497.83 on date June 30, 1950, the end 187th anniversary of the Gettysburg in Stayton. Mill City has a good chance of As part of the dedication cere cated by 200 hunters who had spotted of the 1949-50 school year. winning the cup this year for the address was held by the Detroit high monies in the evening, Linfield col them early. Mr. King is a Portland certified | school students. best rooting section. Mill City adults lege will play the Page Wools of will be asked to sit in the balcony Claiming an elk is sometimes a public accountant and auditor who The assembly program with Frankie Salem, and Stayton high will play above the Mill City high rooting sec risky process when hunters are plenti I was engaged by Linn county author 1 Payne presiding began with the flag ful and rifles conspicuous. An un ities to make the official audit of the salute and singing of the national a non-league game with Mill City Adell Hutchinson's loaded log truck tion. high to initiate the new basketball Tickets for adults may be obtained identified man claims to have bagged county’s school district accounts. and Southern Pacific train No. 731 anthem. Poems ‘‘When the frost is floor officially. at the door for 50c. Students are 25c. five elk but could not tag a one as This year's audit finds district j on the pumpkin” and “Lincoln, the The Tuesday night basketball game I collided at the E. S. Peterson private other game hungry hunters claimed 129-J’s new building construction ac man of the hour” were recited by road crossing two miles west of Mill each one as it d*opp'id. One animal count responsible for the $10,497.83 Wanda Smedley and Dalphene Tucker. starts at 7 p.m. Tickets cost 75c City Wednesday morning. each for an adult. *as claimed by a woman who strad I debt. The collision occurred as Hutchin The mixed Glee club sang the Thanks ________________ dled it and meaningly brandished son's truck stalled oh the Peterson giving hymn. a 22. crossing. The S. P. trainmen were Events leading up to the Gettys Hunters in eastern Oregon where unable to discover the presence of the burg address were discussed by John beef stock abound, are sometimes mis Hutchinson truck in time to avoid Davis, after which Marla Vickers read led by cattle tracks which closely G. R. “Sparky” Ditter, proprietor the accident. Brush and trees on the the four essays judged best by the resemble elk. Ray Roberts and Ercill curve of the tracks near the scene of Meander Inn in Mill City, esti faculty of those written during the Wilson, were chagrined when in of the accident obscured the vision mated today that some $450 in cash week by the juniors and seniors for Frank “Tex” Blazek, president of of the train engineer. formed that likely looking tracks, and merchandise was taken by thieves Otis J. White, superintendent of entry in the contest sponsored by the the local fire district, reported this were made by Herefords. They were from the Meander Inn Thanksgiving No one was injured in the accident Detroit school, took part in an XL broadcasting stations. week that the Mill City Firemen in and only slight damage was done to night. somewhat relieved when two Mill City i | the Oregon school authority aggregate their Sixth Annual Firemen's Ben KXL is sponsor of the contest in men reported following a fresh track Mr. Ditter indicated that a thor meeting with federal officials Monday Oregon on the topic “Why every efit realized a profit similar to pre each of the front ends of the truck all day and rounded a clump of brush i ¡and ough investigation of the crime has and train. Tuesday of last week in the Capi American should know about the vious years. only to encounter a docile cow with been made and that the state police I Gettysburg address.” Essays read Lacking final accounts from which a bell dangling from her neck. Still tol building in Salem. are now actively engaged in solving The Salem meeting was an effort before the assembly were written by exact totals can be obtained, Mr. another hunter, a farmer at home, the case. > followed tracks to a fence to ascer J upon the part of three U. S. officials Marlene White, Marilyn Lovelace, Blazek estimated that some $1,500 Mrs. 0. White Monitors The thieves entered the tavern by tain whether the animal halted or to acquaint Oregon school authorities James White and Mary Gordon. Es was made by the Firemen in their jimmying open the front door under with new federal laws dealing with says for entries in the contest were Saturday night dance in the improved Deanha PTA Symposium jumped. the full glare of the overhead stoop aid for schools where federal project sent in by all students from the class Mill City firehall. Idanha — Jeff Boyer, president of light, Ditter revealed. workers and their families make up and were not judged for that contest the Deanha PTA opened the meeting Cash from the till and shuffleboard, a large portion of a community’s but merely for the assembly program. of that organization, this week, in plus wrist watches, cigarettes, candy, Mr. Hugh Jull Installed populace. the music room of the Detroit grade etc., made up the bulk of the loot A skit by the American history Dr. W. J. Stone Reports school. class was presented by Leonard Over taken Thanksgiving night. Even the With Special Services New equipment for the cafeteria, tavern's alarm clock was stolen. holser, Marlene White, Bob Layman Fourteen Cases of Mumps Mr. Glen E. Shelton, chairman of Elkhorn Electric Line sick room and blackout curtains for and David Bray. The Gettysburg Mr. Ditter disclosed that the loss Dr. W. J. Stone, Marion county the auditorium were discussed as pos was not covered by insurance. As the local Christian church ooard, an address was recited by James White nounced today that Mr. Hugh Jull Topic of Farmers Meet and the assembly closed with the health officer, reports that during the sible ways of using PTA funds. soon as the burglary was discovered, will be formally installed during spe The program chairman, Mrs. Otis local and state law enforcement of group singing the “Battle Hymn of week of November 19-25 fourteen new cases of mumps and four cases of cial services as pastor of the E'irst Elkhorn—The Mehama local of the the Republic”. White, conducted a symposium, the ficers were called. The program was Christian church in Mill City Sunday Farmers Union held their regular also presented at an assembly in the poliomyelitis developed in the county. topic of which was "The Parents Nine cases of mumps and one case Teachers Like and the Teachers Par afternoon at 2:30 in the church. meeting Friday evening Nov. 24th. grade school building. of polio came to light in Salem. ents Like”. Those participating were Mr. C. R. Freeman, minister of the Speakers of the evening were J. A. Fifty-two percent of the physicians Charlene Hanan, Ray Overhalser, Church of Christ in Stayton, is sched Brigman, assistant engineer, and Ben gave reports on communicable dis Lorraine Sophy, Lillian Leach, Mil uled to give the installation address, Little, manager of the Benton Lincoln Community Church Holds eases. Mr. Shelton revealed. Electric Co-op. They were accom dred Ray, Russell Hoyt, James Gor The remainder of the new cases don and Reba Snyder. Mrs. Gordon Knox will sing a solo panied by George Zimmerman of Evangelistic Services Dr. Stone reported as being from as part of the afternoon’s service. Aumsville. Mrs. Bob Steele gave a classroom Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, pastor Albert Ring, 90. well known Can The Gates church-people received demonstration of reading including yon citizen, who died Monday, Nov. The proposed electric line which of the Community church in Mil) City, outlying areas in Marion county. a special invitation from local ehurch will serve the Elkhorn district was this week, revealed that evangelistic the following students, Gae Palmer 28, was laid to rest Wednesday at 2 authorities to attend the installation the main topic of discussion. It is services are taking place each night, ton, Marilee Hanan, Billy Shuford, p.m. in Fox Valley cemetery near of Mr. Hugh Jull. The ceremonies hoped construction on this line will except Monday and Saturday nights, Timberwolves Play Ball Penny Lue Dean, Sandra Kite and Lyons after funeral rites in the Wed are open to the public. Steven Storey. Mrs. Gordon Skid- dle funeral home in Stayton. be started this winter. at 8 p.m. in the church. mor«, accompanied by Mrs. John Evangelist Bob Roth and party are On Local Floor Dec. 8 Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Mill City high school Timberwolves Hanan at the piano gave a violin se Ina Ring of Lyons; a daughter, Mrs. conducting special musical and reli lection. gious sessions, under the sponsor- start basketball league play Friday Relatives Receive Word The membership totals 115 at pres Ralph Trask of Albany; Dean Trask hsip of the local Community church. evening, December 8 on the local ent. M rs. Resnick's and Mrs. Leach’s of Portland: and two greatgrandchil FRIDAY— Of Lafe Day’s Decease The Roth party came to this com court by challenging the basketball rooms tied in the membership con dren. 1.00 F meeting Many Mill City friends of the late munity during, and took part in team of the State School for the Deaf test and will be honored in a joint Mill City TWA meeting last Friday Relatives have received word of Thanksgiving day festivities. They in Salem. Albert Ring attended the last rites party by the PTA. SATURDAY— the death of Lafe "Doc" Day who ate Thanksgiving dinner with the Mill City also faces the Deaf School Mrs. Hoyt's room won the attend held in Stayton. was killed Nov. 23, Thanksgiving church congregation in the Mill City in play at the county-wide basketball Public Dance at Fire hall. ance prise for the November meeting. night in an automobile accident at IOOF hall. Jamboree scheduled for this Satur MONDAY— Theme for the December program Forsyth, Mont. American Legion Auxiliary 2d Mon Reverend and Mrs. Bell, pastors of day in the Willamette university gym is “Good Citizenship Begins in the Day was born June 16, 1909 in the Calvary chapel in Salem, were nasium in Salem. Boy Scouts 6:30 pm. Home”. Iowa. He lived in Montana and Mill honored guests of the Community Lions club meeting A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. He visited church congregation's Thanksgiving A F. A AM. No. 180 stated meet City at various times. Edison Vickers, Idanha, Nov. 23, at Dr. Ferguson Announces j here with relatives a year ago last day dinner get-together. ing third Monday Salem Memorial hospital. 'Stars In My Crown' Gets April. local Religious Crusade A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. TUESDAY— Preview Next Tuesday I Survivors include four children in Wayne Fowler, Gates, Nov. 23, at Dr. David J. Ferguson, minister Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday TWELVE GATES Pl TILS MAKE The movie, “Stars in My Crown”, Salem Memorial hospital. of the First Presbyterian church in Women's club 8 pm. 1st. 3rd Tues I Montana. Alice 11, Teddy 9, Doris 7, HONOR ROLL THIS SESSION and Jackie 5*x; two brothers Charley A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mill City this week announced rep gets a preview showing next Tues WEDNESDAY— ; Day and Howard Day. both of Mill Students on the honor roll at the resentatives of the Christian Busi day afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Mill Carr. Mill City, Nov. 23, at Salem Chamber of Commerce 8 p m I City; three sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Van Gates high school for the first nine ness Women’s Organization of Port City Theatre for ministers of the General hoapital. Altar Society meets 3rd Wed. Buskirk of Dallas. Mrs. Alice Howe weeks are: 7th grade, Judith Ann land will come to Mill City and area local churches and other leaders of A DAUGHTER To Mr and Mrs. Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed. | of Mill City and Mrs. Dessie Ham- Baker; 8th grade, John Barnhardt, this Sunday, Dec. 3. various community organizations ac larry Bangs. Mehama, Nov. 24, at Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm I mond of McMinnville, also a number Darlene Cole and Patty Stewart; Miss Ruth Eagle of Zillah, Wash., cording to an announcement made Salem General hospital. at Detroit school building of nieces and nephews including Mrs. freshmen, Athol Cline and Mervin A DAUGHTER To Mr and Mrs. Santiam Rebekah IM 1st and 3rd James Staley (Betty Class) of Bii- Haun; sophomores, Betty Tucker; and Miss Eva Mae Baugh of Cannon today by Robert Veness, Mill City Gunnar Isaacson, Idanha, Nov. 24, at Beach, Christian Business Women Theatre proprietor. Wed at 8 pm . lings, Mont., and Richard Class and juniors, Carolyn Bnejcha, Marlin i spokesmen, during the week, have “Stars in My Crown" has won the Salem General hospital. ' Bill Howe of Mil) City. Cole, Ix>rena Devine and Maxine (been conducting youth services and Parents’ magazine Gold Medal award THURSDAY— A SON—To Mr. and Mrs Fred Theta Rho Club for Girls, meets 1st Funeral services will be held at the Schoeder; seniors, LaV’etta Powelson. making visits upon young people in for excellence; carries the highest Anunsen, Mehama. Nov. 26, at Salem and 3rd Thursdays Mr. Don Miley, principal of the Mehama and area. recommendation of the Protestant General hospital Weddle funeral home at Stayton, on Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. The work these young women are Film commission; and was the “Pic 1 Saturday, Dee. 2, at 2 o'clock. Inter school announced that Athol Cline, American Legion 2d and 4th Thun ment will be in the Fairview ceme freshman, was the only student in doing has inter-denominational co-op ture of the Month" of the Christian William Hayes, Mehama, Nov, 26, at Salem Memorial hospital. the high school with an all one card. eration, Dr. Ferguson indicated. Garden chib fourth Thursday Herald, Mr. Veness revealed. tery. Jamboree Sat. In W.U. Gym Elk Hunters Risk lives in Tagging District 129-J’s Accounts in Red Detroit High School Stayton High Gym Dedication Dec. 5 Honors lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Adell Hutchinson Log Truck Damaged Otis White Learns School Aid Plan Tex’ Blazek Reports $1500 Take in Dance Meander Inn Loses $450 To Burglars Albert Ring Rites Held in Stayton Coming Events: Just Arrived...