LEGAL ADVERTISING New Dishwasher Has Whirling Water Tower No. 14.083 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I have filed my Final Account in the estate of Catherine L. Engdahl, deceased, with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon and the court has set the 25th day of November, 1950, at 10 o’clock A.M. and the cir cuit court room as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement of said estate. Glenda Alberta Lindemann, Executrix of the estate of Catherine L. Engdahl, deceased. Bell & Devers Stayton, Oregon Attys, for Executrix. 43-5t 9—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Rev. Gertrude L. Musson Addesses Woman's Tea Church Activities November 23. 195* in high school building, Detroit. Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. . Rev. Gertrude L. Musson, minister Zealand Fryer, Presiding ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC of the Methodist church in Stayton, • • • CHURCH. MILL CITY addressed the Woman's Missionary FIRST PRESBYTERIAN < Hl'RCH Mass at 9 a.m. Society tea held this week in the First Confessions heard before Mass. Morning worship 11 a.m. Presbyterian church in Mill City. Altar Society 3d Wednesday 8 p.m. Music by choir. Reverend Musson in her talk told Father Carl Mai, Pastor Dr. David J. Ferguson. Preaching her audience of a missionary’s ex • • • periences and accomplishments in a Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs DETROIT CHRIST LYN CHURCH Arthur Krelver. leader. far-off land. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Reverend Musson was educated at • • • Preaching at 11 a m. Boston university, and is the only ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Youth Meetings at 6:30 to 7:80 p.m. woman in charge of a Methodist Sunday School 10 a.m. Bible study for Youth at 7 p.m. church west of the Rockies. Morning Worship 11 a.m. The Mill City school choral group Wednesday at the church. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • • * Evening Service 7:30 p.m. sang several numbers for the enter No. 14,344 Rev. W. D. Turnbull, Pastor. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH tainment of those present at the Mis In the Circuit Court of the State of Services every Lord ’ s day Oregon for the County of Marion. sionary society tea. Mill City Lodge No. 144. Sunday school 9:45 p.m. Department of Probate I 0.0 F. meets every Friday Morning worship 11 a.m. Dave Carr, Bill Mikkelsen, Law | In the Matter of the Estate of Young People's meeting 6:30 p.m. night. Visiting brothers welcome. ROSE KIMBALL, deceased. rence and Eugene Thornley, all Uni Evening worship 7:30 p,m. The undersigned has been appointed versity of Oregon students, cheered Quality job printing at the Fnter- Tuesday, 7 p.m. Jr. Teen Fellowship prise. by the above entitled Honorable Court Mill City homefolk and townspeople Wed., 7:30 p.m. Bible study hour. Administratrix of the Estate of Rose during Thanksgiving holiday and Kimball, deceased, and she has quali weekend. Thursday, 7 p.m. Young People. fied as such. Mr. Hugh Jull, Pastor NOTICE is hereby given to credit • • • ors of, and all persons having claims MILL CITY IDANILA COMMUNITY CHURCH against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, Sunday school 10 a.m. within six months after the first pub Morning service 11 a.m. By EVA BRESSLER lication of this notice to the under A forum was held Sunday evening Evening service 7:30 p.m. signed at the office af Hewitt, Estep Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. There’s a “big squirt" in this new, automatic dishwasher. It's a & Sorensen, attorneys at law, 180 at the Methodist church, for parents Jacob Wiensz. Supply Pastor Jet Tower that throws powerful sprays of water from every angle. North Commercial Street, Salem, and young people for discussion of • • • The machine is said to save two-thirds of the time housewives normal Oregon. questions of recreation, what are good ly spend cleaning up after meals. Dishes need not be pre-rinsed: the FREE METHODIST CHURCH Date of first publication: games, and what entertainment water used is booster heated and the jets are so directed that they CALL MILL CITY November 2, 1950. North MUI Qty should the church provide for the clean dishes, glassware, silverware and pans with a shearing action. MARTHA GERALDINE HAWN, youth. The discussion proved an in Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. TELEPHONE OPERATOR The washing and rinsing cycle takes less than 10 minutes. Administratrix. Morning worship 11 a m. teresting and worthwhile one, Hewitt, Estep & Sorensen Junior church 11:00 a m. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker were Attorneys for Estate ■B3K: Salem, Oregon. At Sunday evening dinner guests at the Evening service 7:30 pjn. home of their daughter and son-in- Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p law Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson in Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould, Pastoi NOTICE TO CREDITORS • • • Notice is hereby given that by vir Salem. Additional guests were their SALEM tue of an Order duly entered in the other daughter and husband, Mr. and COMMUNITY CHURCH Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Mrs. Earl Hampton and son, Douglas, Phone 3-4534 141 N. Commercial St. Full Gospel Preaching for the County of Marion, in the also of Salem. They also visited Ben Sunday school 10 A.M. Matter of the Estate of Cora Pettit, Bodeker at the Memorial hospital. Has Everything for Your deceased, the undersigned, Oscar, Twenty-seven members, all present Morning worship 11 A.M. Hagen, was duly appointed as admin officers of the Santiam Valley grange Evangelistic service 8 P.M. istrator of said estate and has quali made there visitation at the Calumet Preaching services Wednesday and fied as such. AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby grange at Lake Bridge near Albany Friday 8 P.M. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor required to present the same, together Saturday evening, Nov. 18. and there Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies • • • with the proper vouchers, to the un put on the lecturers program. dersigned at Stayton, Oregon, within Saturday night and Sunday guests GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH six months from the date of this at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George OF CHRIST notice. Huffman were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sunday school at 10 a.m. Dated and first published this 9th I Decker and children of Eugene. Mrs. Morning worship 11 a.m. dav of November, 1950. Decker is a sister of Mrs. Huffman. OSCAR HAGEN. Christian Endeavor 6:30 pjn. Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Jones enter Administrator o Evening worship 7:30 p.m. tained a group of young people with e BELL & DEVERS Walter Smith. Pastor B a musical party at the parsonage Sun Stayton, Oregon Attorneys for Admin. 5t day evening, following the Sunday I.D.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH evening services. Detroit No. 13981 TOYS AND DOLLS SPECIALTY CARDS Mr. and Mrs. Sis Thoreson of NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Eugene were Saturday evening callers Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m MASQUERADE SUPPLIES TRICKS AND PUZZLES I have filed my Final Account in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex the estate of James Dawes, deceased, Bodeker. The Thoresons were resi- MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS MODEL AIRPLANES with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon and the court has set 1 dents of Lyons, while he was super Use Our Mall Order Service the 23rd day of December, 1950, at intendent at the Mt. Jefferson lumber 10 o’clock A. M. and the circuit court company mill. room as the time and place for hear In spite of the cold day a large SALEM’S ORIGINAL i ing objections thereto and the settle crowd attended the auction sale at the Paul Johnston farm east of Lyons i ment of said estate. I D. B. HILL, Saturday. The ladies of the Meth 0 Administrator of the Estate 0 odist church served the dinner which 8 of James Dawes, deceased. netted them a good profit. SALEM Phone 2-1583 0 Bell & Devers 163 N. Commercial » Miss Carroll Johnston of Monmouth Stayton, Oregon „ « Attys, for Admin. 47-5 spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston. Other guests at the Johnston home were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt and son, Richard of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and children of Walport visited relatives in Lyons. They were guests at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons, also her sister and brother- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and family moved to their new home near Brooks, the Moores recently sold See it Now at Header's their place here in Lyons to Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. Sensational New Mr. and Mrs. Keith Salchenberger and children of Eugene were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle. The two ladies are sisters. They visited their father, Ben Bo deker, who is ill at the Memorial hospital in Salem. Ben Pfund of Mehama and Mrs. I Ida Feldon of Lyons were married triplo-play Automata ' Friday morning in Stayton. They will make their home at the present radio-phonograph with her mother, Mrs. William Fether- playt all ricordi ston, while her father, William Feth- erston, is seriously ill at the Salem Memorial hospital. Miss Imogene Roye entertained a group of friends at the community club house by showing pictures that she took while on her tour in Europe ; this summer. Thomas Putman, principal of the Mari-Linn grade school, expresses 1 Although Americans give thanks from day to his thanks and appreciation for the | splendid crowd at open house and for all the donations which were received day, they unite throughout the land on Thanks ' He says that contributions are still .coming in. Ben Bodeker of Mill City who has giving Day to offer thanks for the many bless with ens been quite sick at the home of his ana spintiti oat nttSItl sister Mrs. George Berry in Lyons. ings and comforts they enjoy. They can be truly He was taken to the Salem Memorial You don’t have Io hwy an hospital Tuesday evening. esprnnivo console Io enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carleton and son, 33'4. 45 and 73 It PM records. thankful they live in a great America made Larry, spent the weekend at the home N. w Admiral table net plays of her grandfather, William Down 'em all . . . all tiaoe . . . with ing, at Merrill, Ore. This was the only one tone arm, one greater by opportunities for progress which are n»-r«lle, one spindle! Pla*» up first time Mr. Downing had seen his to II record»» automatically. great grandson. Include« powerful AM radio LYONS AMBULANCE SERVICE THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE OFFICE NEEDS H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Toy & Hobby Shop Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS We Unite To Give Thanks For America! open to its people. LICENSED Mountain States Power Company "A Self-Supporting. Tax-Paying. Private Entorpriso " G\RBAGE SERVICE fl par month and up Alaa serving Galea and Lyons MILL CITY REDDY KILOWATT IS YOUR BIGGEST BARGAIN TODAYI DISPOSAL SERVICE PHONE 2352 LEONARD HERMAN Weekly payment« a« low a> *2.00 ! complete wilh triple eenei- tieo I h * ill -in Ferro* **eope trnna. Simple control« . . . ««iprrb tone. “On-Off jewel liKht. A areal Admiral walue! HEIDER'S 42M COURT ST. (ORNER CENTER A HIGH SALEM, OREGON