o The Good You Do Lives After You Make a Sacrificial Gift YOUR NAME or that of a LOVED ONE-Wife, Husband, Moth er, Father, Son or Daughter, Sister or Brother--will be honored, and his or her MEMORY PERPETUATED by your GIFT. ESTABLISH A MEMORIAL for yourself or your loved ones by MAKING a really SACRIFICIAL GIFT. You and they will CONTINUE TO LIVE—YEAR AFTER YEAR, YOU and THEY WILL LIVE-ACTIVE DAY and NIGHT, RELIEV ING HUMAN SUFFERING-SAVING HUMAN LIVES. • * There Will Be No Hospital WILL YOUR NAME BE THERE? UNLESS The names of all who give ANY AMOUNT of money will be listed in the public lobby of the Hospital, in order that citizens of this and future generations will know the names of those who helped to build Santiam Memorial Hospital. THE PEOPLE, PROPERTY OWNERS, BUSI NESS AND INDUSTRIES EACH CONTRIB UTE TO THE BEST OF HIS OR ITS ABILITY AND DO IT NOW. THE TEST is not how little, but HOW MUCH can I give, in order to assure the building of Santiam Memorial Hospital. THE WORK OF THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WILL DECIDE THE HOSPITAL ISSUE. THOSE WHO CAN GIVE AND DO NOT DO SO TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITY WILL GIVE THE ANSWER. One Hospital Voting Membership for S1OO or More Subscribed ¡ Associate Membership, gift of less than $100. Note: Contributions Are Deductible from Income Tax Memberships Are FOR LIFE, Descend to Heirs IF POSSIBLE Establish a Memorial HOW YOU MAY SERVE . . . Pay in Installments Subscriptions for Donations and Memorials are payable in install ments. The first payment of 10 per cent of subscription is payable on request. The balance is payable 10 per cent of subscription every thirty days thereafter. Your Gift Will Save Human Lives Perhaps Some Day Your Own WELCOME THE VOLUNTEER WORKERS WHO ARE SERVING YOU. Learn about the hospital and give your answer. DON’T GIVE ALI BIS. Subscribe to the BEST of your ABILITY—DON’T PUT THEM OFF. ACT NOW! The C'ost of this Advertisement has been raised by Publie-Spirited Citizens. Each Year in This Area: 1 Out Of Every 8 People, and 1 Out of Every 3 Families Will Need a Hospital SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL- Area Campaign Headq’U.— • FTATTOM — LO O F. A Masonic Bldf.. 11« 3rd St, Fhone 4392 • MILL crrr — Mill City Pharmacy Phone 2OT •