Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1950)
IDANHA November 23. 1950 SPINET PIANO—$15 per mo. starts you toward ownership of a fine Baldwin or Wurlitzer spinet piano. For details write Stone Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Rd, Salem. 47-3 «—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE — Wants and Sales FOR SALE—22-ft. trailer house, Sil ver Liner, model 1949, see at Mar tin’s Trailer Court, contact Orval Johnson any time to pick up this bargain. 46-3p FOR SALE—1949 model Easy-Spin- Dri washing machine with pump. Excellent condition. Phone 5978, Gates. 47-3p FOR SALE — Bargains in oil and wood heaters. Red's Hill Top Trad ing Post. 47tf WE REBUILD Furniture like new. Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A, W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf FOR SALE OR TRADE—for acreage or mountain ranch, 2 bedroom mod. house, acre land located in Turn er, Ore. Write Box 673, Mill City. FOR SALE—'37 Ford pickup, good appearance, tires, new brakes, cheap, make your own deal. Chev ron Station, Mill City. 47-3p FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, in quire at Enterprise. 33tf BARGAIN PRICES — Tarps, new, waterproof, selection of sizes. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 47tf FOR SALE—’46 Buick super, also trailer house. Inquire 3 miles east of Gates next to Chuck’s Tavern. 47-lp NEED A TELEPHONE? —Stop in and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phone, also used phones from $10.00 up. Telephone and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance. 39tf FOR SALE—Used washing machines reconditioned and guaranteed. Ex pert repairs on all makes of wash ers. Jenkins Hardware, Mill City. 41tf WANTED TO BUY—Unpeeled Doug las fir poles, delivered to Lyons yard. For further information call or write Allen Goold, 1424 Filbert Ave., Lebanon, phone 5745, Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. 45tf FOR RENT—Two one-bedroom apts: One completely furnished, large re frigerator, 8-ft., gas range, new daveno, hardwood floors, and has wall-type gas heat, $60.00 includes $5 gas minimum; the other apt. has refrigerator, electric range, oil heat at $50. Furnished with both, hot water and Bendix automatic laun dry— only block from Mill City post office. See Tex Blazek, phone 2652, or Mill City Enterprise, 47tf Service Station «.*-». By. REBA SNYDER Arriving Monday from Missoula, SALE — Deluxe 49 GE stove Mont., to visit their brother, Carl BABY SITTING — Will take baby FOR with clock, timer and calrod unit I Schaffer and Mrs. Schaffer, were sitting again. Mrs. Agness Allen, — six speed control on each unit. Raymond Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Despite reports circulated by | The vote was 98 . for; 1% phone 3424. 47-lp Pick up this bargain at the 6th Larry Schaffer and two sons. hopeful bureaucrats, the nation's against; 1’. undecided. Business small independent businessmen men have the support of the house (white with red trim) on Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Brown re FOR RENT—Furnished cabins, in are almost equally divided on Treasury Department, anxious right side of Ivy St. in Mill City turned from a two-week visit Satur quire 3 miles east of Gates, next government control 't prices and to plug loopholes which have been near Hill Top Store, Contact James day, with relatives in Washington. to Chuck’s Tavern. 47-lp permitting a billion dollars of wages, rationing. B. Quarles. 47-3p Don and Louise Farrow, and daugh • * • tax income to escape yearly. FOR RENT — Three 2-room apart A nationwide poll just com ooo ments, unfurnished, hot and cold FOR RENT—Small house. See Dave ter Sandra, loaded their belongings pleted by the National Federa i This issue will take the spot Epps. 46tf j into a trailer Monday morning and water, $35 per month. Mrs. F. L. tion of Independent Business on light in Congress soon. And as Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, left, destination undecided. Don says | this issue, and others, reveals usual, the lobbyists opposing any ! he's going till he finds work. *4% for; 50% against; 6 ’ « unde action will shed copious tears WE BUY fir pitch 75c per gallon.1 modern. E. D. Cooke, 2 blocks west cided. over the "unwarranted attack on Mr. and Mrs. DeWain Wolf and 42tf See us for containers. Also sell us, high school. ooo the farmer.” your used burlap bags. Red’s Hill i FOR SALE — Four-poster bed and Slaughter went to Tillamook Saturday These thousands and thousands oo* for a few days visit with her parents, Top Trading Post. 40tf of ballots, sent as usual directly Actually, bona-fide farm co-op coil springs. E. O. Cooke. 42tf Mr. and Mrs. Gray. to Congressmen, are causing eratives would be affected but EXPERT AUTO and home radio many a solon who voted these little. Farmers themselves will Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Leming and service, 20 years experience, all TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma family moved into the Sitzsinger powers to the President embar be shocked at the coming dis chines. We sell, rent, repair and makes. Guaranteed service. rassment. closures which will show that house recently vacated by the Pat swap all makes. Trade your old o o o Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf abuse of the present regulations O ’ Bryan family. The rapid, severe price jumps machine towards a new one. ROEN, has been the highroad by which have hurt small businessmen Dr. Stone and his nurse, assisted FOR SALE—ARC Registered Ger 456 Court St., Salem. 35-* many big companies have es even more than consumers. man Shepherd pups, choice litter. caped taxes. by Mrs. Jack Haseman, Mrs. R. C. 0 0 0 • « • Write Box 694 or call 2052, Mill ‘ Haseman and Mrs. Earl Parker gave But apparently there is a re Congressman Huber of Ohio City. 47-3 physical examination to the first luctance to jump from the frying created some discomfort the pan into the fire. graders in Detroit school Wednesday other day for Stuart Symington, FOR SALE—1935 Chev. dump truck. O 0 o last week. Three sixth grade stu chairman of the National Secur Good condition. See Barney Trout, It is felt if government had ity Resources Board. Symington dents, one eighth and two second Box 585, Gates, evenings, on Ma shown competence in dealing has just appointed a 12 member rion county road, across from T. & with defense, taxation, other 1 graders were also examined. The pre mobilization committee that will grave matters, there would be H. Garage. 46-3p school examination was held Tuesday function when, and if. price con more confidence in government this week in Mill City. trols, rationing is started. $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale intervention in the domestic • • • Homer Thacker is now working paid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug economy. The Congressman pointed out in Mill City. He plans to move his ooo las Fir logs suitable for piling. High Now. there seems to be one that labor, agriculture, industry prices paid for barkle poles and family there bythe last of this month. and the public are represented on big question. piling. Call Albany 1287 or write The family have resided in Idanha the board. But the distributive ooo Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price for the past two and one-half years. industry, employing 12.5 million, "What has the greater destruc lists. 31tf tive power—the present infla second only to manufacturing, is Just arrived: A son, to Mr. and Mrs. not represented. And the distri tionary trend which may be Henry Hiebert in a Dallas hospital. FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room apt. butive industry will have to post stopped by American common They plan to bring him home Tues electric cook stove, hot and cold prices, collect ration coupons, do sense—or bureaucratic meddling I day. water. G. O. Hutchinson, Mill City most of the work. which once started may never near Bill Tim’s, phone 3771. 47-lp • • • Revival meetings are being held at make sense, or never be stop Sunday But this obvious deficiency was ped?" This attitude of small the Idanha Community church this LIST YOUR homes and farms with apparently ignored. businessmen might be the most week. • • • me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, Chicken dinner significant vote of no confidence The Deanha PTA will hold their As one newspaperman remark David M. Gates. Detroit, Lyons. yet registered. ed, “The trouble with Congress regular meeting at the grade school ooo Reid, Real Estate. 3tf On the same ballot independent man Huber's comment is that it Monday night, Nov. 27. Everyone businessmen voted almost unani makes common sense, and in A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum invited. mously for a law that will re Washington, the keynote is 'bil yardage. 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per Three boys from Idanha joined the Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle quire co-operatives to pay a fair lions for theories, but not one eq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. Owners United States Navy last Monday, cent for practical experience’.” share of taxes. Entraining for navy training center SAVE HALF or more on toilet sinks ©National Federation of Independent Businesa and washbowls. Red’s Hill Top at San Diego were Dick Haseman, Trading Post. 38tf son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haseman, Quality job printing at the Enterprise. Robert Budlong, son of Percy E. Bud- PLEASE LIST all available rooms, long, Earl Lady, son of Mr. and Mrs. room and board, houses and apts Orval Lady and Gerald Tucker, son Write, telephone or visit Personnel of Sol Tucker. Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf Mr. and Mrs. Art Christianson of Electrical Contracting and Service and North Dakota spent the past week WE HAVE IT — Galvanized water FREE ESTIMATES — IJCENSED ELECTRICIANS in the Lee Hopson home to visit her pipe all sizes; cast iron soil pipe, sister, Mrs. Lee Hopson. 85c per ft. Red’s Hill Top Trading Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanson moved to Post. 47tf Dallas Friday. The J. W. Olsen fam BUSINESS PHONE — SALEM 3-5561 FAMILY STYLE MEALS FOR SALE—Wood circulating heat ily now occupy the house Hansens’ HOME PHONE — SALEM 2-2800 er, excellent condition, reasonably ivacated. I'nder New Management priced. < Dolezal, SW. Ivy, The hospital drive for fund silb- Mill City. 45-3p I scriptions is well under way with KEN PRATT, Mgr. Electrical Dept. 3455 D Street, SALEM Ruber Ray as chairman. Other solic SPECIAL SERVICE TO MILLS itors are Sam Palmerton, Jack Hase man, Noyes Whitten, Frank New, R. I I.. Tucker, Gordon Skidmore, Paul Reynolds, Vern Alvin and Ray Wat kins. It was hoped that the terri- . tory would be covered in about six weeks. Mrs. Alice Von de Liech of Will- ■ amina came Monday evening to spend SERVING THE CANYON AREA I the holiday with her daughter, Mrs. One Mill East of Detroit PICKUPS AT J Orval Lady and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hinch of Idanha, JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. Laundry Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton are visiting friends in California this laundry and Dry Cleaning— week and during the Thanksgiving Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha holiday. Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE Closed Mondays VIV’S Steak House Mill City Hotel Boarding House Write or Phone Collect Salem Equipment Co. TAVERN C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES FISHING TACKLE SALEM LAUNDRY 163 South High HAVE A BETTER KITCH’N For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the GAR\GE NU-METHOD GENERAL AUTO and TRUCK REPAIR 24 HOUR SERVICE Mill City Arc and Acetylene Welding Closes at 6 P.M. Phone 8452 Directory Business HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN ll nt. MILL CITY X* 4 '*•*!*< h Jr.,. U.ib. Physician and Surgeon Attorneys at law SALEM Mill City Phone 6602 WOOD’S STORE HARLOW L. WEINRICK General Dry Goods NOTION <4 I 1NGERIE READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY Attorney at U» 318 Broadalbin Albany 1 I ZI I KS tosili! U s «XDOCXik x:x X X X X X X X.XBOQQOOQOOOI FLOWERS GOODF’S FLOWER SHOP Phone Blue 6IB Canyon Garage Expert Repairing MIELI. OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAI. TIRES Detroit P. E. Fry. Mgr. : * Stayton, Ore. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tank« and Sewer« Cleaned Phone BAI-EM 3-946A OOIJJXT < 1079 Elm St., W. Salem I : : i RALEIGH HAROLD F1.ORIST and NURSERY FI.OWER1NG ANI» SU ADE TREES SHRUBS AND BUIJIS 319 W. Wa«h. 8». Stavton Phone 3684 < • : : : : • tw «nrnmnra r p «« th o n e a t a o p o aw «ra - NEW STOCK • lace and Rayan Table ( loth — Rook. Bed Spread. — Silk Head Scarf« < atton Blanket« — Printed Flannel« Stamped Goods Hendricsons Store In the Dawe« Bldg v*7 -i- •< MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage. ashes. trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month Also light hauling leonard Herman Phone ?325 agmnuioBoooiraBooooiioosoosB C. E. Coville Beai Estate Wmt side Mlll UWy l’h $4«? IJSTTNGS WANTEO : ; ! : : Home builders who are buUdmg houses for sale and profit are quick to sense the advantages of modern kitchen equipment as a powerful selling point. Even in the so-called “economy" homes, the builder is supplying such items as modern steel cabinet sinks and storage cabinets, ranges and refrigerators. Now they are carrying the idea one step further. Many builders are including an automatic dish washer in their kitchens — even in homes selling in the $12.000 to $14.- 000 bracket. This significant devel opment emphasizes once again the increasing popularity of the home appliance which saves so much time and work for the homemaker. Meanwhile, the manufacturers of automatic home dishwashing ma chines are sprucing up their prod ucts and more makers are bringing machines into the field, and all are putting on promotional campaigns. The inevitable winner in this proc ess is the homemaker who is able to buy a dishwasher that does an ex cellent job and gives long, trouble free service. One of the newest machines on the market uses an interesting new principle of automatic dishwashing. It consists of pumping water, super heated in a booster tank, through small holes in a square tube which extends up through the center of the tub The pressure causes the tube to spin and the jets of water strike the dishes racked in surrounding baskets. This method is said to as sure complete washing action in all parts of the tub. The cycle of one wash and two rinses takes less than 10 minutes. Complete Supply of All Your Du tiding Needs . . OFEN SATURDAYS Phono 3-9125 SALEM J I*''.iST ;í£ i- -¿’•áí: ' -•* ,:x. - ■ • p* * -»:. : kettCttSMUSSSSMI MM<WMMMMM Ready Now foi Winter Driving SEE VS FOR Anti-freeze PERMANENT TYPE ALSO McKay Tire Chains ALL POPI LAR SIZES SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP STAYTON. OREGON Knotty Pine Paneling Pioneer Flintkote Roofing BOYSEN PAINT : : KELLY LUMBER SALES PHONE IMIS RUSSELL KELLY, Manager i