The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, November 23, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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Not ember 2.1. 1950
Mill City Hi-lites
November Subscription
Box 348, Mill City, Oregon
Please enter my subscription to The Mill City Enterprise for
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Never a Dull Moment
"At the Bottom of the
elsewhere Saturday, for the auction 3-THE Mill CITY ENTERPRISE
sale at the G. Paul Johnston farm
in Fox Valley. The weather was fair
The Richard Wright family with a 1 Saturday after the four preceding
nephew, returned home Sunday night days of heavy rain. Dairy cows and
after spending a week in Salem. Mrs. j heifers brought satisfactory prices,
Wright worked in a cannery through j The WSCS ladies served the noon Six-Week Tests
the week. The cannery needed extra : lunch to a large crowd and food sales
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
help to finish orders by Thanksgiv­ netted around $70.00 for the church j of this week have been spent on six-
ing and had called for workers.
j week tests. After they are finished,
The Johnston family are spending ! all the students will need the four-
Several entries of turkeys by Mr.
and Mrs. Merwyn Knox at the Mc­ a time looking for a suitable location. I day vacation which will follow be-
Minnville Turkey show Nov. 17 re­ They left on their trip early Tuesday. I cause of Thanksgiving.
sulted in their stock winning five
Mr. Gene Hall formerly of Kla- New Records
championship awards. The Knox’s i math Falls was a business caller in
The GAA spent a total of five
marketed three truck loads of nice Fox Valley Monday. The Hall fam­ dollars for new records this week.
live birds last week which finished ily are moving here this week. He They will be used for school dances,
the dances at noon period in the rec-
sales of their 1950 crop.
will work at the Detroit dam.
Mrs. Hugh Johnston was in Salem
A number of Fox Valley friends , reation room, and the junior-senior
Monday having some dental work | of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen, attended J dance class.
; the silver wedding party in Lyons Othello
Some of the dramatic students at
Over a hundred and fifty cars, J honoring Mr. and Mrs. Allen. They
trucks and pickups filled the highway ' received a gift in silver from rela- the University of Oregon are present­
ing “Othello” a Shakespearian play
side parking and all available room ! tives and friends.
at the new theatre building on the
campus at Eugene. The admission
You Trim This Tree with ICING’
for the play is 25c. A number of
students are planning to see "Othello”
on December 9.
Twirp Season Ends
The ten days of "Girl Chases Boy”
is drawing to an end Saturday at
midnite. If the gals have not caught
their “secret beaus” by now, they
will have to wait another year to
“show their likings”!!
Christmas Formal Planned
The annual Girls’ Athletic Asso­
ciation Christmas formal is rapidly
taking shape. Marlene Tickle, presi­
dent of the GAA has appointed her
The dance will be held in the high
school auditorium on the evening of
Dec. 16, 1950 from 9 to 12. Records
will furnish the music. All student
body members are invited to attend.
Chuck & Bruce’s
Richfield Service
Brake Service
Motor Tune-ups
Expert Lubrication
Get your Antifreeze Now!
Niagara Items
David Croshaw, injured quite some
time ago in a log loading accident
as a log rolled over his left leg break­
ing it, is now navigating without
crutches. Mr. Croshaw will be un­
able to continue logging work until
spring. He has spent eight weeks
on crutches.
Mrs. Erma Pulliam, Mrs Hazel
Hansard, and Mi. Harry Budlong or
Salem spent the Thanksgiving holi­
day in the Croshaw home in Niagara.
Mrs. Mary Croshaw, David Cro-
shaw’s mother, left this week for her
home in Salem, after a week’s vaca­
tion with her son and family.
day. Joe Bozarth from Portland was
the holiday guest of the Sheltons.
Pete Campbell and “Chuck”, De­
troit dam army engineers, were
Thanksgiving guests in the Al Shel­
ton home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Poole had their
family put back together again over
Thanksgiving when Leo, Lawrence
and Lester Poole came home from
their Oregon state college life.
Mrs. Walter Peterson and Mrs. Don
Peterson this week drove to Corvallis
and the college campus there, to pick
up and bring home Ramon Peterson,
an Oregon state' student. Ramon is
the son of the Walter Petersons.
Bill Howe, another Oregon state
college student visited home Thanks­
Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today!
Christmas-time will soon be here, and the traditional symbol . . . th«
Christmas tree . . . can come to your table in the form of a tall,
light layer cake, echoed eight times in molds of glistening gelatin!
The easy, 1-2-3 recipe below, a simple icing, and a new set of ten
tree-shaped aluminum pans are all you need to prepare this delightful
combination of dessert and decoration.
Mirro Chrislmaa Tree Cake
Temp. 350’ F.
Time: 25-30 min.
*4 teaspoon salt
*4 cup shortening
1 cup milk
1*4 cups sugar
*4 teaspoon lemon extract
3 cups sifted cake flour
4 egg whites, stiffly beaten
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 Cream shortening until light.
2. Add sugar slowly and continue creaming
3. Alternately add sifted dry ingredients and milk combined with
lemon extract, beating hard after each addition.
4. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites.
5. Bake in greased and floured Mirro aluminum Christmas Tree pans.
6. Tint your favorite frosting with vegetable coloring.
(If pressed for time, use the cake-mix you prefer.)
For the Christmas Tree gelatin molds, simply follow manufacturer's
directions, combining colors and canned fruit salad to suit your taste.
Frank Glavan, Epps Furniture
store salesman, leaves the employ
of Dave Epps this Saturday to take
up new work in Sweet Home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Harris and son
i Johnnie from Dallas, and Kenneth
Sims and wife from Lebanon, were
' Sunday dinner guests at the George
Flook home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smeenk from
Portland were weekend guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Swan of Mill City.
! Mrs. Smeenk is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Swan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilanse Milen of Le- I
hanon visited over the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart of Mill
’ City.
Merle Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs.
i George Stewart, came home on a
short pass from army camp this
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke of Mill
City were Fox Valley business callers
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Carl Knutson of Salem was
in Mill City and Gates this week
visiting relatives and friends.
Arthur Kriever of Mill City who
was recently reported as having en­
tered the Southern Pacific hospital
in San Francisco for a physical check­
up, returned to Mill City unexpected­
SET llKE ANY *<•*<<**
XA rx, /-X
ly this week for the holidays.
Mrs. Jessie Rossman of Eugene has
I returned home after a week's visit
■ with Mrs. J. R. Geddes and family.
Put an end to brazen, clanging
alarm clocks! Wake up to music or
Mrs. Willi Ross of Portland was a
your favorite program. A famous
i weekend guest at the home of Mrs.
Motorola quality radio and a preci­
1 Daisy Geddes.
sion clock. Bakelite case in forest
The Mill City Woman’s club was
green or ivory.
favored this week with a very enter­
See Model 5C1 today!
taining travel talk given by Mrs.
Chester Lyons, Mill City teacher.
Mrs. Lyons visited two sisters while
in Europe. Mrs. Herbert Schroeder
and Mrs. C. A. Bruder were the host­
esses and served the refreshments for
Radio & Appliance Co.
the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Shelton held open j Mill City, On-gon
Phone 902
house during the Thanksgiving vaca- 1
tion to celebrate M tb . Shelton’s birth- Hill Illilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Thanks Folks
For helping make
the Sixth Annual
Firemen’s Benefit
such an out-
standing success.
.1/(7/ City Fire Dept.
To One and All