F Big Cliff Dam Contract Goes To Shea Co. 4 Big Cliff dam diversion tunnel and railroad re-location work contract goes to the Shea Construction com pany, the Corps of Engineers revealed this week. Big Cliff dam, when constructed, will regulate the flow of water of the North Santiam river to keep a constant flow in all seasons of the year. The diversion tunnel for Big Cliff is needed to divert the North Santiam river around the site of the dam during construction. Big Cliff power plant is designed for 18,000 kilowatts. Big Cliff dam diversion tunnel must be complete 180 days after work begins. Big Cliff is some 10 miles east of Mill City and three miles downstream from the site of the Detroit dam where concrete pour ing is in progress. The Shea Construction company of California submitted the low bid on the diversion tunnel of $324,176. The government estimate on this work was $366,166. The Shea company did the con struction work on the Detroit dam diversion tunnel, under a subcontract from Consolidated Builders Inc. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NAU RE’S EMPIRE Hospital Campaign Swings Into High Gear Dec. 5th The General Campaign organization will start with an opening dinner ing report luncheons each noon. The Tuesday night December 5th at the I interest and enthusiasm in the ad- American Legion hall. Stayton ac I vance gifts part of the campaign is cording to R. L. Stewart, chairman shown by the almost perfect attend of the organization. ance of the committee, and the serious According to announcement made manner in which its members have at campaign headquarters, an or taken hold. ganization of 65 volunteer workers The success of the campaign, ac for the general campaign for the cording to Walter Bell, president of Stayton area is being organized from the Santiam Memorial Hospital, de men who have volunteered to serve pends entirely upon the immediate in the Santiam Memorial hospital response given by those who are able movement. to subscribe substantial amounts for “The amount obtained Chairman Stewart issues a call memorials. for all men who can spend several from memorials at this time will de hours a day or evenings and attend termine whether a hospital will be noon report luncheons to volunteer built through volunteer donations on now to serve on one of the groups the part of the citizens of Santiam of workers in the general organi Valley and Canyon area. The volun zation. The names of all who teer workers are making a great sac joined the organization will be pub rificial effort and the people are backing them in the hope that suffi lished in the newspapers. cient funds will be raised within the First Group Formed Things are back to normal at the Detroit Dam project after the "irrigation work” performed by the recently next few weeks to insure the building Chairman Stewart announces that of a modern hospital for the protec flooded North Santiam river by its jumping the Detroit coffer dam. The site of the concrete pouring is the first group of the General Or tion of the people who live in this again free of flood water; and the cable-carried “mud-bucket” travels merrily back and forth in its work. The Sixth Annual Firemen’s Bene ganization to be formed is Group No. area.” This photo was taken from the cliff some 500 feet above and overlooking the main scene of construction of fit in Mill City last week brought to 7 with John R. Welz, manager; Mike ---------------- -------- the Detroit dam. (Photo Courtesy The Statesman) a markedly improved Mill City fire Benedict, assistant, L. A. Frank, P. hall an exciting scene of varied hu J Etzel, George Zimmerman, Al Phil man activity. lips, Fred Hottinger, John P. Bentz, Those who ventured into the Fire J. A. Frank, Joe Heuberger, Leonard men’s open house soon found them Hendricks and Ted Etzel. Four other selves infected with the spirit of the groups are now organizing. thing and had an enjoyable evening’s The Advance Gifts drive is gain entertainment. The firemen mark The Auxiliary of the Santiam Aerie Santiam Valley Grange elected of ing momentum according to G. F. Albert O. Krenz of Marion sus this year’s benefit down in their books Santiam Aerie No. 2745 Fraternal No. 2745 Fraternal Order of Eagles tained a skull fracture, a broken jaw, ficers in their meeting last week at Schachtsick, general chairman of the as a complete success. Order of Eagles in Detroit heard of Detroit held a banquet Friday, the grange hall with Tony Moravec, and other head injuries, when a log campaign, who says that the three State Aeries Not the least of the really top qual ’ president, Roy Jewell of ity prizes given during the open November 17, honoring its first an suddenly rolled and trapped his head master, presiding over the meeting. groups of workers in the Advance ¡The Dalles, in an address on “Youth as he and others were pulling apart Election of officers high-lighted the Gifts Organization, under the leader house was a $100 bill going to Mrs. niversary. At the business meeting after the a tangled mass of logs near Detroit. evening, with the following grangers ship of Dr. Wm. H. Burrell, are hav- and Youth Guidance” last week dur William Teutsch. Doctor Teutsch ing a third banquet initiation ceremonies were Dr. Jack Reid of Mill City admin elected: John Lambrecht, Master; cinched a successful day of it by win annivers ary ning one of the excellent hams so held. The Auxiliary initiated in the istered first aid, afterwards Krenz j Giles Wagner, overseer; Tony Mora celebration. abundant among the door and bingo 1 Friday meeting, Ellen Manning, Vir was taken by Mill City Ambulance to vec, lecturer; Frank Basl, steward- Mr. Jewell ginia Crowell, Louise Hinch, Rachel asst. steward; Nina Dark, chaplin; the Salem Memorial hospital for prizes. in his mes Anna B. Julian, treasurer; Fern further care and X-rays. Frank “Tex” Blazek, president of Birge, and Eva Tarphey. sage before Visiting Auxiliary members were the Firemen’s association, indicated Krenz works for the E. L. Gates I Sletto, secretary; Steve Dark, gate the Detroit State Madam President Ethel Vedder I keeper; Blanche Wagner, Ceres; Lois that only the best b,/■on slabs, tur Construction company doing clearing Eagles lodge keys, hams, etc., were given away as land Junior Past .vladam President work on the Detroit reservoir. Mr. 1 Myers, Pomona; Alice Huber, Flora; stressed the Bertha Basl, lady assistant steward; prizes in the Firemen's Sixth Annual Ella Ritznon of Salem. Krenz is married and has three chil need for pro Roll of officers of the Santiam dren, two boys and one girl. Leora Stevens, musician; Albert Jul benefit. “Argan”, a Frenchman and always grams and Aerie Auxiliary are junior past ma ian, grange fair director; Alta Bod- Harold Wiltse, chairman of the ailing, marks the central character interests for eker, degree team captain; Lloyd Firemen's Benefit, revealed that a dam president, Lillian Ingolls; madam the youth of Sletto, Wilson Stevens, Elmer Taylor, of "The Man Who Would Be Sick”, large portion of the money raised president, Irene Stout; vice president, Gates high school social-comedy a community. Flora Donnelly; chaplain, Margaret executive committeemen, and Mat during this year’s campaign goes into drama, scheduled for the floodlights Biever, agriculture chairman. President improving and finishing of the fire Howland; secretary, Frances John ston; treasurer, Mildred Oliver; con Jewell indi Plans were made regarding a visi in the Mill City theatre Thursday hall. tation at Calumet grange near Al evening, December 14. cated, by ex- In order that further sums can be ductress, Christina Etter; inside Mrs. Dorothy Woods, Gates teacher guard, Pearl Giebeler; outside guard, bany, on Saturday evening, Nov. 18. raised a dance is scheduled for Satur I ’ res. Roy Jewell ampI ®’ ‘2* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolverton, the F.O.E. is The charter was draped in memory and Willamette university graduate, day, November 25, in the Mill City Bernice Ebright; trustees, Eva Deholt directs the production of the comedy, formers owners and publishers of the of Albert Goss, worthy master of doing something about youth guid fire hall. Larry and his “Cascade and Carrie Clester. “The Man Who Would Be Sick”. ance in Oregon. All members are requested by the Mill City Enterprise and residents of I the National Grange. Range Riders” promise a variety of [ madam secretary, Frances Johnston, Mill City now live in Vashon, Wash. Mr. Jewell told of F.O.E. work Refreshments were served at the Mrs. Woods recently held the assist- music for the Saturday dance. The Wolvertons published the Mill i close of the evening. Officers wifi be ant-directorship of the Gates drama in Hood River in regard to teen-agers. Chairman Wiltse expressed the to turn in to her their applications for gratitude of all the Firemen for the ¡funeral benefits, if they have not done Ctiy Enterprise for some two years installed December 2 at the Evening group play when it was produced by In Hood River youths finance their Willamette university thespians in own activities by holding dances in after purchase of the paper from Star grange. splendid response of the public for I so previously. Salem. The Auxiliary of the Santiam Aerie Dave Epps. the local F.O.E. hall every other their cause. raised $40 through button sales for “The Man Who Would Be Sick” Friday night. Jewell made an ap Mr. Wolverton’s column, “Up and the Damon Runyun Cancer fund at Down the Canyon”, appearing on the Hiway Commission Okays i is a social-comedy with a satirical peal to F.O.E. members with the idea the F.O.E. Armistice Day Dance in front page of the Enterprise while ¡twist. Mrs. Woods revealed that that young persons should have the Gessners On Vocation Detroit. ¡authentic 18th century costumes, in- odd jobs that arise occasionally in he was publisher, was widely read by Gates Street Petition [volving powdered wigs, bustles, buck a business or home. Canyon citizens. Trip To Mexico City Gates city council received notice Salem Aerie No. 2081 drill team Mr. and Mrs. Wolverton were al this week from the state highway led shoes, unique trousers, etc, will adorn the cast. These unusual and at accompanied Mr. Jewell on his offi Mr. and Mrs. Don Gessner of Gates Ivan Smilh s 6th Graders ways active in civic affairs in Mill commission of its approval of a Gates’ left this week on a three-week vaca City and contributed greatly of their petition for the expenditure of funds tractive adornments were obtained cial visit to the Santiam Aerie. The tion in Las Vegas and Reno, Nev., Win Magazine Contest time and effort towards making the previously allotted the city for the from eastern costumers and are espe Salem Aerie drill team, under the cially designed for this play. The direction of S. L. “Slim” Griffith, where they will visit friends and rela The magazine sale contest at the Santiam canyon a better place in improvement of certain local streets. Gates play script is a translation by took 1950 state championship honors tives; from there they will proceed ! Mari-Linn which to live. school between the Sth, Plans are now underway for the Kirk Denmark of one in French writ in recent statewide competition. on to Mexico City for a sight-seeing 6th, 7th and 8th grades came to a Mr. Wolverton is employed on the improvement work with the assem ten by Moliere. Jim Simms, past zone director of tour. close this week with the 6th grade Vashon Island News Record newspa bling of equipment and materials. Traveling west to California, the winning under the supervision of Ivan per in Vashon, Wash. "The Man Who Would Be Sick” F.O.E. of Salerti, also took part in Streets named in the approved peti centers around “Argan”, depicted by the Santiam Aerie’s anniversary pro Gessners will visit friends and rela Smith, sixth grade teacher. The Wolverton’s daughter Mary Jo, tion will be graded, graveled, and James Carey and “Toinette” drama gram last week. A total of $243.10 was taken in. tives in San Diego. In Los Angeles they will be entertained by Mrs. Gess- The school’s commission, $83,03, will recently played the part of “Mary ’ properly drained. tized by LaVetta Powelson, the two The installation of more street main figures. “Argan” characterizes in the Mill City high school play, ner’s sister, Mrs. Bernie Morrow and go into the Home Economics fund. lights awaits the establishment of the "Goodnight, Uncle George ” . Mary Jo Thomas Putman, principal of Mari- husband and a nephew, Mr. Williaiti one who acts as if he were an invalid Linn school expresses his gratitude will join her parents, in Vashon, later. boundaries of O’Toole street. Morrow and wife. when in fact he has no reason for The city of Gates is now a mem such conduct. "Toinette” is a sassy From Los Angeles, the vacationers and thanks to all who helped make Mrs. Wolverton plans a visit to Mill this contest a success. ber of the League of Oregon Cities. City during Thanksgiving vacation. will journey to San Francisco for a servant of “Argan” and she is wise short stay with Mr. Gessner's sister, to her master’s silly attitude towards ♦ ’ » Mrs. Mabel McDonald, and visit with doctors. A Gates school group, who have Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fell. “Angelique” the daughter of “Ar banded together into a local drama Mr. Gessner is the AFL business gan” is enthralled with her lover, club, composed of high school stu agent for the Gates hiring hall. “Cleante”, played by Marlin Cole. dents and their teachers has sched The “Angelique” characterizatiAi is uled for study the acting of others given by Lorena Devine. in a play entitled "Harvey” spon Earle Henness as “Diaforius” and sored by the Civic Drama Festival in Albert Ziebert as "Thomas” represent the Salem high school auditorium, FRIDAY— doctors who attempt the job of hold Monday, November 24. I.O.O.F. meeting ing "Argan” in line. "Argan" tries The Gates Drama group will view Mill City rWA meeting last Friday ■ to stir cupid into action between "Othello”, a Shakespearian drama, "Thomas” and “Angelique”. presented by the University of Ore MONDAY— “Beiine”, a two-faced hussy, wife gon theatre, Eugene, on December 2. American Legion Auxiliary 2d Mon I of “Argan”, is acted out by Joan Ryal. Boy Scouts 6 30 p.m. Willamette university’s current pro “Elmire”, sister of “Argan”, the only duction, “The Winter Tale”, in Salem, Lions club meeting sensible one of the family, is enacted will undergo the scrutiny of the Gates A F A A M No. 180 stated meet- : by Maxine Shoeder. high players on December 6 as they ing third Monday. Carolyn Brejcha has the part of visit the W. U. campus during a dress TUESDAY— “Louison”, little daughter of "Argan”. rehearsal of the college thespians. Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday Clifford Ambers in the role of "Fleu- Mrs. Woods indicated that the Women’s club 8 p m. 1st. 3rd Tuea rant”, an apothecary plying his trade, Gates drama group was one of the depicts an unusual character. Direc few amateur theatre groups invited WEDNESDAY— tor Woods east Athol Cline as “Pur- to the Willamette university campus Chamber of Commerce 8 p m gon ”. Altar Society meets 3rd Wed current play rehearsals. Helping Director Woods are Birdie Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed. I-arson as assistant director; Robert Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8pm l^ee as stage manager and Wilmer at Detroit school building. Crites, his assistant; Mervin Haun Santiam Rebekah 166 1st ar.d 3rd tgaia citizen« of the Mari-Linn school district acquire a gymnasium and place it near their new consolidated as electrician; Barbara Haun han Wed. at 8 p m. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. grade school building west of Lyons. Recently thin same school district moved another gymnasium from its dling publicity; Jerry Larson selling THURSDAY— original site The building shown in the picture came from the site of the Fox Valley school, now abandoned. tickets; Edward Romey applying Herbert Hutchinson, Mill City, Nov. Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm On guard out in front for the two mile highway jaunt in Harold Henkle. On the job were telephone and makeup on the cast; June Mitchell 20, at Salem Memorial hospital. American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs power company representatives, who made possible the one and one-half hour highway trek of the gym. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Henry caring for the costumes and Betty Garden club fourth Thursday (Photo Courteay Capital Journal and Robert Veneaa) Mitchell managing stage properties. Hiebert, Idanha, at a Dallas hospital. Sixth Annual Fire Fighters Fete Success Auxiliary of Detroit Albert 0. Krenz Aerie Holds Banquet Hurt In Logging t Santiam Aerie Hears Jewell Santiam Grange Holds Election Elaborately Clad Gates Thespians Present Drama Wolvertons Reside In Vashon, Wash. 4 Gates Drama Group Gathers Know-How Coming Cvents: I Just Arrived... i