Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1950)
r F FOX VALLEY Anniversary By MRS J. H. JOHNSTON November Subscription OFFER $2 YEAR THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Box 348, Mill City, Oregon Please enter my subscription to The Mill City Enterprise for . years at the Special November Subscription rate of $2.00 per year to the following address: NAME ADDRESS Also send this gift subscription to: NAME ADDRESS 1HI 3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Noi ember 9. 1950 Mill City Hi-Cites Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott gave a At the Idanha fire hall Tuesday, party at the old Fox Valley school | November Bv LELA KELLY 7, Huber Ray and Sam Thursday evening of last week. They Palmerton were Christmas Card Sale re-elected to city entertained the former members and council by a vote of 80 each.™New The senior class is busy selling their families of the Fox Valley Par member to the council is Noyes Whit- Christmas cards. The cards are being ent-Teacher club. A nice evening ’ ten with a vote of 78, Marion Aider sold at a very fast rate for $1 per was enjoyed by a good attendance. box. They have a supply of religious, man had 45 votes cast for him. comic, general, Christmas carols, and Mrs. Ivan Smith of Ly<ms was Ninety-six votes were cast. calling at home in our locality en- j Members of the election board were plastic cards. Anyone interested is deavoring to locate those who would Rilla Schaffer, Edna Gordon, Emma asked to get in touch with the school qualify for leaders in the local 4-H Rhoads, Alta Watkins and Dorothy ' and your order will be filled. club projects. Why not help support the school? I Carte. Treasurer's Report Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Volker and Wanda Vandermeer, student body daughter Sharon are living at the Quality job printing at the Enter body treasurer, reports that Mill City Apple Tree Court. The Volkers ar- prise. high school lacks only $30 of being rived here just recently from Minne able to pay all bills up to date. It is sota. They visited with the Jack Christensen’s who are friends of the I hoped that the student body play, i “Goodnight, Uncle George” will put family, and came to Oregon a few I us on top, months earlier in the year. The Volkers plan on being here sometime George Neal. Fire Chief i if not permanently. He is employed George Neal is the new fire chief Sunday ! at the Detroit dam. , of Mill City high in case of a fire, Mr. and Mrs. 8. V. Kelly and three i The rest of the squad are Joan John- thicken dinner I small children are new- comers here I son, Donna Nelson, Denny Marttala, Bob Shelton, Bill Shepard, Harlin from Nevada. They are now located Gibson, Tom Kanoff, Dick Downer, in Mill City and Kelly is employed , at the dam. I and Thad Roberts. We have a very well planned chart to follow in case Mr. and Mrs. Marwyn Knox mark- i Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle eted 2100 prime turkeys last week. [ of a fire this year. Owners They have about 1600 birds to market j Paper Staff this week. Knox’s are exhibiting' The paper staff for the Mill City some of their turkeys at the turkey high has been selected, and the first show in McMinnville this year. publication of the “Gaze-At-'Er” was Paul Johnston is having an auction put out this week. sale at his farm in Fox Valley, Satur Miss Hope Baney is the advisor day, Nov. 18. The Johnstons have for the paper and the staff is as fol been in the dairy business the past lows: 10 years and have decided to make I VETERINARIAN Sue Mikkelsen, editor; Dolores a change in location. They are Poole, asst, editor; Betsy Kriever, selling all stock and some household STAYTON business manager; Gary Peterson, furnishings. The noon lunch will be advertising manager; Leia Kelly and PHONE 4148 served by the local community club Donna Cooke, news editors; Pat for the benefit of the church funds. Brown and Donna Nelson, feature Opposite Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell are editors; Denny Marttala, sports ed Claude lewis’ Service Station entertaining the youth groups in their itor; Mary Jo Wolverton and Sharon home Thursday evening of this week, Gallagher, printers; Dorothy Downer Nov. 9th. The Lyons and Mill City and Marlene Tickle, reporters; Wan groups are extended an invitation to da Vandermeer, typist; arists, the attend the meeting. art class; Arlone Kuhlman, circula Mrs. Hugh Johnston and son Ken-. tion manager; Alona Daly, exchange ton were Sublimity callers Tuesday. editor. A Friendly Place Word came from Salem today tell The next paper is to come out the ing of the death of Mr. Dysinger who first of December. To While Away has been in a Salem hospital for Magazine Pins Awarded some time. The family lives near the I Sue Mikkelsen received a pin for Your Idle Hours Lyons motel in Fox Valley. He was selling the most magazines in the employed at the Detroit dam when he ' I recent contest. Thad Roberts and became ill earlier in the year, His I Bob Baltimore received pins for sec- widow and four smal children sur- I ond and third places respectively. vive. Set Aside November 17th Has everyone bought their ticket CARD OF THANKS for the student body play, “Good- We wish to extend our sincere ' night, Uncle George”? You can easily thanks and gratitude to our many I secure a ticket from nearly all mem friends and neighbors, for their kind bers of the student body. The play, ness and many beautiful floral offer a comedy in three acts, is the story GATES ings, during the loss of our father of Junior Allen showing his trials Levi Garrison. and tribulations in his high school THE GARRISON FAMILY. life. Everyone is urged to buy a ticket and help get the student body out of debt. (Remember, only $30 to go!) I The school really needs the support of the townspeople and this is a good way for them to help. Everyone attending is guaranteed a wonderful time with an evening that will be chuck full of laughs!! Don’t forget, November 17th in the high school auditorium at 8:00 p.m. “Goodnight, Uncle George”. New Books More than 50 new books have ar rived in our library, our librarian, Among them Mrs. Mason, reports. are, "Bells on Their Toes”, "Ron Tiki”, “The Greatest Story Ever Told”, “The Egg and I”, “My Eyes Have a Cold Nose”, and many others. MILL CITY SERVICE < \1 I MILL CITY TELEPHONE OPER \TOR Closed Mondays % .«..A... Idanha Elects Three City Councilmen R \I1 IS GOOD ONLY DURING NOVEMBER 19>0 \1VS Steak House Painting and Papering 4 SPRAY OR BRUSH ------ SIGNS ANY SIZE ------ J. W. GOIN GET YOUR FREE ESTIMATE NOW FOR INTERIOR DIX ORATING. 10% LESS FOR WORK BOOKED FOR RAINY’ SEASON AND WINTER MONTHS. Call Bill Obershaw Phone 3215 or Write Box 607, Mill City ^BETTER PACKAGED foods Kellom’s Fresh Meats FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES Bill! ARD'S Kellom’s Grocery MILL CITY OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 AM. to 7 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 9 A M. to 12 NOON WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS AND ALUMINUM AND DISHES ■ MJ TAVERN MILL CITY’S 6th Annual Firemen’s Benefit »ANCE Fire Hall 6 P.M HOSPITAL COMMITTEE GOES TO STAYTON KICKOFF DINNER Detroit and Idanha members of the hospital committee for the Santiam Memorial hospital met with the hos pital committee at the dinner on Wednesday evening at the American Legion hall in Stayton. Dinner was served by the Legion auxiliary and those attending were Huber Ray, Sam Palmerton, Jack Haseman, Noyes Whitten, Pau] Reynolds, Gordon Skid more, Otis White, Roy Johnson and Nolan Rasnick. WILLING WORKERS MET Detroit—The North Santiam Will ing Workers club met at the home of Mrs. O. J. White on Wednesday afternoon. The attendance was small and two guests were present Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Brown. The next meeting has been set for Nov. 29 at the home of Mrs. Jerry Pittam in Idanha. 4 1 HOME and AUTO SUPPLIES Firestone Stores Center and IJberty Sts. SALEM OREGON the things you like in [f moderation. ■ . » * » Light beer is the beverage of moderation. Enjoy — 7t's the Water OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY IllltPli WlDlIN6T0N I 1 4 Motor Tune-ups Brake Service Expert Lubrication Door Prize on Dance Tickets COMPLETE TIRE AM) BATTERY SERVICE WF. GIVE UNITED TRADING STAMPS Come and Bring Your Friends! Ü1 TIRES Richfield Service Turkeys, Hams, Bacon, Merchandise Many Kinds of Games * Firestone Chuck & Bruce’s Over $1500 in Prizes 12 Drawings the Things You Need Get your Antifreeze Now! ■