Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1950)
FOX VALLEY MEHAMA By MRS J. H. JOHNSTON Good Music Shuffleboard MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY By ELSIE MYERS Travel in the Elkhorn district was halted for awhile Friday morning due to the wind storm the night before. The Mill City school bus driver was the first to encounter a tree across the road. He walked to the Bill Bickett home for help. Mr. Bickett and E. A. Newsome returned with him to clear the road while Mrs. Bickett took her car to pick up the children. Just this side of the Freres George ‘Sparky* Bitter Tonv Zlebert VOTE FOR Wayne E. Downing Republican Nominee FOR Commissioner, Linn County PRESENT COUNTY COMMISSIONER § PAY AS YOU GO, NO COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS c S ELKHORN Paid Advertising HEY! WINTER Is Coming PUT ANTI-FREEZE IN NOW AND BE READY WHEN THE COLD WEATHER GETS HERE! RALPH We take better care of your car NIBLER CHEVRON GAS STATION OUT OF GODFREY’S O TEABAG This weather lately is certainly something. One minute it’s stifling —the next vou’re freezing. Ever notice how women walk around on these nippy days in flimsy stuff and not seem cold? Well one of them told me her secret the other day. Yes sir, this is it. She said her hat was by Lily Dache, her suit by Jacques Fath—and her snuggies by Long-John! Television is certainly different all over the country. In New York if something goes wrong you get snow on the screen; in Virginia you get ham and gravy. A friend of ours had a new English butler in the household, and the firs’ afternoon he served tea to some guests. Our hostess complimented him on the appear ance of the tea table but quietly remarked that there was only a small amount of lemon and cream The butler drew himself up and said he h?d done that on purpose. “I always thought Americans took their tea straight” One of my friends has just gone into business for himself. Quite an undertaking, these business ventures—and he’s really gone into this in a big way. Even went so far as to buy two new cars and everything! Only he has to go halves on everything. One of the cars belongs to him—and the other to the finance company Honest to goodness, some of the politician« really have a soft job They work just so long—and be fore you know it they’re off on vacation. I'm beginning to think some of them spend more time is Florida than an orange crop. HIARD ON CBS TAUNT SCOUTS Vote 24X Douglas R Carroll Lawrence of Toppenish. Wash., was a business caller in Fox By JEAN ROBERTS Valley and Lyons Monday. We don't The Ladies Aid have announced the have a corner on all of the winter weather, according to Mr. Lawrence, date of Nov. 17 for their forthcom ing bazaar and dinner. Sale of baz who stated that when he left his aar merchandise will begin at 3 p.m., ranch near Toppenish Saturday, his stock, cattle were wading around in with Mrs. Winnie Branche and Mrs. about 18 inches of snow. The earliest Meral Teeters in charge. A baked ham dinner will be served heavy snow for that locality in many from 6 to 8 p.m. with Mrs. Ray years. Roberts, Mrs. Keith Phillips and Mrs. Perry Clipfell, only son of Mr. and Harry Monroe on the food committee. Mrs. George Clipfell at Fox Valley, The dinner will sell for $1.00 per was transferred to an army base in children, Washington recently. The transfer plate for adults and 50c for Proceeds from the bazaar and din- makes it possible to be with his I ner will be used to operate the Me- family in Stayton weekends. hama Community church. Mrs. Floyd Bassett was a Mill City The power shortage last weekend visitor Saturday. caused considerable discomfort to The local phone service has been Mehama people. Accustomed to de severely hampered by the wind since pending on electricity for a number last Thursday night. Workmen got of things many people were without the lines and poles reset Monday. water, food, or heat the 12 hours the On some lines the upset poles were power was disrupted. numerous. The tire shop was unable to pump Mr. Christensen and son of Duluth, Minn., who visited at the Jack Chris gasoline or blow up a tire. Eight youngsters were entertained tensen home here a few days, left Wednesday of last week on their re with a Hallowe'en part at the home turn trip to Minnesota. The Minne I of Janis Wilson Saturday. A fish pond sota folks were quite favorably im games and party favors were enjoyed by the young guests. Those attending pressed with our Oregon country. w6re: Willow Phillips. Linda Monroe, Diane Wallen, Gerry Roberts, Leroy Frank mill she found another tree and Ronald Fender and small hostess, across the road. The children walked Janis Wilson. to there and she brought them back Home Extension unit will meet Fri to the bus so they were on their way day at the clubhouse for an all day without a great deal of delay. meeting. A demonstration of “foods Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall left for entertaining” will be given in the Saturday for Oakridge, Ore., where forenoon with a business meeting held Mr. Randall has accepted the position after lunch. Pot luck dinner at noon. of city recorder and city attorney. First Bluebird meeting was held The guest ranch is closed and in Friday at the Women’s clubhouse charge of a caretaker until opening with 18 girls attending. The Blue next spring. birds are an auxiliary of Campfire Spending the weekend of the 21st at the Steve Dark home were Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaughlin and Percy Robertson from Salem. Addi tional dinner guests Sunday included ; Raymond Higgins and Ralph Smith, also of Salem. Eight Salem high school teachers were dinner guests at the Elkhorn guest ranch Sunday. Those present were Miss Walgamott, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Haague, Miss Ola Clark, Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. Creech, Miss Helen Lane and Miss Ada Ross. Dr. Norman L. Dodd of Salem re cently purchased a tract of land for a summer home from Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Ray and family drove to Prineville Saturday where they were the weekend guests of Mrs. Ray’s sister and family. Recent callers at the Steve Dark home were Bud Coleman, Virgil Shaw and Bob Schultz, all of Portland. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Randall last weekend were and Mrs. E. L. Gray and Mr. Mrs. A. C. Haag of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Speerstra family, Dr. and Mrs. McGill, and and Mrs. John Graham all of Salem, were dinner guests at the Elkhorn guest ranch Sunday. Additional guests were Mr. Casozich, county assessor of Astoria and Henry Pertz- off who is connected with the Will- | amette Building Supply. I Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers had as their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall Thursday evening. Snow has covered the foothills sur rounding Elkhorn for the first time this season the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett and fam ily were callers Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Billington of Scio. girls sponsored by the Women’s club. Mrs. Ray Roberts is leader. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the kindness and help of our friends and neighbors during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ragsdale and Family. Four out of every five homes in America are built of wood, and the remainder use wood in some form or other. MASTER Popular --!>•< at BREAD it VOTE for the MAN and you will VOTE FOR: Howard Latourette Roy R. Hewitt FOR U. S. SENATOR FOR U. S. CONGRESSM AN (1st Dist.) Austin F. Flegel Howard Morgan FOR GOVERNOR FOR LABOR COMMISSIONER Marion County Candidates YEATER Cornelius Bateson Frank M. Porter FOR STATE SENATOR FOR STATE SENATOR Republican Candidate P. W. Hale Lawrence J. (Larry) Koch FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Josephine Albert Spaulding Alvin Whitlow FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE State Senator I X o« e ni ber 2, 1950 9—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Andy Burk Henry Heyden FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FOR COUNTY RECORDER Your State Representative in the « • Legislature for the past tour years E. I. (ED) ROGERS COUNTY COMMISSIONER Vote for the Candidate Who TellsWhere He Stands GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 1. 1950 MARION COUNTY Read your Voters Pamphlet I ! ! REPUBLICAN FOR Continued Efficiency Paid Adv. Yeater for Senator Committee aa —sm M b H Advertisement Paid Adv by Manor. County Democratic Central Commit!—. Salem