Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1950)
sents him proudly to the considera- tion of all voters November "th.” Governor Maw exhorted party (Continued from Page 1) workers to put out a maximum effort “Finding local agencies unable to for November 7th in order that Ore provide needed highways, the people gon become soundly Democratic. turned in 1916 to the Federal Govern Benjamin Franklin, printer and ment for help and Republican Con- gressman Walsh of Massachusetts editor, has ben termed by one histo- screamed, ‘Governmental paternal- rian as “the one man of vision” in I ism’ and Republican Congressman the colonial resistance of oppression. Platt of New York solemnly pro- claimed, ‘prosperity and peace are threatened’ and bellowed, ‘bureaucracy and indefensible centralization’,” Gov ernor Maw further illustrated. “At various times in the years between 1932 to 1937 when labor legislation came up for consideratioh some of the labels applied to it were: ‘Regimentation’ by Republican Con gressman Wadsworth from New *» York; ‘Long march in direction ot Moscow’ by Republican Congressman Beck from Pennsylvania; ‘The road to economic hell’ by Republican Con gressman Hartley from New Jersey; ‘communism, socialism, nazism and fascism’ by N.A.M. spokesman Dres ser,” ex-Governor Herbert Maw em phasized. All-Star fullback Fred Morrison from Ohio State University, now “Housing legislation in 1936 pro 'jueen with the Chicago Bears, and Marjorie Adams, 1950 All-Star Qi voked this comment from a Real __ ______ _ _ in _ the _____ contort, are pictured and _____ Chicago ’s entry Miss America beauty . contest, Diet Estate Association mouthpiece, Peter at the training camp of the Bears football team in Rensselaer, Indiana, i ? son, *. . . will create communism and inspecting a giant version of a new steak casserole created by “Oscar” chaos’,” Maw said. (center) of the Independent Grocers' Alliance. The recipe for “Steak Casserole Supreme,” which is being announced “Those who oppose legislation pro Light beer is the beverage to the publie on a nation-wide scale, is the first in a aeries of new dishes moting the general welfare forget to be made available to homemakers through local IGA outlets during or ignore that portion of the Pre of moderation. Enjoy — the coming months. amble to The Constitution of The Members of the grocers’ alliance are now gearing their activities for United States which reads, ‘ We the their Silver Jubilee which is scheduled for August, 1951, at the Wal People ... in order ... to promote dorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. the general welfare . . .’ etc,” Maw continued. DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH “Opposition to the few pieces of Sunday school 9:45 a.m., preaching | » legislation indicated above stems 21 a.m., youth meeting 6:30 p.m. A ' (Continued from Page 1) ternally from the Republican camp Bible study for youth group will be that never has offered to the citizens held at 7 on Wednesday evening at his tax bill is only 111,280. of the United States an enlightened tjje church with Ted Watkins leading. It's the Water The Detroit church has been in The tax bill the Senate passed party leadership”, Maw charged. vited to the special meeting at the makes such goings-on perfectly legal. ‘‘Resort to smear and slander on the part of those who head the opposi Idanha Community church on Sunday, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES November 5 at 11 a.m., so there will Insurance companies are taxed tion to needed reforms is an admis le no preaching service at Detroit in under a formula different from one sion of weak leadership and the the morning of that day but there applying to most concerns. The last voice of special, selfish interests,” will be Sunday school and communion time the formula was revised was in Maw concluded. MXVice, after which those wishing 1942. But the thing went haywire Governor Maw, an acquaintance ip do so may go to Idanha. and insurance companies haven’t of Roy R. Hewitt, U. S. Representa- tive to Congress candidate, answered paid a cent in taxes since 1946. The House passed a bill earlier smear mongers spreading lies about this year which would have taxed Mr. Hewitt by saying, “As a man the insurance companies $50 million who puts the Country’s welfare above for 1947 »nd 1948. It also would party lines, Roy R. Hewitt has re have made certain the insurance ceived the unqualified endorsement industry would have to pay taxes in of large, sincere and honest groups in both major political parties as 1949, 1950 and the future. k But the bill the Finance Commit well as the endorsement of the AFL, • Whether you think an tee presented to the Senate elimin CIO, R.R. Brotherhood, International illness is contagious or ated the $50 million tax for 1947 and Machinists Union and many civic 1948. ThiB is no time to be handing and social groups. Mr. Hewitt is a not—call upon a physi OLÌMPIA brewing company the insurance companies a $50 million man of unquestioned loyalty, integ cian to make sure. Let him rity and ability; and as such, all OLYMPIA WtlRINtTH. 4SI gift. The Senate thought such a pre make a thorough check who know him and his party pre- sent was just fine. of your condition. Then THE OIL LOOPHOLE follow his instructions closely. We hope, too, Oil companies make much more money than other businesses because that you will bring the of the favored treatment they are doctor’s prescriptions given under the “depletion allow here for careful com ances” in tax legislation. The excuse i pounding. Just try us! for these allowances is this: An oil i well can’t be replaced like a piece of worn-out machinery. When all the oil is gone, the hole in the ground i is worthless. But the allowances are | way out of line. Because of the loop- i hole, from 1943 through 1947 it was ' possible for one man to escape paying 1 taxes on $5 million he made in oil. AFL League Reporter. November 2, 1950 I—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE More Tough Luck Ex-Gov. Maw- •r ■ WHY DID \ HE WRITE f A LETTER ♦* ABOUT IT? The attributes of good fellowship are Tolerance, Courtesy, » I ► / ; /: L, J "jr " ■■ A* r • -■ Moderation and Respect. R»prinud from th* •Chsrlwtoo (W. Vs.) Ossuta" ■»2 Loopholes- I 4 Weather Forecast: « COOL WEATHER AHEAD! Now Is the Time TO GET THAT PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER AND ENJOY IT ALL SEASON! WE CARRY ALL TYPES FROM $6.95 up . ALSO THE FAMOUS NORGE OIL HEATERS FROM $59*95 UP Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Co. "35 miles from nearest parking meter" Sales and Service MILL CITY Phone 902 T MILL CITY’S 6th Annual Firemen’s Benefit Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! I HELP RELIEVE MOUNTING LOCAL PROPERTY TAXES H State school support a must be increased. At present, property owners are saddled 1—t_J I - ' Tfc with more than their ■ 6 P.M share of the load. <7- Equalize school sup port — reduce local 1 s« property taxes. • f B .> SIT. NOV. 18 A Over $1500 in Prizes df A Fire Hall •“i Incorporating* Ford Motor ( ompanv'i new automati« tran.mixxion— the Merr tkMatir—a* optional equipment, the IMI Mercury feature« manv styling and engineering changes. Combining a torque converter and a three-«peed transmission. the Merc-thMatic provides a high degree of flexibility smooth acceleration and pleasant high gear per formance A new grille and front end trim, new rear fenders and quarter pamls. new bumpers and an extra-large rear window are the principal exterior changes Improvements to the Yd Mercury engine give it added smoothness, quietness and an increase in horsepower to lit hp Fntirely arw exterior colors are featured Shown here is the sis passenger coupe Turkeys, Hams, Bacon, Merchandise Many Kinds of Games 12 Drawings Door Prize on Dance Tickets Come and Bring Your Friends! •r