Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1950)
7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE November 2, 1950 PACE I I UHI Marlene Verbeck Weds Kirk Wirick At an impressive candlelight ser- vice held at the First Christian church Stork Shower Given For of Mill City on Saturday evening, October 28, at eight o’clock. Miss Mar Mrs. New in Church lene Fay Verbeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Verbeck, became the Idanha—A stork shower was given bride of Kirk Newton Wirick, son of Friday night in the Idanha Commu The social meeting of the Gates Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wirick, formerly nity church in honor of Mrs. Frank Womans club was held at the home of Lyons, Ore., but more recently of New. Thirty-five ladies paid hom of Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Thursday age to Mrs. New by their presence. afternoon. Last minute details of the southern California. Rev. W. H. Lyman of the Court Games were the entertainment of the bazaar to be ’held the following eve evening. Prior to the opening of the ning were discussed. Mrs. Kay Mc Street Christian church of Salem of gifts, a lullaby piano solo was played Carty gave a short talk on the Needy ficiated at the double-ring ceremony by her daughter, Eva, who also with Aged Persons Assistance act, which which was performed before huge her sister Sally, assisted their mother is to be voted on at the coming baskets of mixed flowers of pink and white. with the wrappings. Mrs. New re election. The lovely, blonde bride, who was ceived forty-five lovely gifts from Refreshments were served at the given in marriage by her father, wore her friends and neighbors. Many hostess a lace trimmed white satin wedding close of the afternoon by the who were unable to attend, sent their Mrs. Stewart, assisted by Mrs. Ed gow’n, buttoned down the back, with gifts. mund Davis and Mrs. Kay McCarty. matching mitts. Her fingertip veil Refreshments of ribbon sandwiches The next regular meeting of the club and pickles, coffee, tea and cocoa were will be Thursday afternoon, Nov. 9, fell from a coronet of artificial flow served by the hostesses, Mrs. George the place of meeting to be announced ers. The bride carried a white Bible Streff, Mrs. Carl Schaffer, Mrs. Jerry later. Mrs. Harold Wilson and Mrs. with a white orchid and white ribbon streamers knotted about tiny flowers. Pittam and Mrs. A. R. Snyder. ’ Glen Hearing will arrange the pro Maid of honor was Miss baVeta gram. Those in attendance at the VOTE NEXT TUESDAY, NOV. 7 1 social meeting were Mrs. Edward Powelson w’ho w'ore a full-length of aqua and carried a bouquet Chance, Mrs. Joe Jaoquin, Mrs. Wil dress son Park, Mrs. Glen Hearing, Mrs. W. of chrysanthemums in a blending I Hudson, Mrs. Harry Richcreek, Mrs. shade. Louis Verbeck, Jr., of Eugene, Walter Thomas, Mrs. Gerald Heath, brother of the bride, served as best Mrs. Laura Joaquin and the hostess. man. Lighting the candles before the I Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. ceremony were the Misses W'anda McCarty. H. F. HINCH, Prop. Vandermeer and Marlene Tickle, both of whom were gowned in pink, with Mrs. Al Hoffman is convalescing at white corsages of chrysanthemums. “JUST GOOD at her home following minor surgery. Ushers were Tom Shelton and his FOOD” Mr. and Mrs. Tom Courtney, Sr. brother, Bob Shelton of Mill City. , of Salem, were dinner guests of Mr. Immediately before the ceremony, and Mrs. Carl Chance Sunday. Also and just after the bride came down IDANHA, OREGON I present were their daughter and fam the aisle on the arm of her father, the Hiway 222 ily, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and bridegroom sang “O Promise Me,” F Diane of Portland. with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Donald Sheythe, who furnished all the music for the ceremony. A reception was held in the down stairs rooms of the church with Mrs. Josie Mises of Silverton, the bride’s grandmother, cutting the beautiful wedding cake, assisted by Mrs. Neil FOR A GOOD SELECTION OF Verbeck of Silverton, the bride’s aunt. Another aunt, Mrs. Marion Miller also of Silverton, presided at the coffee New and Used Furniture urn. Miss Annis Miller, a young cousin of the bride served from the OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT! punch bowl. Miss Leia Kelly of .Mill City, who GATES, ORE. PHONE 5915 wore a lavender formal with match ing corsage, passed the guest b<^k. Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson and Mrs. Ellis Hill assisted at the gift table. Others assisting about the rooms were Miss Hope Baney, Mrs. Elmer Shane, Mrs. H. I. Plymale, and Mrs. Una White. For going away the bride wore an aqua suit with red accessories and her white orchid as a corsage. The young couple left immediately follow ing the reception, returning south With Mr. Kirk Wirick and son, Ralph, FAMOUS CHILDREN S Bakersfield, Calif. They will be 3.47 of JUMPING JACKS at home at Reseda, Calif., near Los Angeles. SPECIAL GROUP WOMEN’S DRESS, Mrs. Wirick was a mem- 1.97 4.97 i her The of new WEDGIES, and SPORT OXFORDS the local high schools senior LARGE GROUP MEN’S of which she was the president, 5.97 to 8.97 | I class DRESS and WORK SHOES and was a recent worthy advisor of Acacia Assembly, Order of the Rain- SHOE PRICES ARE GOING UP—SAVE NOW ON ■ bow for Girls. Kirk Wirick graduated from the NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SHOES Mill City high school with the class . of 1949 and was a student at the ! Northwest Christian College at Eu gene. He will continue his studies at a Bible college in Los Angeles, Calif. STAYTON, NEXT TO STAR THEATRE Out of town relatives attending the wedding were Mrs. Josie Mises and OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TO 8 P.M. son Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Il1 ion Miller, Annis and Venita, Mr. and | Mrs. Dale Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde i Verbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Niel Verbeck and Gary, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mann, all of Silverton, and Mr. Floyd Verbeck of Eugene. Other out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shelton of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller of Forest Grove. A number of college students, former school mates of the newly-married couple, attended the wedding and reception. Gates Womans Club Holds Social Meeting SPAR CAFE Parker-Hutcheson furniture Save at Rowe’s. Stock Reduction Sale Rowe’s Shoe Store Open Only Saturday and Sunday beginning Oct. 9th 3 f 11 ’ ■ 1 p 1 1 J * ik J8 If ~ W Rf « B >0 Iff Come Early Friday and Saturday to Injure a Table LEGION MASQUERADE DANCE WELL ATTENDED LAST WEEK The Masquerade dance held by the American Legion auxiliary on Satur- day. October 28 at Detroit was very well attended and much enjoyed, Prizes were given for best costumes. those receiving prizes were first: Forest Etter and Thelma Smith, second, Marilyn Lovelace and Gen eva Crinshaw. Third: Frankie Payne and Arnold Snyder, fourth, Christine Etter and Donna Rae Stevens. Wayne Mussey’s band from Salem furnished the music • and proceeds from the dance will go for the annual Auxiliary Christmas party. Refresh- ' menus were served. Vote Right! Think Right! Vote Republican! For Representative. Thirteenth Representative District Linn County . . . MELVIN GOODE For Senator. Second . . . ED CARDWELL Senatorial District COUNTY: . . . WARREN gill For County ( ommissioner STATE: . . . W AYNE DOWNING For Senator. Fourth Senatorial District Linn and Lane Coonties For Governor For District Attorney . . . COURTNEY JOHNS . . ANGUS GIBSON . . . DOUGLAS NcKAT Central Committee: Bess Scharffenberg. Albany, Chairman; Wm. S. Paid Political Adv Linn County Ouderirirk. Vic« Chairman; W. Tom Grier. Secretary NATIONAL: For I nited States Senator . . . WAYNE MORSE For Representative in Congress . . . H ARRIS ELLSWORTH For Commissioner of the Bureau of I-abor . . . WILLIAM E. KIMSEY LAWYER ANI» EDUCATOR Lions Ladies Host Card Party Nov. 4 Mrs. Lowell Stiffler, president 1 RID n and SATl RD AY the Lion- Cluh Auxiliary, revealed Nov. 3rd and 4th today that the Auxiliary is holding a Robert Taylor in card party in the I.O.O.F. hall in “AMBUSH" Mill City, Saturday. November 4. at 8:00 p.m. — Plus — All Star Cast in Mrs. Carl Kelly, chairman of the "SOME OF THE BEST" I.ions Auxiliary card party, indicated that card players can expect a good KID S MATINEE — 2 p.m. Sat. time playing pinochle, canasta and “Indian Agent” Tim Holt bridge this Saturdav night at the ,3 Cartoons and Serial I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. Jack Colburn, chairman of the SI ND n and MONO \Y Nov. 5th and tith ticket sales committee announced that tickets are 50c each and that they JUNE ALLYSON and may be purchased at the door of the DICK POWELL in hall Saturday night. Mrs. C. E. Coville, Mrs. Lowell The Reformer Stiffler, Mrs. George Steffy and Mrs. ROY R. HEWITT George Veteto have charge of the And The Redhead free homemade cake and coffee, re- Candidate for U. S. Representative Very Funny Comedy First District freshments for card players. Mrs. Robert Veness and Mrs. Ed. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Goschie are seeing to it that there Nov. 7th and 8th are plenty of door prizes and prizes Mari-Linn PTA Meets ROBERT STERLING and for the winner in each type of card GLORI \ 1,1! All AME Friday, November 10 game. Mrs. George Steffey has been dele in Mrs. Robert Fetherston, president gated the task of decorating the Mill of the Mari-Linn PTA of Lyons dis Roughshod City I.O.O.F. hall for this Saturday closed today the next PTA meeting night’s card party. date is Friday, November 10, at 8:00 THURSDAY p.m. in the Mari-Linn school house. November 9th Mothers of seventh grade young JANE GREER sters makeup the hospitality commit and tee for the next gathering. Miss Viv BOB MITCHUM ian Boyce, Mari-Linn School music teacher, has charge of entertainment. Under Miss Boyce’s supervision Mrs. Marvin Edwards, Mrs. Alex home movies and a rhythm and music Bodeker. Mrs. Jack Duggan, Mrs. Cal vin Trahan and Mrs. Lucille Nash demonstration by first and second Doora open at 7:20 PAL were hostess for a shower honoring grade pupils are scheduled. The Mari-Linn play “Aaron Slick Complete show can be seen any Mrs. Arthur Olmstead held at the time up to 8:30 community club house Friday eve from Punkin Creek’’ presentation ning. Games furnished the enter again is posponed due to illness in llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tainment and after opening the gifts the cast. dainty refreshments were served to the honored guest Mrs. Olmstead, and Mesdames Herman Free, Mike Schwindt, Lloyd Free, Chester Roye, Earl Allen, George Huffman, Pat Lyons, Oscar Naue, Percy Hiatt, W. H. Johnston, Bob Free, Earl Helemn, EVENING APPOINTMENTS Kenneth Helemn, Merrill Brassfield, Located Next to Furniture Store Willard Hartnell, Leonard Jones, Lovell Miller, Bob Carleton, Clyde PHONE 5951 GATES Bressler, Orville Downing, Floyd Bas sett, Hugh Johnston, Earl Thayer, Orlin Elwood, William Prichard, Mar jorie Prichard, Cora Jenner, Alice Hill nnnii:mriin'nii.uuiai>.<HiiMnu Huber. Those sending gifts that w’ere unable to attend were Mes DR. MARK dames Sam Bridges, Clifford West, Clyde Lewis, Albert Carr, George Berry, Vern Nydigger, Marvin Berry, REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Leo Trahan, Jim Phelps, John Prid- eaux, Donald Huber, Charles Power, Buck Miller, Wood Oliver, John Mc Will he at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Clurg and Beulah Lewis. Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. !i » Í ( ; t Airs. Art Olmstead Honored at Shower ,rs I «lllj ! lAHHIIKIAIN Also Thursday evenings by Appointment. Faith Rebekah Lodge Holds Halloween Party HOME OFFICE: 31.9 W. FIRST, ALBANY The regular meeting of Faith Re nnnnnnBHnQnnHHnBnnBHnannnnnnnnHnBnHnnHnBBnnnnBmH bekah lodge was held at the hall with I a good attendance, with Blanche Wag ner, noble grand and Mildred Carr, vice grand presiding over the meet- ing. Nomination of officers was held and other business transacted with reports of various committees heard. A surprise visitation from Santiam SPECIALTY CARDS TOYS AND DOLLS Rebekah lodge of Mill City when they TRICKS AND PUZZLES MASQUERADE SUPPLIES presented the local lodge with the 0 Traveling Gavel, with a beautiful MODEL AIRPI.ANE MOTORS MODEL AIRPLANES friendship ceremony. At the social Ute Our Mall Order Service — hour Laura Neal displayed 70 differ ent pot holders which she had made as her hobby. The room was dec SALEM’S ORIGINAL orated with cats, ghosts and gob- blins carrying out the Halloween motif, and at the close of the evening the committee, Elsie Myers, Millie Beckett, and Roberta Longnecker 163 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 2-1588 served refreshments with the Hallo ween motif carried out in a spooky aannnaHnnHnnnnBBnnnnKwannnnnnnHHnnnnHHnHnHKrannHnnnHn) matter. H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment Toy & Hobby Shop KJ Ml z J ‘ Ï ■ Winterize with your t l I - ¿4 that's a SNAP '° keep br,ghf A merican VINETIAN BLINDS Telephone Tokay for fkff (stimate! FRERES Building Supply Mil! City Chevrolet Dealer Radiator Repair Electrical Service Brake Repair lire Chains - Antifreeze PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SATISFACTION GUARANTY Gene Teague Chevrolet STAYTON, ORE. PHONE 2.144