Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1950)
November 2, 1950 10—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HOUSE TRAILER WANTED Wants and Sales FOR SALE - Particolored registered cocker spaniel pups. See "Santiam Sam" Steffy, Mill City. 38tf FOR SALE—Bargains in oil circulat ing heaters. Red’s Hill Top Trad ing Post. 40tf FOR SALE—1942 model, 24-ft. east ern built house trailer. Bargain price, can be financed. Wilson Park, Santiam Trailer Court, Gates. 44-3p WE REBUILD Furniture like new. Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay ton Upholstering. Rt 1, Box 177A. W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, in quire at Enterprise. 33tf FOR SALE!—Tarps, new, waterproof, »election of sizes. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 44tf FOR RENT—Clean modern cabins, by week or month, winter rates. Lyons Motel, Phone 114. 43-3 FOR SALE — White enamel wood range, good condition $30.00. W. L. Peterson, Swift addition. 35 FOR SALE—210 feet ^-in. gal. pipe, new, 18c ft. P. O. Box 63, Gates, Ore. 44-lp NEED A TELEPHONE? — Stop in and see the new Lech combination desk or wall phone, also used phones from $10.00 up. Telephone and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance. 39tf FOR SALE—Used washing machines reconditioned and guaranteed. Ex pert repairs on all makes of wash ers. Jenkins Hardware, Mill City. 41tf FOR SALE—Soil pipe, cast iron, 85c foot. Red’» Hill Top Trading Post. FOR RENT—Apartment, block from town, one bedroom, stoves and re frigerator furnished. Phone 2652. 44tf FOR RENT—Completely modern fl I room house, good deep well, large woodshed and store room, fruit room. Adjoining Gates grade and high schools. See J. J. Butler at T. B. Hospital, Salem. Keys at Parker-Hutcheson Furniture Store. 44-3p Funeral Services Held For Levi Garrison By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Members of the class in dramatics Put hi* training to work of the Gates high school accompanied Lyons—Funeral services were held Client will trade equity in FOR RENT — Three 2-room apart their teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Wood and | Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock FOR YOU ments, unfurnished, hot and cold furnished 2-bedroom modern their principal, Don Miley to Albany , from the Weddle funeral home in water, $35 per month. Mrs. F. L. : one night last week, to attend a play ' Stayton for Levi Garrison who passed home for good house trailer. Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf . presented by students of the Lebanon away at the Salem Memorial hospital Balance easy terms. j high which was given at the Teachers Sunday morning following an emer WE BUY fir pitch 75c per gallon. Institute there. Those making the gency operation. See us for containers. Also sell us (’. E. (’oville Real Estate i ■ trip your used burlap bags. Red’s Hill were Marlin Cole, Lorena Devine, Phone 2207 Mr. Garrison was born in Illinois Top Trading Post. 40tf I LaVeta Powelson, Carolyn Turnidge, September 11, 1872, and was 78 years Earl Henness, Athal Cline, Clifford «XPERT AUTO and home radio at the time of his death. He came Ambers, Barbara Haun, and Birdie to Oregon when about 20 years old service, 20 years experience, all WILL PARTY who picked up small Larson. makes. Guaranteed service. settling near Alsea, where he spent brown pup Sunday on hiway 222. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance 3tf Barbara Hirte, daughter of Mr. ‘¿l/t miles west of Mill City return and Mrs. Oswald Hirte, celebrated several years, moving to Lyons where ¿i FOR SALE — Davenport in best of him to E. S. Peterson, Route 1, her sixth birthday Saturday after- he lived for the past 20 years. He was a retired railroad worker and a condition; full bed, spring and mat Lyon». 43-3p A Candidate who possesses ac- noon when several of her little friends faithful friend and neighbor. tress. Call Mrs. Ellis Hill, Phone tual training in political affairs 1934. 44-1 FOR RENT Furnished apartment, were invited to her home for an after Mr. Garrison is survived by six modern. E. D. Cooke, 2 blocks west noon of games and fun, each bringing children, two sons Alvin of Lyons, and knowledge of the funda- BARGAINS—In some good used calk high school. 42tf a gift for Barbara. Refreshments and Norman of Gates, and four and operations shoes, sizes 6'2 to 9. Red’s Hill served by Mrs. Hirte to Bar daughters, Mrs. Freda Gruggett of mental functions Top Trading Post. 40tf FOR SALE — Four-poster bed and were of government . bara, Barney Barton of Mill City and 42tf from Gates Sharon and Jimmy Hear- Newport, Mrs. Hazel Bass of Bend, $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale coil springs. E. D. Cooke. paid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug-, TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma ing, Dona Lee Carey and Cheryle Mrs. Gladys Cogburn of Plush, and REPUBLICAN Mrs. Leona Jones of Seattle. Seven las Fir logs suitable for piling. High' chine«. We sell, rent, repair and Hirte. teen grandchildren and eight great prices paid for barkie poles and swap all makes. Trade your old Members of the Girls Athletic As- grandchildren. Interment was held piling. Call Albany 1287 or write machine towards a new one. ROEN, sociation club of the Gates high met Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price 456 Court St., Salem. 35 « the last of the week for the purpose at the Fox Valley cemetery with 1 lists. 31tf Dallas Franklin, Bert Lyons, Wood of election of officers for the term. Oliver, Albert Bass, Gordon Heineck A Navy Combat Veteran, instruc FOR SALE — 12 White Leghorn pul WANTED—Cedar pole peelers. Bunk tor in political science at Willa lets, almost ready to lay; 15 ducks, LaVeta Powelson was selected presi and Elmer Stewart as pallbearers. house jobsite. L. D. McFarland dent; Joan Ryal, vice president; Lor Company, Milwaukie, Ore. Tele good meat fowl; 1 quarter beef, ena mette University and a popular Devine, secretary-treasurer and ready Friday or Sat. Geo. Cree, phone Milwaukie 2-5781. 43tf If the evils of prohibition disgusted community club speaker who has phone 924, Mill City, Ore. 44-lt Betty Mitchell, sargent at arms. The you, VOTE 317 X NO. FOR RENT—Mod. furnished house club of girls meets once a month. the active support of laboring See Martin Jepson, Mill City. 44-lp FOR SALE—House trailer, 20 ft., Mrs. Walter Thomas is announcing men, farmers, businessmen and eiectric refrigerator, all for $550 the final meeting for the Girl Scouts LIST YOUR homes and farms with homemakers in 8 Marion County See at Martin’s Trailer Court, Mill me. Have cash buyers. MUI City, City, Jack Lingo. 44-lp leaders training will be held at the communities .... David M. Gates, Detroit, Lyons. Gates high school, Friday afternoon, 3tf Reid, Real Estate. November 3, at one o’clock. This Republican* and Democrat* alike will be a fourth meeting all leaders 4 GOOD SELECTION of linoleum have named Mark Hatfield a man are requested to be there promptly. yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per with a future — put his training sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. Amos Roten of Havelock North to work for you .... Carolina was the guest of his mother, SAVE HALF or more on toilet sinks Mrs. Rosa Roten and his sister and and washbowls. Red's Hill Top! VETERINARIAN family, Mrs. Louisa Romey last week. Trading Post. 38tf | A family dinner was held in his honor REPRESENTATIVE STAYTON FOR SALE—Dodge '35 1‘A-ton truck, at the home of Mrs. Romey during and a motor driven circle saw for PHONE 4148 his stay. COMMITTEE TOR MARX HATFIELD wood. Jim King, Route 1, Lyons. Daniel Romey and Truman Tibbits, Inquire of J. T. King. 44-lp Ed Ahrens, Turner; Arch Van Nuys, Stay who have been em- Opposite two Gates boys ton; George Christenson, Silverton: Frank Hettwer, Mt. Angel; Elmer Mattson, Wood ployed in New Meadow, Idaho, for PLEASE LIST all available rooms, ( laude lewis’ Service Station burn; George Mar s, Jr., Gates; Merle room and board, houses and apts. over a year have returned to Gates Holman, Jefferson; Stuart Compton, Mrs William Connell Dyer, Sr., Frankie Evans, Write, telephone or visit Personnel and have secured employment here. Lewis Judson, Fred Klaus, E. Burr Miller, Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated | Mrs. James Overlock and daugh Mrs. Ralph Moody, Ray Rolow, Salem. Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf ter Kathyrene Lee of Seattle spent last Saturday and Sunday at the home Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! FOR SALE — Kenmore wood range, i of Mrs. Overlock’s parents, Mr. and good condition. Phone 1923, or call' Mrs. Edmund Davis, while Mr. Over- at Lee Owens, across from Chevron lock made a business trip to Eugene. Gas Station. 44-lp I Mrs. Della Dike of Salem was a and visitor at the homes of her daughters Mrs. Edward Chance and Mrs. Ted Stiff for several days this week while “At the Bottom of the Hill” she looked after property she has FAMILY 8TYIJS MEALS here. Mrs. Norman Garrison spent most Under New Management of last week in Seattle as the guest of her sister-in-law and husband Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones. She re- | turned home the first of the week. One Mill East of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. George Clise returned Monday from a two-week business JEWEL MYERS. Mgr. trip to Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. and A Friendly Place Mrs. Clise were residents of southern California before coming to Gates. SERVING THE CANYON AREA To While Away Louise Haun, youngest daughter of | PICKUPS AT j Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun has been ill I Your Idle Hours and confined to bed at home for the Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton past two weeks. It was at first I-aundry and Dry Cleaning— thought Louise was suffering from Ken Golliet, Mehama; ML Jeff Cafe, Idanha rheumatic fever from all symptoms. Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry. Detroit Her parents are now advised by their 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9125 I physician to take her to a specialist GENERAL AUTO and i for a more thorough checkup. IäMHMHS TRUCK REPAIR Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen of Klam ath Falls were Saturday and Sunday i Arc and Acetylene visitors at the home of her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Turnidge. Welding Honesty Sincerity Ability J. W. GOIN Mill City Hotel Never a Dull Moment I ! Boarding House North Santiam Service Station GATES MILL CITY TAVERN TAVERN C. E. 'Pink' Mason, Prop. SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the NU-METHOD GARAGE RICHARDS TAVERN 24-HOUR SERVICE Mill City Clown nt fl P.M. Building and Construction GATES Phone 3452 Business - Directory Contractors Professional Loc-Bloc Construction Co C. F. HUNTER Attorneys at Law DAMI) M. REID I'euticli Jr., Km. HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Physician and Surgeon SALEM Mill City R. A. HARROLD Stayton Real Estate Mill Ci tv Phone 6602 ERS3 WOOD’S STORE HARLOW L. WEINRICK General Dry Goods notions UNGEREI KI tin to tt F \R HOSIERY ___ LU/IFKS IM1SMETJI S «XKxxocik - m kxdoom A ianon«ootinaooiinsaooonooooo Attorney at Mw 318 Broadalbin F SALEM LAUNDRY FISHING TACKLE MILL CITY I I I I , Albany »mi» HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery ■ I Jngerie- Dreaara-Smocks 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 MIKES Septic Service : verne / s BARBER SHOP 2nd A Broadway Mm city Hours: 10 to 7 MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE RALEIGH HAROLD Expert Repairing MIELI. OIL PRODUITS U. S. ROYAL TIREN Detroit P. E. Fry, Mgr. FLOWERS suyton. Ore. C. E. Covi I le nonanBUDEFunaDODDooooDanuoQ iï PAYS TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE In the Dawe« Bldg GOODE’S FLOWER SHOP rhoae Blue MB WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Modem Funeral Nervte* STATTON OREGON CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION iHWinnmnnQnQaanannnnnnnaBQ Hendricson’s Stori Z Complete Supply of All Your Building Needs . . Real Est We.« Side Mill CWy Ph S4*7 UNTINGS WANTED FR c >N t q % Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling. y I Minard Herman Phone 2325 FLORIST and NURSERY • NEW STOCK Septic Tank* and Sewer* (leaned • FLOWERING IND 811 IDE TREES SHRUBS AND BUI BS Cotton Blanket« — Cretans Fkone RAUEM »94 «A. ODI. IJT IT ♦ Indian Robe« — Oil Cloth — Pillo«« 310 W. Wash. St. Stayton 1*79 Elm St, W. Satan Orders taken for ••hone 3684 Christmas Cards Canyon Garage ^'N t i open unRim« SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS ROYSEN PAINT FFATl RING NEW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX— TH! PAINT WITH THF SAND FINISH KELLY LUMBER SALES