Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1950)
When Tragedy Strikes ... the difference between LIFE and DEATH may be YOUR HOSPITAL There may come a time in your life, or in that of a member of your family, when a hospital represents the difference between life and death. When that time comes it will make a tragic difference if there is no hospital in this sec tion of Santiam Valley and Canyon Area — or whether precious minutes will be lost during the delay in reaching a hospital in a too distant city. Truly . . . It may be the difference between life and death. Lives of your friends and neighbors have been needlessly sacrificed or their health impaired because we have no hospital. District to Be Served This is your Hospital, planned to serve the following areas: Idan ha, Detroit, Dates, Mill City, Lyons, Mehama, Stayton, Sublimity, Shaw, Aumsville, West Stayton, Turner, Marion, Scio and Jordan. This will be a non-profit, Self sustaining, non-sectarian community Memorial Hospital. Put First Things First There is nothing more important than protecting the lives and health of those who live in this part of Santiam Valley and Canyon Area. This section is growing and expanding industrially, agriculturally and commercially—bringing an increased demand for hospital facil ities for those who are employed on our farms, in our industries, and in business. We Face a Crisis For many years, hundreds of our fellow citizens, even our own fam ilies, have faced a grave and dangerous situation that has now be come a crisis. The present campaigh to build a non-profit memorial hospital is being most carefully prepared and is sponsored by many citizens, who volunteered as workers. In the Crisis we are now facing, the responsibility rests upon the shoulders of all good citizens. The question is: “Will we accept the opportunity that is now offered—to make this a safer place in which to live?” We must do it now or never. This Is Your Problem When it comes to saving human lives and protecting the health of our neighbors, there can be no such thing as city boundaries. Spurr ed by this humane motive, busy men—fanners and business m e n —are enlisting as workers to obtain the protection of a modern hospital for this part of Santiam Valley and Canyon Area. Names That Will Live Under this title in the public lobby of the hospital will be listed the memorials, the names of all who contributed any sum of money, and the volunteer workers of the money-raising campaign . . . all who make this new hospital possible . . . Their names will live! Be a Founder in order that future generations will know that you helped build this hospital. Establish a Living Memorial Your name or that of a loved one—wife, husband, mother, father, son or daughter, sister or brother —will be honored, and his or her memory perpetuated by this service rendered the community. Es tablish a memorial for yourself or your loved ones by making a really sacrificial gift. You and they will continue to live—year after year, you and they will live—active day and night, relieving human suf fering —saving human lives. Memorials NAMES WILL BE ON PLAQUES IN PUBLIC LOBBY The name of any person, family, organization o r business m a y be commemorated by donating one or more of the following units: $10,000 X RAY DEPT 5,000 LABORATORY POLIO and CONTAGI OUS DISEASE Room 5,000 PSYCHIATRIC ROOM . 3,000 ROOMS (Each) ............. 2,000 1,000 BEDS (Each) 500 BASSINETS (Each) Donation SITE $25,000 NURSERY MATERNITY SECTION 20.00C SURGICAL WING 15,000 SURGERIES: 10,000 Major Minor and Emergency 8,000 One Hospital Voting Membership for $100 or more subscribed. Associate Membership, gift of less than $100. Advance Gifts Campaign Starts November 8th Our fellow citizens . . . busy men . . . are organizing the Advance Gifts and Memorial part of the Campaign to finance a hospital for the protection of the lives and health of their friends, neighbors and families. It should not be necessary for these men to ‘‘sell” you on the need of a hospital. It should not be a question of how little, but how Much you can do in the wav of a sacrificial gift to make the hospital possible for your protection. How You May Serve MEN WANTED All men who are in a position to spend a few hours a day during a short intensive campaign, are urged to volunteer for the General Campaign that will start at the close of t h e Advance Gifts Campaign which will be about November 30th. COST OF THE CAMPAIGN. The cost of organizing the money raising campaign has been raised by public-spirited citizens. > DONATIONS ARE DEDUCTIBLE FROM INCOME TAXES > Pay in Installments Subscriptions for Donations and Memorials are payable in install ments. The first payment of 10 per cent of subscription is payable on request. The balance is payable 10 per cent of subscription every thirty days thereafter. NOTE: If sufficient subscriptions are not obtained to justify pro ceeding with the hospital project, ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS obtain ed in the campaign will be cancelled and any money paid will be re turned. SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AREA CAMPAIGN STAYTON HEADQUARTERS: MILL crrv — - Mwonie Bldg., 116 3rd st.. Mill City Pharmacy, Phon« 2607 You Will Need This Hospital... Help Build It We acknowledge the courtesy of LOOK Magazine for use of Father and Son Picture The cost of this advertisement has been raised by Public Spirited Citizens