____________October 26, 1950 I— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE WAITRESS WANTED—Experienced Viv’s Steak House, Mill City. 43-1 Wants and Sales ' TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma chines. We sell, rent, repair and swap all makes. Trade your old machine towards a new one. ROEN, FOR SALE — Trailer house stove, FOR SALE—5 acres, a large unfin 456 Court St., Salem. 35 « white gas »13 95 Red’s Hill Topi ished pomice stone house, double pomice garage, livable, 23-foot well, Trading Post. 38tf , WILL PARTY who picked up small reasonable priced, half down and brown pup Sunday on hiway 222, terms. See J. O. Herron, Route 1, FOR SALE - Particolored registered 2*4 miles west of Mill City return Lyons, Ora. 41-3pj cocker spaniel pups. See “Santiam him to E. S. Peterson, Route 1, Sam" Steffy, Mill City. 38tf Lyons. 43-3p FOR SALE — New Junior DeLaval Cream Separator No. 4, electric FOR SALE- bargains in oil circulât FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, ing heaters. Red’s Hill Top Trad model $75.00. Mrs. Floyd Bassett, modern. E. D. Cooke, 2 blocks west Lyons, Ore., Phone 116. 39tf ing Post. 40tf high school. 42tf WE REBUILD Furniture like new. FOR RENT — Three 2-room apart FOR SALE — Four-poster bed and Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay- i ments, unfurnished, hot and cold coil springs. E. D. Cooke. 42tf ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A, water, $35 per month. Mrs. F. L W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, in WE BUY fir pitch 75c per gallon. quire at Enterprise. 33tf See us for containers. Also sell us your used burlap bags. Red’s Hill I FOR RENT—Clean modern cabins, Top Trading Post. 40tf by week or month, winter rates. Lyons Motel, Phone 114. 43-3 EXPERT AUTO and home radio' service, 20 years experience, all FOR SALE Hot water tanks, 30-gal. makes. Guaranteed service. galvanized, $7.50 guaranteed. Red’s Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf Hill Top Trading Post. 40tf BARGAINS—In some good used calk One Mill East of Detroit FOR SALE — White enamel wood shoes, sizes 6'4 to 9. Red’s Hill I range, good condition $30.00. W. L. Top Trading Post. 40tf . JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. Peterson, Swift addition. 35 $50 00 PER THOUSAND truck scale NEED A TELEPHONE? —Stop in Id for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug- i and see the new Lech combination las Fir logs suitable for piling. High i desk or wall phone, also used prices paid for barkie poles and phones from $10.00 up. Telephone piling. Ctall Albany 1287 or write and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance. 39tf lists. _ 31tfi FOR SALE—ÜBed washing machines GOING HUNTING — New and used; reconditioned and guaranteed. Ex tents and tarps, all sizes at Red’s pert repairs on all makes of wash Hill Top Trading Post. 38tf ers. Jenkins Hardware, Mill City. 41tf WANTED Cedar pole peelers Bunk C. E. •Pink’ Mason, Prop. house jobsite. L. D. McFarland, FOR SALE—Seven acres, tillable, on SHELL PRODUCTS Company, Milwaukie, Ore. Tele- [ highway, good building site, 2'4 mi. AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES phone Milwaukie 2-5781. 43tf east of Lyons. See Mrs. Floyd ZENITH TIRES Bassett, Lyons or Wallace Bevier, LIST YOUR homes and farms with | Mill City. 38tf me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, i FISHING TACKLE Gates. Detroit, Lyons. David M. ; Reid. Real Estate. 3tf A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum HOUSE TRAILER yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. WANTED SAVE HALF or more on toilet sinks Client will trade equity in and washbowls. Red's Hill Top' furnished 2-bed room modern Trading Post. 38tf I home for good house trailer. PLEASE LIST all available rooms, Balance easy terms. room and board, houses and apts. Write, telephone or visit Personnel Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated . C. E. Coville Real Estate Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf Phone 2207 North Santiam TAVERN MILL CITY Service Station FOR SALE—Kain coats 50c. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 40tf Wanted WAITRESS 5^ A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours A PAIR RICHARD’S Mom & Pop’s Cafe TAVERN GATES MILL CITY Business - Directory - Professional Attorneys at Law MILL CITY Physician and Surgeon SALEM — ('eut.ich Jr.,. Um. HEWITT, ESTEP & SORENSEN Mill City Phone 6602 — DAVID M. REID IDANHA John Hargreaves Oscar Naue George Clipfell, Clinton Hubbard, Willard Hartnell, Glen Julian, Clyde Bress ler, Eugene Roye, Wood Oliver, Floyd Bassett, Leonard Jones, Mrs. Alice Huber Mrs. Minnie Smith and Mrs. Lyons — The Womens Society of Anna Johnson. Christian Service held their meeting at the community club house with an | The historian Rhodes declared that all day meeting, and made tamales no single man in his time influ which were sold Wednesday afternoon enced so many people as Horace and evening and netted the society Greely, editor of the New York nearly $100. The regular business was held, and plans were completed Tribune. for the election day dinner, and the date set for the annual bazaar Nov. I 29th, which will be held at the Re- I bekah hall. Mrs. Hargreaves gave a very in teresting report of the district meet ing held in Corvallis. Mrs. George Clipfell favored with a vocal solo. Mrs. Anna Johnson one of the oldest members and faithful in her work for the church and society, was pre sented with a beautiful floor lamp 1 from the members, Mrs. Johnson is moving to Rickreall soon. Present for the afternoon were Mesdames Al bert Julian, George Huffman, Charlie I Cruson, Ray Mohler, Howard Naue, 1 See Ford Advertisement on page 4. Tamale Sale Held by Lyons Service Society By REBA SNYDER Saturday guests of the Frank New- family were Mrs. New’s aunt, Mrs. Ida Buzzard of Medical Lake, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hume and family of Oregon City. Mrs. Buzzard stayed for a week’s visit but the Humes returned home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hoyt went Saturday to Albany to visit her sister and family, and on to Salem Monday to attend Teachers Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Brown went to Salem Friday where they spent the weekend with the Evenson and the Lambert families. Mrs. Gulliford of Aumsville, is a guest this week in the home of her son, Jack Gulliford and family. Secretary to county superintendent of schools, Fred Remington, and Claude Kells, secretary of county community chest, spoke at the Dean- ha Parent and Teachers meeting Mon day night in the grade school music room. Kells spoke on the urgent need for the chest quota being filled . and outlined the percent going to each benefit, stressing the point that 50% went to Boy and Girl Scouts and Campfire Girls. Remington spoke on the relationship of PTA to the Community Chest. Refreshments were served by the room mothers of Mrs. Perkins room, doughnuts being provided by mothers of that room and the cider by the 9th and 10th grades of high school. Out-of-town relatives attending the funeral of Quinton Finley were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pershall, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pershall and family of Vale, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Black and family of Merrill, Ore., Mrs. Laura Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tucker and family Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keiple, all of Estacada, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Keller and family of Mehama, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Erickson and Mrs. William Erickson of Oregon City. Dinner guests in the Warren Stoll home were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Girod and sons. Later in the evening friends surprised the Girods with a farewell party. The Girod’s moved their household furnishings to Stayton Tuesday, where they are building a super market. Mrs. Girod and the boys will be in Stayton but for the present Girod will remain here. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pittam and daughters were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Brenton and family in Mill City. The Hallowe’en masquerade dance sponsored by the American Legion and Auxiliary will be the night of Oct. 28, in the school auditorium. Prizes will be given for the best cos tumes. Wayne Mousey orchestra will provide the music. Pat O’Bryan and family moved last week, to Tillamook where O'Bryan has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer were called to Montana by the death of her uncle, last Wednesday evening. They returned Tuesday night. Don’t forget Open House at the grade school November 6, nor elec tion on November 7th. Fred DeVries, county Sunday school superintendent, spoke to the Idanha Community Sunday school last Sun day. DeVries went to Detroit to speak a few words to them upon leaving Idanha. Guest in the Henry Hiebert home last Sunday were her brother. August Ediger and family of Dallas. The Gospel team consisting of per sonnel from Salem and Dallas will be at the Idanha Community church Sunday November 5. Everyone wel come. The prohibition bill will bring back prohibition evils. VOTE 317 X NO' —-------- —— —-------------- ——————————- Never a Dull Moment “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL CITY TAVERN ■MnMNKMa SALEM LAUNDRY SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Laundry and Dry Cleaning— Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9125 ____ Build with - - LOC-BLOC Insulated Walls Loc-Bloc Construction Co. R. A. HARROLD Stayton C. F. HUNTER Mill City Real Estate Mill City ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *■.«♦****« « • • « « 1 D. W. REID. Ml). | HARLOW L WEINRICK [ physician & surgeon ! Attorney at law 318 Broadalbin Albany Mill City inooanooooaoiooaoDonoDooaot HOWARD CORSET SHOP VERiXE’S Foundation Garment» Special Attention Given to Fittings Hoelery-l.lngerie-DreMc« Smocks 131 High St. Satan Phono 4032 2nd A Broadway Mill City Hours: 10 to 7 Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month Also light hauling, RALEIGH HAROLD FLORIST and NURSERY nonramnnnnansnaannanHBBnnn MIKE’S Septic Service « 1 eonard Herman Phone 2323 /---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TN • NEW STOCK - FLOWERING AND Sil \DE TREES Cotton Blankets — Cretons SHRUBS AND BL I Bs Indian Robe« — Oil Cloth — Pillows 31» W . W ash. St. Stayton Orders taken for Phone 3681 Christinas Card« Septic Tanks and Sewer» Cleaned Phone SALEM » 9468. (XHJJCCT 1079 Elm 8L, W. Salem Canyon Garage Expert Repairing SHEIX Oll. PRODI <TS U. S. ROYAL TIRES DetraM P. F. Frv. M«r BARBER SHOP MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE I J FLOWERS Hendricsons Store In the Dawe« Bldg GOODE’S FLOWER SHOP Phone Blue MR Stay ton. Ore. C. E. Coville IT PA*S TO ADVERTISE in THE ENTERPRISE WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Real Estate Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREGON Went Side Milt CWy Ph. Mt’ USTlNGt» WANTED Complete Supply of All Your Duildiny . Needs . . . . SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT FEATURING NEW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX— THF PAINT WITH THE SAND FINISH «------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ . KELLY LUMBER SALES OPEN SATURDAYS PHONE 1*15 RUSSELL KELLY. Manager 7