5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE October 26. 1950 PAGE IIHHf Girls Athletic Association Honors Bride-Elect SPAR CAFE I -------------- The annual reception for teachers and parents was held at Detroit grade school on Wednesday evening, Oct. 25th with about 45 present. Mrs. Ray Sophy and Mrs. Nolan Rasnick were the chairmen in charge of the reception. Mrs. Charlene Hanan directed the entertainment which was very successfully executed to the great enjoyment of all guests. Mrs. Arlene Sorceth, Mrs. Otis White and S. T. Moore were lucky prise winners in game participation. Ruth Skidmore assisted at the piano. Refreshments were served in the cafeteria, the serving table and cafe teria tables were tastefully decorated with the Halloween color scheme, cake, punch and coffee were served by Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Rasnick, Mrs. Roy Sophy and Mrs. Bill Shuford. Presentation was made to past president S. T. Moore by President J. C. Boyer of a gavel turned out by Bob Layman, high school junior, from native yew wood and bearing a silver plate Spencer T. Moore, president Deanha PTA 1949-50. Marlene Verbeck Honored by Shower The high school recreation room was Miss Marlene Verbeck who will gaily decorated in white and yellow for a bridal shower honoring Miss marry Kirk N. Wirick on October 28 was honored at a bridal shower Marlene Verbeck bride-elect of Kirk Wednesday evening at the Masonic Wirick. The table had a white run hall in Stayton with Mrs. William ner down the center wih a bowl of Shuey as hostess. yellow flowers and double candle Marlene was honored at a degree holders with white candles burning when three girls. Miss Jackie Calavan during the evening. From under the of Scio, Miss Karleen Drager of Turner, and Miss LaVon Humphries bowl of flowers there were white and of Stayton entered the room each yellow ribbons with useful kitchen carrying a suitcase with a big white articles on the other end. These were bow on the handle. Meanwhile a trio later given to Marlene. Punch and of girls sang “Sentimental Journey” cake was served following an in and they then sang three more num formal evening of games and the bers “I’ll Dance at Your Wedding.” opening of gifts. Those serving on “I Love You Truly,” and “Goodbye, the decoration, refreshment, gift, and Marlene (Goodnight, Irene)”. Mar clean-up committees were Anna Mae ! lène then opened her gifts that were Nelson, Patricia Cree, Alona Daly, i in the suitcases. Sue Mikkelson, Marlene Tickle, Wan da Vandermeer and Miss Hope Baney. I Mrs. Shuey served hot chocolate Present were Miss Marlene Verbeck, and cookies to Miss Verbeck, her Mrs. Louis Verbeck, and Misses Mar- , mother Mrs. Louis Verbeck, Misses lene Tickle, Wanda Vandermeer, I Dorothy Downer, Patricia Cree, Vera Anna Mae Nelson, Patricia Cree. Sue i Loucks, Ardith Jones, Donna Cooke, Mikkelsen, Josephine Roy, LaVetta | Pat Davidson, Betty Lou Cree, Leia Powelson, Ardith Jones, Pat Brown, J Mel Kelly, Betsy Kriever, Mrs. Floyd Frances Johnson, Alona Daly, Leia j Jones, Mrs. Charles Kelly of Mill Mel Kelly, Arlone Kuhlman, Vera City: Miss LaVon Humphries, Mrs. Loucks, Dorothy Downer, Donna A. C. VanNuys. Mrs. Merton Cox, Nelson, Beryl Mason, Hazel Neal, Mrs. Virgil Tuel of Stayton; Miss Dolores Poole, Donna Cooke, Joanne Phyllis McCarely of Mehama; Miss Kunkies, and Hope Baney. Unable Frances Marlott, Mrs. Marlott, Misses to be present but sending gifts were: ] Hazel, Doreen, and Charleen Borst Misses Betty Cree, Joan Johnson, and Mrs. Borst of Jefferson; Misses Barbara Barton, Paula Van Buskirk, Pat Miller, Juanita Thomas, Jackie June Phillips, Pat Davidson, and Mrs. j Calavan, Novadeen Bruce, Cornelia Edith Mason. This shower was spon- j Lee, Jean Thurston, and Mrs. Wava Miller all of Scio; Mrs. Alice Rupp of sored by the GAA. Salem; Misses Shirley Hennies, Kar leen Drager, Pat Hennies, Irene Thomas, Patsy Graves and Carol Dawn Newkirk all of Turner. All those present were members and sponsors of the Acacia Assembly Order of Rainbow for Girls of which H. F. HINCH, Prop. Miss Verbeck was the first and only worthy advisor for the assembly from “JUST GOOD Mill City. At the present time she was treasurer of the assembly and FOOD” resigned from her office at the meet ing Wednesday night. IDANHA, OREGON Hiway 222 If the evils of prohibition disgusted you. VOTE 317 X NO. A Deanha PTA Holds Teachers Reception -------T - ........ ■ Parker-Hutcheson Furniture FOR A GOOD SELECTION OF New and Used Furniture OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT! PHONE 5915 GATES, ORE. >. Mrs. Clarence Pietrok (Irene Toman) whose October marriage took place at St. Patrick's Catholic church at Lyons. The couple will live in Stay ton. (Photo Courtesy Statesman) Mesdames Cole and Rush Honor Mrs. C. Henness Home Extension Unit Met Last Friday Lyons—The Home Extension unit held their meeting Friday afternoon at the community club house with Mrs. Mabel Downing president pre siding over the meeting and appointed the following committees for the coming year: membership and hos pitality, Betty Johnston; luncheon, Bea Hiatt; recreation, Jewell Hart nell; publicity, Alta Dodeker, Azalia House, Garnett Bassett; legislation and research, Virgeen Scott; libra rian, Nina O’Neal; international re lations, Evelyn Julian; 4-H, Jackie Smith; finance, Ethel Huffman; tex tile painting instructor, Mildred Carr. Alta Bodeker and Virgeen Scott gave a very interesting demonstra tion on “party planning", and showed many cute and clever favors, followed by games which were much enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the Rebekah hall, November 10, Mary Frances Kelly will put on the dem onstration for a sewing machine clinic, each member is urged to bring their sewing machine. Alta Bodeker and Bea Hiatt were hostess for the afternoon and served refreshments to Nina ONea’l, Helen Johnston, Mabel Downing, Effie Nydigger, Virgeen Scott, Cora Jenner, Gladys Stiffler, Carrie Naue, Ethel Huffman, Ger trude Weidman, Rose Thayer, Mildred Carr and Jackie Smith. Pink and Blue Shower For Mrs. Roy Pate Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and Mrs. Lowell Cree entertained at the latter's home with a pink and blue shower in honor of Mrs. Roy Pate. Bidden to honor Mrs. Pate were Mesdames R. C. Pettit, Thurman Zietler, both of Salem; Clarence Durman and Ellen Fleming both of Scio; Milan Weston Merle Minton, Gladys Stiffler, Ward Slover, Marie Urban, Sylvia Kindred, Byron Bates, Clyde Morgan, Arlo Tuers, D. E. Waters, Fred Gooch, Rosa Roten, Martin Kelly, Marvin Toland, George Cree, Archie Bates, Paul Cree, of Mill City and Milton Roten and Helen Anderson of Me hama. ........... nuimiM FRIDAY and SATURDAY Roy Rogers in THE GOLDEN STALLION” — Plus — “SONS OF ADVENTURE" Stunt Men in Action! KID’S MATINEE —2 p.m. Sat. "Golden Stallion" Rogers 3 Cartoons and Serial HALLOWEEN SHOW Saturday Midnight, Oct. 28th “BEWARE OF SPOOKS” — Plus _ "THE BOOGIE MAN W ILL GET YOU" Mill City Hotel SUNDAY and MONDAY JOHN W AYNE and JOANNE DRU in and Boarding House She Wore A Yellow Ribbon FAMILY STYLE MEAI-S In Technicolor Under New Management TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ROBERT CUMMINGS, DIANA LYNN and LIZABETH SCOTT in Closed Mondays Sunday Chicken thinner ^BETTER PACKAGED Kellom’s Fresh Meats FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES Kellom's Grocery OPEN WEEK DAYS 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. MILL cm SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 9 A.M. to 12 NOON WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS AND ALUMINUM AND DISHES The Famous Story — Read by Millions! THURSDAY. NOV 2nd Randolph Scott, Gabby Hayes in “ALBI QI I HQI I.” VIVS Steak House Gates — Mrs. Clare Henness was Doors open at 7:20 PAI. Complete show can Ise seen any honored Saturday evening at a pink Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle time up to 8:30 and blue shower, which was given by Owner* Mrs. Burrell Cole and Mrs. Clarence llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Rush in the recreation rooms of the high school. Following several ac- cordian duets by Norma and Lorena Devine and the opening of the many lovely and useful gifts received by M rs. Henness refreshments were served by the hostesses to the hon ored guests, Mrs. Henness, Mrs. Joe EVENING APPOINTMENTS Joaquin, Mrs. George Child, Mrs. Henry Eccleston, Mrs. Arthur Black Located Next to Furniture Store burn and Isabelle, Mrs. Laura Joaquin, PHONE 5951 OATES Mrs. Clarence Ball and Carol Sue, Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mrs. Albert Mill sap, Mrs. Floyd Völkel, Mrs. Tilman Rains, Mrs. Lyle Rush, Mrs. Glen «.. mi ..... iinnmi iin«iiriiiiiuiii muiaiwiu» Henness, Mrs. Merle Devine and daughters, Norma and Lorena, Mrs. DR. MARK Blanch Dean, Mrs. Martha Bowes, Mrs. Robert Oliver, Miss Jean Oliver, Mrs. Charles Rush, Mrs. Clyde Oliver, Mrs. Charles Tucker, Mrs. Byron REGISTERED OITOMETRIST Bates and Mrs. Mary Eaglestrom. | Those sending gifts and unable to Will be at hin MIU City office In the Jenkins Building attend were Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mrs. Thursday afternoons 1 to 8 p.m. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Edmund Also Thursday evenings by Appointment. Davis, Mrs. Mary Howell, Mrs. Ray Solshenberger, Mrs. Velma Carey, HOME OFFICI:: 313 W. FIRST. ALBANY | Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Minnie Everton, Betty Tucker, Mrs. William Pennick, Mrs. Hollis Turnidge, Mrs. .......... ............ ............... -..... .. Cecil Haun, Mrs. N. L. Pennick, Mrs. nHH»nHctnnn«Hnnnna»nnHnn)annnnHnnnnHnnHn! Elmer Klutke. Mrs. Jerry Lyons, Mrs. The wedding party of Marlene Ver Charles Smith and Mrs. Norman beck and Kirk Wirick has been an I Garrison. nounced and they include Miss La Vetta Powelson as maid of honor; Miss Marlene Tickle and Miss Wanda ALTAR SOCIETY PLANS Vandermeer as candle lighters. Best DECEMBER APRON SALE Mrs. Jack Murray of Mill City an- man will be Louis Verbeck, brother SPECIALTY CARDS TOYS AND DOLLS i nounced today that St. Catherine's of the bride, and ushering will be I Altar Society has scheduled an apron Tom and Bob Shelton. The wedding MASQUERADE SUPPUES TRICKS AND PUZZLES is set for October 28 in the First sale for December 6 in Mill City. MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS MODEL AIRPLANES Mrs. Murray is chairman of the Christian Church at eight o'clock in Altar society’s apron sale committee. the evening. Marlene is the daugh Use Our Mail Order Service St. Catherine’s Altar society recent ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Verbeck ly held a very successful card party and has been attending high school where she was a senior. She has | in the Mill City I.O.O.F. hall. SALEM’S ORIGINAL been active In other organizations and is a past worthy adviser for Acacia HALLOWE’EN PLANS UNDER Assembly Order of Rainbow for Girls. WAY AT KEN GOLLIETS is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Plans are underway for a Hallo Wirick Kirk Wirick of Reseda and Bakers Phons 2-1588 SALEM 163 N. Commercial we’en party to be held in the Womens Calif. He has been student min club house October 31. An annual field, entertainment, given by Mr. and Mrs. ister for the First Christian church Ken Golliet, the party is for the and attended NCC in Eugene. entire community with everyone re quested to masquerade. The big squash, now on display in store will be weighed at the party and the winning guesser awarded a box of candy. » Peggc's lleuiil.v Sulim Wedding Party Announced Toy & Hobby Shop Winterize™ . Records Records WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF (33. 45 and 78) BY SUCH ARTISTS AS: AL DEXTER_________ “WALKING WITH THE BLUES” FLOYD TILLMAN .............. .............. .. “GRANDEST PRIZE" LITTLE JIMMY DICKENS_______________________ .... ..... _ “SLEEPING AT THE FOOT OF THE BED" JUST TfativuiUu. with your , Chevrolet Dealer GOOD T COUNTRY FRESH CAREFULLY PASTEURIZED TAMPERPROOF BOTTLES Radiator Repair Electrical Service Brake Repair •StMOri Milk I Crus •iMMfeaizek Milk »55 Milk •Crtattn (105 > •Mtira* •Vb*Rt Crws •CtecMat» Dmk * HANK WILLIAMS_____________— “LOVE SICK BLUES” BOB WILLS_______________ “GOOD TIME CAKE WALK” Tire Chains • Antifreeze HANK PENNY_____________________ “TIN PAN POLKA” ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF KIDDIE RECORDS. SOME FOR HALLOWE’EN AT Stifflers Radio & Appliance Co. '35 miles from nearest parking meter' Sale* and Service MILL CITY Phone 902 < ( Paid in Full H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment FOR YOUR PROTECTION! ( ! Te/efihone Today for FRff (stimate! FRERES Building Supply Mill City PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR WINTER AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SATISFACTION GUARANTY Gene Teague Chevrolet STAYTON, ORE. PHONE 2^44