October 2«. 1950 4—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Venison Delivered To Detroit School DETROIT’S SHVEELEBOARDERS TIP MILL CITY ENTHUSIASTS GATES By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Mrs. William Pennick was hostess at her home Tuesday afternoon of last week when she complimented her Two deer killed on the highway mother-in-law at a surprise luncheon, east of Detroit and part of another on the occasion of her birthday anni deer were delivered dressed to the versary. Places were laid at the grade school cafeteria by Officer Bob table for the honored guest, Mrs. Pen Steele during the last few weeks. nick, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Hollis Also six pheasants were delivered on Turnidge. Mrs. Burrell Cole, Mrs. Monday by Officer Steele. John Can Minnie Everton, Mrs. Louis Kells. non, principal of the grade school Mrs. Dan Morrison, Mrs. Floyd Völkel, estimates about 100 pounds of meat Mrs. Chris Knutson and the hostess, in all. Mrs. Pennick and Patsy and Billy. The grade school is planning an A family dinner Sunday, at the open house on Monday, November 6th home of Mrs. Gwen Schaer compli featuring room displays of pupils mented her mother Mrs. Clarence work by each teacher. There will be an assembly in the afternoon with a Southern Bar-B-Q Under I Johnson on her birthday anniversary. Seated at the table were Mrs. John skit by the primary children stressing son, Mr. Johnson, Royal Johnson, Mr. the children's bill. Theme of the New Management and Mrs. Robert Levon and the host program will be government of the The Southern Bar B Q has changed ess, Mrs. Schaer and her four young people, by the people and for the hands but has not changed service, sters. people.” according to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Two real estate exchanges were Nelson, new proprietors, who hail completed here the past week by Pen nick and Pennick. The duplex owned from Delhart, Texas. Santiam Memorial— Mr. Nelson, a barbeque specialist, by Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison was (Continued from Page 1) who has operated restaurants in three sold to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Barn- to "their” hospital. Men and women’s different states, plans to continue hardt, who will occupy one apartment auxiliaries will constantly assist in the barbeque work and custom serv while Mr. and Mrs. Morrison will take making the hospital a vital factor ice, and also include Chinese foods over the trailer formerly used by Mr. and Mrs. Barnhardt. in covering a broad field of service on the menu. to all who reside in the region it will Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were on duty Dan Morrison and Harold Bodine serve.” at the Bank Cafe in Mill City for of Yamhill have purchased the mill a couple months before taking over and timber formerly owned by Ernest The two world wars increased the I the Southern Bar B Q. They worked Wriggles worth. The mill is located east of Gates on the Linn county appetite for foreign news in the I the night shift. Andy Spriggs, former owner, plans side of the river and has been oper United States. to stay at Mehama for a short time ated by Wriggles worth for several and then give barbeque instruction years. to new establishments in Bend, Red Among the members of the Gates Womans club attending the Marion mond and Salem. County Federation of Womens clubs John L. Hooper of New York, the which met in Mill City Friday, Oct. first advertising agent, began busi 20, were the delegates, Mrs. Edward Chance, Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mrs. ness in 1841. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Albert Mill sap, Mrs. Glen Hearing and Mrs. Ed mund Davis, Mrs. K. McCarty, Mrs. Gerald Heath, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Lula Collins, and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson. Mrs. Larry Shelton and Mrs. Frank Saunders, members who Where would Oregon and the have moved to Salem were also pres less populous Western states ent. Mrs. Edmund Davis is a past be today had not the U.S. Con president of the federation. stitution wisely provided a na Mrs. Cecil Haun was hostess Friday tional BALANCED PLAN, evening at her home complimenting giving each state two senators her son Mervin on the occasion of and apportioning the House his fifteenth birthday anniversary. by population? The Oregon Mervin and his pals Earl Henness, Balanced Plan follows the same Herbert Romey, Jerry Larson and time tested American principle. Clifford Ambers spent the evening with cards and music and enjoyed the TAKE APPORTIONMENT “stag” supper served by Mrs. Haun OUT OF POLITICS at the close of the evening. Don't be misled by special interests Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Everton and who hope to control the legislature their grandson of Wallula, Wash., for their own selfish ends. The arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Balanced Plan is endorsed by . . . Oregon Journal, Oregon Voter. Oregon Burrel Cole last Wednesday. Thurs Farm Bureau Federation, Young Repub lican«. League of Oregon Counties, Pomona day morning they, accompanied by Grange*. Oregon wheat Grower« and Mrs. Minnie Everton, his mother, left forward looking member« of both major political parties. for California for a vacation. Miss Jean Oliver of Salem was an over the weekend guest at the home Bi Partisan Committee for Balanced Ap of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde portiorunent—Marshall Swearingen, Chair Oliver. man. 444 Marion Street. Salem, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rush and daugh ter of Salem visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eccleston and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shepherd of Stay ton have returned from a successful hunting trip in eastern Oregon. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bower of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughs of Portland were over Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Hugh's uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John son. Mr. and Mrs. William Pennick. Billy and Patsy and his mother, Mrs. N. L. beginning Oct. 9th I Pennick spent the last weekend in Cottage Grove visiting old friends | and hunting. They were unsuccessful in the hunt and came home minus their deer. They were also Vancou ver, Wash., visitors over the preceed- I ing weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Ed Teitxe. Fred Gnuseche and a friend formed a hunting party leaving Sun day for eastern Oregon. They ex pect to be gone until they get an elk. Mrs. L. Kirkland of Mehama, Conte Early Frhlay and Saturday to Insure a Table Mrs. Klutke’s grandmother is caring for the two boys during Mr. and Mrs. Klutke’s absence. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Detroit shuffleboard players, Tues day night, in Mill City defeated Mill City’s shuffleboard enthusiasts with a score of 191 to 167. The Detroit guests journeyed to Mill City to initiate the opening game of tournament shuffleboard. Detroit will host Mill City’s representatives in the second tournament bout of shuffleboard. Byron Davis promises that accur ate accounts of these games will be kept hereafter, together with the games of the scorers. I BRING OUR STATE j yp-TO-DATt. < VOTE ' urri 3/4 VOTE 314 X YES Open Only Maim Street Rev. William Turnbull Establishes New Church by Ralph st«in Mill City boasts a new church, As sembly of God, due largely to the efforts of Rev. William Turnbull, re cently from the southern California district of the Assembly of God church, and some five local families who are devotees of this church. The Oregon district of the church called Rev. William Turnbull to Mill City in order that he could officially establish an Assembly of God church in Mill City. Reverend Turnbull is married and has a five-month old daughter, Carol Joyce. The reverend is a graduate of his church’s Pasadena Bible college and is a navy air force, World War II, veteran. The new Assembly of God church is located on West Broadway near Fourth street in Mill City. Sunday school starts at 10 a.m., morning wor ship at 11 a.m. and evening services at 7:30 p.m. thia Sunday. Reverend Turnbull cordially invites the public to the Sunday services. He and his family live at the Rainbow trailer court near Gates at the pres ent time. Just Arrived... A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Cole, Mill City, October 23, at Salem Memorial hospital. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marlow, Mill City, October 26th at Salem General hospital. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia tion of the understanding sympathy and kind actions of our many friends during our recent bereavement. MR. and MRS. SOL TUCKER and family. Edmund Davis for Sunday dinner were Al Geddes, Miss Daisy Geddes, and their mother, Mrs. J. R. Geddes, I all of Mill City. Mrs. Velma Carey and son James motored to Corvallis last Thursday night to attend the wedding of Miss Sally Ervin and Carl Lovelady. Miss Ervin was a resident of Gates and attended school here when her father Jack Ervin was principal of the local ; high school. Mrs. Minnie Spoelstra of Salem vis ited at the home of her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson several days last week. Mrs. Don Miley attended the Toast- | mistresses club meeting in Salem last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Hirte returned from a ten day hunting trip to east ern Oregon last Tuesday, without their buck. Mrs. Laura Joaquin and Mrs. Glen Hearing cared for the five , Hirte children during the absence of their parents. Mrs. Tex Allen left Sunday for a visit in Portland of several days dura tion. She was accompanied to Port land by Mrs. Harold Heath of Mill City who will visit friends there. Trovieri Safety Service LICENSED Les s Tavern MILL CITY GARBAGE SERVICE $1 per month and up Also serving Gates and Lyona A FRIENDLY FAMILY ATMOSPHERE PREVAILS MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE PHONE 2SS2 LEONARD HERMAN NNiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiuniiumHiiiwuii liii.iiiiiiiiiHiiiaiiiiiiii.iiiiiHii.iuiiuUiiiH 100th YEAR OF SERVICE TO OREGON The STATESMAN ea FOR CARRIER OR MAIL SERVICE SEE YOUR Carrier or W. L. Peterson, Agent OR CALL AT THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! on Friday, Saturday and Sunday USED CAR,EMBLEM I -IT SAYS THERE'S MORE FOR YOUR USED CAR DOLLAR AT YOUR Don't be Tricked FORD DEALER'S NEW *'> IDEA GIVES YOU A-l ASSURANCE OF MONEY-SAVING CAREFREE USED CAR MILES ^READ THE ADVERTISING PROHIBITION^ BILL CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU VOTEI This measure implies a restriction on the YOU'LL FIND a big assortment to choose From. And downright low pricntl We have to keep used cart moving to make room for more trode-int on those wonderful 1950 Fords! advertising of alcoholic beverages only! Because this measure would conflict with federal laws, it would mean total prohibition. The effect, therefore, would be complete pro hibition of all advertised brands of alcoholic ^beverages in Oregon? Fi restono TIRES DON'T Bl TRICKID INTO PROHIBITION Vote 317 X NO **ffc« Y m Doa't Need Cosh To Buy Ibo Things You Need ... • « fib« b«ll«t* * HOME and AUTO SUPPLIES Firestone Stores (Vater and liberty Ma SALEM OREGON BESUftE BE/H SUEE/ Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton I