LYONS 3—THE MILL CITI ENTERPRISE____________________ October 26, 1950 [ turned Friday night, from a short By EVA BRESSLER vacation that took them to Madras The second fall meeting of the aft and other central Oregon points. ernoon card club was held at the Lloyd Sletto of Mehama helped take By ELSIE MYERS Rebekah hall with Mrs. Ruth Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knox. Karen care of the farm chores at the John- hostess. Several tables of 500 fol and David of Mill City were recent j ston place while they were away. lowed a one thirty dessert luncheon, callers at the Carl Longnecker home. Mrs. Everett I.innbeck is staying with Mrs. Vern Nydigger holding Mr. and Mrs. George Pettingil are i with Mrs. Stivang this week, while high score, Mrs. Floyd Bassett low driving a new station wagon. the men are gone on an elk hunting and Mrs. Albert Bass drew the door Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall re trip in the eastern part of the state. i prize Present for the party were turned Friday from Oakridge, where They left Monday for the elk country. IW ihna Free, Thelma Nydigger, Ida they had been several days on a busi Mrs. Hugh Johnston and daughter Free, Doren Hellemn, Mabel Bass. ness trip. They also visited at the Kathryn and Mrs. Jack Johnston were Mabel Downing, Bea Hiatt, Cora Jen A. N. Baylay home. Salem shoppers Monday. Kathryn ner, Eulalia Lyons, Carrie Naue,-Gar Allen and Alvin Ray went to Scio also had a tooth extracted by a Salem nett Bassett, Bertha Allen, Ethel Friday evening where they visited dentist Monday. 1 Huffman, Lula Beringer, Frances with their brother-in-law and sister, The Mari-Linn school pupils had a Mullins, and Mrs. Chester Roye. Mr. and Mrs. Don Schultz. They vacation Monday and Tuesday while Mrs. Sid Gruggett of Newport, Mrs. also attended a birthday party for the teachers attended a workship ses Charlie Jones of Seattle, and Mrs. their niece Linda Schultz. Mr. and sion in Salem. Kenneth Cogburn of Lakeview were Mrs. Ray called for them Sunday. called to Lyons by the death of their Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett, Mr. and father Levi Garrison. Mrs. E. A. Newsome, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Hargreaves was called Ray Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Mer- to Portland the last of the week by wyn Knox attended a dance in Salem the serious illness of her brother. Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lockwood and George Pettingil left Portland by son Phillip of Corvallis visited over plane for Ohio Sunday evening on a GENERAL AITO and the weekend at the home of her par short business trip. During his ab TRUCK REPAIR ents Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Jones. sence Mrs. Pettingil and a group of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Altgilbers of Port friends are spending a few days at Arc and Acetylene land are visiting at the home of Mr. their home iq Elkhorn. and Mrs. John McClurg, Mrs. Mc Welding Clurg is a daughter of the Altgilbers. Phone 3452 The kindergarten mothers held their meeting at the old school house with Mrs. Hugh Johnston chairman By MRS J. H. JOHNSTON- in charge of the meeting with Mrs. Dr. Zimmerman, state veterinary Marvin Edwards, secretary. It was was doing herd testing in our locality RE-ELECT voted to buy rope for swings and see this week. All cattle are supposed to about other play ground equipment. be government tested. Next meeting will be held November The tamales sale given last Thurs 15th. It was also voted that the day evening netted the treasury quite mothers take the kindergarten census. a nice sum. It was sponsored by Mrs. Jim Phelps and Mrs. Christenson ladies of the Community church and were hostesses for the evening and proceeds went to help the finances. served dainty refreshments. Present Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christensen have LITTLE DRY RIDINGHOOD were Mesdames Leo Cruson, Arthur company who arrived Saturday from Olmstead, Calvin Trahan, Earl Thay Minnesota. His father and brother, er, Ivan Smith, Al Lantzer, Kermet and Mr. and Mrs. Yuder and eight Mutzel, Mrs. Alice Huber and the year old daughter, who are friends hostesses Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Chris of the Christensens and they also came from Minnesota. They plan to Mrs. Ira Teeters has returned home tenson. evening visitors at the home spend sometime here. from a five weeks visit in Washing of Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmester were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brown of Me ton where she was visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Burmester While gone she attended the marriage and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Burmester hama were business callers at Lyons Friday. of her grandson. all of Scio. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berry of two small children werv Salem visit sons have moved to Sweet Home Eugene visited relatives in Lyons ors over the weekend. where he is employed. Sunday, they were guests at the home Wright is employed at the Detroit Mrs. Nora Godwin has moved back of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. to her home here after being with h<y | George Berry, and his sister and dam and received a back injury Fri daughter, Mrs. Roland Berry in Gates. family, Mr. and Mrs. Pau) Penning- day while working. A piece of iron hit him in the back injuring some Mrs. Joe Vaughn and Mrs. Eddie ton. ribs. He is off work at present. Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Mrs. Harley Stone have returned home following Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston re- Scott attended the extension unit surgery at a Salem hospital. meeting Thursday afternoon at the Among deer hunters gone last week ANGUS end in eastern Oregon were Paul home of Mrs. Joe Pietrok near Scio, Mrs. Albert Bass is in Eureka. Cali- Mason and Cloyd Cox. For Guaranteed Cleaning Mrs. Herbert Schunk spent the fornia visiting at the home of her COMPLETE TIKE AND BATTERY SERVICE weekend in Salem with her sister and father, Mr. Moses. it’s the Republican Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler spent brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Win FOR WE GIVE UNITED TRADING STAMPS Jenks and family. Mrs. Schunk is Wednesday night and Thursday in Salem at the home of his sister I the local fourth grade teacher. SENATOR Martin Kelly killed a bear on his Myrtle Hester. LINN-LANE COUNTIES Mr. and Mrs. John Prideaux and place one evening last week. It is 24-HOUR SERVICE family have moved into their new the former Harry Mason place. Faithful, Aggressive Service in house recently built on what is known Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bates and Jerry Mill City Behalf of Linn-l.ane Counties of Newport spent Thursday at the as the Donnison place south of town. Gibson for Senator Committee Clone« at 6 P..M. home of his sister and family, Mr. The Prideaux have been living on the Roy Brown, Sec., Junction City Gardner place in Fox Valley. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker were Pfc. William McClintock, USMC, New Car Performance at arrived Thursday for a furlough fol- Friday evening dinner guests at the lowing basic training in San Diego. home of their daughter and son-in- Used Car Price Mrs. Donald Sheythe spent three law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson in Salem. Additional dinner guests days in Portland last week. Shuffleboard Good Music $1,295 1917 MERCERY CLUB COUPE Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Fuzzy) were their daughter and husband Mr. Has radio, heater, seat covers, new tires, very low mileage. Howe are spending the weekend with and Mrs. Earl Hampton and son A beauty. relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Howe Douglas. The occasion honored the $1,395 191« DeSOTO CUSTOM I-DOOR SEDAN birthday anniversaries of Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Howe. Has radio, heater, fluid drive, new tires. Maroon color. Mrs. James Staley of Billings, Mrs. Bodeker and wedding anniver A car you will be proud to own. Mont., is visiting at the home of her sary of the Johnsons. $1,195 1916 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUX 4-DOOR SEDAN Santiam Valley Grange held their ! aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Where Friend* Meet Like new inside and out. Almost new tires. Maroon Day. Mrs. Staley will be remem social meeting Friday evening. Cards color. A beautiful, well kept car. On Highway 222, Linn County Side bered as Betty Class. She will re furnished the entertainment. $1,095 1916 NASH 600 4-DOOR SEDAN ....... The school children are enjoying a turn to Billings on Thursday. Has radio, heater, very good tires. Clean interior, Finish LaVetta Powelson of Gates was in two-day vacation, while the teachers MILL CITY own. like new. This one will really make you happy to Mill City Friday evening to attend are attending institute. primary $695 Miss Dean Thompson | the GAA bridal shower for Marlene 1911 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUX 4-DOOR SEDAN ♦ 1949 engine. Radio, heater, fine tires. Clean in every , Verbeck. LaVetta will be maid of teacher at the school had as her J Tony Zlebert George ‘Sparky* DUter way. Hurry. guests Sunday her parents Mr. and 1 honor for Marlene next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Day have Mrs. Thompson of Monmouth. - returned from a three-weeks trip to "Never has enough of any good Montana visiting relatives. Mrs. Joe Lalack is employed at the thing been produced—cry of overpro CHRYSIJCR • Home of Service - PLYMOUTH Mill City State Bank. She is replac- duction is a money cry. It is never a 405 N. Com’l St. 495 N. Com’l St. 435 N. Court St. j ing Mrs. Alice Jetton who has gone human cry—The present system has PHONE 3-4117 i to Arcadia, Calif., to be with her got us tricked into producing things to buy dollars with, when what we |husband. f U X X K H JX B » H » K X L' X X X K X X X X Mrs. Paul Vincent has been brought need is a mony system that will pro | home following a long confinement duce dollars to buy things with the ■ in the Salem Memorial hospital fol poverty of the world is seldom caused by lack of goods but by a money | lowing an accident. stingency.”—Henry Ford. ELKHORN SANTIAM GARAGE FOX VALLEY Chuck & Bruce’s MILL CITY Richfield Service Motor Tune-ups Brake Service Expert Lubrication GIBSON NU-METHOD Get your Antifreeze Now! MEANDER INN I Salem Automobile Co. GENE’S MARKET Vote 24X Douglas R. YEATER Republican Candidate FOR State Senator M IRION COUNTY "Your State Representative in the Legislature for the past tour years GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7. 1950 ♦ Paid Adv. Yeater for Senator Committee at Don't Borrow—Autwrribe Today! KEN GOLLIET’S • Whether you think an illness is contagious or not—call upon a physi cian to make sure. Let him make a thorough check of your condition. Then follow his instructions closely. We hope, too, that you will bring the doctor’s prescriptions here for careful com pounding. Just try usl — SPECIALS — Boiling Beef .. 33c Short Ribs .. . 39c Hdtn Lodf • • • • 49c Salem ► GET YOUR LCX KER BEEF NOW — WE SPECIALIZE IN CUTTING AND WRAPPING ▲ W