Sixth Annual Firemen’s Fete Nov. 18 Harold Wilts«, chairman of the Firemen’s Benefit dance and games, announced today the date and place of the Sixth Annual Firemen's Bene fit as Saturday, November 18 at 6 p.m. in the Mill City Fire hall. Over $1,500 in prizes goes to lucky persons attending the Firemen's No vember festivities. An array of tur keys, hams, bacon and other mer chandise makes up the treasure and bounty awaiting takers at the gala Firemen’s affair on the November Saturday evening at the Mill City Fire hall. Sums realized from the Annual Benefit Dance go towards purchase of new fire fighting equipment, dec- oration and improvement of the Fire hall, Mr. Wiltse indicated. Games and drawings for valuable door prizes offer opportunity to lucky .as well as skilled Canyon citizens. Much of Mill and area’s excellent fire protection stems from funds raised by previous Firemens' Benefit dances and the excellent work of the volunteer firemen with equipment provided them. All citizens of the canyon commu nities are urged to join in the annual fun with the Firemen. I T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving : MILL CITY détroit ELKBORN G tT ES IP \NH \ LYONS MEH \M \ MONGOLI) ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE'S EMPIRE Vol. VI—No. 43 Public Fooled By So. Pacific Advertising MILL CITY. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2«, 1950 The Two-Gun Peace Officer $2.50 a Year, 5e a Copy Campaign Advance Gifts For Hospital Begins Nov. 8 The advance gifts division of the I pital and thus afford my family and Santiam Memorial Hospital campaign myself proper modern hospital facil- “The Southern Pacific is telling on will start its campaign Wednesday ¡ties? If we each face this as a life ly half of the story of the freight night, November 8. at a dinner. School and health protection problem, we are car shortage,’ H. V. Simpson, ex- of Instruction, in the American Legion certain that there will be united effort ecutive ’ vice preident of the West hall. Stayton announced Dr. Wm. H. | to make possible the building of a Lumbermen’s Association, Coast Burrell, chairman of the advance gifts hospital that will become a regional charged here 1 today. committee. medical center thst will make this “In a recent advertisement p u b- Dr. Burrell stated that “the advance area a safer place in which to live.” The Mill City and Canyon area lished in i many Oregon newspapers,” gifts division for the Stayton area Simpson stated, “the Southern Paci- would be composed of three groups division will be headed by J. C. Kim fic says that 21,000 new cars have of workers headed by: Group 1, Wal mel, associate chairman of the cam been put ; in service in the five years ter Bell, manager; G. W. Schachtsick, paign, who plans to organize two since the war, but fails to state that assistant; Group 2, M. J. Martin, groups of workers with 11 men each they have retired approximately 17,- manager; T. G. Freres, assistant; to serve the Mill City-Gates area; 000 old-age cars during that period.” Group 3, Anton Moravec Jr., man one group for Lyons area and one ager; Dr. Wm. M. Burrell, assistant. group for the Idanha-Detroit section. W. W. Hale, vice president of the A ta SHST Each group will have 11 workers, who The leaders of these groups have nob Southern Pacific, who signed this ad will conduct a preliminary campaign been announced. vertisement, the lumber leader de TOMMU j to obtain memorials and gifts front clared, “has stated that the increase EUROPE those who are in a position to sub in number of cars owned by the Sou scribe larger amounts.” thern Pacific is 3 per cent. He fails “We are assured that the people to point out that the increase in residing in this section of the San traffic on this line, in the past ten From The Loul.vllle Courier Journal tiam Valley and Canyon areas are years according to Interstate Com very much concerned because we have merce Commission reports, has varied ! no hospital to protect them in the “No one residing in the Santiam from 45 per cent to as high as 83 case of an emergency”, stated Dr. per cent a year in that period. ” Valley, Mill City and Canyon area Burnell. The doctor said, “This is Simpson said the advertisement al can predict how great the future de shown by the spontaneous support velopment will be”, stated J. C. Kim so states that the freight car short- of the memorial hospital movement. mel, vice president of the Santiam 1 age is national, but fails to mention Cornelius Bateson, candidate for All realize that this money raising state senator from Marion county j that the shortage on Southern Pa- Memorial hospital. campaign is a call for united action. operates a farm at Pratum, on Howell "We know, from the experience of | cific Lines is far more acute than on Jim O’Leary owner of the Mill City The problem of raising the fund* be- Prairie. other progressive growing areas with the lines of any other carrier. The Santiam Memorial Hospital j Variety store and manager of Porter ! longs to all the people and the busi- natural resources, that a well- He said increased buying by con As a farmer he is a part of the industrial, agricultural, and equipped modern hospital is a most sumers, increased production for na- board of directors, composed of 21 ; and Lau appliance store in Mill City I ness, largest single industry in Marion and Paul Ressler, owner of Ressler's civic leaders in this area; it is not important factor in the industrial, I tional defense, increased military laymen, elected its first officers county, and it is disclosed by his agricultural and commercial life of i movements to Korea, movement of Thursday, October 19th. at the first Grocery in Mill City on the Marion wholly the problem of the sponsors sponsors i he would be of benefit to an area such as will be served by the grain, labor controversies, and the regular meeting of the board. The j county side, this week officially de- and campaign workers who have vol- the entire county to have among its unteered to solicit for memorials and Santiam Memorial hospital.” 5-day week mentioned in the adver- following officers were elected: Wai-' clared their candidacy for the Mill legislative delegation one who has an Kimmel observed that “industries, I tisement have affected all railroads, ter H. Bell, president; J. C. Kimmel.' City council seat of Harold Kliewer, funds.” A member of the advance intimate knowledge of the production gifts committee said, “ Each of us farm organizations, labor unions and but only the Southern Pacific has vice president; G. W. Schachtsick, owner of Kliewer’s Meat Market, who should face the problem squarely and and marketing phases of farming, a townspeople in the various sections , failed so miserably to provide ser- treasurer; and Joseph M. Devers Jr.,’ declines re-election to the council. »business which poses problems of Mr. Kliewer served with distinction ask ourselves this vital question:! concern to both rural and city people. secretary. of this area regard a well-located vice, What can 1 do to help raise the money modern hospital center as most vital1 Admittedly the demand for lum The members of the board of di as mayor of Mill City during the , to build the Santiam Memorial Hos- He pledges himself to be subserv to safeguard the life and health of ber has exceeded previous years, rectors were unanimous in adopting turbulent days of city incorporation; ient to no special group or interest. those who work and live in the area Simpson agreed, but this same de- the plan for the Santiam Memorial and when Mayor Toman took office, He believes a legislator must seek to to be served by the proposed hos , mand affected 75 per cent of national Hospital according to Mr. Bell, presi Kilewer continued his valuable public give fair representation to all of the service on the council as a council pital.” lumber production not on the Sou- dent. Bell said “The corporate plan , varied segments and interests of his Kimmel says, “The cost of construc ■ them Pacific, which received reason to operate, control and manage, as man. county and state. Hw promise*- to tion and operation of a 10 or 15-bed ably adequate service, as well as the well as the method to finance, is mod Both O’Leary and Ressler are I give active and forceful representa hospital in each community in the 25 per cent on the Southern Pacific, ern and has been tested by years of ' establishel and forward-looking busi-1 tion to the people of Marion county. area is prohibitive. It is a wise plan which received thoroughly inadequate experience.” nessmen in Mill City and deserving He regards taxes as a .vital issue. to have one well-equipped hospital service. As a working farmer, Bateson has a “The board of directors will be lay- I of voter consideration. Womans clubs Mill City and Gates as a regional medical center for hos» The cooperation asked by the Sou men, who will act as trustees in the I Candidates for the council post first hand knowledge of the problems pital protection of those people resid thern Pacific in their advertisement, ' control and operation of the hospital 1 must declare their intentions ten days welcomed last week to Mill City some presented by a constantly increasing 125 delegates, guests and members ing in the Santiam Valley and Can Simpson pointed out, has been gen for the benefit of this section of the I prior to the November 7 election. Government must be from 30 Marion County Womens clubs tax burden. yon area.’’ erously extended by Oregon shippers, Santiam Valley and Canyon area. ( The new councilman takes office in the Marion County Federation of efficient, he contends, and costs kept but cooperation will not create cars The board will appoint a superinten- 1 January 1, 1951. Mill City citizens [ Womens clubs. to a minimum consistent with effi that do not exist. ciency. He will be guided by the rule ‘dent or manager and a staff of em- ballot on their new council member Mrs. Ed. Chance of Gates, as “There can be only one conclu- I ployes, who at all times will be re at the same polling places open No spokesman for the host clubs, gave that taxation should be based on ! sion,” the lumber leader said flatly, sponsible to the board.” vember 7 for the general election the welcoming address to the con ability to pay, and he rejects the . “and that is the Southern Pacific sales tax as a violation of this prin “We are assured that the memorial balloting. clave. Mrs. Mason Bishop of Salem j does not have adequate equipment hospital can be made self-sustaining. ciple. delivered the response. » Mill City to properly service the industries on Being community-owned, financed and Bateson believes that efficiency and women entertained the visitors by economy in our state government by JEAN ROBERTS its lines.” controlled, it becomes a great regional International Fete I presentation of several songs. The With the Community Chest drive can be promoted through development humanitarian enterprise backed by | ■ Presbyterian Missionary society ot underway, people are urged to co of fairness and effectiveness in the all the citizens, fraternal, labor,' Progressing Rapidly the local Presbyterian church served state civil service commission. Bate operate with solicitors »ho are local church and other organizations. These lunch. son worked five years as a field Plans for the third annual Inter- people and whose job is seldom organizations, their members, and all The afternoon session began with executive for the United States civil pleasant. who will use the hospital will co-op- national Progressive Dinner given by a memorial ceremony in honor of Mrs. A solicitor is a harried individual erate to make their hospital a sue- 1 the Mill City Parent-Teacher Assn, Joseph Fontaine, a past president of service commission, investigating complaint* and enforcing civil service who would welcome a donation cess. On the foregoing basis, in ’ fu- ' 1 I the Marion County Federation of without a tale of woe. a recital of Dave Kelly, chairman of the pro ture years, citizens will make money are rapidly nearing completion, ac Women* club*, conducted by Mrs. rules against discrimination, unfair ness and petty partisan politics, and family trouble, or a suspicious atti gram committee of the American Le gifts, and leave money by bequests cording to the co-chairmen Mrs. Louis Looney. he will seek to correct the evasions Verbeck and Mrs. Lawrence Kanoff tude. Many are the housewives »ho gion Post No. 159, Mill City, stated (Continued on Page 4) Col. Philip W. Allison, Red Cross dole out excuses for a lack of a this week that he has completed final who have been assisted by Mrs. official, in an afternoon address to and inequities that can make both contribution by lengthily reciting arrangements for this Saturday Arthur Kriever and Mrs. Robert the convention, stressed the need for employe and tax payer lose faith in personal affairs. night’s Stag Party in the Legion hall Mill City Businessmen Veness. blood at home as well as for the the civil service ideal. Bateson believes that the Rural Other citizens do not believe in in Mill City. The dinner, scheduled for Thursday armed force«. donating and explain in detail, why Commander Morse indicated that Meet Detroit Citizens evening, November 2nd, will be served The Children’s farm home near Sa- School District law must be repealed. It has promoted, he declares, extra they can not and will not embrace funds raised by the stag fete go into J. C, Kimmel, local druggist and between the hours of 5 and 8, with lem received an offering taken in the a “graft". improvements on the Legion hall in bead of the Santiam Memorial hos- I prices the same as in previous years, afternoon meeting. The money given vagance and inflation of school budg Solicitors, who are donating an Mill City in the form of food serving pital local finance campaign, ano one dollar for adults and fifty cents goes toward the building fund of the ets, has set neighbor against neigh- bor, and will continue to cause a bit- automobile, gasoline, and time, re- facilities, decorating work and post George Steffy, Epps Furniture stare | for children undex 14 years. home. ter annual fight in Marion county sent the inference tha» part of the ■ colors. manager and C. E. Coville, realtor, Mrs. P. W. Hale af Salem, resolu Nations to be represented this year funds are retained by them as Legionnaire Morse announced that conducted an organizational meeting are Israel, South Pacific, China, and tion committee chairman, gave a re unless repealed. The proper educa- tion of our children is a primary con- wages. j "free refreshment and food awaits; on the hospital campaign with De port. Afternoon entertainment con Last but not least are dogs. Man’s ! and that all men, Legionnaires or not, troit citizens in the Commercial club > Austria. The food, music, costumes, sisted of singing by Mrs. Spaulding cern of every citizen and parent, he and language of these countries pro- says, and there are suburban and rural best friend, but just a worry for a are cordially welcomed, and that each in Detroit this week. j vide the interesting and unusual fea- of Salem and by a quartet from Mill area* in Marion county that do not solicitor, who may acquire a shred Legion member has tickets for sale.” Mr. Kimmel indicated that another tures which have made these dinners City with Mrs. Shields Remine as have resource* to provide this essen ded stocking in one place, and a j Those neglecting purchase of a ticket (Continued on Page 10) organizational meeting is scheduled so successful. tial education. Bateson believes that cleaning bill at the next, from a prior to Saturday night may buy one for Idanha area, the date, as yet, not Mrs. Jess lee, Mrs. Russell Hoff- each district should shoulder it* bur friendly but undisciplined canine. at the door of the Legion hall located determined. man, and Mrs. James Swan have den to the fair limit of it* ability in the George Thomas addition to Kimmel addressed the Mill City donated their homes for the serving and that after this point is passed, Mill City in southeastern Mill City. Lions club last Monday night in re of soup, salad, and entree, while the wisely and economically administered Locate the Legion hall by going east gard to the Santiam Memorial hos dessert and coffee will be served at state aid must be provided. on the road intersecting First street the high school recreation room. pital. Bateson was reared in Washington FRIDAY— in front of the Mill City theatre. 1.0.0 F. meeting C. K. Nel»on of Gate* took over and Oregon; is a graduate of Benson Mill City IWA meeting last Friday the managership of the advertiser Polytechnic high school and Willam sheet. Detroit Dam New*, thia week ette university; was a school teacher SATURDAY— City Council To Hear according to a notice published in five years; was with the U. S. civil American Legion Stag Party the advertiser printed and pub service commission and Bonneville Haner On Improvement MONDAY— lished weekly in Salem by Mr. W. Power Administration, six years; has Lions club meeting. Mayor Albert Toman announced Henderson, who also put* out an been a farmer and in private business, A F A A M. No, 180 stated meet today that J. H. Haner, construction 14 year*. He was 1950 census super other advertiser called "The Shop ing third Monday engineer from Portland, will address ping Newa” from hi* print shop visor for Marion and four adjacent the Mill City council in the city hall, T uesday — located in the 400 block on Ferry counties. His age i* 48, his wife is a native of Marion county and his November 8, at 8 pm. to explain street in Salem. Lions Auxiliary 4th Tuesday three non* are Cornelius, Gilbert and American legion Auxiliary 2d Tues to the council and the public his plans Mr. Henderson indicated in hi* William. Women's club 8 p m. 1st, 3rd Tues for a master plan of city improvement published notice that Mr. Nelson her of Bateson is a working mem- in the form of plans for drainage, ha* had ron*iderable experience and Union. the (»range and Farmers WEDNESDAY— ’ewage and street construction. is well qualified for hi* duties on Altar Society meets 3rd Wed Engineer Haner has developed a the advertiser distributed locally Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed. system of construction that matches m a Salem post office mailing per SORRY WERE LATE! Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p m the financial and physical possibili mit. Just a« The Enterprise »a* in it* at Detroit school building ties of a particular city. The im Mr. Nelson succeeds Berntee L. final «tage« of publication Ihe press Santiam Rebekah 180 1st and 3rd portant factor of Mr. Haner*s plan Johnk. who represented the Detroit and linotype rame to a it and* till be Wed. at 8 pm consists of an integrated program of Dam News after Elva Patton Brand, ranne of the general power failure THURSDAY— improvement for Mill City. a former manager, gave a* her in the Mill City area. Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 p m. Mayor Toman indicated that the datiea under Mr. Henderson and lnt*H*ive wind and rain »torms dis American Legion 2d and 4th Thur* public is invited to the November 8 moved recently from her trailer* abled commuaicatioa and power fa city council meeting in the city hall Garden club fourth Thursday office in a court near Gates. rli iUe* all around the Pacific resat. w as/* J. C. Kimmel Says Hospital Vital To Community Santiam Memorial Hospital Elects Walter Bell Head Bateson Stands For Lower Taxes In Government Prominent Men Seek Election Women’s Clubs Visit Mill City Dogs Prove Menace To Chest Workers Legion Stag Party This Saturday Night Coming Cvents: Salem Ad Sheet Gets New Local Manager