Your Hospital PRESERVING LIEE AM) HEAL TH SHOULD EE THE FIRST CONCERN OF A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY Lives of our citizens have been needlessly lost and the health of many endangered because we have no hospital facilities. The people are aware of this desperate situation and realize that it can be solved only by those who reside in this large area. To meet this critical need, it is proposed to build Santiam Memorial Hospital to serve the people of this section of Santiam Valley and Canyon Area. It will be non-sectarian, community owned, controlled and operated. A Living Memorial Names That Will Live MEMORIAL — This hospital will be a Living War Memorial in Honor of those who served their country in Armed Conflict. It will be dedicated to the protection of tin* life and health of our citizens. Under this title in the public lobby of the hospital will be listed the memorials, the names of all who contributed any sum of money, and the volunteer workers of the money-raising campaign . . . all who make this new hospital possible . . . Their names will live! Be a Founder in order that future generations will know that you helped build this hospital. A NON PROFIT HOSPITAL means self sustaining. No one pro­ fits. All income from the patients and bequests will be used for op­ erating expenses, supplies, efficient nursing, upkeep and repair, and purchase of the most modern operating equipment for the benefit of the patients. Because there will be no stockholders, none of the income will be used to pay dividends. There will be no federal in- come taxes. COMMUNITY CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT. Y o u r hospital will be managed and controlled by a Board of Directors elected by the voting members. Experience has shown that laymen will serve on a non-profit memorial hospital board of directors without com­ pensation and give business management and advice that it would be impossible to buy. FINANCIAL PLAN. Your hospital is a non-profit corporation, there- fore no stock will be sold. It will be financed by money gifts from the citizens of tin* area to be served—community-financed, owned, and controlled. MEMBERS LIABILITY. The members of your hospital will never be liable for any debts or assessments. THE LIFE OF THIS HOSPITAL. The life of your hospital will be perpetual. The hospital corporation will own and control the site, building and all equipment. Its doors will never close. It is legally planned for perpetual service to humanity. It cannot be sold or dis­ continued like a privately owned hospital. THE BUILDING. 25 beds and .8 bassinets, one story high. 252 feet long, earthquake construction, and fire safe, toilets between rooms. Doors of patients rooms and hallways wide enough for beds to be wheeled out of building in four directions. The building and equip­ ment will he the most înodern with every consideration for the safe­ ty and comfort of patients. COST OF THE CAMPAIGN. The cost of organizing the money­ raising campaign has been raised by public-spirited citizens. You Are Dealing in Human Lives When it comes to saving human lives and protecting the health of your neighbors, there can be no such thing as city boundary lines. Spurred by this humane motive, busy men farmers, in­ dustrial workers, business and professional men are enlisting as workers to obtain hospital protection for the people in this section of Santiam Valley and Canyon Area. THE MAN WHO CARES places human values above property values. He is intelligent and humane and does not use false excuses. He fulfills his duty to his family and the community by helping the hospital movement to the best of his ability. Establish a Living Memorial Your name or that of a loved one—wife, husband, mother, fath e r, son or daughter, sister or brother—will be honored, and his or her memory perpetuated by this service rendered the community. Es tablish a memorial for yourself or your loved ones by making a really sacrificial gift. You and they will continue to live—year after year, you and they will live—active day and night, relieving human suf fering— saving human lives. 4 Memorials NAMES WILL BE ON PLAQUES IN PUBLIC LOBBY The name of any person, family, organization o r business m a y be commemorated by donating one or more of the following units: Donation SITE ....... ... $25,000 NURSERY MATERNITY SECTION 20.00C SURGICAL WING ....... 15,000 SURGERIES: Major .... ................... . 10,000 Minor and Emergency. 8,000 X RAY DEPT............... ! $10,000 LABORATORY ............ 5,000 POLIO and CONTAGI OUS DISEASE Room 5,000 PSYCHIATRIC ROOM 3,000 ROOMS (Each) .............. 2,000 BEDS (Each) ................ 1,000 500 BASSINETS (Each)...... One Hospital Voting Membership for $100 or more subscribed. Associate Membership, gift of less than $100. > DONATIONS ARE DEDUCTIBLE FROM INCOME TAXES > Pay in Installments Subscriptions for Donations and Memorials are payable in install­ ments. The first payment of 10 per cent of subscription is payable on request. The balance is payable 10 per cent of subscription every thirty days thereafter. NOTE: If sufficient subscriptions are not obtained to justify pro feeding with the hospital project. ALL S[’BS('HTPTIONS obtain­ ed in the campaign will be cancelled and any money paid will he re- turned. SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AREA CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS: STAYTON I.O.O.F & Masonic Bldg., 116 3rd St. Phone 4392 MILL CITY — Mill City Pharmacy. Phone 2607 THE PROBLEM IS YOURS You Will Use This Hospital The cost of this advertisement has been raised by Public Spirited Citizens Build It