. ♦ GATES THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM 141 Jf. Commercial St. Phone 3-4534 Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Electrical Contracting and Service FREE ESTIMATES IJCENSED ELECTRICIANS — Write or Phone Collect : ♦ ♦ BUSINESS PHONE — SALEM 3-5561 HOME PHONE — SALEM 2-2800 Salem Equipment Co. KEN PRATT, Mgr. Electrical Dept. 3455 D Street, SALEM SPECIAL SERVICE TO MILLS Shuffleboard Good Music MEANDER INN Where Friends Meet On Highway 222. Linn County Side MILL CITY George ‘Sparky’ Dltter Tony Ziebert State School Support has REDUCED PROPERTY TAX Oregon state school support has brought outstanding benefits to Oregon’s schools and Oregon property taxpayers. State support has played a vital part in providing needed equipment and supplying necessary teachers for Oregon’s surging school population. It has saved MARION county property taxpayers $5,468,378 in the past 7 years To educate Marion county boys and girls for the past 7 years required local property taxes of $9,886,758. In addition, state school support from income tax sources supplied more than $5,468,378. In other words, for every $2.00 raised by local school district property taxes, another $1.00 has come from state sources. School population will double in IO years More state aid is needed to relieve rapidly increasing local district property taxes. Rd. Adv. Tlx cwidrss i »ill Com", Mr». Moorh.ad, Cl»«, 1006 Ireodoo, lldg, fovllond 4 MILL CITY By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Linda Sigfrit celebrated her Sth Guests this week at the home of birthday Friday the 13th at the home Mrs. Lula Collins were her daugh- i of her mother, Mrs. F. H. Hollyman. ter, Mrs. Claude Sillard, and daugh- I Birthday cake and ice cream were ters, Mildred and Mrs. Dale Boyde served to Linda, Jean and Cathy of Salem. Boroughs. Paul Loucks and Terry Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shidely of and Johnnie Sigfrit. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Turnidge, Moditso, Calif., were guests at the home of her aunts, Mrs. Martha I Betty Anne and Joan of Drain spent Bowes and Mrs. Blanch Dean for the the weekend with his parents, Mr. past week. Upon their return trip and Mrs. Bert Turnidge. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cribbs and Sandra home Sunday, they were accompanied by Mrs. Bowes and her son Joseph of Dallas were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cree. as far as Redmond, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kreiver were M rs. Rosa Roten has received word of the marriage of hei daughter-in- dinner guests Sunday in Salem at the law, Mrs. June Ruten to Roy Gar- home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Feller. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shunk and rard, both of Tooele, Utah. The wed- ding took place in Salt Lake. The Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hollyman at­ bride was the wife of Mrs. Roten’s tended the Homecoming at Monmouth At the alumni banquet son who was killed in World War II. Saturday. The couple will make their home in held in Todd hall, Mrs. Shunk was soloist accompanied by Miss Ruth Tooele. She also led Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hudson are re­ Schultz of Eugene. joicing over the birth of their first group singing. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Boroughs and grandchild, a baby girl born to their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. family were in Eugene over the week­ Hudson of Salem. The baby was end visiting relatives and to attend born at a Salem hospital Oct. 9th. the U. of O.-Idaho football game. Mr. and Mrs. Gireous and Jill of Mrs. Hudson is at the home of her son where she will remain for sev­ Silverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Graber eral days assisting with the care of and two children of Salem were Sun­ her daughter-in-law and the new day callers at the F. H. Hollyman home. Jack Cohoon of Sweet Home baby. Mrs. Albert Millsap was dinner spent the weekend there. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Howe, Wilma guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert last Thursday eve­ May, Bobby and Larry moved last week to Roseburg where he is em- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plymale, Bennie were honor guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ and Lydia of Lebanon were Sunday ence Rush, in observance of their luncheon guests at the Carl Chance wedring anniversary and Mrs. Gar­ home. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gorton and rison's birthday, the two dates fall- ing in a few days of one another, their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Seated at the table were the honored and Mrs. John Wehrli of Salem were j guests, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison, Mr. callers at the Ixiwell Cree home Fri­ and Mrs. Clifford Robinson of Salem day night on their way to eastern Oregon. and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Rush. The Gates Womans club met in I regular session at the school house, McCLAINS ENJOY VISIT WITH The OUT-OF-TOWN RELATIVES Thursday afternoon, Oct. 11. Out of town dinner guests at the business meeting was held with Mrs. Edward Chance presiding, Plans for R. B. McClain home, Sunday, were the coming bazaar, which is to be Mrs. McClain’s mother, Mrs. Hymes held the evening of Friday, October and Mrs. McClain's sisters and broth­ 27, in the recreation rooms of the ers, Mrs. Mott of Summit, Ore., Mrs. high school, were discussed and com­ Rachael Cole of Pasco, Wash., Mr. mittees appointed. Delegates to the Howard Hymes, accompanied by his Marion county Federation of Womans wife of Portland; and Mr. Walter nuus were «»jc named. u«