Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
A.B.A Journal Explains Goals North Santiam- unions, lodges, churches and many other organizations are greatly inter ested in having hospital protection to safeguard the life and health of the community. To sum it up, preserv ing lifeand health should be one of the first concerns of a progressive Christian community. This hospital October 12, 1950 can be built if all men in the district to be served, who are in a position to do so, join in the organization and backing of this non-profit, commu nity-owned and controlled non-sec tarian memorial hospital. It has been done in many communities smaller than this area.” (Continued from Page 1) I visor employed by the hospital com- , mittee, gave a detailed explanation HELP LIFT THE of the hospital incorporation and fi ENROLL l> THE > Chicago.—The advertising program nancing plan, which he has used for IRONCIRTkIN CRISWE of the American Medical Association, many years throughout the west, re IVERÏWHERI FOR FREEDOM which will be launched in newspapers cently in Oregon at Nyssa, Prineville, and magazines during the period of Bend and Lebanon. Barr said “Eight October 8-22, is not intended to sell out of every one hundred citizens in American medicine itself, says the this area will need hospital service AMA Journal editorially, but “it is each year and that if the truth were trying to sell what has been our known a number of lives are lost each heritage in this country—faith, free year and the health of many residents dom and hope”. greatly impaired because of the lack A 70-inch A.M.A. advertisement ¡8 of an adequate well-equipped hospital scheduled to run in every paid-cir located in this Santiam-Canyon area / Irlievr in t4e uureJnen nnJ Jignitj of lit injivutnat. culation daily and weekly newspaper To make this area a safer place in I ktlitrt thnt oil nun Jtrivo t/u right Io fretJont rgnnllg front GoJ. in the nation. The total circulation which to live is the problem of the t »¡rjgt Io rotili nggrruion anJ tjtranng nhrreror t!ug npprar on enrtk. of the magazine group is more than citizens of the district to be served. ( i>4 million which, combined with the No longer can over-crowded hospitals 1 / proud to enlist in the Crusade for Freedom. all-inclusive daily and weekly news in Salem or Portland be expected to I am proud to kelp rnalçe the Freedom Bell possible, to be a signer of this paper schedule embracing 11,000 pa serve outside communities such as the Dec Inration of Freedom, to have mp name included as a permanent part of pers, will give tremendous reader im Santiam-Canyon district. The people the Freedom Shrine in Berlin, and to /om nitk the millions of men and pact to the A.M.A. advertising pro of Salem and other sections furnish •omen throughout the nor Id oho hold the cause of freedom sacred. gram. The A.M.A. radio schedule, the money for the building of a hos one of the most extensive and concen pital to protect their own people. It NAME CITY•STATE trated programs in history, will in is the duty of each area to provide WITH RICHFIELD RIST-PROOFED HEATING OILS clude more than 1,000 stations. ample well-equipped hospital facili An editorial in the current issue of ties for the protection of themselves. BARRELS AND TANKS ON HAND the Journal of the American Medical Other communities are building hos Association says the advertising cam pitals for their own protection. Hos Phone Stayton 5265 paign is “intended to help preserve pital protection is an important fac the freedom this country has en tor in the economic life of a commu nity as well as of all individuals. In joyed." recognition of this fact, farm organ The editorial says in part: izations are taking the lead national “The campaign is offered to draw ly to acquire hospitals for the protec DISTRIBUTOR FOR attention to the right way of seeking tion of farmers and their employees. RICHFIELD OIL COMPANY health as sponsored by the medical Many industries consider hospitals profession and thousands of other most essential for the protection of groups and to the wrong way which is advocated by a comparatively few selfish, arrogant politicians or polit ical hangers-on or in some instances by well-meaning but misled citizens. The advertising will be used to sell voluntary health insurance, whether it is offered by medically founded non-profit organizations, accident and health insurances, or labor, industrial or fraternal groups. “The copy also will focus attention on the dangers of government-con trolled economy and the loss of in dividual freedom, individual initiative and freedom of opportunity that ac companies such regimentation. The national education campaign of the American Medical Association streses the need for preserving faith in and active support of the American way of life. Most Americans do not want j permanent government control over their medical and other personal af fairs, although they are willing to accept temporary economic controls during a crisis such as war. How- j ever, they must be permitted to see the insidious ways in which socialism can creep into our lives. American medicine is issuing an invitation to RUNNING AMERICA is the joint job of 150,000,000 people. It's the biggest job in the world today other professions, to industries and businesses and to others to partici —keeping it running for liberty and for freedom. And the whole world's watching to see pate in the spirit behind the advertis ing campaign so that there will be whether Americans can do it! little room for doubt that 'The Volun tary Way is the American Way.’ IN MUCH OF THE WORLD today, the people have resigned from running their own countries. "The end result of this tremendous and unique undertaking will be a Others have been quick to step in—first with promises of “security”—and then with whips further check on the advances of the and guns—to run things their way. The evidence is on every front page in the world, every day. planners of socialism and regimenta tion. The dissipation of the dangers of government regimentation of the American people is dependent on the FREEDOM COMES UNDER ATTACK. The reality of war has izations spoke out—giving the great United States Congress its whole-hearted support of all who be lieve in freedom. The sacrifice of made every American think hard about the things he's willing to work unmistakable Grass Roots signal from home! our fighting men who are engaged in and fight for—and freedom leads the list. a fight against aggression and tyran And ever watchful, ever sensitive to an alert people, ny on foreign soil will be futile if But that freedom has been attacked here recently—just The Congress saw that signal, and heard the people here at home we lose permanently the basic freedom on which this na as it has been attacked in other parts of the world. One speak out, loud and plain. That's democracy in action. tion has been created. of the most serious threats to individual freedom has That's the American way! “In its new role in the advertising been the threat of Government-dominated Compulsory field American medicine is not at Health Insurance, falsely presented as a new guarantee tempting to sell itself. Nor is it try Today among the 10,000 great organizations on militant public ing to maintain a system or advan of health "security" for everybody. record against "Qimpulsory Health Insurance” are: tage for its sole use. No, it is trying to sell what has been our heritage General Federation of American Legion THE PEOPLE WEIGH THE FACTS. In the American manner, the in thia country—faith, hope, freedom. Women's Clubs National Association of It believes ns do most Americans in people studied the case for Socialized Medicine—and the case against it. American Farm Bureau Small Business Men self-help and self-preservation, in Federation United States Chamber of pride of achievement, in the joy of They found that Government domination of the people's medical National Grange Commerce accomplishment. American medicine affairs under Compulsory Health Insurance means lower standards Veterans of Foreign Wars National Association of in its advertising is not selling an National Conference of article nor even u service. It is sell Retail Grocers of medical care, higher payroll taxes, loss of incentive, damage to ing an ideal in the hope that others Catholic Charities National Retail Dry Goods research, penalties for the provident, rewards for the improvident. who believe in this idea) will raise American Protestant Association their voices to say, ‘This is our coun- I Hospital Association American Bar Association try. We are thankful for what it has j They found that no country on earth can surpass Amer given us and others throughout th« ica's leadership in medical care and progress. They world. We want to maintain the found that able doctors, teachers, nurses and scientists • Doctors of this Nation are grateful that the people has ic principles on which it has grown j —working in laboratories where Science, not Politics, is refused to be wooed by the fantastic promises of this to greatness so that we can continue to be self-sufficient anti share with master—are blazing dramatic new trails to health for un-American excursion into State Socialism. • Doctors the less fortunate our blessings.' 1 Americans — and for the world. of America are dedicated to serve their fellow citizens There are many millions of Amer- i at home and their comrades in uniform, wherever serv leans who believe in such a doctrine. < Let us encourage them to say so.” ice to this Nation may take them. • And the thing they THE "GRASS ROOTS" SIGNALS CONGRESS. In every com stand ready to fight for—to sacrifice for—to die for—is munity in the Nation, people stood up to be counted on this im not the alien way of life of Socialism, but the prideful portant issue. Thousands of local women's clubs, civic groups, farm, business, religious, taxpayer, medical, educational and patriotic organ- security of a free and self-reliant people! Order Your Heating Oils NOW for Next Winter\ Sô*H Green Stamps Chas. S. Morgan the Congress the President? OR lrOU AND THE MAN NEXT DOOR? GUARANTIED WATCH REPAIRING •••> Finest mate rials. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed. I et ua give you a free estimate. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWFI.RT FOSTOR1k tiukfr s Mil City Jewelrx THE VOLUNTARY WAY IS THE AMERICAN WAY! • Throughout the Nation, free men and women, working and planning together, are finding the American answer to every question of medical service, care and cost. Hundreds of Voluntary Health Insurance Plans are in healthy competition-sponsored by doctors, insurance companies, hos- - fraternal organizations—b) indus ,,nd labor • T in America—70 million people are protected by Voluntary Health Insur ance! • Throughout the Nation, families are insuring themselves against the major costs of illness—at reasonable, budget-basis prices. Voluntary Health Insurance takes the economic shock out of illness. Protect your family now. • For information, ask your doctor—or your insurance man. .4n American'» grratnt heritage it the right to learn the fact» —and to »peak hi» mind. Maintained with honor and iuwd with »incerity — that right will guarantee forever that ^cu and fycui Run Umeucaf PHYSICIANS OF THIS COMMUNITY PARTICIPATED IN PAYING FOR THIS SPACE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION • NATIONAL EDUCATION CAMPAIGN ONE NORTH LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS \ L h, sfF