» REPORT OE CONDITION" OF MILL CITY STATE BANK of Mill City in the State of Oregon at the close of business in October 4, 1950. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including: reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection ................ $ 469,695.19 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 817,047.42 Obligations of States and political subdivisions .............. . ........... 62,135.03 Loans and discounts (including $920.34 overdrafts) __ 429.571.81 Bank premises owned $28.72; .39, furniture and fixtures $8,755.15 37,484.54 Real estate ow’ned other than bank premises 14,250.00 Other assets 545.94 GATES By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Gates will soon be one of the bright est little cities in the state at night, with the highway ablaze with neon signs and the new street lights which the city council has voted to have in stalled. Curtis Cline and a crew of men from the .Mountain States Power company were here the latter part of the week to locate places where poles are to be placed for the twelve lights which will light up the darkest spots. Some much needed street improve ments will also be made when plans are approved by the state highway commission. Mrs. Ruby Horner of Palo Alto, Calif., is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin this week on a com bined pleasure and business visit. Mrs. Horner was in business here for many years before going to Califor nia to reside. Recent visitors at the Fount Paul home were Mrs. Paul’s brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McLean and daughter of Eugene. Members of the Gates Womans club wish to extend their “thank yous” to Mr. 1 McLean, who has donated to the club, entrance doors for the community house they are striving so hard to complete. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Turnidge and daughter Carolyn were guests Sun day of last week, in Lebanon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Athey, former residents of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards were Gates visitors one day last week at the home of her son and family, Mr. Lyons PTA Group to Meet This Friday Eve 7—THE Mild. CITY ENTERPRISE Church Activities October 12, 195« ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC CHURCH, MII.L CITY Mrs. Robert Fetherston, president Mass at 9 A.M of the Lyons Parent-Teacher Associ L.D.S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH Confessions heard before Mass ation, announced this week that the Detroit next meeting of the PTA will be held Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 pun. Sunday school each Sunday 10 am tomorrow, October 13, at 8 p.m. at the in high school building, Detroit Father C. Mai. Pastor school house in Lyons. • • • Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. Mrs. Shirley Etzel, graduate of the Zealand Fryer, Presiding FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Portland School of Music, will give TOTAL ASSETS $1,830,729.93 Services every Lord's day • • • a musical number as entertainment. Sunday school 9:45 p.m. LIABILITIES A speaker in behalf of the Children's IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $1,020,151.87 Morning worship 11:00 A.M. Sunday school 10 a m. bill is expected tv address the group. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 522,003.56 Young People’s meeting 6:30 P.M. Morning service 11 a.m. Eighth grade mothers are in charge Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 92,050.24 Evening worship 7:30 P.M. Evening service 7:30 p.m. of refreshments. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 76,315.76 Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) 26,585.71 Jacob Wiensz, Supply Pastor TOTAL DEPOSITS .................. $1,737,107.14 and Mrs. Norman Garrison. Other • • • Other liabilities ...... 9,220.24 guests at the Garrison home were Mr. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated ----------------- GATES (X) MM UNITY CHURCH and Mrs. Claude Rebhan of Dallas, obligations shown below) $1,746,327.38 OF CHRIST Mrs. Garrison ’ s parents. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Sunday school at 10 a.m. James Edwards of Spokane visited Capital $ 25.000.00 Morning worship 11 a.m. Surplus ............................... . ..... 50,000.00 relatives here last week, his sisters Undivided profits 9,402.55 Mrs. Walter Brisbin and Mrs. Oscar Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Osterhout and his brother, George Evening worship 7:30 p.m. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 84,402.55 Arthurs, and their families. Walter Smith. Pastor TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $1,830,729.93 Miss Jean Oliver of Salem was a • • • weekend visitor at the home of her I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oliver. and for other puipo-e* $ 180,000.00 Morning worship 11 a.m. Wiley Muise left the first of the I, D. B. Hill, President, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear or Music by choir. week for enrollment at the Oregon affirm that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly rep- Dr. David J Ferguson, Preaching College of Education in Monmouth, resents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs to the best of my knowledge and belief. D. B. HILL. Bill Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oliver returned to Corvallis where he Arthur Kreiver, leader. OH LADY BE GOOD Correct—Attest: Mildred L. Allen, Frank Rada, C. E. Mason, and IT MAKES ME BLUE is a student at Oregon state college. • a • Maxine Hill, Directors. by The Aristo Kat* Both boys are graduates of Gates State of Oregon, County of Marion, ss.: COMMUNITY CHURCH TOO LATE high school. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of October, 1950, and Full Gospel Preaching I HAVE BUT ONE HEART I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lindsey of Port Sunday school 10 A.M. by Tex Beneke D. B. HILL JR., Notary Public, land were at the home of Mrs. Scott's Morning worship 11 A.M. SINCERELY YOUR (Seal) My commission expires April 10, 1954. mother, Mrs. Edward Teitze Wednes MELANCHOLY Evangelistic service 8 P.M. day of this week. by Dennis Day Preaching services Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. George Stafford and Friday 8 P.M. THE NEW LOOK JUNGLE RHUMBA Mill City Lodge No. 144, infant daughter left Friday for a Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Electrical Contracting and Service They are by Freddy Martin I.O.O.F. meets every Friday vacation in California. • • • making the trip by motor. FREE ESTIMATES — LICENSED ELECTRICTANS night. Visiting brothers welcome. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Come in and see our wide selection» of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Popular», 014 Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Barney Ryal over last weekend were Timers, Classical, and Seml-Classlcal Preaching at 11 a m. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Burgess of Records. BUSINESS PHONE — SALEM 3-5561 Youth Meetings at 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Prineville and from Salem were Mr. HOME PHONE — SALEM 2-2800 » • » and Mrs. Ernest Winn and two chil dren and Mrs. Dell Wagner. FREE METHODIST CHURCH North MIR City Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sanford have “First With What You Want Most” moved from the Oak Park motel to Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. KEN PRATT, Mgr. Electrical Dept. 3455 D Street, SALEM COMPLETE APPIJANCE SERVICE the Apple Court, between Lyons and Morning worship 11 a.Kt. SPECIAL SERVICE TO MILLS Mill City. Junior church 11:00 a.m. Radio, Washer, Refrigerator Mrs. Loretta Francher of Seattle Evening service 7:30 pzn. and Electrical Appliance visited at the home of her daughter Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ste Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould, Pastor wart several days this week. Mrs. Francher was enroute to her home following a visit in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Spoelstra of Portland spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold SALEM Wilson. The Spoelstras were on their 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4534 return trip home after an extended trip through California. Has Everything for Your Among the local nimrods who were successful in bringing home their buck were Norman Garrison and son Gerald, who hunted near Lakeview; Joe Bowes and Joe Joaquin, from the Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies Burns area; Elmer Klutke, who got his in the hills near home and Lyle Rush of Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush, who after an unsuc «.imiimiiMMDiiminniiffliimiMiiinimiiiin iiiiniii iiiriiiiiiirniiiiiii iiiiitiRiiiii im iiiniiii iiiriin:iiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii.iiii4iiiiiiii:iiiritiiiiii:iiiiihii iihiiiiiiiu ' iiii iiii'iiiiiini'mrnuiNniMM cessful trip to southern Oregon, re Popular . because al's turned here and bagged a good one. Mr. and Mrs. Osw^Jd Hirte left Tuesday morning for a 10-day hunt ing trip, in eastern Oregon. Mrs. Laura Joaquin has been engaged to care for the Hirte children, at their THAT BUILDING NOW home during their parents absence. Mrs. Elmer Klutke has been ill at her home for a week with a virus in fection. It is reported she is up and AN AMPLE STOCK OF ROOFING about again. AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Park drove to Salem Friday with their daughter COMPOSITION. ALUMINUM OR STEEL Sue, 7, one of the twins, who had been confined at home with a heavy cold and out of school. A specialist was consulted who found it neces It's on old trick of the curbstone pitchman sary to lance one of Sue’s ears and to offer you Something for Nothing fit her eyes for glasses to correct an STAYTON, OREGON error in her vision. Students of the local high held a student body meeting Friday for the "Tell you what I’m going to do, Ladies and Gentlemen, purpose of electing yell leaders for I am going Io give you, absolutely the coming year. A contest was held and the winners were Joan Ryal and Ye*, I»'* an old trick. But it’s still a popular one Sales Birdie Larson. 1 Write or Phone Collect PORTER & LAU Salem Equipment Co. THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries OFFICE NEEDS MASTER 8HCAD Repair or Re-Roof Before the Fall Rains Come SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE...BUT ITS TRUE I men of Socialism use it the world over. Yet when ana lyzed. their Something for Nothing always turns out to be- NOTHING FOR SOMiTHINGI KEM-GLO That isn't tho way America became the greatest, healthiest Nation in the world. American business ha* reached its present stature because it believes in giving the customer his money’s worth. Through healthy competition, and the will to serve, American medicine ho* created the finest system of medical care in the world. Through ingenuity and free enterprise, American citizens have higher incomes, better education, better health and more freedom than citizens of any other great Nation on earth. Freedom is America'» heritage, and Americans cherish it deeply—for themselves and for the entire world. In exchange for this good way of life, the political pitchman offers us the quack remedy of Something for Nothing ...of ’’free’’ medical care, doled out by politician*. Looks and washes /ike Baked Ename/ . . . the letter, start. Then many reader- of niE CHRIS TIAN SCJkNCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy thu daily world-wide new,pa per "Tb» Monitor it the moil cnrltUj ijiltti ntuit- P»prr h» tbf U.S. . . .* " Volnob t, in Hncb- int . . r "Newi that it tom pl ft» .nd fmr. . . .« "The Monitor turtlj it . rrndtri noctiiHj . . ■" You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world new, . . . and at necea- wry as your HOME TOWN paper. (Jia this coupon for a Special Introductory »ubwription — 26 ISSUES FUR ONLY $1 AMERICA JUST CAN'T BUY THATI Mill City Pharmacy Tha OrMaa Seiest» Moaoor Oaa, Norway *t_ Bo. roe 15.Maat .UAA. me aa latrodocaory rub- Ttea Ckrlahwi Scieecs uaooa. I tacloae »I. YOU CAN YOU CAN SFILI SMUOOC 17- MIRCUROCHROMI »CUFF IT ON IT YOU CAN YOU CAN MARK IT IT HUNORIDS OF TIMtS CRAYON Wherever you want beautiful walls and woodwork that will < lean aa easily aa your refriger ator, KEM-GIX) with its plastic- smooth finish in your answer. It comes in 10 lovely color» and a white that really stays whitr' KEM-GLO is ready to use- just stir and apply with brush or Super-Cushion Roller-Koster. One cost cover» most »urfaiea, saving time and money Dries in 3 to 4 hours. Try this new miracle finish and you’ll agree you ve never seen anything to equal it. FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Mill City Stayton