5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE IIHHI October 12. 1950 FACE Pomona Grange Meet Announced By Bateson Altar Society Card International Dinner Party Great Success Progressing Rapidly ilUlUM^k Mrs. Cornelius Bateson, lecturer of the Marion County Pomona Grange, The third International Progressive 200 canyon citizens enjoyed FRIDAY and SATURDAY announced this week that the Marion the Nearly Dinner sponsored by the Mill City Saturday evening card party October 13th and 14th County Pomona Grange will meet sponsored by St. Catherine’s Altar PTA will be held on Thursday, Nov. Household Shower Held John Payne and Wednesday, October 18. at 10.30 a.m. Society in the Mill Citv I. O. O. F. 2 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Proceeds Rhonda Firming in hall. For Don Farrows in Detroit at In Macleay. netted from the dinner will go to The EAGLE and the HAWK the absence of Mrs. George Ben Canasta, pinochle and bridge fur wards buying much needed items for In Technicolor The Blue Moon cafe in Detroit was son, master, who is in California. nished the evening's entertainment. both schools and for carrying on the i the setting for the miscellaneous Overseer Robert Barnes will conduct A beautiful fall wedding was held Successful players won choice prices activities of the PTA. KID S M VHNEE — 2 p.m. Sat. at the St. Patrick's Catholic church ) household shower for Mr. and Mrs, the meeting. donated by business men and women | The last two years the Interna "Hopalong Cassidy Returns” | Don Farrow, Friday night. The Far- in Lyons Thursday morning at 8:30 uon rarfro*' r "“a} n,K"l> of the canyon communities. Door tional Progressive Dinner has netted 3 Cartoons and Serial when Miss Irene Toman, daughter of rows ost he‘rpho"’e «"d furnishings prizes, also donated, went to lucky the ITA a nice profit and it would Joseph Toman of Stayton. became the “ 8 f,re last.,Fnday , A?.°ng ticket holders. be wonderful if the same could he SUNDAY and MONDAY bride of Clarence Pietrok, son of Mr. the many p"se"th'n" First prize winners in canasta were realized this year. October 15th and 16th were an electric blanket from the 5th Shirley Veness celebrated her and Mrs. Phillip Pietrok of Lyons. business people of the locality, a Mrs. Ruth Watt and Mrs. Barton who Courses to be served will be Soup her JUNE HAVER and birthday with a play party at The nuptial Mass was read by the chrome and leather chair from the received prizes donated by Ester at Mrs, Jesse Lee's residence; Salad GORDON MacRAE in Rev. Fr. Leaner Schneider of Jordan. | American Legion, a table lamp from home Monday afternoon. Following Foster of Salem and Ken Golliet of at Mrs. Russell Hoffman’s: main Servers were Raymond Pietrok and I the Willing Workers club and $20 in the traditional birtnday cake, ice Mehama. Mrs. Sweitzer, second high course, which will be Chinese at Mrs. The Daughter of Donald Murphy. Miss Josep'hine cash from the Idanha Community cream, and party drink, many attrac in canasta, was awarded a nice prize | James Swan; and dessert at the tive gifts were opened. Children given by the Hill Top Store in Mill schoolhouse where also a short pro-' Brand of Stayton played the wedding | church. Rosie O’Grady present were Mary Gay Remine. Ray City. Mrs. Lowell Stiffler took away gram will be presented. marches and she, assisted by Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Skidmore played sev In Technicolor Yankus, Donna Marttala, Linda and Lawrence Pietrok, sang during the the consolation prize donated by Tickets for the dinner, which are eral piano selections while the crowd Laura Lee, and Joan Pinkston. Ressler’s Grocery Store in Mill City. $1.00 for adults and 50c for children Mass. gathered. After the honored guests TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Mrs. Robert Schroeder of Klamath Mrs. Agnes Kellom and Mrs. Mil under 14 years, may be obtained from The bride was given in marriage by | had opened their gifts refreshments October 17th and 18th Calif., is visiting Mill City friends. dred Doughty, top scorers of the large the following people, Mrs. Louis Ver her father. She wore a bridal gown I of ice cream and cake were served. CLAUDETTE COLBERT Mr. and Mrs. Dave Epps and Miss number of pinochle players present beck, Mrs. Laurence Kanoff, Mrs. of ivory satin ending in a full length The ice cream was provided by the PAULETTE GODDARD Daisy Hendricson spent the weekend in the hall, were presented with first Arthur Kriever and Mrs. Kenneth train. Her finger tip veil was held in Willing Workers. in Neskown, Ore., at the beach home in prize winnings donated by Price ’ s of Crosier. The tickets this year are place by a coronet of orange blos of Dr. Mary Purvine of Salem. Salem and Allen Keith of Mill City. limited to 165 adults and about fifty soms. She carried a bouquet of yel Mrs. John Swan left Saturday for Robert Pratt earned the pinochle con children. So better get your tickets low roses. Kansas City-, Mo., where she will solation prize furnished by O’Leary’s early this year. Bridesmaids were Miss Mildred To spend a month visiting her son F.stel, Variety Store in Mill City. man, cousin of the bride who wore J. O. Murray, Bert W. Provost, Mrs. a satin gown of emerald green, and / - and family, and other relatives. Ed. Yarnell and Robert Pratt all of THURSDAY Miss Louise Peitrok, sister of the October 19th Mill City held the lucky numbers in groom wore a satin gown of tiger Mrs. Robert Schroeder Honored the drawing for door prizes. Door FRED MacMURR \Y rose. Mildred carried a bouquet of and Mrs. Don Sheythe and Mrs. D. B. prizes were contributed by Shirley’s bronze crysanthemums and Louise CI AIRE TREVOR entertained with a tea at the Hill Beauty Shop, Hill Top Store, J. O. COUNTRY FRESH carried yellow crysanthemums. home of Mrs. Hill, in ho”or of Mrs. Murray and Stewarts’ Grocery, all of Louis, brother of the groom and CAREFULLY PASTEURIZED Robert Schroeder of Klama’b, Calif., Mill City. C. E. ‘Pink1 Mason, Prop. Anton, cousin of the groom were the Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. M Allen Delicious refreshments in the form TAMPERPROOF BOTTLES SHELL PRODUCTS groom’s men. Ed Milner, cousin of and Mrs. Cline poured. Those enter of cake and coffee were made and •Stirtirt Milk I CrtM AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES the groom served as usher. tained were Mrs. R. L. Faust, Mrs. served in ample quantities by the Doors open at 7:20 P„M. ZENITH TIRES Following the ceremony, breakfast •NuMitMJtf Milk «5% Milk Bob Hill, Mrs. Corbin, Mrs. J. F. members of the Altar Society to all 1 Complet« show can be seen any Potter, Mrs. M. Robinson, Mrs. Ernest those present at the Saturday card was served to the bridal party and •Cremtei (10%) »Batttrnulk time up to 8:30 FISHING TACKLE immediate relatives at the home of Graham, Mrs. C. Cline, Miss Hendric party. • Whipping Cream • Chtcolite Drink llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll son, Mrs. James Swan, Mrs. Vernon the groom’s parents. Mrs. George W. Humphrey of Mill Todd, Mrs. M. Allen, Mrs. Charles City, general chairman of the card A reception was held at the Re ..dlllllll Kelly, Mrs. Edith Mason, Mrs. W. party, had as her co-workers on com bekah hall for relatives and close Shuey, Mr». Herbert Schroeder, the mittees: Mrs. Russell Hoffman and friends, Mrs. Albert Toman of Mill hostess, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Sheythe Mrs. Jack Murray in charge of the City, aunt of the bride and Mrs. Law and the honor guest, Mrs. Robert prizes; Mrs. George LeHaie, Mrs. rence Peitrok, aunt of the groom cut ; Schroeder. Joseph F. McNealy, Mrs. George Dell, and served the wedding cake, Mrs. •mili Mary Jane and Phyliss Cox managed Andrew Peitrok presided at the punch the food problem; Mrs. Lowell Stiff EVENING APPOINTMENTS bowl and Mrs. Paul Pietrok served ler, Mrs. George Ditter, Mrs. Tony the coffee. I^wated Next to Furniture Store I Zeibert and Mrs. Robert Majhor had Gifts were opened by Teresa and charge of tables, chairs and dishes Frances Pietrok and Mary Pietrok GATES PHONE 5951 ¡used; Mrs. Paul Ressler. Mrs, Ed Kel- passed the guest book. | lorn and Mrs. William Tickle provided For going away the bride donned a Sunday the decorations and cards for the oc wine colored suit with black acces casion; Mrs. Allen Keith and Mrs. sories and a yellow rose corsage. a icken ¿Dinner » Don Peterson handled the publicity Following a wedding trip the couple G DR. MARK and ticket sales promotion and Mrs. I» V will make their home in Stayton. BPl *' | Ray Steiner and Mrs. Roy Kendler | were on the clean-up committee. Members and friends of the Pres Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle byterian church, enjoyed a no-host REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Owners dinner in the Presbyterian recreation room Thursday evening.- Will be at Ills Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Toman-Pietrok Wed Thursday at Lyons MILL CITY So Proudly We Hail MILL CITY Sen ice Slat ion . GOOD •'s Closed Mondays i* \ I \ "S Steak House iiHHiinnrs u IT S FREE! One 5x 7 Platinum Finish Portrait In appreciation of your past patronage and to make new friends we have secured the services of expert photographers during the week of Saturday, Oct. 14th thru Saturday, Oct. 21st, who will make a beautiful portrait of you or your children No appointment is necessary- just come in during store hours SWEET HOME M/LL CITY Christian Endeavor Group Hears Gelder Rev. Carl Gelder, minister of educa tion of the First Christian church in i Salem, speaks to a Willamette Union Christian Endeavor rally in the First | Christian church in Mill City, Sunday, at 2:30 p.m. Young people from Albany, Crab- tree, Scio, I^banon. Halsey, the WCTU, Orleans and Mill City are expected to attend. For the enjoyment of those attend ing a special musical number is scheduled. Refreshments will be served at the close of the rally. Officers of the recently organized i Mill City Christain Endeavor society of the First Christian church are Bob Shelton, president; Vera Loucks, vice 1 pres.; Marlene Verbeck, sec.-treas., and Patricia Cree, program chairman Patricia Cree and Denny Marttala 1 will lead the group next Sunday—two ! members take over such duties each Sunday evening the society meets. Refreshments are served every two j weeks. Fourteen young people at tended the last meeting Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. Also Thursday evenings by Appointment. HOME OFFICE: 313 W. FIRST, ALBANY H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment TOYS AND DOI-LS SPECIALTY CARDS MASQUERADE SUPPLIES TRICKS AND PUZZLES MODEL AIRPLANES I MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS Une Our Mall Order Service SALEM'S ORIGINAL Toy & Hobby Shop 163 N. Commercial SALEM