Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
Dam Cableways Breaks Repair Completed Wed. Russell Hoffman, Detroit dam CBI engineer in charge of operations, re ported this week that two broken gear shafts delivering power to the two cableways used in concrete pour ing work were replaced and service restored Wednesday afternoon. Engineer Hoffman explained that the manufacturer’s standards on the cableway shafts were not equal to the job requirements; and that CBI re placed them by using shafts double the original standard. Some 36 hours after the first shaft one one of the cableways broke, its twin on the other cableway gave way, bringing concrete pouring operations to a halt via the cableway set-up. Concrete pouring, however, continued at a reduced rate by slower methods. Mr. Hoffman indicated that the dis abled cableways caused only slight disruption in operations with no wholesale employee lay-offs, even for short periods of time. No one was injured by falling machinery as a re sult of the severing of the two power shafts. T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE'S EMPIRE Vol. VI—No. 41 Demos Haunt’ GOP Friday In Salem Fete Marion County Democrats whoop it up in a combination dinner-rally- dance tomorrow evening, Oct. 13th in Salem, Mrs. P. W. Hale, publicity chairman for the Marion County Democratic Central committee an nounced this week. The “Haunt-the-Republicans - Day” begins with a juicy steak dinner at 6 p.m. in the Cave Room of the Sen ator hotel in Salem, where Herbert Maw, ex-governor of the state of Utah, will conduct a confidential dis cussion with some 200 party workers on the election strategy of party lead ers for Oregon as developed by the A special meeting of the members Democratic National committee. A “mobilization" rally at 8 p.m. in of the Gates Womans club was called by Mrs. Edward Chance, president the Salem Armory, Salem, follows for Thursday afternoon at the high the strategy dinner. Mr. Maw will school. The object of the meeting present the keynote speech at the was to change the date that had been rally set up for some 600 persons set for the annual bazaar which con with numerous candidates taking an flicted with that of the Marion Coun important part, Lending color to the Democratic ty Federation of Women’s clubs, which will be held in Mill City, Fri dance at 9:30 p.m. other than the day, Oct. 20, with the Gates club act name, “Hot Time in the Old Town ing as co-hostesses with the Mill City Tonite” dance will be the Top Hatters ladies. It was decided to hold the orchestra and a give away on such bazaar Friday evening, Oct. 27, in the valuable door prizes as a Schwinn bi Formals recreation rooms of the high school. cycle and a coffee table. Fancy work, aprons and other articles will be optional. For reservations for a part in the will be on sale; games, fortune tell ing. booths, a fish pond for the kid festivities call Democratic headquart dies and other entertainment will be ers in Salem on N. Commercial street. Mr. Luis Martine-Lally, Marion provided for the evening and refresh ments will be sold. Those present County Democratic Central Commit Thursday were Mrs. Edward Chance, tee chairman, and Bernice Martine- Mrs. Glen Hearing. Mrs. Joe Joaquin. Lally. his wife, returned this week Mrs. Ed Kadine. Mrs. Minnie Roct, I from Washington, D.C., where Mr. Mrs. Walter Thomas, M’s. Harold Martine-Lally arranged for the ap Wilson. Mrs. Velma Carey, Mrs. El pearance of ex-Governor Maw at the mer Stewart. Mrs. Lula Collins. Mrs. Friday fete. The Martine-Lallys had Laura .Joaquin. Mrs. Kay McKarty personal interviews with both Presi dent Truman and “Veep” Barkley, and Mrs. Albert Millsap. the latter a personal friend of Mrs. Martine-Lally. Chairman Martine-Lally also sched uled. with the help of the National Democratic Women’s division, for an October 24th appearance of Mrs. Kathryn Folger in Salem during a The Gates Parent-Teacher Associ political school for Marion county democrats. Mrs. Cornelius Bateson ation met Thursday evening, Oct. 5, is local chairman of the democratic in the recreation rooms of the high school with 31 members present. The political school set-up. Mr. Martine-Lally consulted with business meeting was called with the majority of the National Demo Harold Wilson presiding. It was de cratic officers in Washington. D.C., cided to award prizes, again this year to the room in the grade school hav on his flight to the east coast last ing the largest number of parents week. Gates Womans Club Change Bazaar Date Gates PTA Planning Membership Drive present at the PTA meetings, each month. Mrs. Walter Thomas and Mrs. Glen Hearing were appointed a committee to select the prize to be given. Don Miley, superintendent of the schools gave a short talk on the The new city hall, just recently “Children's Bill” which will come up completely and owned by W. R. for vote at the November election. Hutcheson was quite badly damaged Miley explained and spoke in favor last Thuisday evening when a car of the measure. was backed into it smashing the door It was suggested that the associa and shattering the glass. tion hold a membership drive and the The car came speeding down the membership committee. Mrs. Burrell highway and at the intersection by Cole. Mrs. Riley Champ, Mrs. Elmer the post office apparently went out Stewart and Mrs. Joe Joaquin, to be of control, and headed straight for divided into two teams. Mrs. Champ the building, which sits a good 50 and Mrs. Joaquin heading each side. feet from the main highway. Just The losing side to entertain the win before crashing into the building the ners at the close of the contest. Two car was stopped but the driver in his moving pictures were shown at the eagerness to make a getaway backed end of the business session. One his machine into the hall. There were showing the dangers of a forest fire and means of extinguishing them: several witnesses to the accident, who the other depicting many of the | due to the darkness failed to get the license number of the car. beauty spots of our own state and the I Pacific northwest. At the close of the program, refreshments were served by Mrs. Harold Wilson. Mrs. I Wilson Park and Mrs. Albert Millsap. | The next regular meeting of the PTA , will be held at the school the first ! A Driver's License Examiner will Thursday evening in November. be on duty in Mill City. Tuesday. October 17, 1950, at the Fire hall between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to an announcement received from the Secretary of FRH) IT— State's office. 1.0.0 F. meeting Persons wishing licenses or per MONDAY— mits to drive are a-ked to get in Boy Scouts «30 p.m. touch with the examiner well ahead Lions club meeting of the scheduled closing hour in AF. 4 A M. No. ISO stated meet order to assure completion of their applications with a minimum of ing third Monday delay. TUESDAY— American Legion Auxiliary 2d Tues Chamber of Commerce 8 pm. LINN ' "1 N 1 1 HOI DS Women's club 8 p m. 1st, 3rd Tues CHILDREN'S Cl .INK On Thur«day. ti F*r 19th. a Crip- W EDNESD AY— pled < niJaren« < I Altar Society meets 3rd Wed. the Linn County Hea Ith Department Mill City PTA meets 2nd Wed. House. An or- Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p m. thopedic «pecialisl’ W| 1 1 be present to at Detroit school building. Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed. perform examine tion« and to make to treatment. Santiam Rebekah 16« 1st and 3rd recom men da t ion« Children under 21 yeara with any type Wed. at 8 pm of crippling defect welcome at the T hursday — clinic. There trill be n o charge. Any Gates PTA 1st Thursday 8 pm parent interested ringing a child American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs. to the clinic shoul ike an appoint* Garden club fourth Thursday ment with the L.inn County Health Mill City TWA meet r.g last Friday Department New Gates City Hall Badly Damaged by Auto Get Drivers Permits at Fire Hall Tuesday Coming Events: Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT I I KHOKX \ il S IDANHA LYON s MEHAMA MONGOLI) MILL CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1950 $2.50 a Tear, 5c a Copy North Santiam Canyon Citizens Plan a Hospital DEMOCRATIC Hospital Plan Outlined At Chamber of Commerce Meeting in Stayton live committees of the citizens of Mill City and other centers through out the Santiam Valley and Canyon area. A large organization of farm ers and those engaged in industry A plan to proceed at ortce with the has been consulted as sponsors and revised program for the financing of have unanimously endorsed the new a community-owned, controlled and plan. By common agreement of the plan operated non-profit and non-sectarian 25-bed hospital, to serve the citizens ning and organizing committee, the of the Santiam Valley and Canyon new hospital will serve the citizens area, was announced Monday night in the following areas: Idanha. De at the meeting of the members of troit, Gates, Mill City, Lyons, Meha- ma, Stayton, Sublimity, Shaw, Aums the Stayton Chamber of Commerce. M. Van Driesche, president of the ville. West Stayton, Turner, Marion, chamber, announced that after many Scio, and Jordan. To obtain hospital weeks of planning and study a revised protection for this large section, the plan to finance a community-owned Santiam Memorial Hospital has been and controlled hospital had been made formed by a representative commit and agreed upon by the representa- tee of sponsors. The incorporation papers were filed at Salem, Oregon, on October 11, 1950. The following committee acted as incorporators for the sponsors: Walter II. Bel), Wm. IL Burrell, A. J. Frank, J. C. Kimmel, Roy Philippi, Gene Teague and L. H. Wright. By JEAN ROBERTS The Santiam Memorial Hospital Hunting season is of utmost im will own the land, hospital building portance in this area with a number and equipment; it will also control Austin Flegel. Democratic candidate for governor, has a friendly chat of hunters competing in a buck derby. the management and all business af and handshake with Dave Epps, candidate for state representative for One of the largest deer weighed in, fairs of the hospital through a board Linn county, at the impressive rally-drawing held in Epps Furniture The Store in Mill City. September 29th. Both Flegel and Epps are cam in the first week, was a 165-lb. three of directors and its officers. paigning in the canyon communities with an eye on the spirit of the point, killed by Glen Tinney. Melvin board of directors will employ a man ■‘Democratic Victory" banner shown in the above picture taken by Peck, also an entrant in the competi ager or superintendent, the same as cameraman Bob Veness, owner of the Mill City theatre. tive pool, was somewhat discouraged is done in thousands of hospitals in when a forked horn he'd proudly shot, the country. The board of directors will be twenty-one in number and weighed only 67 pounds. Barney, Leo and Felix Kirsch had elected by members of the hospital a successful hunt although part of the association for terms of three years j game, a cub bear, was hardly eligible each; they will serve without com pensation. Army engineers disclosed this week !for the derby. that $15,167,000 has been appro During a short intensive campaign, Ercill Wilson was unsuccessful in C. A. Lockwood, state game direc priated for the Detroit dam opera ' eastern Oregon over the weekend. funds will be raised through mem tor, stated that some misunderstand tions this year. To make matters worse, wet hunting orial plaques and memberships for ing seems to exist in regard to the Local CBI officials indicated that clothing was tossed into the car trunk the construction and equipment of the new hunter’s choice season. This the amount allocated represents a hospital. Each person or organiza season is not to be confused with the $5,000,000 cut from the previous esti which immediately locked. Only then it was discovered that automobile tion that donates $100 or more will general deer season. mated appropriations, however, no have one vote in the annual election The hunter's choice deer season will hampering of present work is ex keys dhd wallet were in those clothes. of director*, also in ill matters of By wiring around the ignition the be held on October 21 and 22 only pected. vital interest to the hospital. Any party finally returned home. and will be held only on certain areas The fiscal year ends next June. one who subscribes less than $100 Deer season is not complete with- will be known as an Associate mem described in the hunting regulations. ' out the improbable, but true stories ber, who has the privilege of attend This season is open to those who have that accompany it. A. J. Frank ing all meetings of the hospital but failed to fill their deer tags during claims it takes skill to kill a deer cannot vote. the regular season, An Associate member without damaging any meat. Down may at any time pay the balance due All hunters are requested to mail ing a deer at close range with a single on a $100 membership and become a in their return cards promptly and if shot, he hurriedly cut its throat. It voting member. they participate in the hunter’s choice A voting member was not until later, he learned, he had season they are requested to state Time left in which to join the Cru- ■ only shot off an antler near the head, cannot sell or transfer its right to whether the deer they took was a I sade for Freedom is running out, said He had slit the throat of a deer which vote nor give a proxy to another to buck or a doe. F. N. Belgrano, Jr., state Crusade was not dead but just temporarily vote in his place and stead. These Elk season opens October 25 and provisions prevent any person or chairman, in a statement urging stunned. closes November 19. The general group from gaining control of the every American who has not already Scorning to be out-done by anyone, | pheasant season opens October 14. done so to stand up and be counted Ed Taylor. 82-year-old Mehama pio property or management of the hos Al) hunters who hunt on private as a Crusader by signing a Freedom neer bagged a deer that has been the pital. The life of the hospital cor land are reminded to first obtain per Scroll and by making a voluntary talk of the season. The three-point poration is perpetual; its doors will mission from the landowners. Tell contribution to the support of Radio buck turned out to be a doe. Still never close. the little woman what general area | Free Europe. intact, the hide and head bearing the j There will be no assessments or you expect to hunt. For the convenience of those who ilegal rack of antlers, substantiates j annual membership dues, and no lia have not had opportunity to sign a the claim of a freak animal. bility for the debts of the corpora ’ Scroll, the Mill City Enterprise is to- Ed Taylor, who has hunted for the , tion. ! day publishing on page 8 a fac-simile past 60 years, and has the horns to ! The central office for the prepara ' of the Scroll, which may be clipped prove it, downed the unusual animal . tion of the money-raising campaign I from the paper, signed and sent to with an accurate shot through the has been located in the Chevrolet your local Crusade chairman as di head, but shamefacedly admits "being ' garage on 3rd street, Stayton. It will rected on the coupon. These fac be known as the central or area Lyons—The meeting of the Wom simile scrolls will be included among a mite nervous”. He was hunting at the time with office. Another office will be estab ens Society of Christian Service was . the official Scrolls enshrined in the a grandson whom he thought would lished at a later date at Mill City, held at the Community club house ■ Freedom Bell tower in Berlin. get the first shot. “He was just too which will be the center of the cam with Mrs. Wood Oliver and Mrs. Belgrano advised his chairmen that paign organization for the Mill City Clyde Bressler hostesses. Mrs. John it is hoped to have the bulk of the slow, though,” grumbles 82-year-old and Canyon area. Ed. Hargreaves president presided over Freedom Scrolls and contributions in A special appeal is made, by the the business meeting and Mrs. George , hand by this weekend for forwarding organizing committee, to ail men liv Clipfell led the devotions. Many | to Berlin. There, on United Nations ing in the area to be served by the plans were made and reports of vari day, October 24. the scrolls will be hospital to volunteer to serve as spon ous committees heard. Plans were featured at the dedication of the giant sors in the forthcoming campaign to made for the Tamale sale which will Freedom Bel), which will on that day raise funds for the Santiam Memorial be held at the club house Wednesday ■ ring out for the first time the plea Hospital. The sponsors will serve a* evening. October 18, with the follow of millions and millions of Americans The Mil) City Woman’s Club last workers in the campaign and will ing committee in charge: Alice for peace and freedom for all man week elected delegates to the Marion meet each day for breakfast or lunch Huber, Ethel Huffman, Helen Hub kind. county fall convention of Woman’s for the purpose of receiving instruc bard, Anna B. Julian, Alta Bodeker, Where enrollment has not been tions and giving reports. This ap clubs opening Oct. 20 in Mill City. and Evelyn Julian. The next meet I completed. Scrolls will be forwarded ing of the society will be held at the to Berlin as received, for permanent Those elected as delegates to the peal for volunteers is made in order club house with an all day meeting enshrinement in the Freedom Bell convention for the Mil) City Woman * that no person may feel that he is Tuesday October 17 for the purpose I tower. club were Mrs. I-ee Ross, Mis* Daisy ignored in this great community-wide You may of mixing and tieing the tamales. It Hendricson, Mrs. Vincent Palmer, humanitarian movement. is hoped that there will be plenty of Mrs. W. W. Allen, ’Mrs. Donald enlist by telephoning Stayton 4392 help present. Plans were also dis Sheythe and Mrs. Floyd Jones. Al during business hours, or by contact cussed for the election day dinner to ternates chosen for the above named ing J. C. Kimmell, chairman of the be «erved at the Rebekah hall with were Mrs. Frank Potter and Mr*. Mill City-Canyon organization for the Santiam Memorial Hospital. the following appointed to plan the Curtis Cline. L. D. Barr of Oakland, Calif., ad- The American Legion Auxiliary of meal. Ethel Huffman, Helen Hub Mrs. Clayton Baltimore and Mrs. bard. Edith Clipfell. Georgia Oliver, Post 159 of Mill City completed plan« Curtis Cline were placed in charge <Continued on Page 8) and Minnie Smith. Some discussion this week for a rummage and “white of making arrangements for the Mar on the bazaar which will be held early elephant” sale the afternoons of Oct. ion county fall convention here next in November with committees to be 19. 20, and 21, next week, in the week. appointed later. It was also voted American I-egion hall located in the that hereafter the committees are to George Thomas addition to Mill City and on the street to the left in front MILK < ONTROI. NOTICE serve one article and a drink. ISSUED ON HEARINGS Gualy Suddeth, worker on the De of the Mill City theatre. Quilting is in order every Thursday A public hearing to take testimony troit dam, sustained major injuries The sale opens at 1 p.m. each day afternoon at the club house and any one liking to quilt is welcome and sev of the three day sale; and on Satur and receive evidence as to the cost this afternoon when trapped by a eral quilts are on hand. At the close day, Oct. 21, a cooked food sale is of producing, processing and distrib rock slide at the damsite. uting fluid milk and cream in the Mr. Suddeth was brought to Mill of the meeting refreshments were scheduled. Telephone Mrs. John Muir or Mr«. Marion County Marketing areas No. City to Dr. Wm. L. Teutsche’s office served to Mesdames Clinton Hub bard. Glen Julian. Charles Cruson. Jack Colburn of Mill City for pickup 1 and No. 2 held in the Con for medical care and X-rays after John Hargreaves, George Clipfell. . of your donation* of items for the ference Room of the State Library first aid had been administered to building in Salem. Thursday after him at the damsite. George Clipfell. lx>ren Chamberlain. * sale. It was reported that a rock the All donations of saleable items will noon, October 19, 1950, starting at Albert Julian, Wood Oliver, Clyde Bressler. Leonard Jones. Alice Huber, be appreciated by the auxiliary, there 1 pm , according to notices issued site of a barrel crashed down upon Anna Johnson Minnie Smith, Cath fore see that those bothersome things by the Oregon Milk Marketing Ad Suddeth, who was trapped by the ministration. rolling rock. get “»old". erine Julian, and Mrs. Hudson. Mehama Buck Fever' Running Higher New Hunter's Choice Deer Season Outlined Detroit Dam Gets $15 Million Sum Crusade for Freedom Joiners Must Hurry Womens Society at Lyons Hold Meeting Mill City Hosts To Woman s Conclave Legion Women Hold White Elephant' Sale Gualy Suddeth Worker On Dam Hit by Rock