Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1950)
•THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE GATES By MRS. ALBERT MILLSAP Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke and two boys, accompanied by Mrs. Klutke’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Kirkland of Mehama were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Read in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rush and daugh ter Diane, of Salem, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Rush. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Scritchfield who have resided here for several months while he was employed on the Detroit dam left Monday for their J. W. GOIN VETERINARIAN STAYTON PHONE 4148 Opposite ( laude I-owls’ Service Station September 28, 1950 Salem Memorial hospital. The pa ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. • • • former home in Port Chicago, Calif. George McBride of Gates and Mr. and A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hunting season is here again and Mrs. Hutton of Kingman, Arizona. Kimery on Sept. 22, at Salem Mem- A guest, this week at the home of I orial hospital. among those planning to get their buck are Norman Garrison and his Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley, was Mrs. A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Marvin son Gerald. They will leave Friday Miley’s sister, Miss Mary Jane Bol- I Stafford, Gates, Sept. 25, at Salem morning for Lakeview, expecting to meier, of Silverton. remain there until they are successful Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mitchell pur- 1 Memorial hospital. in their hunt. chased a new car in Salem last week I A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Albert Millsap spent several and drove to Portland for the day Herman Ricketts, Mill City, Sept. 25, days in Stayton, this week, at the Portland was their former home. I at Salem General hospital. home of her son-in-law and daughter, Their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker. Mrs. William Mitchell and Mike, were over Bruce Livingston, Lyons, Sept. 27, Millsap was ‘baby-sitting” during the the weekend guests at the home of at Salem Memorial hospital. absence of Mrs. Klecker and daughter his parents. Janet, who were visiting in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Fount Paul had as HOY ROGERS CLUB FORMED at the home of Mrs. Klecker’s brother their guests over the weekend. Dr. Turnout to the Saturday matinee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mill Kreutzer, M.D.V. and Mrs. B. Kirk ; meetings of the Roy Rogers Riders sap. club has exceeded all expectations, land, both of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon, left Mrs. William Athey and four Bob Veness, manager of the Mill City Saturday for San Francisco to be daughters of Lebanon were over the theatre, reported today. gone 10 days. They will be guests weekend visitors here at the home of The club was organized two weeks at the home of his parents. relatives and friends. The Atheys ago under a charter presented to the Due to the crowded condition of the were former residents of Gates. theatre by Roy Rogers. Any child Gates schools, it was found necessary Mr. and Mrs. Ace Johnson and fam attending the matinee shows regu to engage an extra teacher for the ily, formerly of Gates, now of Salem larly is eligible to join, V’eness stated. fourth grade. Mrs. Janet Harold of spent the weekend here as guests at Many special events are planned for Stayton will fill the position. 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford members, including awards for regu- Mrs. Boone of Lakeview, mother of Mitchell. j lar attendance and recognition of Mrs, Dan Morrison of Gates is hos Mr. and Mrs. Claude Alexander are birthdays as they occur. pitalized in Portland where she un spending several days in Ashland derwent surgery Friday morning. where they are visiting at the home after almost a year’s confinement there, and is now in Empire, where he Mr. and Mrs. George McBride Jr. of Mr. Alexander’s sister. Word has been received by relatives joined Mrs. Hayward and two boys. are being congratulated upon the birth of their first child, a girl, bom here that Orville Hayward has been Hayward can walk now, but with Sunday morning, Sept. 17, at the released from a Portland hospital. great difficulty. Just Arrived, MILL CITY DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dike returned this week from a two-weeks vacation spent in Eureka. Calif., with Dr. J. E. Lindenmayer’s. Eugene and Lawrence Thornley left for Eugene to attend the Univer sity of Oregon. They are the sons of Freshmen initiation was held in the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Case. Detroit high school on Friday, Sept. I Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis returned 15. The freshmen wore unbelievably . this week from a 2-week vacation in foolish togs all day to school and then Dayton, Wyo., where they visited Mr. returned for an evening party at and Mrs. Ted Dorothy, one time Mill seven, each of the fourteen freshmen City residents. The Dorothys live on putting on a stunt for the group. the Horseshoe ranch near Dayton. Those who were reluctant to co-op Chief of Police J. T. King left today erate were lathered well and shaved for Medford to visit his father, T. J. with a spoon. Donald Ketchum and King, who undergoes a major opera Richard Hansen both receiving a tion in his foot this Friday. Mrs. shaving. The fun was followed by, Alice Dell, Mr. King's sister, called refreshments served by the sopho- ! and requested that he be with his mores. Mr. Stan Whipple is sopho father during the operation. If all more class advisor. Those attending j goes well, Chief King expects to re the party were given free admission turn to Mill City Sunday. tickets to the Detroit theatTe for the Mr. and Mrs. George Hollingworth remainder of the evening, the party returned home Monday evening from dispersing at nine. Denver, Colo., where they had gone to The Detroit high school girls have l attend the funeral of Mr. Holling- challenged the Mongold women’s worth’s father, Roy, who passed away team to a baseball game which will last week in a Salem hospital. Re be played on the Mongold ball dia turning home with them was George’s mond on Monday evening at 6 p.m, brother, Roy Jr., who is on leave from The North Santiam Willing Work the navy. The Hollingworth’s son, ers club met at the home of Mrs. Kent remained behind with his Zella Ferris on Wednesday afternoon, 1 mother’s parents where he will attend with about 12 guests present.. There kindergarten. was no special business but the worn-, -MB en worked on garments for the needy. KW■ T Refreshments were served by the hostess. Guests at the Ed Hanan home dur ing the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Stewart. Mrs. Stewart is Mrs. Hanan’s aunt. Guests at the Ed Hanan home dur ing the past week were Mrs. Hanan’s aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Stewart from Palestine, Ill. Guests i for the weekend at the Hanan home will be Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hurst of Coos Bay and Mr. and Mrs. J. Danna of Portland, the Stewarts will return to Portland with the Dannas where they will spend a week before returning to their home in Illinois. Mrs. Sylva Doran and son Patrick spent the month of August with Mrs. Doran’s sister and family the Otis Whites. She has now returned to her home in Mountain Home, Idaho. By MRS. O. J. WHITE (Editor’s Note: This column was misplaced last week and therefore did not appear in print. We are sorry and shall not let it happen again.) Fall Festival— (Continued from Page 1) tite and Italian prunes and blueber- 1 riez, Tony Moravec; Italian prunes, | bartlett pears and king apples, Frank I Basl; butter pears, seedling delicious ! apples, Cuthbert raspberries, date j prunes and Campbell grapes, Albert Julian. Y'egetable winners: Early potatoes, ■slicing cucumbers, corn, Danish squash, red beets, corn on stalk. Al- 1 bert Julian; stock pumpkin, table carrots, Kentucky wonder beans, George Berry; Lima beans, sweet meat squash, bonny best tomatoes, Tony Moravec; Hubbard squash, ban ana squash, pie pumpkin, white spine cucumbers and Oregon giant beans, | Keith Phillips; cherry tomatoes and | summer squash, Warren Hampton; field corn, Lloyd Sletto; wheat, oats and bent grass seed, Frank Basl. Cecil Bassett and Melvin Peck tied for first place with their hobby dis plays. Wilson Stevens showed the best farm booth and Bellin’s gardens the top garden booth. OPEN HOUSE AT EPPS STORE Friday Night, Sept. 29th “Meet Your Democratic Candidates AUSTIN FLEGEL (or Governor For U. S. Representative Roy R. Hewitt Dave Shaw M YRIOX (til XTY < YXDIDATIS: IHIXh PORTER for Senator (ORNEIJVB BATESON for Senator IOSIPHIXI SPAI.IMXG for Representative I W. II M l for Represi ntato. LARRY* KOCH for Representative YIYIX YYHITI.AYY for Representative IIXX <OI NTY* CANDIDATES: WALTER SHELBY for Senator I 1 Ml It SAHLSTROM for Senator DAY»'. EPPS for Representative I YRI. M \so\ for Representative B id Baker s Mill City Jewelry — Pf5046 FOR THE HOUSEWIFE . . It taafehes fuel dust and dirt, saves dusting, mop ping. curtain washing. Welcome ÎP|PL£XBURH(R FOR THE MAN OF THE HOUSE .. Everybody Come SWEET HOME M/LL C/TY BURNING H E AT E R S Provides CLEAN, CONVENI- ENT, DEPENDABLE HEAT for EFFICIENT, LOW-COST COMFORT! Ml ST Bl Kli.tsTIKID YOTIK TO PARTHII’YTE Registrars Will Be Available ■H’ mi Y X II Y| YXY OTHERS. $1OO Worth oS MerchandisegGiven^Away! Everyone WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY FOSTORIA mit» ss«» < FREE DRAWING I i Expert work. Finest mate rials. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed. Let us give you a free estimate. KOI RI H DISTRICT »TRsT DISTRICT DRAWINI. STARTs YT 7 PM sIlYRI’ ra - *■' rr--* It means no labor in »hoveling nr carry ing of coal. It eliminates ash removal and dust. Designed to efficiently heat 4 tn 6 room». Listed by Underwriter» Labora tories. tn and Public 3-S*«g« Progressive Combutfio*—-Th« , ’ Hear! ©^ SUENT j SIOUX Heilte» j WeatcX at Parker-Hutcheson Furniture Invited PHONE 5915 GATES TERMS Tills SPY( 4 DON OHI BY » Pl’s »1 RATTI K| STORE Y»sr 'HUNT S! OUI" Dealer IT.