Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1950)
MEHAMA Mill City residents rounding the iast curve on the road through Lyons last week were confronted and slowed down by a formidable road block in the form of the above pictured gymnasium. The Mari-Linn school board supervised the moving of the gymnasium from its old site to the new Mari-Linn grade school. Many com munication and power lines underwent alteration to allow passage of the building. (Photo Courtesy Statesman and Robert Veness) IDANHA Mill City Lodge No. 144. Put out your campfire before you I.O.O.F. meets every Friday leave the woods. night. Visiting brothers welcome. Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! New and Used TRAILERS 10 TO 37 FEET Bank Terms NEW TRAILERS: Stewarts Universals Rollaways USED TRAILERS OF MANY MAKES Fir Grove Trailer Sales ONE .MILE WEST OF MILL CITY ON HIGHWAY 229 By REBA SNYDER Mrs. John Savage telephoned from Salem to report that John Savage I who is a patient in the Memorial hospital there, had his broken jaw bones set Tuesday night. Instead of the two breaks as was first reported, there were four. His condition is as good as can be expected. At the September city council meet ing Tuesday night, Gordon Skidmore was appointed city recorder to re place James Gordon who resigned. Three councilmen will be elected by vote November 7. Retiring council men are Huber Ray, Sam Palmerton and Gates Cockran. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Brown spent the past weekend in Redmond in the home of his daughter, Mrs. O. D. Nickols and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon and family went Friday to Portland on business and to visit relatives for the weekend. Scouts of Troop 43 spending the weekend camping at their camp at McCoy creek were Fred Davis, Merle James, Lee Hopson, Brad Hum phreys, Kick Woodward, Russell Rice and Donald and Leonard Snyder. The boys are working on the dam to sup ply water for the swimming pool which they expect to enjoy next sum- I mer. Mrs. Wayne Woodw’ard and I Mrs. A. R. Snyder took the boys and their camp gear as far as cars can travel. II Mrs. Sam Palmerton underwent THE STORY OF TEN LITTLE FREE WORKERS THESE ARE THE WORKERS V. I 7—THE MIIJ. CITY ENTERPRISE Church Activities By JEAN ROBERTS Mehama ladies are busy planning LD.S OF JESUS CHRIST CHUTUH activities for the coming fall and win- j Detroit ter months. Organizations are about to swing into action again after being Sunday school each Sunday 10 a m in high school building, Detroit neglected most of the summer. Women’s club will again hold bi Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. Zealand Fryer, Presiding monthly meetings beginning Wednes • • • day evening. October 4. Mrs. Alma I Kirsch, who is chairman of the pro IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH gram committee plans to demonstrate Sunday school 10 a.m. modeling favors, corsages and flow Morning service 11 a.m. ers from clay at that time. Evening service 7:30 p.m. .< home extension unit meeting will Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 pjn. be held October 6 at the home of Jacob Wlensz, Supply Pastor Mrs. Ira Kirsch with meat cookery demonstrated. This will be an all GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH day program with a business meeting OF CHRIST starting at 10:30 a.m. A pot-luck Sunday school at 10 a.m. lunch will be served at noon. Morning worship 11 a.m. The Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Meral Teeters Thurs Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. day afternoon to plan a bazaar to be Evening worship 7:30 p.m. held later in the fall. Walter Smith. Pastor A new idea being used at school • • a this year is a birthday party held FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH once a month for all the children hav ing a birthday that month. The first Morning worship 11 a m. Music by choir. party of this kind will be held Dr. David J. Ferguson, Preaching Wednesday in the primary room for children whose birthdays came during Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs the summer months as well as those Arthur Krelver, leader. in September. Mrs. Bertha Parks selected room COMMUNITY CHURCH mother of the first graders is assist Full Gospel Preaching ing in the plans for the party. Sunday school 10 A.M. The church basement has been re papered and painted this week by a Morning worship 11 A.M. number of ladies who donated their Evangelistic service 8 P.M. time to help. The basement, equipped Preaching services Wednesday and with low tables and stools is used by Friday 8 P.M. Rev Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor the primary grades at Sunday school. • • • Gerry Roberts entertained several young friends with a tree house party DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH at her home Friday afternoon and Sunday school at 10 a m. Saturday morning. Those attending Preaching at 11 a.m. were: Willow Phillips, Janis Wilson, Youth Fellowship in evening will Elaine Peck. Linda Monroe and Susan be announced. • • • Coffman. Several of the youngsters spent the night sleeping in the tree FREE METHODIST CHURCH house. North Mill City A number of Mehama families Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. spent the weekend at the beach, re Morning worship 11 a.m. porting rainy weather and a rough sea. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith, Mr. Junior church 11:00 a.m. and Mrs. Ray Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Evening service 7:30 pm. Elwin Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Brown, Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould, Pastor all congregated at the beach cottage of Paul Kirsch near Ocean Lake, < A I I ARE YOU GOING TO BE TOO LATE? OCT. 7th IS LAST DAY YOU CAN REGISTER TO VOTE! RESPONSI#1* t "3 fi» mstiini»«,-,, Pharmacy is responsible —responsible to you, and to your physician. In all seriousness we accept this responsibility for safeguarding your health and welfare. When you bring a prescription here it will be promptly and expertly compounded and the price will be fair. (capital Drug Co. Salem Tea Unh worSeo-bJ' ’h'r m no k>nqrt tree They WOT* when »nd where ortiered at t heed rete yoe Ano rf *0 rouH here been prerenfed rf they rf only seen ti< K> ejree And eorb loye’ber moeerf oi tty.nq « neeer cm hippen le me' MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY “A Self-*upportin«. Tax-Paring. Private Enterprise' Mass at 9 A.M. Confessions heard before Mass Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 pm. Father C. Mai, Pastor • • • FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Services every Lord’s day Sunday school 9:45 p.m. Morning worship 11:00 A.M. Young People’s meeting 6:30 P.M. Evening worship 7:30 P.M. GIRL THAT I REMEMBER ST. LOUIS BLUES SONS OF THE PIONEERS I LOVE YOU NELLY SAY IT ISN’T SO NORWEGIAN SCHOTTISCHE Come in and see our wide selections of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Populars, Old Timers, Classical, and Seml-Classlcal Records. PORTER & LAU “First With What You Want Most” COMPLETE APPIJANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance 1 Mill City 1884 Stayton 213 SNOIldimSlMd WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU • • Yes, this Prescription $ ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC < 111 RUH, MILL CITY surgery at the Memorial hospital last Wednesday. She is doing nicely and plans to come home this Wednesday. Lana Lee Storey, who has Salem specialists baffled as to the cause, has had reservations made for her at Dombeckers hospital in Portland for observation. Fifty-three persons were served with refreshments at the first meet ing of Deanha Parents and Teachers organization Monday night in the grade school library, by Mrs. Steele’s first grade mothers. Otis White spoke on the “Children bill” and urged all who were qualified to vote, to register if they had not done so. Mrs. Richard Hansen, dele gate to the Parents and Teachers school of instruction in Albany last week gave a summarization of that meeting. Mrs. Elsie Hoyt's second grade won the room prize for the largest percent of parents attending. This rain, while disagreeable in which to work, has lifted the hazzard of fire, and most men are willing to take it in order to get a full day’s work in the woods. Promotion exercises were held at the Idanha Community church last Sunday morning for twelve children, one from primary 1 to primary 2, eight from primary 2 to intermediate and 3 from intermediate to junior high class. In the absence of Mr. Joseph Weinsz, due to illness, Rev. J. N. Wall of Dallas delivered the ser mon Sunday morning. A Sunday afternoon guest in the Henry Heibert home was Howard Cecious of Portland. He and Heibert were together in Tokyo in World War II. Dinner guest in the Heibert home Sunday were Rev. and Mrs. J. N, Wall. FORGET TO VOTE? À September 2d. 193d WORLD'S fr convert wniooW Here'» the $en$ation*l, new wood window you can lift out and wash in the sink! Just a slight side pressure releases the sash. You've teen it nationally advertised. FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Mill Citv Slav Ion