Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1950)
4 DAVID M. REID’REAL ESTATE I 2 - BEDROOM HOUSE, completely furnished, approximately one acre, By EVA BRESSLER small down payment—rest like rent —full price $4,500. Saturday evening guests at the BYRON DAVIS, Prop. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, immediate | home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burnister were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burmister FOR SALE — Cocker puppies, two FOR SALE — New Junior DeLaval possession, 100% G.I. Cream Separator No. 4, electric BUSINESS BUILDING for rent. “At the Bottom of the Hill” and daughter Janet of Scio. females, two males. Telephone 951 model $75.00. Mrs. Floyd Bassett, 4 UNFURNISHED CABIN’S for rent. Mrs. Willard Hartnell is visiting at Lyons. Art Olmstead. 39tf OREGON I Lyons, Ore., Phone 116. 39tf MILL CITY, 2 CHOICE LOTS on highway—Bar the home of her brother in Warrens FOR SALE — Trailer house stove, I burg, Missouri. She will bring her ! FOR RENT — 3-bedroom house, hot gain! white gas $13.95. Red’s Hill Top j Trading Post. 38tf I and cold water, bath, laundry tubs, 2 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS with mother home with her for the winter. partially furnished. Also have some Mrs. George Keeley of Portland water, $600. FOR SALE— Particolored registered sleeping rooms, and board. See 80 ACRES, more or less, with good visited last week at the home of her cocker spaniel pups. See “Santiam Mrs. G. O. Hutchinson, old Slater 2 story house—bargain—quick sale. mother Mrs. Alice Huber and brother Sam" Steffy, Mill City. 38tf place. Phone 3771. 38-3p CAFE FOR SALE, best in canyon, and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don FOR SALE Seven acres, tillable, on LOST— Male Collie dog, answers to doing excellent business—ill health ald Huber. Visiting at the home of Mr. and highway, good building site, 2% mi. name of “Sunny Boy”. Return to forces sale. SERVING THE CANYON AREA east of Lyons. See Mrs. Floyd owner, Mrs. Pat Kerr. Lyons, for I GROCERY STORE — choice location Mrs. E. L. Roye last week were Mr. Bassett, Lyons or Wallace Bevier, PICKUPS AT reward. 37tf —$130,000 per year gross income— and Mrs. Carl Wallace of Santa Mon Mill City. 38tf ica, California. no credit. FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Sam Bridges of the Gas Heat com SEE W. R. HUTCHESON FOR SALE—5-year-old Holstein-Jer E. D. Cooke, 2 blocks west high Laundry and Dry Cleaning— pany flew to Chicago last week and North Side Mill City sey milk cow, fresh last June. Chas. school. Ken Golllet, Mehama; ML Jeff Cafe. Idanha 37 tf drove home a new truck for the com Sullivan, SE of Lea’s Tavern. 39-lp Dry Cleaning—Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit FOR RENT — One bedroom cabins, FOR SALE—Wood circulator nearly pany. WE REBUILD Furniture like new. 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9125 new, price $30, also 4-poster bed two sizes. Deerhorn Motel, phone Vem Goodell received word of the 38-3p Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay and spring, price $30. E. D. Cooke. 605. death of his brother Fred Goodell in ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A, SITTING by the day or hour Tacoma Sunday evening. W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf FOR RENT — Three 2-room apart BABY ments, unfurnished, hot and cold in my home. Mrs. Beauford Flat Harry Larimers are building a new FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, in water, $35 per month. Mrs. F. L. man, P.O. Box 311 or house at end house on the property they recently 38-3p purchased of Mrs. Alice Huber. The quire at Enterprise. 33tf Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf of NW. Alder St. building will be made of pumice FOR SALE — All or part. New 3-room FOR SALE- Refrigerator, Norge, 6 FOR SALE —Bunk beds, $7.50 per cu. ft., good and clean $49. Red's pair. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. cabin on creek near Idanha, com blocks. Hill Top Trading Post. 38tf 38 tf plete bath, kitchen plumbing, pro Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Jones and pane range and hot water tank, Mrs. John Hargreaves from the FOR SALE — Three choice building FOR RENT—9-room house, suitable automatic water pump unit. Write Lyons Methodist church attended the lots in Swift’s addition, water, elec for boarding house. Inquire at Mr. M, % Enterprise, Box 348, Mill district convention held in Corvallis tricity available, level ground. W. Gates postoffice, Merle Devine, R. City, Ore. 38-3 Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. Jones vis I* Peterson. 20tf 1, Lyons. 39-3p WHY PAY RENT ? Buy income prop ited their son-in-law and daughter FOR RENT—3-room furnished apart EXPERT AUTO and home radio erty. New duplex for sale. W. L. who live in Corvallis. Mrs. Albert ment also sleeping room. E. D. service, 20 years experience, all Peterson, Swift’s addition. 20tf Bass who made the trip with them Cooke, 2 blocks west high school 39 makes. Guaranteed service. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stiffler’s Radio and Appliance. 3tf WANTED TO BUY — 5 h.p. electric Victor Moses. Mrs. Bass is a niece WANTED — Carpenter work, new, motor, single phase. Tony Mora repair, and remodeling. E, D. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma vec, Route 1, Stayton, Phone 14F83 of the Moses. ----- - Cooke, two blocks west high school. chines. We sell, rent, repair and 38-3p Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler were 37tf ■wap all makes. Trade your old called to Salem Thursday morning FOR RENT — Apartment, block from machine towards a new one. ROEN, by the sudden death of their brother- 10 to 34 feet FOR SALE — White enamel wood 456 Court St., Salem. town, one bedroom, stoves and re in-law Mr. Fred Hester. Mr. Hester | 35-4 range, good condition $30.00. W. L. frigerator furnished. Phone 2652. Peterson, Swift addition. 35 FOR SALE Baby crib $4 95, baby 38tf passed away suddenly with a heart i attack, Attending the funeral in Sa- crib mattress Red’s Hill Top NEW AND USED FOR SALE Colt .45 automatic with Trading Post. 38tf FOR SALE — Ice boxes, two 75 lb. lem Saturday were his nieces and I .22 conversion unit, side and shoul boxes left. Your choice $4.95. nephews Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and der holster all for $75.00; Luger $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale Parker-Hutcheson, Gates, Ore. 39tf Mr. and Mrs. John Warden and great | 9 mm. with holster $45.00; .410 shot paid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug gun $25.00; single barrel 12 gauge las Fir logs suitable for piling. High ANYONE INTERESTED in seeing niece Mrs. Wayne Lierman of Stay $10.00. See Dick Paynter evenings prices paid for barkie poles and an Assembly of God work started ton. piling. Call Albany 1287 or write in Mill City, please contact Lloyd Mrs. Jake Trahan was honored with and Sundays, first trailer on left ALBANY — 2 Mlles South on 99E Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price Wells, P.O.749,Mill City,Ore. 39-3p a “pink and blue” shower held at the Martin Trailer Court. 37-3p lists. 31tf home of Mrs. Felix Johnson Thurs BARGAINS FOR SALE — 1942 Ford sedan new day afternoon. Games and opening . motor, tires, heater. Very good GOING HUNTING —New and used FOR SALE OR TRADE mechanically. Needs paint Reas tents and tarps, all sizes at Red’s >4 Acre 2-bedroom house, complete of the dainty packages furnished the | onable. R A Long, Gates Trailer Hill Top Trading Post. 38tf ly furnished, will take trailer house entertainment for the afternoon. Present were Mrs. Jake Trahan, Mrs. Court. 38-3p LIST YOUR homes and farms with as down payment or $1,000 cash. Lucille Nash, Mrs. Arthur Olmstead, 10 ACRES, fair house, lots of water Have cash buyers. Mill City, FOR SALE—5-acre farm, with 5-rm. me. Mrs. Calvin Trahan, Mrs. Doc Jung- $300 down, balance like rent. David M. house, partly furnished, small trac Gates. Detroit, Lyons. wirth, and Mrs. Pete Rodich of Lyons, 3tf SMALL HOUSE, cabin, excellent lo Mrs. Jake Schlies anl Mrs. Agnes Hi- tor and disc. Will sell equity for Reid, Real Estate. $500. First house west of King's cation, $100 down. berg of Stayton. Sending gifts were FOR SALE — 25-20 Rifle and shells; restaurant, 3 mi. west of Mill City. 2 BEDROOM modem, lot 50 x 100. Mrs. Will Johnson, Mrs. Alex Bo-| also Buff Cochin bantams, all sizes. See Fred Skillings, 4 houses west Terms to right party. E. D. Cooke. 39tf deker and Mrs. Marvin Berry. for information. 39-3p PENNICK-PENNICK College students returning to school FOR SALE Sanitary Trailer Refrig A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum Phone 1901 Evenings 702 and new students registering are yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per erator, new 4-ft. The last of our Miss Carol Johnston daughter of Mr. Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! sq. yard. Dnve Epps Furniture Co. allotment for this year. See at and Mrs. Paul Johnston who returned Parker-Hutcheson, Gates, Ore. 39tf SAVE HALF or more on toilet sinks to Oregon College of Education. Miss NEED A TELEPHONE? — Stop in and washbowls. Red’s Hill Top Joyce Kuiken, daughter of Mrs. Elva , and see the new Lech combination Trading Post. 38tf For Guaranteed Cleaning Kuiken and Miss Sheila Baltzer both desk or wall phone, also used registered there as freshmen. David I phones from $10.00 up. Telephone FOR SALE Sink and double swing Karr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert I it’s the faucet, like new. Single kitchen1 and Hearing Aid batteries stocked. Karr returned to Oregon. type sink, large with chrome faucet, I Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance. 39tf $9.95. Parker-Hutcheson, Gates, FOR SALE One wood range, very GATES PTA HOLDS SPECIAL Ore. 39tf| good condition $25.00 One silent MEETING THURSDAY Sioux oil heater $20 00 Call 1814, PETER, PETER, Pl Ml’KIN EATER 24-HOUR SERVICE A special meeting of the Gates Par Mill City. 38-3 Had a wife and couldn’t keep her; ent Teacher association was called They came to our Canyon fair Mill City PLEASE LIST all available rooms, last Thursday evening. A small group room and board, houses and apts. And are now a very happy pair, of parents, teachers and members of | Do as Peter did, buy a home from Closes at 6 P.M. Write, telephone or visit Personnel the school board met in the recrea PENNICK-PEN NICK Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated tion rooms of the high school. Tommy * Phone 1901 Evenings 702 Builders. Inc., Detroit Dam Baker, who had served as president ! of the organization since last spring, j tendered his resignation and Harold j Wilson was elected to fill the office; I Cecil Haun was elected vice presi- 1 dent. Refreshments were served at I the close of the session by the host- j esses, Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt, Mrs. GENERAL AUTO and Riley Champ, and Mrs. Letha Bent- | ley. The next regular meeting will TRUCK REPAIR be held at the school, the first Thurs Arc and Acetylene One Mill East ot Detroit day evening in October with Mrs. Wil FAMILY STYI.E MEAI.S son Park, Mrs. Harold Wilson and 1 Welding Mrs. Albert Millsap as hostesses. JEWEL MYERS, Mgr. I'nder New Management LYONS September 28, 1950 ■THF. MILL (ITY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales MILL CITY TAVERN SALEM LAUNDRY TRAILER HOMES Kits - Bales Aero Kenslcill - Angeles South Side Trailers All-Steel Lockers NU-METHOD Available at Ken Golliet’s GARAGE Boarding House North Santiam TAVERN Phone 3452 MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hoale ry • 1.1 n ge rte- D reaaea- S moc ks 181 High St. Salem Phone 4032 Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month Also light hauling. (Leonard Herman Phone 2325 JtfDQD tt Q Q Ci BBW0(n B QWS » O QQ B e « \ EKA ES BARBER SHOP 2nd A Broadway Hour«: 10 to 7 Real Estate Mill City MSMMMaSU RALEIGH HAROLD FLORIST and M Ksl.KY FLOWERING Y Ml SH ADY TREES SHRUBS AND BUI Rs 31» W. Waah. St. stayton Phone 36N4 : MIKE'S Septic Service : « Septic Tank« and Newer* Cleaned • «Phone BAUEN SHM COI JXCT t 1»7» Elm Rt.. W. Salem FLOWERS NEW STOCK ■ rial« — oil (loth Milk and Wool Soarfa New shade« In Nylon« Curt tain Material — Ticking Hendricsons Store In the Dawe* Bldg. GOODE’S FLOWER SHOP Phone Blue 64B Open Sundays and Holidays 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Quality iob printing at the Enter prise. Business - Directory - Professional nh.kN iip ^ m anuí n MEHAMA Stayton, Ore. C. E. Coville WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Real Estate Modern Funeral Service STAYTON OREtrON West Side Mill (Yty Ph 34» 7 LISTINGS W ANTED ■at 9 9 9 • 9 t 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ■ <’-------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- — Complete Supply of All Your Du tiding Needs , . . SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT FEATURING NEW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX— THE PAINT WITH THE SAND HM*H b__________________________________ _________ __________________ KELLY LUMBER SALES OPEN SATURDAYS PHONE 1815 RrssEI.L KELLY. Manager