> 5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE September 28, 1950 PACT IIHHI Acacia Assembly of Rainbow For Girls Holds Convention Stork Shower Honors Mrs. Don Bengston Mrs. Beehler Honored At Baby Shower Mrs. Charles Harmon and Mrs. G. Mrs. Merritt Beehler was honor guest at a baby shower Friday eve W. Nourse honored Mrs. Don Bengs FRIDAY and SATURDAY ning when Mrs. Richard Gorman, ton Friday evening with a stork Sept. 29 th and 30th Mrs. Lawrence Smith and Mrs. Arey shower at the Harmon home. The Pink and Blue Shower At public installation ceremoniesI Podrabsky entertained in her honor. evening was spent playing bingo. Re Jl'DY CANOVA In held at the Masonic hall in Stayton Games were played and following freshments were served by the host For Mrs. Russell Kelly Hit the Hay last week, the following installing of the opening of the many lovely gifts esses to: Mrs. Don Bengston, Mrs. Mrs. George Steffy, Mrs. Lowell ficers were in charge: Installing of dainty refreshments were served by Clyde Wells, Mrs Clayton Baltimore, — Plus — Mrs. Lucille Lowery, Mrs. LaVon The annual reunion of the Johnson Stiffler and Mrs. George Veteto of ficer, Jacquelyn Calavan of Scio; the hostesses. Mill City sponsored a pink and blue The Palomino Present were Mrs. Merritt Beehler, Bayless, Mrs. Joe Vigil. Mrs. William clan was held in Moore’s grove, with shower for Mrs. Russell Kelly held chaplain, Marlene Verbeck of Mill City; musician, Jean Thurston of Mrs. Ray Steiner. Mrs. E. Bauer. Mrs. Tickle, Mrs. Norman Jensen, and Mrs. In Technicolor a large attendance of the members last Thursday night in the Russell Scio; recorder, Shirley Hennies of Ray Walker, Mrs. John Peltier, Mrs. Pauline Paynter. of the family from different cities ot Kelly home in Mill City. Turner, and marshal. Pat Miller of Lyle Gould. Mrs. Allan Hoffman. Mrs. si XDAY and MONDAY' Lee Owens, Mrs. James Fernaid. Mrs. the state. A picnic dinner was served Taking part in and bringing many Scio. PATTY STEM \RT OF GATES October 1st and 2nd gifts to the baby shower in honor of Officers installed for the ensuing James Barton, and the hostesses. in the grove to Mrs. Lula Armstrong, Mrs. Kelly were Mrs. Lee Ross. Mrs. term of four months were as follows: Sending gifts were Mrs. Nate Bond, CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY BOGART HUMPHREY Mrs. Lillie Carter and baby, Gordon Charles Kelly, Mrs. Shields Remine, Worthy adviser, LaVon Humphreys Patty June Stewart, daughter of Mrs. Carl Watt, and Mrs. Orville in Armstrong and Vaughn Omar, all Mrs. James O’Leary and Mrs. Don of Stayton; associate worthy advisor, Larsen. Mr. and Mns. Elmer Stewart, was from Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sheythe of Mill City; Mrs. George Karleen Drager of Turner; charity, hostess at her home. Friday after Johnson, Don Johnson and Joyce Manolis and Mrs. Don Walker of Leia Kelly of Mill City; hope, Nova- noon to a group of her schoolmates, I Johnson of Sweet Home; Mr. and Gates. in observance of her birthday anni deen Bruce of Scio; faith, Donna [ Mrs. Sherman Johnson and daughter Those sending gifts because they Cooke of Mill City; recorder, Shirley versary. Party games were played Beverly from Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. ’ were unable to personally participate Hennies of Turner; and treasurer, and refreshments served by the host By LELA KELLY Earl Johnson and family, and Mrs. ! were Mrs. Francis Merrill, Mrs. Clyde Marlene Verbeck of Mill City, the last ess, asisted by her mother, Mrs. Ste TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Jennie Johnson of Amity; Mr. and Wells and Mrs. D. B. Hill of Mill City. two to serve for a year. wart, to Virginia Bilyew, Roberta PIE SOCIAL HELD October 3rd and 4th Mrs. Charles Hughs of Portland; Mr. Refreshments of ice cream, cake Appointive officers included: Chap The Junior class of Mill City high Loucks, Willa Loucks, Judy Baker, GARY COOPER and Mrs. Otto Wagner of Portland: and coffee were served to the group lain, Pat Miller of Scio; drill leader, sponsored a pie social last Friday June Cox, Caroline McMullin, Ella , from Gates were Mr. and Mrs. Clar by the hostesses. in Webster, Mervin Haun, Herbert night. Cornelia Lee of Scio; associate drill ence Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Romey, Jerry Larson, Eddie Butler, Games were played at the begin leader, Jean Thurston of Scio; mus Levon, Royal Johnson, Mrs. Gwen ician, Irene Thomas of Turner; love, ning of the party which started at Allan Vail, John Barnhardt and Clif Schaer and four children and Mrs. LINDA HERMAN CELEBRATES In Technicolor Pat Graves of Turner; religion, Jua 8 o’clock. The pies were auctioned ford Ambers. EIGHTH BIRTHDAY A. W. Ream of Springfield. Mrs. i ____ ••• « off by Gary Peterson, auctioneer. nita Morris of Scio; nature, Betsey Ream remained in Gates for a week Linda Lee Herman celebrated her Milk was served with the pies. After Kriever of Mill City; immortality, THURSDAY as guest at the home of her brother , eighth birthday the afternoon of Sept. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 21 at a birthday party given for her Carol Newkirk of Turner; fidelity, the feast, dancing was held in the October 5th Johnson. Also at the Johnson home by Mrs. Leonard Herman, her mother, Doreen Borst of Jefferson; patrio auditorium. SHELLEY WINTERS tism, Jo Anne Shimanek of Scio; JUNIORS ORDER CLASS RINGS for a week’s visit was Mrs. Lila and Miss Alice Fortune of Mill City in service, Pat Hennies of Turner; con Hughs of Portland. Mrs. Hughs is at the Herman home in Mill City. A representative of Master En fidential observer, Phyllis McCarley Johnson’s niece. Attending Linda Lee’s party were gravers of Portland called on the . Georgia Kendler, Joyce Calkins, of Mehama; outer observer, Pat members of the Junior class Monday. O. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. Shields of Mehama; and choir di . Linda Dhyrman, Annette Knowles, After quite a discussion, the class rector, Idonna Shimanek of Scio. SHELL PRODUCTS Sue and Karen Rue, Pauline Matheny, chose their rings which will arrive Members of the choir are Jolly in about two months. AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ! Kenneth Dotson and Evonne Bair. Candy favors enlivened the party Krossman, Carolyn Casewell, Joan ZENITH TIRES Doors opon at 7:20 P3L which netted the youngsters generous Greenly, Beth Robison, Valerie Borst, MAGAZINES TO BE SOLD Complete show can be seen any time np to 8:30 ’ portions of ice cream, cake and punch. Charlene Borst, Florence Marlott, Pa The members of the Mill City high FISHING TACKLE ■Sunday I tricia Davidson, Jacqueline Squires, school student body will be rushing IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII from house ot house in the next 10 and Violet Sims. Chicken thinner The new worthy advisor, LaVon days selling magazines. FORGET TO VOTE? The classes are on a competitive Humphreys, introduced her parents, ARE YOU GOING TO BE TOO Mr. and Mrs. Harry Humphreys, and basis and the winning class will be LATE? OCT. 7th IS LAST DAY other members of her family. A spe awarded a trophy. YOU CAN REGISTER TO VOTE! cial degree in her honor was put on All money made will go into the Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle REGISTER AT \I I!\I S BARBER by several members of Acacia chap student body funds and will be used Owners EVENING APPOINTMENTS SHOP OR AT THE ENTERPRISE. ter. Order of Eastern Star, of Stay for basketball and baseball supplies as well as other student body needs. ton. Located Next to Furniture Store Refreshments were served in the TIMBERWOLVES vs. BRAVES dining room after the meeting. PHONE 5951 GATES The Mill City Timberwolves will travel to Chemawa to play the In dian Braves in their first league Bridal Shower Honors game of the year. The game will be played Friday, Sept. 29th. Mrs. Tom Morgan The Mill City team lost the prac Electrical Contracting and Service Wilma May Howe entertained at tice game with Chemawa last Friday FREE ESTIMATES — LICENSED ELECTRICIANS her home Saturday afternoon with a on the home field but are hoping for bridal shower in honor of Mrs. Tom better luck this week. Let’s BEAT Morgan (Luella Mason) a recent CHEMAWA!! bride. BUSINESS PHONE — SALEM 3-5501 Refreshments were served by the HOME PHONE — SALEM 2-2800 hostess to Mrs. Tom Morgan, Betsy Kreiver, Betty Lou Cree, Dorothy FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES Downer, Donna Nelson, Beryl Mason, World Day of Communion will be Mrs. Warren Howe and Wilma May observed KEN PRATT, Mgr. Electrical Dept. 3455 D Street, SALEM next Sunday at the Pres Howe. SPECIAL SERVICE TO MILLS byterian church. Mrs. Shields Remine will be soloist. The first meeting of the Mill City Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hollyman and MILL CITY Campfire Girls was held at the home family visited in Portland Sunday aiaHnnnnHnHHHnHnnnniannnHnannnHnstnHHHHHnHHHKraHHHnnHHniBai I of Mrs. Vincent Palmer, Tuesday. with her aunt, Mrs. Viola Muir. OPEN WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Mrs. Arthur Kriever and Mrs. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Carl Braden Jr. and 8 A.M. to 7 P.M 9 A M. to 12 NOON are the two leaders. The Campfire son of Smith Center, Kansas are visit WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS Girls made plans for their activity ing Bradens aunts Mrs. Paul Horner SEALED during the coming year. and Mrs. Verne Clark and their fam ilies. Braden made his home in Mill City before he entered the navy in World War II. At the Henry Baltimore home one CHOICE 8- AND 10-FOOT LOCKERS day last week were Mrs. Viva Grace STILL A4 AILABLE of Hanford, Calif., and Mrs. Lon Bal timore and Mrs. Mamie Bilyeu of Enjoy Summer Freshness All Winter Long** Albany. Wrapping materials should be selected to keep the moisture Mrs. Donald Smith and Mrs. Earl in the food and the air out. Ragsdale were patients at the Salem Memorial hospital last week and are now at their homes. Visiting at the home of Mr. and One ride on Ford’s Sofa*Wide seats (offer Mrs. F. H. Hollyman and family is 0 ing top hip and shoulder room in Ford's BILL HIRTE MILL CITY ■ Mrs. E. v L. Sigfrit of Colfax, Calif, g field) and you’ll ask: "Why pay more for her HOURS: 10 A.M. to 7 P.M Week Days ! Mrs. Sigfrit came north to visit roominess and comfort when Ford offers i grandchildren, Terry, Johnnie and g | Linda Sigfrit. She plans to visit one week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peters and three children of Prineville called on friends in Mill City Thursday after Mrs. Peters is the former noon. Mary Lou Huston. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shunk spent | the weekend at Monmouth. Kenneth Chance is recuperating at Whir« i da~afl tiros and «rhee/ 1 the home of his parents following trim rings optional at extra cast. I surgery at the Salem Memorial hos pital. Take a "Test Drive” In a Ford and youll Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Runkle and son diKOver the fine car "feel" of cars that cost David of Portland were guests hundreds of dollars more. You’ll have to day at the home of Mr. and keep reminding yourself that this is a low Clayton Baltimore. Johnson Family Annual Reunion Chain Lightning Mill City Hi lites Unconguered Mil l. CITY Service Skitinn Closed Mondays MV’S Steak House South Sea Sinner I'egiic's llcmil.i Salon Write or Phone Collect Kellom s Fresh Meats -▼ : MILL CITY Salem Equipment Co. Kellom’s Grocery HILL TOP LOCKERS like a bie’ car » * pricad car you’re driving. FREE METHODIST CHURCH RALLY SUNDAY , OCT. Rev. L. C. Gould, pastor of the Free Methodist church announced today that October 1st is Rally day, and that children of all ages are urged to come and join this happy group as they sing choruses and have their class period. Each Sunday following the Sunday school hour Mrs. Gene Davidson holds Junior church for all who wish to stay. The pastor will speak too for the children this Sunday. * XL, bi<>' car ! ( in everything but Ford brings big-car V-8 power to the low- price field, too. Yet, with all its big-car features. Ford is low in first cost, low in up keep, high in resole value. LICENSED GAKBAGE GARBAGE SERVICE >• SERVIGI J COST ) Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton fl par month and UP up Aino Ala» «erring nerving Galea Gates and Lyon« Lyons MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE PHONE 2352 LEONARD HERMAN -k » I