Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1950)
4—THE MILL CITV ENTERPRISE _______________ September ¿X, 19.',0 SPORTS PACE Triple-Header Called Kellys Trounce Teamsters 12-10 Account of Rain The sponsors of the triple-header softball games scheduled for last Sun day, but called on account of rain, wish to thank everyone for their efforts in behalf of the lighting fund. Due to the rainy season now upon us and the opening of the hunting season in most of the state it is doubtful that the games can be played because of the difficulty of getting the players together. The first game between the Grave yard and Swingster teams got under way at 1 o’clock and lasted until the 6th inning when the rain turned into a downpour and forced both teams and spectators to go home. A good crowd had showed up to watch the games but soon had to give up when the rain persisted. Kellys took another win in softball league play as they trounced the Teamsters last Wednesday. Kellys had 12 runs, seven hits and three errors; and the Teamsters chalked up 10 runs, four hits and four errors. By consistently scoring in each of the first five innings the Kelly ball club built up a winning score. Park er’s fifth inning homer put the game on ice for Kellys. The Teamsters staged a comback in the sixth inning by bringing in two runs on two singles aptly hit. Don Carey pitched and Gale Carey caught for Kellys. Lazine was the losing pitcher and Elwood the catcher. AIC High Loses To Chemawa 26-6 Closure Order Lifted, lt Pa»s to Advertise in the Enterprise Says Fire Warden Mill City high school football squad lost a practice game to the Chemawa football team last Friday. With no unbeatable combinations to exhibit, almost from the beginning of the game it was apparent that the local players were out-classed in weight and experience by the Indian squad. What the Mill City boys lacked in the way of brawn and ex perience, they made up for in sheer determination and fight. Many times coaches give new play ers a baptism of fire that is a corker in order to bring home the idea that playing the game is serious business. The 26-6 score in favor of Chemawa need not hamper the Mill City squad in this Friday's league play With Chemawa. Let’s all get behind our local men and push them to win. Fire Warden Phillips' today an nounced officially that the closure j order clamped on due to low' humidity has been lifted. State forestry headquarters at Mo-1 lalla informed Warden Phillips that Longview Fiber lumber company, that i owns the old Silver Falls logging op erations, for the convenience of deer J hunters, will allow access to their roads and timberlands. The old Freres logging operation roadways above Mehama on the Little i North Fork are also open to hunters, likewise the Abiqua Basin road near | Silver Creek FalU. Although hunting in the Longview | Fiber holdings is permitted camping. over-night is not; and patrolmen of \ the company will enforce the rule made necessary by continued low moisture fire danger. Repair or Re-Roof THAT BUILDING NOW Before the Fall Rains Come AN AMPLE STOCK OF ROOFING AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. COMPOSITION, ALUMINUM OR STEEL SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP STAYTON, OREGON tuauuiBiuui .auig.iMn.iii: u u. uu u uaun w .iniiiimnuuui.iiii:nunuu.a. ■uuua.aMMi■mauuugaamauguMi Lookout Visits Civilization To Get Car License at the Elkhorn Guest ranch were Mr. and Mrs. Don Sheythe and two sons. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hill. Sunday guests in Arnold Sipe, a forest service look- i cluded Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman .MASON ATTENDS CONVENTION Paul Mason of Lyons attended the out who has been stationed at Rocky who had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. FORGET TO VOTE? 14th annual convention of the IWA- Top Lookout, came down to civiliza Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Baylay of Oak ARE YOU GOING TO BE TOO CIO held in Minneapolis last week tion last weekend for the first time this year. The recent rain enabled LAIE? (MT. 7th IS LAST DAI as a delegate of Local 5-2804 of the him to receive permission to leave his ridge, Ore., were callers on the Ken neth Randalls Sunday. The Baylays YOU CAN REGISTER TO VOTE! union. Sessions, held at the Hotel REGISTER AT VERNES BARBER Nicollet, were concluded Friday, Sep post, and the fact that he wanted to who were former Elkhorn residents renew his car license was his incen now own and operate a variety store SHOP OR AT THE ENTERPRISE. tember 15th. tive. at Oakridge. Arnold, an ex-service man, enjoys Visitors at the Elkhorn Guest ranch his solitary outpost. Four months Sunday were Supreme Court Judge atop a mountain with no companion Arthur Hay, his wife and son and his ' but a dog is his idea of good employ- sister Edith Hay who is visiting here I ment. He is to be transferred soon from Edenburgh, Scotland. Judge to House Mountain Rock, which he Hay stated he was showing his sister I declares is "too thickly populated,” some of the beautiful Oregon country. | because occasionally someone comes up to view the lookout. »'IT • UH Being a forest lookout is not a new experience for Sipe, who was sta tioned on Rocky Top last year. For ENJOY QUIET, PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS . . . provisions, he radios out. They are ■ then brought by the fire warden to I DELICIOUS FOOD .... EXPERT EFFICIENT the end of the road. From the road MILL CITY SERVICE .... SENSIBLE MODERATE PRICES. to the lookout is a one-mile hike. A dog of mixed heritage, named FINE COOKED FOOD TO TAKE OUT. A FRIENDLY Rat, shares the solitary vigil with I his master, and has mastered a num FAMILY ber of tricks in the months of con- | ATMOSPHERE finement. f Les’s Tavern MAKE SURE THIS SEASON YOU EXTINGUISH YOUR CAMP AND WARMING FIRES. PREVAILS ELKHORN uitiiiiiitiiiuiitiiuiiiitiiiiiiiiii.iiiuiitiiiuiiiiiiiHuinii'iiituHiiiiiiuK'Hii.iiiiiiiiiaHiuuLiinjnt By ELSIE MYERS Colia* Early Friday and Saturday to Insure a Table Thank You! MY SINCERE APPRECIATION FOR THE EX- <1.1 I l\l PATBONAGB FROM <»l It MANY GOOD FRIENDS IN THE CANYON. HI "Hi IND I HAVE ENJOYED LIVING HERE WITH VO1 IND REGRIT THAT < IR( I M STANCES NECES81TAIT <»l R I I II ING PLEASE BE ASSURED THAT MR. RALPH NIBBLEB WILL PROVIDE Y<M THOROUGH IND COURTEOUS SERVICE. THANKS AGAIN. ALLEN KEITH FRIENDLY SERVICE We tab better care of your car CHEVRON GAS STATION Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers returned j Saturday from a 10-day vacation trip. They drove to Spokane where they spent a week with their son-in-law I and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Scott and daughter Diana and Norma Jo. They also visited Grand Coulee dam and other points of in terest. On their return trip they spent several days in Gresham visit ing with relatives and friends. Dur ing their absence S. K. Wells of Port land stayed at the Myers home. Recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dark were Judge and Mrs. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jungwirth and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bevier and family. Calling upon friends in the Elk horn community recently was Mrs. Bonita Myers, who formerly was a teacher in the Elkhorn school. She was accompanied by her sister Mrs. R. Hibbard and Miss Beulah Shope both of Portland. Word has been received from Mrs. Beulah Clise, who recently drove to Buffalo, Mo., that she had arrived safely. She will be joined here by her husband who will leave his ship and drive home overland with her. Arriving at the Bill Bickett home Wednesday was Mrs. Birkett’s broth er L. H. Billington and two sons of Cotton Center. Texas. They expect to make their home for the present with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Billington of Scio. Mrs. Carl Longnecker. Mrs. Louie Ray and Mrs. Bill Bickett attended the PTA meeting at Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dark. Duray and Durwood were callers at the Ike Myers home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Ray called_ on their daughter Mrs. Don Schultz of Scio Saturday. Mrs. Schultz who has been ill for some time was some what improved. Recent dinner guests from Mill City Don’t Fight Your Wheel We Can Make Your Driving a Pleasure Front End Correction WE CAN NOW OFFER COMPLETE FRONT END REPAIR AND CORRECTION ON YOUR CAR OR TRUCK. Save Those Extra Tire Miles Free Analysis I Wheel Aligner | Dynamic Wheel Balancer No Job Too Large or Too Small Gene Teague Chevrolet lie THIRD ST. STAYTON PHONE 2J4I