Wants and Sales FOR SALE — Trailer house stove, ----- - ’s Hill - —I white gas $13 95. Red Top Trading Post. 38tf , FOR SALE — Particolored registered cocker spaniel pups. See "Santiam Sam” Steffy, Mill City. 38tf $25.00 REWARD For anyone find-1 ing wedding ring lost within the! last three months. Call the Enter prise. 36-3 LOST Male Collie dog. answers to name of “Sunny Boy”. Return to owner, Mrs. Pat Kerr, Lyons, for reward. 37tf FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. WANTED — Your offer for this lot E D. Cooke, 2 blocks west high 50x100, lights and water available. school. 37tf | Best offer takes. Guy Sorensen, FOR SALE — 2V4 H.P. Lawson out 2nd Avenue. 38-3p board motor $79.50; Maytag Pro ___ FOR SALE Seven acres, tillable, on j pane gas range $225.00. Stajrton highway, good building site, 2% mi Hardware & Furniture Co , Stayton, east of Lyons. See Mrs. Floyd Ore. 25tf Bassett, Lyons or Wallace Bevier, Mill City. 38tf FOR RENT — Three 2-room apart ments, unfurnished, hot and cold WANTED — General office work, water, $35 per month. Mrs. F. L. qualified typist, bookkeeper, and Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf cashier. References. Clara Morgan, phone 2524, Lyons. 3fl-3p FOR SALE —Bunk beds, $7.50 per pair. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. WE REBUILD Furniture like new. 38 tf Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay fiXPERT AUTO and home radio ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A, service, 20 years experience, all W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf makes. Guaranteed service. FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, in Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. 3tf quire at Enterprise. 33tf TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING Ma FOR SALE—Refrigerator, Norge, 6 chines. We sell, rent, repair and cu. ft., good and clean $49. Red's swap all makes. Trade your old Hill Top Trading Post. 38tf machine towards a new one. ROEN. 456 Court St., Salem. 35-4 FOR SALE — Three choice building lots in Swift’s addition, water, elec $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale tricity available, level ground. W. lid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug L. Peterson. 20tf las Fir logs suitable for piling. High prices paid for barkie poles and WANTED — Carpenter work, new, piling. Call Albany 1287 or write repair, and remodeling. E, D. Standard Pole * Piling Co. for price Cooke, two blocks west high school. lists. 31tf 37tf GOING HUNTING —New and used FOR SALE Woodrow washing ma tents and tarps, all sizes at Red’s chine, good condition $15.00. W. 38tf Hill Top Trading Post. D. Hoeye, northwest of high school. 36-3p WE WILL BUY Blackberries until Saturday night, Sept. 23, at 8c per FOR SALE — White enamel wood lb. Crates and hallocks available. range, good condition $30.00. W. L. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 38tf Peterson, Swift addition. 35 FOR SALE — Late model Dexter FOR SALE—One wood range, very good condition $25.00. One silent washer $65.00; Columbia bicycle 26 Sioux oil heater $20.00 Call 1814, inch $18.00 E. D. Cooke. 32tf Mill City. 38-3 FOR SALE Colt .45 automatic with FOR SALE .22 conversion unit, side and shoul der holster all for $75.00; Luger TWO BEDROOM modern house, large 9 mm. with holster $45.00; .410 shot lot, $2,100.00 gun $25 00; single barrel 12 gauge $10.00. See Dick Paynter evenings NEW 2-BEDROOM house that has FHA commitment, $6,500 00, well and Sundays, first trailer on left located. Martin Trailer Court. 37-3p SMALL, NEW business building for FOR SALE — 1942 Ford sedan new rent or sale. motor, tires, heater. Very good mechanically. Needs paint. Reas C. E. COVILLE REAL ESTATE onable. R. A Long. Gates Trailer Mill City, Oregon Court. 38-3p For Guaranteed Cleaning North Santiam it’s the at Newport and motored down the Mrs. Albert Toman Jr. of Mill City looked after the Stevens property coast Sunday. while they were away Mrs. Catheryn Lyons returned to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Toland of Cor her home in Lyons last Saturday By EVA BRESSLER vallis, their daughters Mrs. Ray Lane after a summer trip to Europe. Mrs. The first fall meeting of the home Lyons who teaches in the Mill City and daughter Penny of San Francisco extension unit was held at the com grade school has many interesting and Mrs. David Barclay of Monroe munity club house Friday afternoon. | things to tell of her trip. She made visited at the Oral Toland home Sun- This was called their "rally meeting” | the trip to Europe by plane and day. Mr. Toland is a cousin of Oral and Mrs. Orville Downing, president visited her two sisters in Germany, Toland. was in charge. Mrs. Glen Julian gave | who she had not seen since she was a very good report on the A. W. W. very young. She then joined a group «-»j Mill City Lodge No. 144, convention. The next meeting will of 33 membeis from Oregon colleges I.O.O.F. meets every Friday FOR SALE- Baby crib $4 95. baby be held the third Friday in October night. Visiting brothers welcome. crib mattress. Red’s Hill Top Mrs. Paul Johnston outlined the pro at Amsterdam and continued her Trading Post. 38tf gram for the year, present were tour with them. The group returned I to Montreal, Canada, by plane from FOR SALE — 6 ft. Maytag Freezer Mesdames Willard Hartnell, Clinton Prestwick, Scotland and on home by >189.00. Stayton Hardware & Fur Hubbard, Glen Julian, Otto Weidman, train. niture Co., Stayton, Ore. 25tf Hugh Johnston, Orville Downing. Mr. Thomas Eichhorn returned to j Paul Johnston, Earl Thayer, Ivan FOR SALE- Two year old beef. All his home in Portland after doing j Smith, Percy Hiatt, Alex Bodeker, or part. See Glen or Marie Urban. relief work at the Southern Pacific Route 1, Lyons. 38-lp Cleve O’Neil, Ralph Jensen, and Wil i depot during the absence of Ken I son Stevens. Bosanko who took a two week’s va- LIST YOUR homes and farms with C, E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. Mrs. Bob Free was hostess for the 1 cation, Bosanko visited relatives :n | me. Have cash buyers. Mill City, meeting of the Altar society held at SHELL PRODUCTS David M. Idaho also er joyed a trip to Lake Gates, Detroit, Lyons. 3tf her home Thursday evening Plans Louise in Canada. AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES Reid, Real Estate. were discussed for a study club for ZENITH TIRES The Santiam Valley Grange is A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum the winter months, and helpers listed yardage, 6 and 9 ft widths, 69c per to help with the Jordan bazaar which j ready for the annual Harvest Festi- * FISHING TACKLE sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co, will be held Sunday, Sept. 24. Present ' val which will be held at the hall I Saturday night. The Home Econom FOR SALE — 1946 Spartan Manor were Rose Schwindt, Ida Free, Ber ics club will serve chicken dinner trailer house, 27-foot, butane gas nice Bridges, Lorraine Free. Mary during the afternoon and evening.! heat or oil, electric brakes, ice box, Fink, Martha Jungwirth, Frances Schneider and the Plans were also completed at the club sleeps four, Packard Bell radio- Mullins, Father 1------ ------------------- meeting held Tuesday afternoon for j phonograph combination and rec hostess Mrs. Free. the fancy work and apron sale. Mrs. I Can be seen across from ords. A Friendly Place The regular meeting of Faith Re Albert Julian was in charge of the Valley Yards in Lebanon. Vernon hall bekah lodge was held at the Morford. Grant R 3, Box A, Le meeting. Mrs. Jake Myers was ap To While Away banon, Ore. 36-3p Wednesday evening with 17 members pointed chairman of the dinner com present, and Blanche Wagner, noble mittee. Others present at the meer- SAVE HALF or more on toilet sinks grand, presiding over the meeting, Your Idle Hours ing were Mrs. Blance Giles Wagner, and washbowls. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 38tf with reports of various committees Mrs. Elmer Taylor, Mrs. Ed Taylor, heard, and several members reported Mrs. May Patton, and Mrs. Floyd FOR RENT—Why take the long bus on the sick list. At the social hour Bassett. ride from Salem when you can get dainty refreshments were served by Miss Sheila Baltzer who is em rooms in Mill City for 75 cents a Carmen McDonald and Frances Mc Good, clean, comfortable Carley. The committee for the next ployed in Salem visited over the night? ~ weekend with her parents Mr. and I Air conditioned. Inquire rooms. at Stewart’s Grocery or Enterprise meeting Sept. 27 will be Alice Huber, Mrs. Arthur Baltzer in Lyons. office. 36-3p Lois Myers, Frances Randall, and Mr .and Mrs. W. R. Stevens visited Zona Sischo. They will entertain FOR RENT — One bedroom cabins, with a hobo party each member is to at the home of relatives in Seattle over the weekend. Mrs. Steven’s two sizes. Deerhorn Motel, phone come dressed in their house dress. GATES mother Mrs. Zander who has been 605. 38-3p Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen were staying with her daughter in Seattle | BABY SITTING by the day or hour Thursday afternoon shoppers in Sa returned home with them. Mr. and in my home, Mrs. Beauford Flat lem, they were evening dinner guests man, P.O. Box 311 or house at end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred & of NW. Alder St. 38-3p Hester. FOR SALE—All or part. New 3-room Huckleberry picking seemed t® fur cabin on creek near Idanha, com nish the entertainment over the plete bath, kitchen plumbing, pro weekend to Lyons residents, however pane range and hot water tank, the trip was all they could boast BYRON DAVIS, Prop. automatic water pump unit. Write about as the berries are very scarce Mr. M, % Enterprise, Box 348, Mill “At the Bottom of the Hill” City, Ore. 38-3 this year. They are reported more plentiful at Elk lake than Monument i OREGON MILL CITY, WHY PAY RENT? Buy income prop Peak. The Jungwirth party who | erty. New duplex for sale. W. L. went into Elk lake came home with Peterson, Swift’s addition. 20tf cans well filled. Mr. and Mrs. Loreen Chamberlain FOR RENT Furnished apartment for couple in Mill City. See or call had as their guests their daughter-in- Mrs. J. H Johnston, Lyons. 38-1 law Mrs. Charles Wright and children WANTED TO BUY — 5 h p. electric of Centralia, Wash. They returned motor, single phase. Tony Mora-I to their home Saturday night. Mr. Leonard Goodman who is em SERVING THE CANYON AREA vec, Route 1, Stayton, Phone 14F83 38-3p ployed at the Freres-Frank lumber PICKUPS AT mill suffered an eye Injury last week FOR RENT Apartment, block from when he was struck by a piece of Laundry — Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton town, one bedroom, stoves and re bark. He was taken to a Salem hos Laundry and Dry Cleaning— frigerator furnished. Phone 2652 Ken Golliet. Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha 38 tf pital where they are trying to save the sight of the eye. Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit House guests at the home of Mr. 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9128 and Mrs. Virgil Rogers on McCulley 4 mountain are Mrs Jane Bigamy and ( her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keith of Great Falls. Mont. They were former friends of Rogers who recently came here from Montana. They have purchased the I Forrest Nvdigger farm. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hayward and ! daughter Miss Patricia Hayward of | THAT BUILDING NOW Portland were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McClurg. Mrs. Ora Toland spent last week in Harrisburg where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gavette and family, AN AMPLE STOCK OF ROOFING Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gavette and AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wagner and son Gene She returned home COMPOSITION, ALUMINUM OR STEEL Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Orville Downing visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Downing's sister Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell in Salem. Mr. and Mrs Bob Carleton and STAYTON, OREGON little son Larry spent the weekend at the coast. They stayed over night September 21. 1950 WANTED — Sawmill logs, short or long length at your place or de livered to mill, 3*4 miles east of Stayton. Also want to buy timber large or small amount. Rak & Roberts Lumber Co., Aumsville, Ore. 36-3 FOR RENT — 3-bedroom house, hot an(j cold water, bath, laundry tubs, PLEASE LIST all available rooms, room and board, houses and apts. partially furnished. Also have some Write, telephone or visit Personnel sleeping rooms, and board. See Dept. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated Mrs. G. O. Hutchinson, old Slater Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf place. 38-3 NU-METHOD TAVERN 24-HOUR SERVICE One Mill Knot of Detroit Mill City LYONS MILL CITY Service Station RICHARDS TAVERN MILL CITY TAVERN SALEM LAUNDRY Repair or Re-Roof (io««*® nt fl P.M. Before the Fall Rains Come GAR\GI GENERAL AUTO and TRUCK REPAIR Boarding House Arc and Acetylene Welding FAMILY STYLE MEALS Ender New Management Phone 3452 Directory SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP Professional oacoaieBuwan MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling. Lsoaard Ibrnuin Phone 2328 yuoouaoo'joaoooo&0000 oqo HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery I In gerie- Dreaaea- Smocks 131 High St Salem Phone 4062 WOOD’S STORE General Dry (roods NOTIONS UNGER1E READY-TO-WEAR HOSIERY LUZIER9 CXlSMETltW «QtDUXf MIKE’S Septic Service : Kept I < Tank« and Sewers I leaned • Pkooe BALBM 3 9498, COLLECT ♦ 197» Elm 8$.. W Salem ♦ \ ERNE'S BARBER SHOP 2nd X Broadway Hour«: 10 to 7 CALL US FOR CONSULTATIO NO OBLIGATION Real Estate Mill City RALEIGH HAROLD FIAHUST ami NURSERY • NEW STOCK FLOWERING \ND SHADE TREES Dre«« Prints — SHRUBS AND BULBS Silk and Wool Scarfs 319 W. Wa«h. St. Stayton Now shade« in Nylon« Phono MA4 ( urttaln Material —’ Ticking FLOWERS III ‘iidricsons Sion In the Dawes Bldg. GOODE'S FLOWER SHOP Pitone Blue 94 R ♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Stayton. Ore. C. E. Covi I le Canx ron Garage Fw’n Repairing Expert WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Real Estate SHEI I OIL PRODUCTS T. < ROYAL TIRES Detroit P. K. Fry, Mgr. Modera Fonemi Service STAYTON OREGON Wul Side Mill (My Ph »497 IJ STINGS WANTED Complete Supply of All Your Building Needs SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT FI ITI RING NEW I.OW PRICES ON MONTEN— THE PAINT WITH THE SAND FINISH V KELLY LUMBER SALES PHONE 1915 RUSSELL KELLY, Manager