The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 07, 1950, Image 1

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    Hewitt Claims
Norblad Acts
In Bad Faith
Citing the current newspaper
blasts by Norblad against the lend-
lease shipments to Russia after the
last war. Roy R. Hewitt, democratic
candidate for congress from the first
congressional district, flatly accused
Norblad of deceiving the voters in an
attempt to cover up his own previous
failure in office.
Hewitt asked Norblad to explain
how it happened that Norblad, a
member of the important house
armed services committee all these
years where full information about
these shipments were available to
him. had waited until election time
to call the people's attention to it 7
Stating unequivocally that Norblad
showed bad faith in his conduct in
office, Hewitt said, “We must have
a man in office who will put our na­
tional security above partisan poli­
tics. Either these things of which
Norblad is complaining were import­
ant enough to claim his attention
long ago or else they are not import­
ant enough to serve as a red herring
now to cover up Norblad’s inability
in office.”
“It is interesting to note that dur­
ing these years while Norblad did
NOT speak up about the shipments
to Russia he did take time EVERY
WEEK to gather material for, write,
and deliver a fifteen minute radio
program for home consumption con­
sisting of chit-chat designed to re­
elect himself to office,” Hewitt con­
• “NOrbiad's total contribution to de­
bate or discussion on the floor of con­
gress consisted of less than eight
minutes during the past two years,
not one word of which was on a vital
issue,” Hewitt pointed out.
The challenging talk was made at
the Clackamas county democratic
picnic at Carver on Sunday after­
noon. September 3rd.
Howard La-
tourette, Democratic candidate for
U. S. Senator also addressed the
large crowd who attended the picnic.
Mil l. CITY
I 1 hllOKN
Vol. VI—No. 3«
$2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy
Canyon-wide Dinner-Meet
Sept. 12, Expect Full House
According to Oregon'* registra­
tion law only 30 days remain in
which citizens can register in
order to qualify to vote In the
coming November elections.
Citizens desiring to register can
now do so at the Mill City Enter­
prise office.
Registration can also be made at
Mrs. Arthur Kriever’s residence on
the IJnn county side and at Mrs.
Curtis M. Cline's residence on the
Marion county side.
Tickets All Sold Out,
Standing Room Only;
Full Program Planned
if we had the capacity to seat them,”
j Steffy added
The meeting following the dinner
is scheduled to commence about 8
p.m and will be held in the Mill City
high school auditorium.
The canyon-wide meeting called by
seating capacity for dinner guests
the industrial development commit­
will be blocked off and the balance
tee of the Mill City chamber of com­
of the space in the auditorium will
merce for next Tuesday evening.
be for those who were unable to
Sept. 12 in the high school audito­
either get tickets or who could not
rium is snowballing beyond all ex­
attend the dinner.
pectations of the committee. Chair­
At the time we go to press ar­
man George Steffy reports today in
rangements are being considered by
an interview.
A program of speeches by out­ the committee to place a loud speaker
Di TRO, f— Loggers in this area are bringing in some big ones these
The farm labor situation remained
standing men experienced in commu­ to carry the proceedings to the over­
days from the Permelia creek logging operation in the mountains
critical as harvest of the late hop
esst of Detroit. The log shown measured six feet in diameter, was
nity development has been arranged flow crowd
crop began this week.
35 feet long and yielded 5.430 board feet of timber when cut at the
From bits of information received
and it is promised that all will go
?! A M W oodworking company at Idanha. It was felled by the Noyes
Dean Omans, manager for the In­
away with a new spark of enthus­ here and there it will be a meeting
Whitten Logging company.
dependence Hop Growers, reported
iasm for getting something done to at which may be heard some things
(Photo Courtesy The Statesman)
we little expected to hear—that will
build this canyon's future.
Wednesday that 3,000 more pickers
Delegations from Idanha, Detroit, be both timely and of extreme im­
were still needed in the fields.
Gates. Lyons. Mehama. Stayton, and portance to all of us living In the
At least another two weeks, possi­
the Elkhorn are coming to sit in and North Santiam.
bly more, of work is waiting for
join in this program of progress for
The chairman has made known
those who wish it.
all of the canyon.
that he particularly wants to extend
The crop this year is still running
“The canyon's response to the call sincere invitations to attend the busi­
above average and is still free of
of the industrial development com­ ness meeting to those who have little
crop blights.
George Steffy. chairman of the in­ mittee’s canyon-wide dinner .and or no faith in this canyon’s future.
Lt. Col. J. W. (Jack) Miles, resi-
The Independence area has prob­
dustrial development committee of
There are always those present in
ably suffered more from the current i dent engineer for the Detroit dam the Mill City chamber of commerce, meeting has been overwhelming. By
labor shortage than any other in the until last March, has fooled the doc­ C. E. Coville, vice chairman, and letter, phone calls, and personal con­ every community who unknowingly
tacts the committee has been deluged have served only as obstructionists
state. Probably no other area has tors—to his own and their delight.
Colonel Miles, longtime veteran of other prominent Mill City business by requests for tickets," reports Mr. to what, in the minds of the majority
as heavy a concentration of a crop
appeared to be logical progress and
which requires the harvest manpower the army engineers, was back in Industrial Mobilization Clinic con­ Steffy.
■ Salem Tuesday, all but recovered
"All we could say is that we were development.
that hops do.
ducted by a team of government men
Everyone is particularly invited to
Within seven miles are 4,000 acres from a critical attack of encephalitis in the Masonic Temple in Portland ; sorry that they were all gone—not
so much as one spare ticket left. We attend this meeting by Mr. Steffy,
of hops while the chief trading center (sleeping sickness) contracted three
! could easily have sold twice as many the chairman of the industrial de­
of this area. Independence, has a months ago on Okinawa where he
A portion of the meeting ha« been
velopment committee and as a typ­
little less than 2,000 permanent resi­ i had been assigned to supervise con­
struction of a huge air base.
reserved for group and brief individ­
ical example of the spark from this
The colonel, who visited several ual conferences with the government
dynamic leader in our canyon—for
Drawing a sufficient summer labor
In addition, tne
its greater development a man with
force from a populaton of this size ■ friends in this area and conferred officials present.
with Gov. Douglas McKay, is on con­ ' speakers on the morning program
a terrific capacity and reputation for
The search for valuable minerals
valescent leave from Letterman Gen­ Will answer general questions after
getting things done that needs to be
has occupied much time for 2 men all | ers from other areas of the state and eral hospital in San Francisco. He is their talks.
done, he remarked, "You know, no
summer, culminating in a claimI
staying temporarily at his home in
This clinic is an important part of j Democrats in Oregon have been in­ man's opinion is entirely worthless—
-’akgil abo”e Mehajna on £jeiea hill. ,
the work <>f the National Security vited to meet George Jessel, faryed and just remember this» that even a
’slibMarftliit Migrant worker force, Portland.
According to State Dept, of Geol­ most of them also have cities of
Colonel Miles, who has supervised Resources board of the federal gov­ I comedian and Hollywood producer, 'clock that won't run Is right twice
ogy representatives, one of the men greater populations from which to projects in many parts of the world, ernment.
at the state-wide Democratic picnic each day.”
is named McMahon. The prospect­ draw school children and other pick­ including Europe, Mexico and South
at Jantzen Beach park in Portland
“Yes most assuredly I want all
ors. however, have been mute regard­ ers in much gieater numbers than America, indicated he was heartened
on Sunday afternoon. Sept. 10.
of the opposition to progress there
ing their claim or as to what min­ this city can supply.
by the United States’ growing
“The picnic will officially open our because if they are not I will have
erals have been found.
1950 election campaign.“ it was an­ missed a priceless opportunity to sell
This year the migrant workers strength in the island perimeters of
Averaging almost a daily hike the haven't shown up in their usual force. the far east, and by the apparent in­
nounced by William L. Josslin. demo­ them their share of the canyon,” said
miners canvassed the ridges in this In fact, at no time since the war creasing recognition of their import­
cratic state chairman. “Every dem­ Steffy.
ance. But he was not as interested
section, carrying spades and small have there been so few.
ocrat is cordially urged to be on hand
Standing loom only for those who
in commenting on the world situa­
cloth sacks strapped to their shoul­
Mr. Don Miley, principal of the as our party opens its first campaign 1 come late. The date again—Tues­
tion as in just being "home”. He is
ders to carry samples. Cautiously
Gates public school, announced today in history as Oregon's majority par­ day, Sept. 12, meeting starts at 8
not expected to be re-assigned for
locking their vehicle before departing
p in. in the Mill City high school
that the Gates schools will open offi­ ty," Josslin added.
some time.
The picnic program will include auditorium.
each day, they briefly stated that
cially September 18th instead of the
The colonel was unconscious on
speeches by such top democrats as
they were interested in clay.
The GateB Womans club will cook
previous set date.
Okinawa for 18 days, ran tempera­
Local residents presume that alum-
The delayed opening stems from Austin Flegel, candidate for gov­ and serve the dinner.
tures exceeding 106 degrees, and was
The Mill City Garden club will fur­
:um is a common mineral in this reg­
the fact that re-decorating, plumbing ernor; Howard Latourette, candidate
regarded in such a critical condition
for United States senator; Carl Don- nish the floral decorations.
ion while others claim that uranium,
The Mill City fire department spent as to warrant the army notifying his and furnace work is not finished.
or any other valuable mineral might a couple of busy evenings during the
Mi Miley indicated that the varied augh, nominee for congress, and
wife he was not expected to live
also be found.
past weekend.
of the work in progress makes Howard Morgan, nominee for state
The Oregon Statesman
For the past 10 or 12 years there
that school opening be labor commissioner.
On Thursday night at about 10 p.m.
Beginning at noon in the shadow
has been a yearly party of miners they were called to the Dick Schultz
postponed to Sept. 18th.
the Jantzen Beach rollor-coaster,
hunting in the Gold Creek area for home west of Mill City. The fire,
A change-over from a wood-burn­
a zinc ledge in that region, that as­ however, had too good a start for
ing to an oil-burning furnace prog­ ' the picnic will feature games and re­
State Senator Austn F. Flegel,
sayed 1*0 percent pure zinc. Accord­ them and the house and most of the
resses satisfactorily by the Day heat­ freshments for children and adults,
illusions by Desmond the Magician, Democratic candidate for Governor
ing to local information the Fenimore contents was completely destroyed.
ing company of Salem.
boys perished during the last war but
Bill Obershaw, local painting con­ songs by Lenore Weller and an old- today released the text of a wire he
The fire was caused by a leaking
the search for the zinc deposit still
is doing the redecorating. fashioned German band from the had sent Governor McGay in which
gas line. Experts explain that when
he proposed a debate between him­
Plans for buying or building an
Hansen, Mill City plumber, Portland musicians' union.
Democratic organizations in sev­ self and McKay on the subject “Does
Keith Phillips, fire warden, states a leak is discovered the valve on the additional 5000 freight train cars and is making plumbing repairs.
that he has issued permits several outside tank should be turned off 46 diesel electric locomotives were
The teaching staff will include be­ eral counties near Portland are or­ Oregon Need a New Administration.”
different years for mining parties to before attempting to make the nec­ announced this month by President sides Mr Miley. Howard Means. Miss ganizing auto caravans to take their
Flegel proposed that the debate
enter the closed area to hunt for the essary repairs. Also one can shut A T. Mercier of Southern Pacific, Elizabeth McMullen and Miss Dor­ members to the picnic.
take place at Enterprise in Wallowa
off the gas by simply holding your following a meeting of the railroad's
elusive zinc mine.
County where the campaign paths of
othy Mae Wood in the high and jun­
Even local residents sometimes finger on the opening while someone Board of Directors in Portland.
the Democratic and Replblican can­
The new equipment will raise to T. Barnhardt. Mrs. Letha Bentley and
have curiosity aroused enough to else goes to turn the shut-off valve
didates for Governor cross on 8<*pt. 1.
28.630 the total number of new Mrs Riley Champ in the grades
pick up strange appearing rocks.
The full text of the wire to McKay
freight train cars and 350 the total
Not too long ago Jim Toome found
an odd formation on Gates hill which don't understand the operation of number of diesel electric locomtives
Your intinerary and mine take us
your gas system you should call for Southern Pacific since end of
A head-on crash of a Covey U- both to Enterprise on Sept. 1 to ad­
he planned to have assayed.
Drive truck coming from Bend and dress meetings arranged by our res­
World War II. Mercier reported, be­
The story is told of Dale Propes a
a light passenger car hospitalized pective supporters. I propose that
former Mill City man who went tion and you may prevent a serious sides an investment in half the cost
three persons early Sunday morning we combine forces and join In debate
of 8000 new Pacific Fruit Express
huckle berrying one year but arrived fire in your home.
The second fire occurred about 9 refrigerator cars. It is expected
home with nothing but a packboard
Idanha The Detroit school opened The crash occurred several miles east on the question “Does Oregon need a
p.m. Sunday at the Rainbow Inn that builders will begin delivering the this week for the 1950-51 term with of Gates near Chuck's tavern, and new administration 7” I believe the
full of likely looking rock.
hotel east of Mill City. It. too, hda new equipment in the first half of a registration of 203 pupils in the both the car and truck were badly voters of Wallowa County should
gained such a start that the firemen next year.
elementary grades and 37 in high damaged.
have the benefit of an open forum
were unable to save more than the
Including the foregoing, the rail­ school.
The driver of the truck, whose discussion between the candidates for
In the high school Otis
framework of the building
They road's post-war purchases of new White is again principal, Mrs John identity The Enterprise was unable Governor. Please let me know by
did. however, succeed in keeping it rolling equipment have called for an Hanan and Stanley Whipple, who to learn, and a small boy riding with return wire whether or not you agree
from spreading to the adjoining expenditure of more than 8307,000,- taught last year, teaching music and him were severely cut and bruised. to this proposal."
I.O.O.F. meeting
trailer court. Fire Chief Arlo Teurs 000. the rail president said.
social science and one new teacher, Les Crawford was the driver of the
estimated the building and contents
Of the previous purchases of 23.630 Miss Isabelle Mason of Mill City.
passenger car. He. too, was hospi­
as a total loss
new freight train cars, nearly 21.000
In the grades new teachers are talized but was released the follow­
are already in service. Of the ap­ John Cannon of Salem, principal; ing day. He reported that he was
Softball at 3 pm.
proximately 2600 cars remaining, the Irving Underwood, also of Salem. 7th blinded by the uncoming lights
railroad is now receiving deliveries grade and Mrs Gladys Claxton of
A load of furniture in the truck
Lions club meeting
builders at the rate of more Aumsville, 4th grade
Options have recently been signed
A F. A AM. No. 180 stated meet­
Mrs John was reported undamaged but ob­
than 500 cars a month The latest Ray will again be the 8th grade server« who have viewed the wrecked for the highway right-of-way from
ing third Monday
freight equipment purchase program
vehicles have expressed wonder that Mill City to Mehama, preparatory to
Schoolhouse doors will swing open includes 3500 box cars. 1100 gondo­ teacher as well these others: Russell anyone came out of them alive.
letting bids for construction.
Hoyt. 6th grade; Mrs. Lloyd Leach,
Softball at 6 pm.
las. 250 covered hopper cars. 100 Sth grade. Mrs. Nolan Raanick, 3rd
The route of the highway deviates
Chamber of Commerce 8 p m.
open hopper cars and 50 cabooses grade. Mrs Russel) Hoyt, 2nd grade;
a survey planned several years
Women's club 8 p m. 1st, 3rd Tues
Since last school year the Mehama Consideration will be given to con­ Mrs Oran Perkins 1st and 2nd. and COURTNEYS LEAVE FOR EAST
ago because of a slide srea along the
district has consolidated with Stay­ structing certain of the equipment in Mrs Bob 8teele, 1st grade
river above Mehama
and Infant son Michael left Saturday
ton. and only pupils up to and includ­ the company's own shops. Merrier
The new highway will bisect the
Softball at 6 p m
for Indianapolis, Ind , where Rever­ Keith Phillips and Ed Goschie farms
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8pm ing the 4th grade will be held at Me­ added
The teachers will be Mrs
and cross the Little North Fork about
at Detroit school building
Tom 1*4 miles above Mehama, near the
Ernie Brown, loader for the Eliason university. school of religion
Lions dub auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed Orange and Mrs. Cook, who taught of locomotives include 141 powerful
diesel freight and passenger locomo­ lagging company located on Tumble will study for his Doctor’s degree on Paris Bouche residence.
Santiam Rebekah 166 1st and 3rd here last year also
Hot lunches at a minimum price tives for main line operations. 117 of creek received back Injuries when a scholarship recently awarded to survey indicates it will pass about 15
Wed. at 8 pun
will be served at school beginning the which are new in service The latest he was knocked down by a log while
feet behind the Howard R om home
first day The hot lunch club, com­ locomotive purchase program In­ supervising th« loading of logging
Reverend Courtney has been the and almost through the garage of
Softball at • pm.
posed of Mehama parents, has charge cludes 21 branch line locomotives and at the site of operations last Wed­ pastor of the First Christian church Ray Branch.
American Legion 2d and 4th Thun of the program which is authorized 25 switching locomotives
With nesday morning
He is being at­ here for the past two years.
According to state officials it will
by the Stayton school board
completion of present order». South­ tended by Dr. Teutsche He is con­ Cburtneys have sold their home on be a "free way” highway Into Salem
Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm
Ira Kirsch has been appointed to ern Pacific will have 489 dieseis of fined to his home while receiving the river on the Marion county side No business establishments being
Garden club fourth Thursday
various types
Mill City TWA meeting last Friday supervise over the Mehama school.
to Mr and Mrs O K DeWitt
permitted on the right-of-way
3000 More Pickers
Needed in Hopyards
Col. Miles Returns
From Okinawa
Local Men Attend
Clinic In Portland
Prospectors Search
Valuable Minerals
George Jessel To
Picnic with Demos
Gates School Opening
Postponed to Sept. 18
Mill City Firemen
Have Busy Week
Flegel Challenges McKay
To Debate State Issues
Car Purchase Plans
Made by Railroad
Truck-Car Crash Sends
Three Persons to Hospital
Detroit-Idanha School
Begins New Term
(Liiniiiiu fcvrntfi:
Mehama Grade School To
Open It’s Doors Sept. 11
Options Signed for New
Mill Gty-Mehama Hi-way