S—THE 'Ul.L CITY ENTERPRISE IIHHI August SI, 1950 PAGE Timm-Muise Exchange Vows Friday Evening Garden Club-- Aumual Home Coming Picnic Held at Mehama I® k. (Continued from Page 1) bon for a decorative type dahlia. Mehama The annual Mehama Mrs. Rachel Olmstead — blue rib­ bons for large type marigold, dark home-coming picnic was held Sunday FRIO XI XND SATURDAY blue delph. group of three delph, pink at the school grounds, with a pot September 1st and 2nd luck lunch followed by a business Local Miss Returns from Pioneers Hold Annual aster, zinnias, beauty bush: red rib­ DI RANGO KID and meeting and entertainment. Ap ­ bons for light blue delph, 'princess' SXHLEY BURNETTE In proximately 90 persons attended CAP Summer Encampment Picnic, Elect Officers aster, ’ contrast ’ rose, zinnia, table At an eight o’clock ceremony , The home-coming reunion dates QUICK ON THE TRIGGER Doreen Ward returned from Chey­ Lyons — The annual pioneer picnic Friday night at the Christian church. arrangement with accessories, and back to 1931 and has been held each coffee table: white ribbon for angle — Plus — enne, Wyoming where she has been was held at the Mehama school Miss Phylis Timm, daughter of Mr. year since, with 12 members present attending summer encampment of grounds Sunday, August 27, with and Mrs. XVilliam Timm, became the wing begonia and between meal table Sunday who had attended every ROY ACUFF In the Civil Air Patrol at Francis E. about 90 present, Jack Richard presi­ bride of Oliver Muise, son of Joe arrangement. meeting. SMOKY MOUNTAIN MELODY Rev. Tom Mrs Elmer Shaw—blue ribbon for Farren Air Force Base in that city. dent was in charge of the meeting, Muise of California. red snapdragon, and white for ribbon The regular business meeting was Twenty-five girls from various parts and new officers elected for 1951 Courtney, Jr. officiated at the double arrangement. called to order by Jack Richard of of Oregon and southwest Washing­ were Floyd Seigmund, president; ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ buffet TUF.SDXX and WEDNESDAY Mrs Gladys Lake — blue for Stayton. president Floyd Siegmund ribbon Homer Speer, vice president; Lula eric Rugh sang "Oh Promise Me ’ ’ ton were in attendance. The girls Sept. 5th and 6th potted poinsettia. was elected president for the coming flew back from the encampment in Beringer, secretary and Luther Stout accompanied by Miss Ardith Jones Mrs. Mel Robinson — blue ribbons WALTER ITDGEON, year. treasurer. Edgar XX'aters who was a who also played the wedding march. two of the giant C46 transports. ETHEL BXRRYMORE for umbrella plant, cactus, table ar­ On roll call there was found to be teacher of the Mehama school in 1898 The couple exchanged their vows The girls studied flying first aid, PETER LAXVFORD In rangement with accessories, and use of parachutes, search and rescue, gave a very interesting talk, and six before the altar banked with glad-1 unique arrangement: red ribbons for 12 persons present between the ages of 75 and 85. 6 people were over 85 jet flying, meteorology, navigation, who attended school at that time iolas in various shades. cactus potted with fern, peanut cac­ marksmanship, link-trainers, mili­ was present. Leon Barrick of Salem Lighting the tapers were Miss Pat tus. and potted ivy; white ribbons for Topping all present in age was Will Surry of Lebanon, who is 90 was in charge of the memorial serv­ West of Lyons and Miss Marlene tary drill and courtesy. ice and gave a short talk and his | Tickle both in pastel blue formals. , rat-tail cactus, coffee table arrange­ A man's quartet from Salem's First Doreen reports having a good time quartet sang "Beyond the Sunset” in Miss Beverly Timm was her sister's j ment, and a miniature. Church furnished mus­ along with her studies. She hopes honor of those who have passed on. maid of honor. She wore a Mrs Elsie Potter—red ribbons for Presbyterian ical numbers. A memorial service SUNDAY and MONDAY that a Civil Air Patrol Flight unit William Surry of Lebanon who cele­ brocaded gown and carried unique arrangement and a cactus; was also held under the direction of Sept. 3rd and 4th car. soon be established in Mill City. brated his 90th birthday anniversary carnations. white ribbon for table arrangement Leon Barrick a former Mehama man O Doreen is the daughter of Mr. and August 20 was the oldest present. Miss Virginia Timm another sister and accessories. BING CROSBY and and one of the quartet Mrs R. A. Ward recently moved to There were 12 present in the age of the bride was bridesmaid, Her Mrs. Esther Wood—white ribbon COLEEN GRAY Several former Mehama school Mill City from Woodland, Wash­ bracket of 75 to 85 and six over 85. gown was of pastel pink net. Her for potted coleus. In teachers spoke at the program, one Mrs Daisy Geddes — blue ribbons ington. A basket dinner was held at the the flowers were also pink carnations. of whom was Edgar Waters who noon hour and the afternoon was Little Susan Jenkins, daughter of for hall table arrangement and an taught In 1898 There were six of table arrangement. Mr and Mrs. Howard Farmen spent in visiting and talking over Mr. and Mrs. Don Jenkins, and a [occasional i his pupils present spent Sunday at Clear Lake and old times. Several numbers were sung cousin of the groom, was flower girl. ' Mrs. Mary Ann Stewart—red rib­ bon for hall table arrangement. rHURS., FRI. and SAT., the fishing good. They had report Her dress was white. September 7th, 8th and 9th a nice catch of trout to prove their by the quartet, and the day was The bride, who was given in i Mrs. Earl Loucks blue ribbon for Honeymooners in Smashup dismissed by singing America. story. JOHN WAYNE In marriage by her father, wore a white marine garden; red ribbon for mini- 1 ature arrangement. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Muise had the 4 : satin bridal gown fashioned with long [ Mrs. Mabel Bruder—blue ribbons misfortune and excitement of a car sleeves, high neckline of net with a lace off the shoulder effect. Tiny for table arrangement (between wreck on their honeymoon trip last buttons centered the back from neck- meals), and miniature arrangement; weekend. The young couple visited I line to the waist. Her lace edged, red ribbon for occasional table ar­ Crater Lake, going through Bend,, and making a loop. Slowing down fingertip veil was held in place with rangement. Doors open at 7:20 PAL a crown of flowers. The bridal Mrs. C. E. Mason—red ribbons for down for traffic near Roseburg, their Complete show can be seen any bouquet was of American Beauty table arrangement (between meals) car was hit from behind by a fast PER WEEK time up to 8:90 and buffet arrangement. driver. Nobody was hurt but consid­ roses. COMPLETELY MODERN It was noted many exhibitors did IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII erable damage was done to their car. Wiley Muise was best man for his No Extra Charge for Children. brother and Ole Knutson, cousin of not know the named variety of their the groom, was groom’s man. Ushers | flowers, although it raises the value in judging. were Leo and Lawrence Poole. 100th YEAR OF SERXICE TO OREGON Mrs. Timm, mother of the bride, The Mill City Garden club wish to GATES, OREGON thank all who took an interest in this chose a blue dress with white < > accessories and a corsage of white first flower show and helped make > carnations. Mrs. Delbert Jenkins it a success. | attended her nephew’s wedding in a The Mill City Garden club members | navy blue dress with white acces­ have been invited to a meeting of the FOR CARRIER OR MAIL SERVICE sories. She also wore a corsage of club at Lyons on September 13th. Electrical Contracting and Service ♦ All those wishing to attend please . white carnations. FREE ESTIMATES — LICENSED ELECTRICLANS SEE YOUR Following the ceremony a recep- I call Mrs. Fred Grimes by September tion was held in the church dlning 6th as the Lyons Garden club secre­ room. Mrs. Anna Kahl, aunt of the tary has asked how many to plan on. bride cut the cake. Mrs. J. L. BUSINESS PHONE — SALEM 3-5561 Davidson presided at the coffee urn. HOME PHONE — SALEM 2-2800 Elnora Albright passed the guest book. Mrs. Gordon Kay and Mrs. Ford E. Wilson were at the gift table, : KEN PRATT, Mgr. Electrical Dept. Mrs Arthur Kreiver and Betsy 9455 D Street, SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Muise are both mem- and Betty Lou Cree spent Monday SPECLAL SERVICE TO MILLS bers of the 1950 graduating class of in Portland shopping. REGON'S Mill City high school. The groom | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chance were in was a star player of the basketball Mollala Saturday visiting at the k -' team and took a prominent part in home of Mrs. Mary Barnes. Mrs. other athletics. Grace Dart accompanied them as far The bride was Mill City's candidate as Scott Mills where she spent the EPTEMBER 4 thru 10^ for the Air Show Queen. ;< day with her sister Mrs Anna Following a wedding trip to Bend, Ferguson. Crater Lake. Gold Hill and other Mr. F H. Hollyman went to Bend points of interest, the couple will Monday and returned Tuesday. reside in Mill City. The groom is Returning with him were Terry. STARTS LABOR DAY employed by the T. and H Logging Johnnie, and Linda Sigfrit who have Co spent the summer there with their grandparents. . Mr. and Mrs. George Cree attended Kits - Bales Aero funeral services for Mrs. Cree's uncle at Stayton Sunday afternoon. 1 Mrs. Cdarence Niemeyer and chil- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chance Kenskill - Angeles dren returned this week from Walla attended the air show in Salem Walla where they spent a month at Sunday. the home of her sister, Mrs. Elbert Bill Howe and Lyle Potter of Port­ Zickner. XVTiile she was there, her land attended the Pendelton Roundup mother. Mrs. Carrie Simmons, had a last week. Admission major surgical operation. Mrs. Alice Leedy has been visiting NEW AND USED Bob Leis, who is employed at Mrs. George Ditto at Niagra while Florence, spent last week end here Mr. Ditto attended the Pendelton at the home of his parents, Mr. and Roundup. Mrs. Joe Leis. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caswell have (Fed. Tax let.) House guest this week of Mr. and purchased a motel at Grants Pass, Mrs. Pat Crawford was her daugh­ They plan to take possession in the ter, Dorothy, of Boise. Idaho. near future. CHILDREN 12 ALBANY — 2 Mlles South on 99E The Eagles and auxiliary held a Mrs. Earl Rousseau moved to aad Under Fill no-host dinner on their regular meet- Astoria Sunday. Mr Rousseau died png night. suddenly a few weeks ago while in Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, their the Mil! City tavern. | granddaughter, Norma Lee Chris- Mr. and Mrs. Verda Goble and Rod­ ' tianson, and their mother, Mrs. Jen- ney left Tuesday afternoon for Utah j nie Thompson, were guests Sunday to visit relatives. Phillip and at the home of Mrs. Thompson’s Camela Goble will return with their I brother, C. E. Thompson, at Red­ parents after spending the summer in Utah with their grandparents. mond. The Red Danube Riding High [ trailer The Fighting Kentuckian space I. Manolis Trailer Camp The STATESMAN Write or Phone Collect Carrier or W. I. Peterson, Agent MILL CITY Salem Equipment Co. STATE FAIR 1 J TRAILER HOMES DETROIT 5Oc South Side Trailers All-Steel ■ Lockers 10 BEAT WÄÄM WEATHER/ Available at FANS! FANS! Ken Golliet’s JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF ALL TYPES OF FANS. GET ONE NOW TO KEEP YOU COOL! MEHAMA FSE ALI. WINTER TO DISTRIBUTE HEAT. WILL CUT DOWN YOUR HEATING BILL BY ONE-THIRD. Open Sundays and Holidays 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Stifflers Radio & Appliance Co. "35 miles from nearest forking meter Sale* and Service MILL CITY Phone 902