Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1950)
Oregon’s Great State Fair Opens On Labor Day T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT ELKHORN GATI ■ IDANHA LYON* MEHAMA MONGOLD The Oregon Stote Fair opens Labor Day, September fourth in Salem. Here's a roundup of what's going to IJ be there. ■ ■ ■ a ■ ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY' — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF X ATI RE S EMPIRE Agriculture: With more entries than ever before, livestock bams are MILI. CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 81, 1950 crowded to capacity. Marion County $2.50 a Year. 5c a Copy Agent Ben Newell, in charge of dairy cattle, said there is a surpris ingly large number of dairy goats, as well as cows. All classifications Again in 1950 the state-owned are well filled, and there’ll be almost radio service KOAC (550 kc) will 5 000 head present. ‘give comprehensive coverage to the Judging will open Monday at 9 a m. Oregon State fair. The entire staff and will continue through Wednes- I of the state station will participate day. Officials in charge Edwin Rid- [during the week to make twice-daily der, Sherwood, in charge of hogs, broadcasts (1:00 to 2:00 p.m. and Ben Newell, Dairy cattle, and C. L. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.) truly representa Simons, Silverton of beef cattle. tive of the annual event. Program J.J. Thompson of Salem handles the staff members participating in the sheep. ¡broadcasts will include James M. Poultry and rabbits will be judged Morris, program manager, Arnold on the Sunday preceding the fair. Ebert, Eleanor Woodson, Elizabeth Monday morning of this week saw botson. Clinton Gruber. James Jack- Land products will have a well By the end of August many of a large gathering of officials of the son. Robert Kellogg. James Nelson, Oregon’s Douglas fir sawmills will populated show, as will the county Don Somerville, and Fred Gleeson. be closed down tight or operating CBI in Mill City on their way to an exhibits. Counties entered to date In addition E. A. Britton, former only a part of each week because inspection trip of the Detroit dam. are Lane, Marion, Crook, Linn Jef | director of farm programs, will re 'of the most severe freight car short A board meeting of Consolidated ferson, Hodd River, Harney, Douglas, Builders Inc. had been arranged join the staff for the week of State age in the history of the state. Coos, Curry, Polk, Yamhill and Tilla ' Fair to assist with agricultural mook. Already some mills have cut down some months ago to be held at the ¡coverage of the event. to three and four days a week. The time pouring of concrete was under Four-H; The younger generation West Coast Lumbermen's Association way. At this time the contractors will be well represented in Four-H have poured over 10.360 yards of estimates the loss in wages to saw and FFA competition. Several concrete. mill employees will run into the thousand youngsters will have en Russell Hoffman, CBI engineer in I millions and the loss in lumber pro- of classifications tries in a full list charge of operations informs us that ' duction will cost the state some $33 in both groups. to $40 millions of dollars in lost this unit of cable way towers is the Exhibits: There’ll be a full exhibit most efficient in operation anywhere. business. of farm machinery along machinery Because of the reported ‘‘hot bear B. L. Nutting. Medford lumberman, row. The machinery shed will be ings" on the cable way, many rumors and chairman of the West Coast well filled, as will the open area ad Lumbermen's association special had been flying, about the hurried jacent committee on car supply, said the visit of Edgar F. Kaiser and other Other Oregon dealers will have supply of empty cars moving into officials of the CBI coming to shake displays of their products. Promi Oregon has dwindled rapidly since] down the "trouble" at the damsite, nent among them will be shows by Subcontractors from the Ledger- the freight car shortage first began ~ ‘ The Mill City Garden clubs first to be felt in June. Ordinarily, when wood contracting company, who ln- Oregon Lumber firms, and the Kai annual show is over and has been a movement of perishable farm crops , stalled the cable way towers have ser-Frazer Corp., who'll unveil their big success. The public was invited begins in late August of each year a had their engineers here replacing new Henry J. in an impressive dis to display their cut flowers, plants temporary car shortage occurs, but some bearings that had given trouble play. ] and arrangements in the recreation the shortage this year has lasted but the shake-down operation that Entertainment. There’s a full as hall of the Presbyterian church on longer and has been more damaging goes with new equipment is proving sortment at the fair this year. August 24th. Several towns people and of greater severity than ever satisfactory and the "bugs" are being Twice daily there’ll be free vaude joined club members to make this a cleared out until no more "hot" bear ville acts on the midway, at 11 a.m. before. good show and were rewarded by and 7 p.m. The Salem Muncipal Nutting also said the West Coast ings are anticipated. i winning prize ribbons. Sand, official Fair Band, will play i Those attending the meeting rep Lumbermen's association traffic de Mrs M. C .Cline was general chair partment had developed every pos resenting companies interested in .oncert daily as well as accompan«- men for this event and was ably sible car-saving device to increase CBI operations were: Les Rogers and the acts. assisted by several club members. Les Copeland of Bates and Rogers the number of available cars. Every evening except Sunday the - 5 Construction Co., A. H. Ayers of Judging the flowers were Mrs. W. horse show and rodeo will be pre- Utah Construction Co., Henry Gill G. Stellmecher of Tangent. Mrs. sented in the horse stadium. Chris- of Walsh Construction Co.. Ben Cook View of the cable way tower in use at the Detroit dam project on the Ward Ingle. Stayton, and Mrs Elmer tensen Brothers Rodeo will be at- I and Henry Dick of General Construc- south wall of the canyon. This cable way is capable of lifting a load Taylor of Mehama. tended by leading cow punchers, of 25 tons of concrete and placing it anywhere within the dam base. It II ion Co., Gil Shea of Shea Construc- with points won here counting Mrs. Stellmecher gave a talk on is the hearings used in this tower 1> -coming "hot" that has been causing tion Co., G. Swigert of Pacific Bridge heavily toward the national title. gave many "Flowers for Show ” and some trouble until they become broke in. A niuiiber have had to be I Co., and _ ______ Dan _______________ McEachern of ________ General pointers on choosing, cutting and dis The northwest's outstanding harses replaced. However, the operation lias been meeting all expectations and Construction Co. playing flowers that will be a big will be on display in the show ring, p<.uring of conc rete is ahead of the mapped out schedule at this date, The number of men working on the help, in future shows. ac-coniir i; t R: ■--•■11 Hoffman, CBI engineer in charge of operations. competing for the horse show tro- /project has not chang-1 for >me " ■' (Photo Courtesy Capital Journal) :om, .ring f : huruè show tropies. " N A food sale carried on in the hallj 1 Goaded by long continued disre 'time now with about 800 phies. Harrison Cutler is in charge. during the afternoon brought in ■ ver gard for the load limit law evidenced all times The quarry started I $35 to the Garden club treasury. The Follies is a swiftly moving two by log haulers, the State Highway I operating with two shifts until the Several ladies from other clubs in Commission at its meeting in Port hour show featuring a cast of 70 in ¡stock pile has been built up to where the canyon attended this show. Scio land August 21 - 22. lowered the 12 water and 10 stage acts. Head j one shift is all that is needed to keep and Lyons being well represented. lined by outstanding singing and boom on 19 log haulers, cancelling J it about normal for operating pur- dancing stars, it's been well received Awards were won by the following: the permits of four for 30 days each, poses. wherever it has shown. Glen Shelton blue ribbons for bas and giving 10-day suspensions to 15 Richard Saucier passed away in According to Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Independence—Faced with the most Sunday afternoon there will be auto severe labor shortage since the worst the Veteran’s hospital in Portland, ket of lovely Corona gladiolus and others. Kaiser in a long distance telephone races on the track, featuring "Hard days of the critical period during the Thursday morning August 24th. foi- for a yellow glad: red ribbon for dark In connection with this action the conversation with his father Pil red gladiolus and a blue glad; and ] Commission issued the following pressed pleasure in the progress ot Tops", stock cars with racing last war. Dean Omans, manager of lowing a long illness. a white ribbon for a blue glad. motors added. explanatory statement: the work at the dam. 'the Independence Hop Growers, Mr. Saucier was born at Ville Mrs. Ruth Kerr—blue ribbons for Ashley Cook and his orchestra will stated that 5.000 more hop pickers Marie in eastern Canada. March 28. "By reason of flagrant violations play for old time dances nightly in were needed in the Independence area 1891 and came to this country with dark red gladiolus. Laura Ann. of truck weight laws near Bandon Picardy, Corona, and a red formal recently, the State Highway Commis- the dance pavillion, immediately immediately. his family when 14 years of age. I type dalhia; red ribbons for large after the Water Follies. With the high yield and good pick He enlisted in the U. S. Army in French marigold and a collection of [ sion, through action taken by that body today, served notice on the log The Races: The Oregon State Fair ing conditions of this year, wages are September 1917 and served overseas rancing season will feature the top at an all time high. Picking condi with the 852nd Aero Squadron, tak galdiolus of different varieties; white ging and log hauling industry of its ribbons for ’bronze beauty’ glad, col intention to take drastic measures to Lyon«- Mari-Linn grade school in horses of the northwest in a six day tions are ideal since there is virtually ing his training in England lection of three salmon color glads. stop or reduce to a minimum the Lyons will open its doors Sept, 11. pari-mutuel meet. Feature races no aphis, red spider o-r other crop He was one of the old timers in the practice of overloading of trucks. I960 with a staff of nine teachers, will be the Labor Day Handicap on blights to impede the pickers work. canyon having lived In Mill City 39 and 'E. P. Thom’ rose. Mrs. Joe Fencl—blue ribbons for "Evidence of the • necessity for The following teachers have .been Monday. The Governor’s Handicap on Growers are paying $4 a hundred and years and working as an engineer and coffee stricter control on the weight of hired for the school year of 1950-51, Wednesday, and the Au Revoir on most of those already in the field for Hammond Lumber Co. Mr Sau potted tuberous legonia, Tkble arrangement; red ribbons for heavy tiucks, particularly log trucks, first grade: Miss Deanne Thompson Saturday. have little trouble averaging at least cier was one of the organizers ann three sprays pink snapdragon and 'was shown by a report considered by (new); second, Mrs. Katie Skillings; Racing Superintendant Charles A a dollar an hour. share holders in the co-operative mill. single specimen snapdragon; and the Commission today concerning third, Mrs Elva Kulken; fourth. Mrs. Evans reports a field of top horses The picking season will extend Married to Helen Savage in Salem on activities at the state truck scale Martha Poole; fifth, Mrs. Elsie ready for the six day racing meet, through most of September without June 7, 1921 they had made their white ribbon for white gladiolus Mrs Fred Duffy—red ribbon for south of Bandon on the coast hiway. Lafky; sixth, Mr. Ivan Smith (new); In addition to a full list of running a break since the late hops will be home here continously since. Besides "Some of these operators have pre- seventh, Mrs. Hazel Worth, and i aces, there’ll be two harness races ready next week as soon as the early the widow he leaves one sister Mrs. destiny’ gladiolus. Mrs. Jennie Davis — blue ribbons . viously been warned by letter from eighth grade and principal Thomas aded on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat hop picking is completed. W G. Wargnier. Detroit. Michigan; urday. Sunday, September third. Recent rains were a boon to the one brother. T. A Saucier in Canada, for green light’ glad, and Rosa von the Highway Commission against the L. Putman, Miss Vivian Boyce will will see exhibition racing, featuring crop, from the standpoint of both and numerous nieces and nephews in Lima, red ribbons for Corona glad practice of hauling large or repeated teach music one half day and eighth and a group of three Greta Garbo overloads. At least two of them grade the other half, custodian is harness and quarter horses this locality. grower and pickers. glads; white ribbons for 'Destiny’ have previously had their PUC haul- Fred Wainman. General: Saturday. September 9 is Adequate free camping facilities Beloved and respected by a host , ing permits suspended for continuing kiddies day, with every ride on the are available for pickers with lights, of friends and neighbor for his friend glad. Mr. Putman reminds al) first grad Mrs. Deane Jackson blue ribbon the practice. populous midway reduced to nine water and showers furnished. ers' parents tiiat they must have a liness and jovial disposition, he is "The Commission was reluctant to health and birth certificate before cents for children under 12. Kiddie- Hop picking machines have also truly mourned. Services were held in for orchid glad. Mrs. Mary Toman blue ribbon for take such action, but feels that it entering school. iand. the enclosed play area, will sent out calls for additional labor. Health certificate the Stayton Catholic church Satur white glad, and potted ivy; a red must do so to preserve the highways blanks may be secured from Mr Put.- c perate with added rides for the tots. day at 10 a m. under direction of the in which the publia has a large in man, for those that do not already Fair admission is still fifty cents, Weddle Funeral home. Burial was ribbon for peach glad. Mrs Virginia Robison blue ribbon vestment. The commission plans to have them. with children under 12 free. First grade children in Bellcrest cemetery. Salem Pall bearers were old time friends for decorative type dahlia: red rib extend the weighing operations to must have reached their sixth birth- W bons for white glad, peace, and ball 16 hours and if new scales can be day by Nov. 15, 1950 in order to enter and :ncluded C M Cline. D B Hill. type dahlia; white ribbon for large installed and additional men can be school. S. G Higdon, Bernard Lambricht. type marigold. trained, as a necessary action to pre George Ditter and Allen Keith Pre-registration for first grade Mrs. Mary Fencl- blue ribbon for vent the destruction of Oregon's high FRIDAY— children only will be held from 2 to In an odd r ess before the joint deep rose glad. 1.0 O F. meeting. way system.” 5 and 7 to 9 p m Sept. 6 at the school Farm-Labor Council meeting in the Mrs. M. C. Cline blue ribbons for SATURDAY- house, It is hoped that all first grade Labor Temple m Salem Monday Ringquist eody Recovered spike double tiger lilies, group of children can register at that time. The body of Herbert J. Ringquist, three Shirley Temple glads, peace night. Roy R. Hewitt. Democratic SUNDAY— candidate for congress from the first 19, Portland, who was drowned in the rose, innocence rose, crimson glory Softball at 3 p m. district, challenged the incumbent to North Santiam river July 15. was rose. begonia (cut flower) star-fish MONDAY— debate on "The Responsibility of a recovered from the stream approxi cactus, andpink lady African violet; Lions club meeting Congressman for Our National Se mately three miles east of Gates. red ribbons for smoky glad, begonia Funeral services for Uoyd D Wood A F 4 A M No. ISO stated meet curity.” pointing out that the incum Monday Signs of fall are beginning to show red head African violet, potted tuber 51. who died following a sudden ing third Monday up in the canyon This time is hits Ringquist was hurled into' the San bent owed it to the voters to ex ous begonia, and marine garden; and heart attack, were held Ln Bend on ' ....... .......... ............,....... Wlth ,ile kbnouncement by Don TUESDAY— plain why he had voted with the tiam river near Niagara when his a white ribbon for begonia Wednesday of last week with intern Miley, principal of the Gates public His father, Communist Representative Marcan- fishing boat capsized Softball at 6 p m Mrs Harold Pound — blue ribbon ment following in Greenwood ceme- schools, that if the bean fields and tonio (N Y.1 against the 160 million Julius Ringquist, also was thrown for three spray Montbiecia, red rib Chamber of Commerce 8 p m Women's club 8 p m. 1st, 3rd Tues aid for South Korea last January 19 into the river but made his way to bon for stop light glad, and a white Mr Wood was a resident of Mill ^1 Vrsde^^h^T 7^1 Hewitt pointed out that "the incum shore WEDNESDAY— ribbon for Bagdad glad. City for approximately thirty year* high school student, will be held at bent made a tnp to Korea at the Mrs Arlo Tuers— blue ribbon for during which time he saw service in the schools on Friday September 1st Softball at 6 pm. taxpayers expense and thus had on- DRIVERS LICENSE EXAMINER World War I with the 46th Base hoa- from » a m t0 12 n<^n ’ Halloween glad Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 p.m. the-spot information available ---------- All the stu A drivers license examiner will k* Mrs Bert Morris bhie ribbons for pi tai in France. Following service dents * at Detroit school building that plan to attend either of Lions club auxiliary 8 30. 4th Wed well as the entire resources of the on duty in Mill City. Wednesday, peace glad, and cosmos; white ribbon in the army he spent four years in the Gates schools are requested to Military and Naval Intellegence as September 6. 1950 at the Fire hill be for a unique arrangement the navy. He was a member of the Santiam Rebekah 166—1st and 3rd a member of the powerful House register and Show their intentions of tween the hours of 9 am and 4 pm. | Mrs. M. Baltimore- blue ribbon for American Legion at Oakridge Wed. at 8 p m attending so plans can be made con Armed Services Committee." according to an announcement re pink ruffle glad, and a red ribbon Mr Wood was bom at Harrisburg. cerning the new school year classes THURSDAY— Hewitt called upon the voters to ceived from the secretary of states for E. P Thom roae. March 19. 1899 He is survived by and activities Softball at 6 p m ' improve our national security by office Eldon Tumidge —white ribbons for hia wife, Mary Shepard Wood; one Thus ends a pleasant vacation pe American legion 2d and 4th Thur* retiring this playboy incumbent from Persons wishing licenses or permits peach glad and pink stripe glads son Donald Wallace and a grand riod and begins the flurry of activ Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 p.m. office and give our country a person to drive are asked to get in touch Mrs Chas Dolesal -blue ribbon for daughter, Nancy Lee, of Bend; hia Garden club fourth Thursday of more mature judgment and exper- with the examiner well ahead of the buffet arrangement, and a red rtb- father Harry Wood of Mill City; a ity known as "getting ready” for school to the many school children Mill City IWA meeting last Friday ience " scheduled closing hour (Continued on page 5) brother. Lyle Wood of Ban Francisco. in the canyon State Fair Broadcasts CBI Board Members Here Monday for Inspection Car Shortage Closing Coast Sawmills Edgar Kaiser Visits Dam Site, Attends Board Meeting, Praises Work Garden Club Annual Show Successful Highway Commission Cracks Down on Overload Violators More Hop Pickers Urgently Needed Richard Stfuder, Mill City Resident, ties Mcri-Linn Grade School To Start September 11 Hewitt Challenges (Tomilin fcvrniB: Norbiad to Debate Lloyd Donald Wood Buried at Bend Gates School Registration