Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1950)
Los Angeles, Boston, San Francisco, and Pittsburgh have less people inside their city limits than in the surround ing suburban region included in their metropolitan areas. LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE $1 per month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE PHONE 2652 LEONARD HERMAN Canyon Castle Operating Under New Editorship MEHAMA By JEAN ROBERTS A family re-union picnic was held at Taylor's Grove Sunday honoring the birthday of Harry Patton of Portland, his mother Mae Patton and Ed Taylor, both long time Mehama residents. After a picnic lunch the afternoon was spent in swimming, opening presents and enjoying mus ical entertainment. Relatives at tending the picnic from the farthest distance were Major and Mrs. Jacob Bigham and children from San An tonio, Texas. There were 53 present j including all but two of Mae Patton's Quality job printing at the Fnter- grandchildren and great grandchild- | dren. priae. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnson are tearing down the large old house i across the river from Mehama, where Mr. and Mrs. Jo Johnson formerly lived. They plan to build a new house. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Parks from Stayton are new Mehama residents, Mr Parks is employed at the Detroit dam. John B. Mulford who recently joined the Marines is at present sta tioned in Seattle. His mother. Mrs. Inez Mulford is visiting relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Valentine and family have moved to Tillamook county where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buckler have been busy putting an addition on their house near the service station, They are also digging a well and in- stalling a pump. Allen Pooler who has been visiting relatives in Ko Ko, Indiana, is ex pected to return home this week. Mrs. Leonard Wallen and two girls who have been visiting relatives in Colorado, the past month returned home Sunday. Gordon Lochridge is the new editor of "Canyon Castle", mimeographed weekly published by the Detroit dam recreational association in the inter ests of safety, welfare and recrea tion. Helping Lochridge with the publi cation are Margaret Hints, business manager: Tom Mahoney, cartoonist and John Brogden, art work. Mrs. Ted Brown. Mrs. Charles Stayton and Mrs. Peggy Hoyt are in the circula tion department. MILI. CITY Sen iee Station C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES FISHING TACKLE ELKHORN 7—THE MIIJ. CITY ENTERPRISE ( hurcli Activities August 14. 1950 By ELSIE MYERS Recent callers at the home of Mr. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH and Mrs. Steve Dark were Harold. Services every Lord's day Muanda of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sunday school 9:45 p.m. Coleman of Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs Morning worship 11:00 AM. Virgil Shaw of Portland. Mr. and Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M Mrs Burrell Smith and daughter of Evening worship 7:30 P.M. Lyons, who were accompanied by Mr Smith's mother. T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor A group of relatives and friends arrived at the Ike Myers home Sun L.D.8. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH day with well-filled baskets to help I Detroit Mrs. Myers celebrate her birthday. Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m Those present were Mr. and Mrs. in high school building, Detroit. Frank Metzger, Mrs. Rose Metzger, Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. Mrs. Eva Metzger, A. W. Metzger Zealand Fryer, Presiding Jr . Robert Exley, Mr. and Mrs. Rob • • • ert Kenney and Bill, Mrs Christena Humason. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Metzger. IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday school 10 a m. Janice, Marsha, and Mary Irene of Morning service 11 a.m. Gresham. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evening service 7:30 p.m. Means and Doris of Multnomah. Ore., Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Metzger, Mary Jacob Wlensz, Supply Pastor ann and Rickey and Mr. and Mrs • • • Tom Metzger of Portland. GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH Alice Fay Bickett celebrated her OF CHRIST fifth birthday at a party Thursday Sunday school at 10 a.m. evening given by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morning worship 11 a.m. Stewart Sr. at their home in Mill City. Those enjoying the occasion Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. wtih Alice were her parents, Mr. and Evening worship 7:30 pan. Mrs. Bill Bickett, her sisters Jackie, Walter Smith. Pastor Phyllis and Treva, and Nancy, Car • • • roll and Dub Stewart. A birthday FIRST PRESHYTER1AN CHURCH cake with candles was the highlight Morning worship 11 a.m. of the party. Music by choir. The S. C. Dark home has been Dr. David J. Ferguson, Preaching under-going some remodeling the Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs past week with a new bedroom being Arthur Kreiver, leader. added. • • • DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH IDANHA GARAGE SOLD Sunday school at 10 a.m. Idanha—Guest Sunday of the Les Morning worship 11 a.m. Perkins families ter Honey and Oran — Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boje and daughter. Corning, Calif., and Mr. Youth night Saturday 7 p.m. The Mrs. Ralph Bickle, Silverton. Warren Knape, Pastor Boje’s came Wednesday. • • • Boje has purchased the Idanha gar COMMUNITY CHURCH age and service station from Wade Full Gospel Preaching and he and family will return to Sunday school 10 A.M. Corning to transact some business Morning worship 11 A.M. and return to live here. Lester Evangelistic service 8 P.M. Honey is assisting in the station at Preaching services Wednesday and present. Friday 8 P.M. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor • • • FREE METHODIST CHURCH * By Fune«» Ainsworth JT*j North Mill Cllv Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a m. Junior church 11:00 a m Evening service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:39 p. Phone 190« Rev. L. C. Gould. Pastor • • • ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC CHURCH. MILL CITY Maas at 9 A.M. Confessions heard before Mass. Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 p m. Father C. Mat, Pastor AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Rag Mop Johnson Rag Wedding Samba Quicksilver , Come in and see our wide selections of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Popular«, Old Timers, Classical, and Seml-Classlcal Records. PORTER & LAU "First with What You Want Most" COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Stayton 213 Mill City 1884 MM SALEM LAUNDRY SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Don’t let forest fires tip the scales The wood grown in our forests each year almost equals the wood we cut for use and that destroyed by fire, insects, disease and wind. Were it not for forest fires, the timber growth would exceed the timber drain. A friend of mine just bought an old farm-house just outside of town, and I've been having a simply won derful time helping her to remodel and redecorate. We’ve just about finished, and I wish you could see personally the actual “miracles" we've wrought with paint and structural glass. We are especially pleased with the transformation of the old coun try kitchen. When my friend pur chased the house, the kitchen was badly in need of plaster, and totally lacking in the equipment that we’ve become accustomed to. (Small won der— the home was over 100 years old, and had been unoccupied for several years!) Today, that same kitchen is sparkling with color , . . completely modern, and practical. We used Carrara structural glass for all the walls and it's simply beautiful! Reflects every bit of light — and, because it cleans with a whisk of a cloth, my friend finds it especially convenient with her fam ily of boys! We are so pleased with the kitchen that right now we’re in the midst of having the same glass put on the bathroom walls. The room was formerly an old closet and is small, so the glass is really a help in seeming to enlarge the room. It's made just like fine plate glass, you know, and is polished so that it really reflects, giving any room a feeling of spaciousness. The colors are simply gorgeous — we chose a tranquil green for the kitchen, and a beautiful blue for the bathroom. Peter, my friend's husband, likes the effect so well that he's putting a soft beige glass over the mantel — it's really stunning. He says it’s very easy to apply, too — goes right over the original surface. My husband and I ars going out to the farm tonight. I want him to see Peter’s work—for I've just loads of plans for our house! GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING Laundry Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Laundry and Dry Cleaning— Ken Golliet, Mehama; ML Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning Santlam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit SALEM 163 South High Phone SB 128 H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment SPECIALTY CARDS TRICKS AND PUZZIJCS MODEL AIRPLANES TOYS AND DOIJ24 MASQUERADE SUPPLIES MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS Cw Our Mall Order Service » ■ SALEM’S ORIGINAL Toy & Hobby Shop irainxnnnusiDnsKíKíntiiinEínnnnnnununnnBuioíEínaisíisuiyBnmiiimmwn^B — ■ '■ People who save ayatematically agree with R H. Macy's famous slo- gan. Try it yourself. Open a savings Moreover, nine-tenths of our forest fires are caused by people and thus, can be prevented. account with us, deposit something •vary pay day—and «xparianc« th« You can help bring about this balance by being careful with fire in the woods. Help Keep America Green. pl«aiur« of having ready cash in th« bank when you want it or need it. THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE t he Only Seivlpapcr Maker s in the &auti[ul Sorth Santiam Canyon * MILL CITY STATE BANK . »