August 24, IMO »—THE MILL < JTY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales FOR RENT Just completed 3-room FOR SALE Wedgewood gas range, — W. w L. r ------ .----- . see apartment, Peterson. i nearly new, DuoTherm oil stove, nearly new. D. B. Hill 31tf Swift addition. 33tf WE BUY—Fir pitch 75c per gallon. FOR SALE—214 HP. Lawson out board motor $79.50; Maytag Pro See us for containers. Red's Hill pane gas range $225.00. Stayton Top Trading Post. 24 Hardware & Furniture Co.. Stayton, Ore. 25tf FOR RENT — Two 2-room modem unfurnished apartments. Each has one large room 20x22 and one small | FOR SALE - Trailor house, 20-foot good and dean, has good daveno, bed room, hot and cold water, $50 extoa bunk bed, oil heater and lots ' per month. Mrs. F. L. Noble, at of buiit-ins, a bargain at $250 00 , Detroit Market. 33tf Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. 32tf ■ FOR SALE A small Shetland pony, •"---------- Chocolate colored with white spots WHY PAY KENT 7 Buy income prop erty. New duplex for sale. W. L. on each side, white mane and tail. Peterson, Swift’s addition. 20tf See Mrs. G. O. Hutchinson, Lyons, Ore., near King's. 34-3p FOR SALE —■ Cabin 12x18, shiplap floor, located on West Alder Street FOR SALE Ice boxes $7.50. Red's to be moved. E. D. Cooke. 29tf Hill Top Trading Post. 32tf — FOR SALE — 4-bedroom house, in FOR SALE—Used 37-gal. Wisx wa ter heater, $30.00. Shux Electric , quire at Enterprise. 33tf Co., Phone 2964, Stayton, Ore. 33-2t WE REBUILD Furniture like k'W. Call 21F71 for free estimate. Stay FOR SALE — I-ate model Dexter washer $65 00; Columbia bicycle 26 ton Upholstering, Rt 1, Box 177A, inch $18 00. E. D. Cooke. 32tf W. Washington, Stayton, Ore. 28tf INCOME PROPERTY Furnished, lovely modern houM- im commodat ion» for 8 room ers and boarders, including bedding, etc. Cement block construciton, fireplace, base ment, excellent location. Sac- ~ rifles at VERY EASY terms for quick sale. Owner leaving, immediate possession. C. E. COVILLE Real Estate Ph. 2207 PLEASE LIST all available rooms, room and board, houses and apts. Write, telephone or visit Personnel Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p.m. Consolidated Builders, Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf FOR SALE — 6 ft. Maytag Freezer $189.00. Stayton Hardware & Fur niture Co., Stayton, Ore. 25tf LIST YOUR homes and farms with me. Have cash buyers. Mill City. David M. Gates, Detroit, Lyons. 3tf Reid, Real Estate. A GOOD SELECTION of linoleum yardage, 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per sq. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. FOR SALE — Three choice building FOR RENT — Three 2-room apart ments, unfurnished, hot and cold lots in Swift's addition, water, elec water, $35 per month. Mrs. F. L. tricity available, level ground. W. L. Peterson. 20tf Noble at Detroit Market. 33tf VIV'S Steak House FOR SALE — Covered wagon trailer EXPERT AUTO and home radio Meals house, 1937 model, 22 ft. long, fin ished in dark mahogany veneer, newly painted outside. See Glen SBelton, river road, Mill City. 34-3p service, 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler's Radio and Appliance. 3tf FOR RENT—One sleeping room and a two-room apartment. Inquire at FOB SALE—3 bedroom home, with the Enterprise. 34-lp basement, 2 lots in Gates, $6,500 --------------------------------------------- | Phone 287 Lyons, or see Jerry at Jerry’s Tavern. 33-3t $.50 00 PER THOUSAND truck scale paid for 24 ft. to 40 ft. small Doug I las Fir logs suitable for piling. High | FOR SALE Steel bunk beds $9 95 a pair, bunk bed mattresses $4.95 prices paid for barkie poles and each. Red’s Hill Top Trading Post. piling. Call Albany 1287 or write 32tf Standard Pole & Piling Co. for price lists. 31tf FOR SALE — Forty large year-old handsome White Leghorn hens lay FOR SALE - Baby cribs $5.95 and up, crib mattresses $2.00 and up. ing good, one or all, $1.50 each. Hampshire Reds $2 50 each; extra Red’s Hill Top Trading Post 32tf large White Rocks $3.00 each; FOR SALE Used washing machines Guernsey cow three years old, fresh $15.00 and up. Shux Electric Co., nine weeks, bred back to registered Phone 2964, Stay ton, Ore. 33-2t Jersey. Gentle, easy milker, dou ble-tested, price $200. George Cree FOR SALE — Tents, wall, ridgepole, Mill City, phone 924 32-3p new, fire proof, waterproof, mil dewproof, 9x9 $24.50; 14x14 $49.00; WE BUY blackberries, Himalayas 16x16 $59 00. Red’s Hill Top Trad or Evergreens, 8c a pound. Get ing Post. 32tf your crates and hallocks at Red's Hill Top Trading Post. 34tf FOR RENT 3-rm. furnished apart 32tf FOR RENT — Duplex, partly fur ment. E. D. Cooke. nished, $50.00 month. Inquire at FOR SALE—Pressure cooker, holds Manolis Cafe. 34-lp 7 qt. jars $8.50. Clean Mason jars, 50c doz.; automatic $12.50 can FOR SALE — Used sawdust burner sealer $5.00, at house trailer, rear with or without controls. Shux of Mrs Agnes Allen, across from Electric Co., Phone 2964, Stayton, Santiam Garage. 34-lp Ore. 33-2t Fountain Sweden Soft Freeze OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Chuck Faylor and Sam Engle Owners A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours RICHARDS TAVERN GATES For Guaranteed Cleaning it’s the TAVERN NU-METHOD 24-HOUR SERVICE One Mill East of Detroit Mill City < I oh « h JEWEL MYERS, Mrr. at « 1*.M IPEP/ SAVTHM Mill City Hotel GARAGE and GENERAL AUTO and TRUCK REPAIR Boarding House Arc and Acetylene Welding FAMILY STYLE MEALS I nder Ne»« Management Phone S452 MASTER BRfAD Popular - - b«r«u» it'.Æw// LYONS Maim Street By EVA BRESSLER Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis were his cousin and wife Mr. and Mrs. Mead Beard-| more and granddaughter Carol of Mankato, Kansas. Sunday they en joyed a picnic at Silver Creek Falls with Mrs. Roxie Trask of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frasier of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindemann, Richard and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis, Lucille and Beulah all of Lyons and the visitors in attendance. The fourth annual bazaar and ha 4 vest festival of the St. Patrick’s Par ish and sponsored by the Altar so ciety was held at the Santiam Valley grange hall Sunday, August 20. A cafeteria dinner was served from I 11:30 until 2. Games and other] amusements furnished entertainment for the afternoon. A large display of fancy work was on sale. A bed spread, a large doll and a Rosary were raffled off with Mrs. Mike Fink holding the lucky number for the bedspread. Mrs. John Worden won the doll and Mrs. Herman Free, the Rosary. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson re turned home the last of the week from a four week vacation, to Red mond, from there down the coast highway and back home. Minor accidents over the weekend were Mr. Albert Julian received a broken toe, Mr. Julian was riding a horse and trying to catch another when he was kicked striking his big toe which stuck through the stirrup. Buddie Bridges fell striking his hand | on some glass which took four stitches to close the wound. The Teen-agers took advantage of the hot weather and held their meet ing at the Paul Johnston home in stead of the community club house. | A lawn party was enjoyed with about 25 present. Out-door games and re- ' freshments furnished the entertain ment. • Sunday dinner guests at the home , of Mrs. Alice Huber were Mr. and I I | Mrs. George Keeley of Portland, and I Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, Dennis I and Donna Lou of Lyons, the occa sion honored the birthday anniver-' I I sary of Mrs. Keeley. Mrs. Bertha Ayers and daughter I Juanita Ayers of Cecil, Oregon, spent | I several days at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. Art Ayers. Mrs. Orville Bowers and Mrs. Fred j Boyer of Salem spent Thursday in I Lyons they were guests of Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Mrs. Clyde Bressler. Miss Alta Rockwell of Fresno, Cal ifornia visited at the home of her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield. She also visited at the home of her sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Betche in Silverton. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith are her parents Mr. and Mis. E. S. Barker of Norton. Kansas. Mr and Mrs. Wesley West were called to Redding. Calif., by the seri- ous illness of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sheppard and I three small daughters of Baker spent \ several days at the home of her par ents Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell. A small group attended the clean up at the Santiam Valley grange hall Friday evening. But in spite of the small crowd much was accomplished i and a pot luck supper was served later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs J. H Johnston, and Mr and Mrs Paul Johnston and I George went to Lebanon Sunday aft- | emoon where they attended the open 1 house at the F R Surry home honor ing Mr Surry on his 90th birthday anniversary. Mrs Roy Heineck returned home Monday from Hillsboro. Mrs. Hei- I neck has been at the home of their I daughter in Hillsboro for the past I month convalescing from a stroke. by Ralph Stein THATS FOR THE. BEAirry QUEEM OF THE USED CAR7 u LOT... Z H' m M t No NO LIGHTS, GOCKEYEP STE c -^ING-, HO EK.EX-> Troveltri SoMy Service MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, Prop. “At the Bottom of the Hill” OREGON MILL CITY, ■MB THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE SALEM Phone 3-4534 141 N. Commercial St. Ha« Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Furniture and Bookkeeping Supplies MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS Business - Directory - Professional AMD snHwctnnnnfiansHnn’annnnsnKtnn MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling. 'eonard Herman Phone 2325 iMrooooBBsnscusoosaBOriJiiM r HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hoalery -1 -Ingerte- Dmaee-flmoeks 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 \ Elixirs BARBER SHOP Ä Rroaduay Mill City Hour«: 10 to 7 I) WII) M k’l ll) Real Estate Mill City KAI.EIGII HAROLD FLORIST and M RSERY 31» W. Street It, block« on W. Stayton Hlway Phone MM -------------------------------- ---------------- -Z FLOWERS ■ NEW STOCK Dre»« Print« — Oil (loth silk and Wool Scarf« New shade« la Nvloe« Curttaln Material — Ticking Hendr icson’s Store In the Dawe« Bldg GOODE'S FLOW ER SHOP Phon." Blue MR Staytoa, Ore. C. E. Covi I le WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME Real Estate M«4era EUaeral Service STAYTON OREGON Beat Side Mill <My r* *4*1 URTINO« W ANTED Complete Supply of All Your Duildiny Needs . . . . SHEET ROCK DOORS and WINDOWS BOYSEN PAINT FEATl KING NEW LOW PRICES ON MONTEX— THE PAINT WITH THE SAND FINISH ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- , KELLY LUMBER SALES OPEN SATURDAYS PHONE 1*15 RUMDX KELLY. Manager