Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1950)
S— THE MILI. CITY ENTERPRISE August 24. 1950 * 11 HHI Shower at Tomans Honors Miss Timm PAGE and off the shoulder effect. Tiny j buttons were from the neckline to her waist. The lace edged finger tip veil was held in place by a small crown. Mrs. Donald Nelson, sister-in-law I of the groom, was matron of honor. She wore a pink figured organdy The Presbyterian church was the I gown and carried a bouquet of orchid scene for the wedding of Miss Marian j "mums”. King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Leia Mel Kelly in a pale blue net was bridesmaid. She carried pink mums. Donald Nelson was best man for his brother. Ushers were Ernest and Leroy Po- drabsky. Mrs. King chose for her daughters j wedding a navy blue ensemble with white accessories. Mrs. Nelson wore a two piece linen colored suit with brown and white accessories. Following the ceremony a recep- | tion was held in the recreation hall. Mrs. James Swan served the cake. Mrs. John Swan presided at the cof fee urn and Leia Kelly was at the punch bowl. Assisting with the serv ing were Mrs. Clayton Baltimore, Kuhlman. Paula Jane Van Buskirk and Arlone Mrs. Donald Nelson passed thé guest book and at the gift table were Mrs. Cloyd Cox and Mrs. George sell King and Sonny Mac Nelson, son Crook. afternoon at 3 o’clock. Dr. David J. Following a wedding trip the cou- Ferguson officiated at the nuptials. I pie will make their home near Tilla- Lighting the tapers were Paula I mook where the groom is employed. of Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson on Sunday Jane Van Buskirk in pink satin and CALLED TO PORTLAND Arlone Kuhlman in light blue net R. L. Faust of Mill City was called over satin. to Portland today to be at the bed Kirk Wirick sang "Sweet Mystery side of his nephew, Dr. H. H. Faust, of Life" and "Bless This House" ac Corvalis physician, who was reported companied by Mrs. Donald Sheythe near death with a skull fracture and who also played the wedding march. a broken leg in a Portland hospital Given in marriage by her father following an airplane crash on the the bride wore a gown of white bro Chehalem mountain near Newberg caded satin styled with high neckline yesterday morning. Mrs Albert Toman Sr. and Mrs. Delbert Jenkins entertained at the Toman home Friday evening for the pleasure of Miss Phyllis Timm bride elect of Ollie Muise. Games under the direction of Mrs. J. L. Davidson was the diversion of the evening followed by a shower for the honored guest At the close of the evening refreshments were i served by the hostesses. Invited were Miss Phyllis Timm. Mrs. Bill Timm. Miss 1 Marian King. Mias Vera Louck, Mrs. Ray Caudle. Mbs Mildred To- man. Mlss Marlene Tickle. Miss Daisy Hendricson. Miss Virginia III Timm. Miss Elnora Albright, Miss (( Beverly Timm, Miss Pat West. Mrs Chet Slater, Mrs Anna Kahl. Mrs. Anna Nystrom. Mrs. Clayton Balti- more, Mrs. Rosa Daly, Alona Faye Daly. Mrs. Floyd Johnson, Mrs. Lowell Cree. Mrs Una White. Mrs. Cloyd Cox. Patricia Cree, Betty Lou Cree. Paula Jane Van Buskirk, Mrs. 1Í George Stafford. Carmen Stafford, Mrs. Ingle Johnson and the hostesses Nelson-King Nuptials Held Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kay smile over their wedding cake after having taken their vows, Friday, July 28. Mrs. Kay is the former Delores Elaine Brewer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brewer of Portland. Mr. Kay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kay of Mill City. Rev. Tom Courtney officiated at the ceremony in the Mill City Christian church. The couple will make their home in the Thomas addition. . MILL CITY Al Ivy of Summer I.ake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H Hollyman Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Caraway returned home Saturday following a week’s visit with her daughter Frances in Port land. Sunday Mrs. Murray Strawn and three children of Gold Beach arrived at the Caraway home for a visit, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carey and Diane of Portland were weekend Y guests at the Carl Chance home. Ruth Higdon is at the home of her Electrical Contracting and Service father, Boots Higdon. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hollyman and LICENSED ELECTRICLANS FREE ESTIMATES Mr. and Mrs Burton Boroughs spent Sunday evening in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Craig and BUSINESS PHONE — SALEM 3-5561 family have moved into Harold HOME PHONE — SALEM 2-2800 Kleiwer’s apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chance are driv ing a new car. KEN PRATT, Mgr. Electrical Dept. 3435 D Street, SALEM Mr. and Mis. Wallace Bevier and SPECLAL SERVICE TO MILLS sons spent the weekend in Klamath Falls with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Majhors en- : n tertained a group of relatives Sun day at a picnic. In the afternoon the group went swimming. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knox and family were in Salem Tuesday re- ceiving dental and medical treat FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES ment. Among those enjoying picnic din- ners at Taylor’s grove Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shelton and family of Scio. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon MILL CITY Hutchinson and family of Mill City, SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Mr. and Mrs Adell Hutchinson and OPEN WEEK DAYS 9 A M. to 4 P.M. I son Dean of Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. 1 Herbert Hutchinson of Lyons. Mr 'and Mrs. Bud Henderson of Bend and I Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Hutchinson and daughter Marie of Lyons Write or Phone Collect (Photo Courtesy Capital Journal) Willing Workers to Aid Needy Family in Idanha FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 25th and 26th ROY ROGERS in Susanna Pass — Plu» — Daughter of the Jungle SUNDAY and MONDAY' August 27th and 28th CLARK GABLE and LORETTA YOUNG In Key to the Topnotch Comedy Tl ESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 29th and 30th DAVID BRIAN and 1'1.111)1 l\KM\N. JR. in Intruder in the » HONEYMOONERS VISIT HERE Visiting Miss Gay Peltier are Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lyon (nee Nita Ham ilton) from Victoria. B.C. The couple are going through Mill City on their way to California on their honey moon. I Till RSDAY August 31st JAMES MASON and JOAN' BENNETT In The Reckless Moment MARRIAGE LICENSES Lauren Walker, 20, of Lyons, la borer, and Clara McEwan. 16, of Idanha- Mrs. R. L. Helwig, Mon Stayton. at home. gold, was the guest speaker of the Doors open at 7:20 P3L North Santlam Willing Workers, Complete show can be seen any Mill City Lodge No. 144. Wednesday in the home of Georgia time mue up to IU o.av 8:30 I.O.O.F. meets every Friday New. Mrs. Helwig spoke on textile night. Visiting brothers welcome. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and figurine painting and showed her I work in both type paintings. With Mrs. Helwig was her sister Mrs. 100th YEAR OF SERVICE TO OREGON Smith, from Iowa. The club voted to make gowns and diapers for an expected baby of a needy family in the community, Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Hel- / wig. her sister, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Richards, mother of Edna Gordon, FOR CARRIER OR MAIL SERVICE Florence and Evelyn Bowers and SEE YOUR Jerry Roberson, all of Idanha. The hostess, Mrs. New served pie ala mode, and punch. The STATESMAN Carrier or W. L. Peterson, Agent Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Salem Equipment Co. 5 Myron’s Packaged Meats Kellom’s Grocery SPECIAL! Get-Acquainted Offer Lube Job - 75c CARS AND PICKUPS Friday and Saturday August 25 - 26 » Salem Preparing (Continued from Page 1) the Salem municipal band playing for them. Saturday. September 9th, is Children's day with every ride on the midway reduced to nine cents for children under 12. Every evening there will be the traditional horse show and rodeo in front of the grand stand will be the ¡the ring at the Stadium. Nightly in Water Follies of 1950, a magnificent stage show and aquacade. There's been on inflation at the fair, either. Gate price is still fifty I cents per person, with children un der 12 admitted free. Farley’s Union Station (Formerly Don’s Union Station) MILL CITY. OREGON' TRAILER HOMES Kits - Bales Aero Kenskill - Angeles 1« to 34 feet NEW AND USED South Side Trailers MAYFLOWER There’s no better hot weather refresher than Mayflower Milk, served fresh and cold right from the re frigerator. Have plenty on hand for the whole family. AT rot* ITOSI HAVE A BETTER KITCHEN you're worried that the spar kling whiteness of modern kitchen cabinets and appliances will give your kitchen that "hospital look." you can lay aside your cares right now. That’s the decision of deco rators and kitchen planners who point out that white serves to en hance the color of curtains, walls and floor coverings, and will go with any kitchen color scheme you choose. What has long been the standard finish for kitchen equipment because of these very basic reasons, and for the added fact that in a room where sanitation means so much white is imminently practical. There is plenty of opportunity to give color to the kitchen. The mak ers of kitchen cabinets are providing counter tops in a wide variety of col ors and variegated designs. Among the newest is a vinyl plastic mate rial called Cusheen which comes in 10 different pure and marbelized colors, and in an attractive stone hue which is friendly to almost any color of the rainbow. Floor coverings of nearly every color and pattern imaginable are available, and there is no end to paint colors and combinations for kitchen walls. To this add the great ingenuity of homemakers in making their kitchens attractive with cur tains, flowers, decorative vases, gadgets and other devices. Consider it strictly from a finan cial point of view. If cabinets and appliances had to be refinished with each change of color scheme the cost would be prohibitive for most housewives. With white, anything goes and even an annual kitchen "re-doing" job is Inexpensive and the results are satisfying WE CAN NOW SUPPLY YOU 7W£ WORLDS MOST COHVEÑIErí WUiDOW (I <G G Ci/r C(/t X <>0W « Here's the sensational, new wood window' you can lift out and wash in the sink! Just a slight side pressure releases the sash. You've seen it nationally advertised. FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Mill Citv