Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1950)
August M, 1950 THE MILL (TTY ENTERPRISE M ( I IS PACE Outscored Kellys Outhit Firemen L * o Vi Fishermen Take Large Fish From Clear Lake Big Game Tags Now Available Tag applications for two special big game seasons, a cow elk hunt in ashtray Union county and an antlerless deer hunt in Lake and Klamath counties, are now available at all Oregon State Game commission license agencies. The 250 cow elk tags to be issued A seventh-inning rally by the will be valid from November 11 to Teamsters fell short as the Engineers 19 inclusive. The cow elk area is on took their opening contest in the Mill the Starkey range between the upper Football equipment will be issued City league on Wednesday, August Grande Ronde river and La Grande. to Mill City high school prospects at 16, by a 6 to 4 score. Deadline for receipt of tag applica 7:30 p.m. next Monday and Tuesday tions is 5 p.m., October 6. A draw The Teamsters, champions of the at the high school. ing will be held October 10 if more Detroit Dam league, tallied first in With the first practice session the opening inning on an error, a than 250 applications are received. slated for Wednesday, the team will walk and a single. Elk winter range in the Starkey However, the soon be preparing for the 1950 sea Engineers bounded back with three area is in critical condition, and the son. Chet Ferguson, Engineer hurler, concentrated animals made heavy use runs in the second on two hits, a The 1950 schedule was announced walk and a base-cleaning double by was completely stingy with his base of grazing lands last spring, states this week by Coach Burton Buroughs Don Bengston. The Engineers made hits last Sunday as he turned in a Bob Mace, chief of big game for the Mill City opens the conference season it 4 to 1 in the fourth on Ferguson’s 10 to 0 victory over the Swingsters game commission. Bingham, the Swingster pitcher, with Chemawa in Mill City on Fri double and a single by Bengston. On Oct. 18 and 19 hunters with was his only foe to get on base dur day, September 29. The season may special tags will have an opportunity Carlton slammed a home run for open a week earlier with either a Teamsters in the fifth, but the Engi ing the game—on a walk in the third to harvest 1,500 antlerless deer from inning. It was the first no-hit, no county jamboree game of all Mation the Interstate deer herd. This herd neers came back with two runs in County "B” teams or a contest with the bottom of the sixth frame when run game in Mill City this season. summers on the Fremont national The Engineers got their scoring another team, possibly the Sweet Gail Lowry doubled after two men I forest west of Lakeview and winters early. At the end of two frames Home “B” team. on the Modoc national forest in made bases on a walk and a single. they held a 6 to 0 lead. northern California. Tag applica Mill City and five other teams will A walk, two singles and a double Bill Bayless with two hits was the tions for this hunt will be accepted be gunning for the Marion County by Joe Lilac put the Teamsters in a until 5 p.m., Sept. 15. If more than "B’’ crown now held by St. Paul threatening position before the Engi leading batter of the evening. R H E Short score: 1,500 applications are received, a which has held the title two years in neers could put out the fire in the 000 000 0— 0 0 7 Swingshift drawing will be held Sept. 19. succession. Two teams dropped from seventh. 240 121 x—10 8 0 Engineers A harvest of 3,000 antlerless deer the league this year with the con Harry Roberts pitched the whole Bingham and Sutter; ; Batteries: ' from the herd was recommended by solidation of Aumsville and Turner game for the Engineers, while Mel the Interstate deer herd committee; high shools producing a class "A” Levine twirled for the Teamsters. Ferguson and Simbeni. half the deer to be taken by Oregon school. Each allowed eight hits, Carlton of MILL CITY SOFTBALL LEAGUE I hunters and the other 1,500 by Cali The local gridders will be out to the Teamsters collected half of his W L Pct fornia hunters. The committee ad better last season's record of two teams hits with a perfect night at 1000 2 0 ministers a co-operative study by wins, three losses and two ties the plate, four hits of four times up. CBI Engineers .667 2 1 Mill City Firemen j California, Oregon, and the U. S. against the following schedule: Don Bengston of the Engineers also CBI Teamsters .667 2 1 ! Forest service. Winter range carry- Sept. 22—Unscheduled with possibil had a perfect night with two hits in CBI Graveyard .000 0 1 ' ing capacity determines the number ities for a jamboree game or con two times up. Ferguson and Bayless 1 .000 Kelly’s Lumber .... 0 of animals to be taken jointly each test against Sweet Home ’’B” team. each collected two for three for the CBI Swingsters Prizes totaling $500 will be offered year by Oregon and California. .000 0 2 Sept. 29—Chemawa, here* Engineers as did Nolan for the Team Tag fees for the two special big The CBI Teamsters knocked the to winners in the annua 1 Oregon Oct. 6 ‘ —Gervais, here* sters. Applicants Mill City Firemen out of a first place state horseshoe championship tour I game hunts are $5.00. Oct. 13—Jefferson, there* R H E tie with the CBI Engineers in the nament which will be held Aug. 30 should not submit the fee until noti The short score : Oct. 20—Sublimity, here* 100 010 2 4 8 2 Mill City softball league Tuesday through Sept. 2 in conjunction with fied by the Game commission that Teamsters Oct. 27—St. Paul, there* 030 102 x 6 8 3 evening by defeating the Smoke Bat the Clackamas county fair at the they have drawn a tag. Engineers Nov. 3—Philomath, here Batteries, Levine and Steiner. El- tlers 6 to 2 Tuesday evening. Wed fairgrounds in Canby. ♦ League contest. wood: Roberts and Simbeni. Three classes—men, women and tournament is scheduled for Aug. 31 nesday’s game between the Engineers and Kellys was postponed on account boys 16 years of age and younger and Sept. 1. Each contestant will GAMES THIS WEEK will be featured in the competition. pitch two series of 50 shoes and will of rain. Twenty prizes totaling $400 will be turn in his top score for record. The Sunday: Firemen vs. Swingsters. awarded in the men’s class, while the 20 contestants who score the great Tuesday: Graveyard vs. Engineers women’s and boys’ classes will draw est number of points in this round Thursday: Graveyard vs. Kellys. $50 in prizes each. Trophies will be will make up the field which will par awarded champions of each group. ticipate in a round-robin, ending MILL CITY Contestants in the men’s com- Sept. 2 for the state title, Current 1 petition will be charged $2 entrance holder of the men’s title is Irve A FRIENDLY plants between 1939 and 1942. Last fees, which will include membership Schaumburg of Portland. FAMILY The boy’s tournament will be con- fall sportsmen in that state enjoyed a cards in the state and national horse ducted Aug. 30-31. The women’s title shoe associations. 28-day chukar season. ATMOSPHERE The qualifying round of the men’s will be decided Sept. 2. Experience in other states has in PREVAILS dicated that the bird is well adapted to game farm conditions and egg fertility is high The Hermiston game farm had an 85 per cent hatch. The Several years from now, a hardy partridge, already established in arid j regions of the west may provide | sport for Oregon nimrods. The chukar, the bird in question, hails from Asia. Some 847 young chu- | kars are being raised at the Oregon state game commission farms at Hermiston and Ontario. Eggs for the farms were supplied HOI RS: 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. Week Days by the game departments of Wash ington, Idaho and Wyoming Wash BERRY SEASON’: 10 to 12 Noon Sunday ington made its introductory chukar FA ER» FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT chukar is reputed to be able to go for long periods without food or water. Enjoy Summer Freshness AU Winter Lone” COME EARLY TO INSERE A TABLE It will adapt itself to a variety of conditions. Wrapping materials should be selected to keep the moisture In Washington, the birds prefer in the food and the air out. rather deep canyons with rocky hill sides and cliffs. Cheat grass is their Cheek with your Locker Operator for the best ¡chief winter diet. The Oregon game and latest wrapping materials. commission feels that the birds will fill a niche in eastern Oregon now occupied by no other game bird. In size, the chukar is midway be tween a pheasant and a quail. It has O|M>rating on Daylight Saving Time shiny red legs, a red bill and a grey BILI. HIRTE MILL CITY ish body barred on the sides with black stripes This partridge's flight is strong and swift, but it will usually lie after one good flight. On the domestic side, the male chukar is said to take but one mate. Most game birds are polygamous. In its native habitat, the chukar part ridge is found from Mongolia to the Himalaya mountains and south to Nepal. High School Team To Get Equipment Early Next Week Dam League Champs Lose City Loop Tilt I Chet Ferguson Tosses No Hit Softball Game Out-hit eight to twelve but not out- scored. the Mill City Firemen chalked up their second consecutive victory in the Mill City Softball league last Thursday by out-lasting Kelly's Lum ber 16 to 11. For four innings the game was ac tually a pitching battle, but a score keeper’s headache began in the bot tom of the fifth when the Firemen scored five runs to turn a 3 to 2 lead into a near rout. But the Kelly club wasn't out of it yet. They narrowed the margin to 8 to 7 with another five run rally. In the last of the sixth the Firemen got as hot as the blazes they battle when they shoved over eight runs. Kelly’s came back with a four run seventh to complete the nightmarish finish. O. Carey homered for the Kelly team, while G. Carey collected a triple. Both of the Careys had per fect nights at the plate. G. Carey had four for four and O. Carey three for three. Blazek and Weinert starred at the plate for the Firemen each collecting a pair of hits in three times up. One of Blazek’s blows was a double. Cole also doubled for the Firemen. The summary: R H E Kelly Lumber 100 105 4—11 12 4 Firemen .............. 030 058 x—16 8 1 L. Poole, O. Carey (4) and Carlile; C. Stewart and Armstrong. The fish were getting bigger in the Mill City Tavern's fishing derby the past weekend. Charlie Smith of Gates turned in a 3 lb. 6 ounce rainbow taken from Clear lake on a salmon egg Sunday The fish measured lOij inches in length. Howard Fanmen of Mill City came up with a 2 lb. 4 ounce catch at Clear lake which measured 17V< inches. He also was fishing with salmon eggs Barnyard Golfers Plan State Meet Les’s Tavern Chukar Partridges Introduced in State To be > temperate ' means moderation I .. T, fe I A»* iu- ■ E’'¡j* It Pays to Advertise in the Enterprise Featuring Hill Top Lockers Edrie Wells BEE - 7ri the Water Now Ready for Use Singing Pianist HILL TOP LOCKERS OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY OLYMPIA «ASHINCTON U S 1 Final Days Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Shoe Liquidation! Women's Shoes at Give-A wav Prices All Types to E»ER» PAIR Ml ST BE SOLD — WE HAVE FURTHER REDUCED THESE SHOES FOR FINAL DISPOSAL fbo Thing» You Mood Childrens Jumping Jacks ‘Firestone RUH CT1ON ON FAMILY "BACK TO SCHOOL" SHOE* TIRES SAVE NOW! HOME and AUTO SUPPLIES : Firestone Stores (Vater and liberty St». SALEM OREGON ow ROWE'S SHOE STORE ST »»TON OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P M >