The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY, OREGON DON PETERSON, Publisher JAMES SMITH, Editor Entered an second-clan« matter November to. 194* at the po«t office at Mill City. Oregon, under the Act of March 3. 1879 <1 » »»I I II l> »1» I .11 I I *>l ' I. The Enterprise will not be reeponelble for more than one Incorrect In­ sertion Error« In advertising ehould be reported immediately. Oleplay Advertising 45c column inch. Political Advertising 75c inch. Inch. NIWSPAPIR NATIONAL T |D I TO R l_£ I L PUBLISHtKS ^ASSOCIATION •THE PAPER THAT HAS NO ENEMIES HAS NO FRIENDS.” George Putnam It After five day» of »weltering heat, residents of the Canyon were treated to another »hock. The too-fanilliar cry, “The wood» are »hut down echoed up and down the Santiam Monday. The logging seaHnn 1» ail too short, but the forests and men’» live» are more important. Soon the wet day» of winter will shut down the wood» again and the men who carve their living out of the forests will again I m * hack at rent, living on liard-carned Having«*. Will they I m * denied unemployment benefit» during their idleness thi» year? A h of now that 1» a question, an import­ ant question. We take gcate*■// end tn- mg to icbool um out of tbe Al bii lu/iiiliou, OUT gang beaded north on tbe prowl for cigar bandi, ttd on I fib Street ut law a woman gel out of a taut, tuddenly clutch M her Ibrool, ¡loop “A locket,” said the woman. “It isn’t worth much, but it has a pic- ture of baby.” There were neither cops nor ca­ nines in sight. “I’ll git it fer ya,” said Gimpy. From a Prince Albert tin he took a chunk of tar and held a match under it until it was sticky. Then he lowered it on a string and began to maneuver it over the locket. • • • At THAT MOMENT, Officer Fog- I arty rounded the corner. “This ' time I’m runnln' ya in,” he said. “Playin’ hookey and obstructin’ | traffic at one and the same time.” I "I’m only tryin’ ta git this lady the pitcher of her baby,” said Gimpy. In exactly one minute and 46 tecondt. our leader delicately eaied the locket through the grating, pulled it free front the tar and banded it to ill ouner. Tbanhi," laid lhe woman. "It'i lhe only picture I bate of baby." "Let’s get goin’,” said Fogarty. Stalling for time. Gimpy said to the woman, “Wculdja min’ ifn I took a look?" "Not at all." she said, and snapped open the locket. Inside was a picture of a mean-looking Pekinese pup. “That ain’t no baby," snarled Gimpy. “It's a lousy dawg." “Watch your language, young man” said the woman "Baoy’s won more blue ribbons than you have fingers and toes." Gimpy slowly stuffed string and tar back into ths empty tin and dropped it down ths grating Then ha turned to Fogarty. “Okay, copper," he said. “Do ya duty. * DR. MARK EIAMMERICESEN = REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST I I Will be at his Mill City office in the Jenkins Building Thursday afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. Also Thursday evenings by Appointment. I HOME OFFICE? 813 W. FIRST, ALBANY - United Trading Stamps Save Your Dividend*! Frank's Richfield Service FRANK BARNEY THAT BUILDING NOW Before the Fall Rains Come AN AMPLE STOCK OF ROOFING AVAILABLE AT .ALL TLMES. COMPOSITION. ALUMINUM OR STEEL SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP STAYTON, OREGON New and Used TRAILERS 1 ALBERT TOMAN. Prop. MHJ. CITY wr DFJJVER Opea Week Day, fnnw s V.M to 7: Sumtay« 9 A At. to • P.M. ntnunofl a ■ ■ » nuu tua huuxi ■■■■ mm a n■ 0 TO 37 FEET Bank Terms NEW TRAILERS: HILL TOP GENERAL STORE MILL CITY Repair or Re-Roof in Grocery Dept, on Friday and Saturday Hardware, Coleman Heaters, Tools, Rubber Footwear, Rain Clothes, Shoes, Etc ♦ WITH ALL PURCHASES Stewarts Universals Rollaways rSED TRAUERN of MANY MAKES Fir Grove Trailer Sales ONE MI IE WEST OF MHJ. (ITY » » » ♦ miniiiiiiihiiiiiuiiiiuii P