Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE imm AuguM 10, 1950 page Mehama Husbands Face Another Sale Idanha Woman Tells Of Canyon Life By JEAN ROBERTS Mehama—This week marks the an nual rummage sale sponsored by the Mehama club women, and held in the I Stayton Civic building. The yearly sale is greeted with enthusiasm by all | club members enabling them to clean house and turn a neat penny for their | organization doing so. A favorite discussion at the month ly Mehama club meetings are the humorous happenings of rummage sale time: Mrs. Ercill Wilson generously do nated two pairs of her husbands trousers—not bothering to search the pockets. Much to the purchaser’s surprise, a $5 00 bill was found. Keith Phillips still complains that he was left with only one pair of overalls—the ones he had on. His wife, a zealous club member had do nated his remaining clothes for the rummage sale. Even children enter into the spirit of a sale complains Mrs. Harry Mon roe. Her children ransacked the bu reau drawers and contributed most of their underclothes. Outgrown clothing, household fur nishings, nick nacks, or anything us able is collected at the club house and transported to Stayton where it is sold at nominal prices. In a recent letter to the Glendive. Mont Dawson County Review. Mrs. Ruth Johnson of Idanha commented as follows: The other day a woman from the East said to me. “Aren’t you afraid to live on the West Coast ? Don’t you Miss Dolores Elaine Brewer, daugh A bride of Friday evening was Miss know if Russia should attack, the Betty Jean Class, who exchanged ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brewer of atomic bomb would most likely get Portland, became the bride of Gordon vows with James Lyle Staley of Har you?” lowton, Montana. The double ring Kay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kay. I said, “Look here sister, in the first ceremony was read by Rev. Dudley Friday evening at an 8 o’clock cere place I don't think Russia even has Strain at 8:30 in the First Christian mony at the Mill City Christian an A bomb, and in the second place Church in Salem. Miss Class is the church. Rev. Tom Courtney officiated I am no coward.” neice of Mr and Mrs. Charley Day at the double ring ceremony. I feel just as safe here and safer Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson furnished of Mill City and the groom is the son than you people in the East with your the wedding music. of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Staley of big cities and industries. Here in our The bride, given in marriage by Harlowton, Montana. little valley there is nothing Russia The couple exchanged their vows her father, wore a white sheer dress, would want. So why use us for a tar before an altar banked with pink and fashioned with a stand up collar and get ? It’s a beautiful valley so peace stitched pleats across the front waist. white gladiolas. ful and nice and such good neighbors, The bride was given in marriage by Her accessories were navy and she too. Everyone would do anything for her uncle, Charley Day. She wore carried a single orchid. a friend or neighbor. If a family is a powder blue suit with white acces- [ Mrs. Ford Wilson Jr. in pastel blue needy, everyone pitches In. sories. For her flowers she carried was matron of honor. Last winter a family of ten burned Bud Brosig of Vancouver, Wash., A bouquet of white glads and bouvar- out . . lost all of their household was best man for his nephew. dia. She wore a single strand of goods and clothes, but what they had Ford Wilson Jr. was usher. pearls, that were a gift of the groom. on their backs; their night shirts and Mrs. Brewer wore navy blue crepe Mrs. Royce Linhart was matron of dresses. Before the next nightfall the honor and wore a two-piece dress of for her daughter’s wedding and Mrs. family was living in a house and Kay wore black and white. Both pastel blue and white with white ac in it was more furniture, food and cessories. She carried a bouquet of wore corsages of white carnations. clothing than they could ever use. . . A reception was held following the white glads and pink carnations. plus a hundred dollar purse. Standing as best man with Mr. ceremony at the home of the bride’s So I went on and told this woman uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Staley was Royce Linhart. from the East this is not what Russia Mrs. Day chose a navy blue suit Tuers. wants or can give: peace, content Mrs. Ford Wilson served the cake with white accessories for her niece's Lyons PTA Officers Meet ment and good will to a fellow man. and Mrs. Joe Fencl presided at the wedding. Mrs. Staley wore a gray A board meeting of the Mari-Linn Too. I am not afraid. Fear is for Mrs. Laurel Brown Both punch bowl. suit with black accessories, PTA elective officers was held at the cowards. passed the guest book. wore pink rosebud corsages. home of Mrs. Robert Fetherston Following the ceremony a reception Following a wedding trip the couple was held in the Cherry room of the will be at home in Thomas' addition. Thursday evening for the purpose of CARD CLUB ENTERTAINED GATES Mrs. Clarence Johnson Senator hotel. Sally Staley, sister of Both are graduates of Mill City high maikng plans for next years work The entertained her card club Wednesday the groom passed the guest book. school the gToom attended OSC and and appointing committees. Sharon Forrette of Dallas caught the Vanport college. He is now employed first meeting of the PTA will be held afternoon at her home. Luncheon was Friday evening, Sept. 8. Plans were served by the hostess at one o'clock. bride’s bouquet. at Remine’s mill east of Mill City. made for the teachers reception Following the luncheon hour euchre The bride is a graduate of Mill City Tuesday evening. Sept. 26. The pres was in play at three tables. Mrs. Wal high and has been employed for the ent officers are Mrs. Robert Fethers ter Brisbin held high score. Mrs. Mar past three years at the state tax com ton. president, Thomas Putman, vice tha Bowes was second and Mrs. mission. president, Mrs. George Huffman, sec Blanch Dean, low. Clarence Johnson, The groom attended the University A DAUGHTER To Mr and Mrs. retary, and Mrs. William Prichard, who substituted for an invited guest of Montana and a business college in Rodney Moore of Detroit, Saturday, who was unable to attend, was pre Salem. He is a member of the Mon August 5 at Salem General hospital. treasurer. sented the visitor’s prize by Mrs. tana Naval Reserve and now em A SON — To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson. Those attending were Mrs. ployed by the McKesson and Robbins Goschie of Lyons, Saturday, August Stubbert-Carlton Nuptials Gerald Heath, Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mrs. drug company. 5 at Salem General hospital Edmond Davis, Mrs. Riley Champ, The young couple will be at home A DAUGHTER—To Mr and Mrs. Solemnized at Mill City Mrs. Walter Brisbin, Mrs. Martha in Billings. Montana, after August Paul A. Pennington of Lyons. Mon Idanha — Gleta Maxine Carlton, Bowes and Mrs. Blanch Dean. 14th. day, August 7 at Salem Memorial daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. G. Carl hospital. ton. Idanha, and Benjamin H. Stub- MARRIAGE LICENSES A bill to increase postal rates has A SON—To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley bert, Roseburg, were united in mar ‘ Sonny MacNelson, 19, logger, and passed the House of Representatives, Vail of Gates. Saturday. August 5 at riage Monday evening, at 8:45 at the Marian Ellen King, 19, payroll clerk, but is still pending before the United Silverton hospital. Christian church in Mill City by Rev. States Senate. both of MUI City. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Courtney Jr. Frank Barton of Detroit, Tuesday. Accompanying the young couple There are 29 doctors in Linn county. Aug. 8 at Salem Memorial hospital. were the bride’s mother, Mrs. J. G. HAVE A BETTER KITCHEN Carlton; her sister-in-law', Mrs. Clif STAFF CHANGES ANNOUNCED ford Carlton, and a friend, Mrs. Ever Summer is kitchen remodeling FOR MILL CITY THEATRE ett Hotchkiss. time and thousands of homemakers Phyllis Timm has resigned as ush Mr. and Mrs. Stubbert left that are taking advantage of the oppor tunity to make their kitchen dreams erette at the Mill City Theatre. Ar- evening for Eureka. Calif., where he a reality. Because a new kitchen is lone Kuhlman who has been popcorn has employment as foreman of a frequently a major investment, it is girl, has been promoted to usherette. refrigerator company. well to choose the new equipment Alona Fay Daley, is the new girl be with care, keeping a sharp eye out SHIRLEY LAIRD hind the ticket machine, she replaces THESE TWINS ARE SEVEN for lasting beauty, efficiency and wearing qualities. Mrs. Judy Ragsdale, who recently GATES—Bobby and Sue Park, Because modern steel kitchens resigned. twins, were seven years old August 4 Phone 6103 meet these requirements, many and to help them celebrate the happy housewives are selecting cabinet Preliminary figures for 1950 give occasion their mother. Mrs. Wilson sinks and storage cabinets from the wide variety of models and sizes New York City a population of 7,- Park, invited in a number of their now offered in their dealer's store 841,610 I little playmates for an afternoon of Completely finished when they reach ¡games and play. Following the open- the site, these units can be installed . ing of gifts, refreshments were served quickly and require no expensive finishing or fitting, thus serving to to Jonnie and Lynda Sue Reeves, Bert keep costs within the family budget. Rothwell, Marcia Bamhardt, Butch Especial care should be taken in Hickox, Ronald and Douglas Mainard choosing the cabinet sink, for it is and Claudia Park. Sharon and Jimmy in the sink area that the homemak Hearing were unable to attend but er spends more than 60 per cent of FRESH DAILY — VERY REASONABLE PRICES I sent gifts. her kitchen hours. Most popular are the double bowl models which take much of the drudgery from the dish V.1CE (¡RAND PRESIDES washing chore. Undersink cabinets Rebekah lodge met Wednesday eve have drawers for cutlery and linens, and large storage compartments for ning with Alma Thomas, vice grand, MILL CITY cleaning supplies and large pots and presiding in the absence of Hazel Nel pans. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS OPEN WEEK DAYS son, noble grand. Plenty of storage space is a 9 A M. to 4 P.M. 8 A M. to 7 P.M. The charter was draped for Carl “must” for the new kitchen. This is Knutson, who had been a member for supplied by base cabinets with nine years. drawers and storage shelves, and by wall cabinets above. In planning Refreshments were served follow the new kitchen, utmost efficiency ing the meeting. Named on the com- will be gained by placing base cabi- miteee in charge for next meeting r ets and their counter surfaces ad were Hattie Cole. Ruby Brisbane, jacent to the room’s major appli Wilma Stewart and Allura Chance. ances—the sink, range and refriger ator. Standard height of base cabinets Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! is 36"; they are 24" front to back LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE and from 15" to 36" wide Wall cabi nets are either 18" or 30" high, 13’ IF YOU’RE A G.L, SEE front to back, and from 15" to 42" wide When wall cabinets are placed above base cabinets, kitchen plan ners recommend a clearance of 18’ from top of the counter surface to bottom of the wall cabinet in order to provide adequate working space Betty Jean Class Dolores Brewer Weds Montana Man Gordon Kay Wed Grange Presents Roses To Mrs. Patton at Lyons Lyons—The regular Santiam Val ley grange meeting was held at the hall Friday evening Tony Moravec, master presided Plans were made to hold a picnic at the hall in two weeks for the purpose of cleaning the hall and grounds At the social hour Mrs. May Patton who is mother of the grange was presented with a birthday cake and large bouquet of roses. COLOR PHOTOS OF SNOUTAU. IAM1K BEAUTIFUL LN AVGUST GATES—The Gates Parents and Teachers Association met for the August meeting in the social rooms of the high school Thui-sday evening. Harold Wilson presided in the absence of the president, Tony Baker. Follow ing a short business session, a pro gram of pictures was presented. Mrs. Riley Champ showed many lovely scenes of Yellowstone Park, the Grand Canyon and other places of Interest they had taken on their recent trip. Beautiful scenes were projected of Gates during the snow storms of last winter. At the close of the program, refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Clarence Rush, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stewart. Mrs. Wil liam Pennick and Mrs. N Pennick. The next meeting of the PTA will be at the school the first Thursday evening in September. FRIDAY and SATURDAY August llth and 12th GENE AUTRY in Mule Train — pius — Blondie's Big Deal SUNDAY and MONDAY August 13th and 14 th SPENCER TRACY’ and JAMES STEW ART in MALAYA TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 15th and 16th H M 11 \V> K and MARK STEVENS in Beautiful Doll In Technicolor THURSDAY August 17 th The Fighting DI ANE WILl.IS TO WILLAMINA Duane Willis of Detroit who has In Technicolor been the Oregon Statesman agent is True Story of An Aircraft leaving for Willamina to assume sim Carrier ilar duties there. Walt Peterson of Mill City will Doors open at 7:20 P.M. take over the position of Statesman Complete show can be seen any district agent. The territory extends time up to 8:30 from Mehama to Idanha. Mr. and Mrs. Willis will move into llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll their new home in Willamina just Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! being completed. Just Arrived... « Peiige's I lean It Salon EVENING APPOINTMENTS Ixwated Next to Furniture Store STOP THAT DOST! BEAUTY SHOP Iioad Oiling for Streets and Driveways 5c square yard For Fast Service Call Allen Keith Chevron Station Myron's Packaged Meats G. E. THOMAS. Mill Citi Mill City 2402 Kellom’s Grocery Thomas Housing Project GATES PHONE 5951 Tweedie Fuel Oils WEST SALEM, OREGON Phone 2-4151 Residence 3-5769 I a o ö Friday Ô» Saturday Specials O FREE With $10.00 or More Order One big bag of Potato Chips .83 .23 .23 J3 .23 .83 KRAFT AMERICAN CHEESE, 2 lb. loaf TRAILER HOMES W AX PAPER CUTRITE EASE (Detergent) pkg. TOILET TISSUE. I rolls M ayflower JELL-fT, 4 for SNO-KREEM. 3 lbs u7^5^^ SUNNY MORN COFFEE. lb. Kenslcill - Angeles 10 to St feet NEW AND USED South Side Trailers ALBANY — 2 MUea South on WE There’s no better hot weather refresher than Mayflower Milk, served fresh and cold right from the re- frigerator. Have VjJ? plenty on hand for * the whole family HEINZ CATSUP HILL TOP GENERAL STORE ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. WE DEI-TVER AT YOU* $TO*f MASTER Popular ■ .75 .25 ROYAL QUEST, lb. - l»e< *»UM» •• % Cao a wMu umiamramawwmiM—nMMMami g—■—■■■■■■!