Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
LYONS DON’T LET THIS GO TO WASTE All this used to go to waste. Pretty Marjorie Zupner kneels inside a new type kitchen corner cabinet to demonstrate how much storage space used to be wasted where base cabinets met at the corner. The front of this new Youngstown cabinet cuts across the corner and a narrow door gives access to three revolving shelves, being held here by Toni Banish. The shelves, each twenty-two inches in diameter, turn on ball bearings and will hold a pantry full of canned goods or utensils. Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! Lyons Man Celebrates Birthday Lyons—Albert Ring, a resident of Lyons for over 50 years, observed his 90th birthday Saturday. He was honored by his friends and neighbors with a card shower. He received ap proximately 60 cards and three birth day cakes. Helping him to celebrate the occasion was their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trask of Albany. Other callers were Mr. and Mrs. Neal Trask of Idanha, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Wise of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis and Buelah and Fred Vaughn of Lyons. LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE $1 par month and op Also serving Gates and Lyons MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE PHONE 2352 LEONARD HERMAN H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment TOYS AND DOLLS SPECIALTY CARDS MASQUERADE SUPPLIES TRICKS AND PUZZLES MODEL AIRPLANES 0 MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS Use Our Mail Order Service o o O O i 0 0 0 0 o o o Phone 2-15X8 ? SALEM’S ORIGINAL Toy & Hobby Shop . Commercial SALEM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE It s Smart : It’s New! MEWDEK Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter TO THE MU n I< OF ♦ GATES By EVA BRESSLER By MRS ALBERT MILLSAP Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boehm and Con Sunday guests at the home of Mr nie of Watertown. S. Dak., are visit* and Mrs Tex Allen from Albany were , ing relatives in Lyons. They are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Petersen and guests at the Oral Toland and Robert daughters. Mavis and Janice. I Fetherston home. Mr. Boehm is a Mr. and Mrs Hugh Stanger of; nephew of Mrs. Toland. Chicago were guests last week at the Mrs. May Patton of Mehama was home of Mr. and Mrs Fount Paul. surprised when a group of friends Mrs Stanger and Mrs Paul are sis- from Lacomb came to help her cele ters. Miss Nancy McLean, niece of brate her birthday anniversary. The Mrs Paul will be at the home of her day was spent at Taylor’s Grove on aunt until Sunday. the little North Fork of the Santiam Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sandford spent river. A picnic lunch was enjoyed the weekend in Hillsboro and in North as well as swimming. Present were Plains at the home of his parents, Mr. Mrs. Patton, the honored guest. Mrs. and Mrs J. R Sandford. Saturday Vernon Patton. Mrs. Ernest Patton. evening they attended the wedding of Carol and Dickie. Mrs. Jack Patton. Mr Sandford’s cousin, Miss Donna Butch and Janice of Lebanon, Mrs. Dorland to Dan Rollins in Hillsboro. I Fred Dolson. Jeanett and Fredrick. Mr. and Mrs Paul Mitchell were in Mrs. Lafeuer and Sonny, Mrs. Hayes Portland over the weekend. Wednes i and Larry of Lacomb. day. Mrs. Mitchell and daughters. • Mr. and Mis. Raymond Branch of June and Betty, spent the day in Mehama visited at the home of Mr. Salem shopping . and Mrs. William Holzfuss in Le Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Chance , who banon, Mrs. Branch is a sister of Mrs. had resided in the Oak Motel since Holzfuss. their marriage, moved to Mill City Gerald Branch, son of Mr. and Mrs. the last of the week where they had Raymond Branch is at Oretech, Ore., secured an apartment. attending college there in diesel en Mrs. Claude Alexander, who recent gineering. He took an IQ test and ly sold her home here, has purchasjj^ won a scholarship, which pays room a trailer and will be in Adam’s and board. There were 65 scholar trailer court. ships granted. There will be 33 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Montag of Port granted next month. land, owners of the Oak Motel, were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Manning: Gates visitors Saturday. who have been staying at the home Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Osterhout of of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Portland spent the weekend at the Etzel. in Stayton since their marriage homes of Mr. Osterhout's sister, Mrs. in June, moved into their house Sun Walter Brisbin and her brother and day after having some repair work sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ‘George done. Arthurs. They were enroute to New Mrs. Maymie Ward of Oregon City port for a vacation. and Mrs. Fred Hiles of Portland were Mr. and Mrs. A. M Caraker of Lyons callers Monday afternoon. Mrs. Detroit are at the home of her sister Hiles is a neice of Elmer and Amos and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. I Willard A Hudson. Saturday evening Hiatt. Baptismal services were held Sun-| Mrs. Hudson and her guest attended day afternoon on the little North I a shower in Salem honoring their Fork river above Mehama, following daughter-in-law, Mrs W. E. Hudson. a fellowship hour and potluck dinner Mrs. William H. Titmus left for at the Presbyterian church in Me Portland Thursday of this week hama. Services were conducted by where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Dr. Ferguson of Mill City. Titmus has secured employment in Mr. and Mrs. James Lande has as the City of Roses. their guest her sister Mrs. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis and Mr. Smith from Susanville, Calif. and Mrs. George Nelson spent Sunday Visiting at the home of Rev. and picnicking and fishing at Clear lake. Mrs. Jones is their daughter. Mrs. Mert Palmer of Yakima, Wash, Lockwood and son Phillip of Corval- arrived Saturday at the home of Mr. lis. and Mrs. Burrel Cole. He is the bro Mr. and Mrs. Willard Berry of ther of Mrs. Cole's mother. Mrs. Min Eugene visited relatives in Lyons nie Everton, who is also at the home Sunday. Hillard is a brother of Mrs. of her daughter. Paul Pennington and a grandson of Mrs Henry Eccleston and daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Eileen were Portland visitors last Picnicking at Silver Creek Falls week. While there they were guests of Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur relatives. Eileen secured a diamond Olmstead and sons Donald and Wal she had won in a radio contest. ter. They were accompanied by Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenquist of San and Mrs. Walter Olmstead of Mill Marino. Calif, are the house guests of City, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Edmond Mr. and Mrs. George Ditto who son and sons Ronald and Ray of Oak motored to Portland to meet them and Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ed-I bring them to Gates. While making mondsons of Colton, their two grand- an extended visit at the Ditto home children and a friend from California they plan to see many places of inter Ronald and Ray returned home with................. . . .. est in this area. — They viewed the Art Olmstead. Peterson rock gardens at Redmond. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Walter Thomas took a car load Mrs. Lovell Miller are his brother and of Girl Scouts to Portland one day wife Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Miller of last week. They stopped in Oregon Yakima, Wash. City, on the way. where they visited P. W Roe of Overbrook. Okla, left ¡the old Dr. McLaughlin home. In for California the last of the week Portland they toured the Rose Test He visited at the home of his daugh- gardens, the zoo in Wachington park ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam and the forestry building. One of the Culwell. and at the home of his grand girls had never been out of the state daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue. go they were taken across the river Mrs. Anna Johnson with her daugh into Vancouver. Those accompanying ter and family spent the weekend Mrs. Thomas were. Barbara and Gloria at the coast. Mrs. Johnson also Crawhsaw, Roberta and Ellen Chance, visited with her sisters at Rickerall Louise Haun. Norma Harden and Ann Mr and Mrs. W E. Long and daugh- Hirte. ter. Mrs. Lester Hair of Oregon City. | Mrs. Edward Chance and Mrs. visited relatives in Lyons Thursday Thomas were accompanied to Salem, Mr. Long is a nephew of Elmer and another day by the troop of Cub Amos Hiatt. Scouts, of which they are den moth- Mi. and Mrs. Harold Abbott of Mt. erg. The state capitol, forestry build- Vernon. Wash., are visiting at the ing and other places of interest to home of Mr and Mrs. Keith Phillips, the boys were visited. Douglas and Eddie Hirte. Roney and Roger Schaer. route one. Lyons. Delmar Harden. Walter Thomas Jr. and Mrs. Dale Bassett of Cor- Mr. vallis spent the weekend with rela- and Ross Klutke had a wonderful tives in Lyons. They also visited her time. Joan Zeller of Scio, son of Mr and parents Mr. and Mrs. Otto Witt of Herman Zeller spent the past Mrs. Mill City. week at the home of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and M>s Norman Garrison, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Oliver and fam- I ily attended the Wyoming reunion at Corvallis Sunday of last week. The family party included Mr. and Mrs Oliver. Donnalee, Jackie, Ed Keith. Bill. Miss Jean of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliver and daughter of CorvaliJ. Newcomers to Gates are Mr and Mrs. Harry Richcreek, formerly of Portland who will occupy the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bris bin. Richcreek is employed as the locomotive engineer for the CBI, Guests of Mr and Mrs. Clyde Oliver, Sunday, were Bill and Ed Keith Oliver. Mr. and Mrs Bub Oliver and Sheryl. Mr. and Mrs. M H Clark. Donald and Gaylean Clark and Rich ard Garecki all of Corvallis Also there were Mrs. Mary Garecki and daughter Ruby of Grand Island. Nebr. Lyman Stewart and C. L. Bradish both from Glendale, Calif. SAMMY BRIDGES AND Ills «LNTIAM PLAYBOYS Saturday, Aug. 12 Detroit High Gym 9 UNTIL 1 ADMISSION:: SI Tax Im luded August 10, 1950 Coffee Treats for Television Fans Photo hv Ncu*f< When your favorite television programs are over, good coffee should always be on tap for family and friends to serve with some thing ‘‘special’’ as a fitting finale to a perfect evening. Any one of the coffee-flavored desserts featured will be just right for late evening refreshments. Easy to prepare and impressive for any occasion are these desserts that combine modern cooking with old-fashioned goodness. You can serve one or many with fresh, flavorful coffee in a flash. Just measure one teaspoon of soluble coffee (more or less rounded according to strength desired) in a cup, and add freshly boiling water and stir. To make six cups of good coffee, just pour one quart of boil ing water on 6 teaspoons of soluble coffee and stir to assure a brew of even strength. Coffee and Cream Cake is a delicious accompaniment for coffee- flavored ice cream, made simply and quickly by blending 1 tablespoon of soluble coffee with one package of ice cream mix. This is a neat trick that wins compliments every time. For an extra special evening, sur prise your guests with Marshmallow Supreme, a simple dessert with a sophisticated flavor of fresh coffee. COFFEE AND CREAM CAKE Make your favorite plain cake mix recipe and then use; COFEEE CREAM FILLING 6 tablespoon» sugai 5 tablespoons flour Ve teaspoon salt ? teaspoon* v>luble coffee I cup st aide J milb I crk yolk I teaspoon butter Combine first 4 ingredients in a small pan. Stir in milk. Cook until thickened. Place over hot water, cook about 15 minutes. Beat egg yolk slightly, add a little of the hot mixture and re turn to pan. Cook 2 minutes. Add butter, cool thoroughly. COFFEE ICING I tablespoon butter 2 teaspoon» soluble coffee I tablespoon milk • e«s yolk I */« Cups sifted (onfc<tinners sugar Mix butter and egg yolk. Add If necessary, add more milk so sifted confectioners' sugar which icing will spread easily. has been mixed with soluble cof Put layers together with Cream fee. Gradually add milk, beating all the while, until a smooth, Filling and frost top of cake with creamy consistency is reached. Icing. MARSHMALLOW SUPREME '/; lb. marshmallow» */i cup sugar Vj cup »herry I y» tups undiluted csanorated milk I envelope unflavored gelatin ? teaspoon* soluble coffee cup cold water ’/» cup hot water I tablespoon sliced, toasted almonds Cut marshmallows in quarters and let them stand overnight in sherry. In top of a double-boiler, dissolve gelatin in cold water. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring con stantly. Dissolve soluble coffee in hot waler Add to the mil» mix- ture. Fold in marshmallows. Pour into one quart mold rinsed with cold water and chill. Unmold, garnish with whipped cream, cherries and almonds. Yield: 6-8 servings. It Pays to Advertise in the Enterprise McCulloch Chain Saws for Loggers nee John Nelson i ■ MILL < ITY phone S2tr: R ESI DENI E PHONE 1241 liH>ltmMMi'tlH Jin JII'IWI 'HI (i tW’HKdM'MFWI IM tlH UN' .«uMiffU Ml W HMW Is Your Car Dirty Come In for a FREE Vacuum Cleaning FRIENDLY SERVICE \ IVS Steak House Meals - Fountain SPONSORED by Santiam Aerie Eagles 3—Tiu: M1I.I. irn ENTERPRISE Sweden Soft Freeze OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK < hu< k Fay tor and Nam Engle Owners DICK ------ AL ------ JIM We tafce better care of your car ALLEN KEITH CHEVRON GAS STATION