Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
Trailer Spills On City Hill Snapping its reach while rounding the sharp, steep curve on the Marion county side of Mill City, a lumber truck lost its trailer-load of lumber Monday morning. No one wa3 hurt when the lumber spilled into the street and settled against a car belonging to J. C. Kim mel. Mill City druggist Another car was trapped between the highway and the sidewalk by the lumber but was undamaged. In the second car at the time of the accident was Mrs. Cecil Morrison. With the lumber piled on the ex treme back end of the Kimmel ve hicle, it appeared that the back tires were ruined, but when the load was pulled off the tires seemingly bounced back into original inflated condition. The car carried a deep dent in the back. Despite appear ances damage to the vehicle were estimated at less than $100. William Lyman Jr. of Mill City, driver of the tractor said it was his second accident of that nature with the truck during the week. On Fri day, he lost a larger load in the Kelly lumber yard. The tractor and trailer belong to the Northern Lumber Co. School Board Holds Monthly Meeting Directors of school district 129-J voted to take an option on a $4,350 48-passenger schoolbus at Wednes day’s meeting in the new elementary school building. The bus has been used as a demon strator and has been run about 5,200 miles, school board members were told. The architect who drew up the plans for the elementary school ouilding was present at the meeting and instructed to draw up plans for the proposed addition to elementary school builing. The addition would consist of two rooms which “will be in effect four rooms” as they would contain removable partitions. Cost of the proposed rooms was estimated roughly at $20,000. Also approved by the board was a plan to permit the setting up of the Mill City observation post in the building used as a toolshed during construction of the new school build ing. The building would be located by the school board. The post has promised to put in a window. It was stressed that part of the building could still .he »ised for other orposes. Brought up as a project for future consideration was the idea of light ing of the athletic grounds to encour age attendance at games. Superintendent of Schools Vernon S. Todd was not present at the meet ing. The superintendent had just finished summer school and was on vacation. Mill City Druggist Flies to Reunion T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY’ — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE'S EMPIRE Vol. VI—No. 3? >111.1. CITY, OREGON, Till RSDAY. AVGl’ST 10, 1950 $2.50 a Year, 5c a Copy $44,000 Bond Issue Approved by Voters Overwhelming approval was given to a $44 000 bond issue in Tuesday’s , election in Mill City school district No. 129-J. The vote was 181 to 52 [ against. The bond issue will provide funds for acquiring, constructing, complet ing, improving, repairing, equipping and furnishing school buildings and additions thereto including purchase of school bus. Members of the Citizens' League | had opposed the bond issue on the i grounds that as of the date they 1 entered their opposition a previous bond issue had not been audited. Rounding the treacherous Mill City curve on state highway 222 Friday, the above state highway equipment ran into plenty of difficulty. The truck failed to make the steep grade that has bothered local and visiting motorists for a long time. The embarrassed public servant driving the truck was either embarrassed or modest, at any rate he failed to give his name. Local citizens, who rightly or wrongly have blamed the state highway department for the curve, found grim satisfaction in the event. Flower Show Set For August 24th Mill City flower growers will dis play their wares in a Flower Show in the recreation hall behind the Presby terian church two weeks from today. Sponsored by the Mill City Garden club, the affair will be a combined flower show and food sale. President of the club, Mrs. Charles Dolezal in vites all flower lovers whether mem bers of the club or not to participate by bringing plants and flowers to the show. It is hoped that a beautiful array of late summer flowers such as chrysanthemums dahlias, asters and late daisies will be displayed. Mrs. Dolezal has been president of the Mill City Garden club since it was formed in March, 1949. Since then, the club has met monthly with out ii-ir . ■untie except during Jan uary of this year when icy highway conditions prevented a gathering The club meets monthly on the fourth Thursday. The president emphasizes that her organization is not exclusively de signed for women. At present two men are members. George Steffy and Mr Dolezal being active in the organization. This year’s ambitious program has been cut down because of interferring activities so the modest goal of the thirty gardeners is now “to have each member make her yard a little more beautiful than before.” At one time, the club planned to beautify the fork in the highway just across the bridge on the Linn county side of Mill Ctiy by planting flowers, but state highway regula tions prevented such a civic project. When planting conditions permit, the group intends to get behind a drive to plant holly in the canyon. Many of the members are interested in planting holly as a beautification project. Economic possibilities of the plant are also being explored. San- , tiam canyon holly may sometime have a trademark all its own. Mill City's druggist, J. C. Kimmel, took to the air to attend the re-union of the 1916 class of Estacada high school at Hermiston Sunday. With Jim O’Leary at the controls. Kimmel made the trip which is 300 miles by automobile in two hours and fifteen minutes flying time. All of the five boys in the “Doc's” class are still living and attended the reunion. Only half of the twelve girls were present, however. Two of them are no longer living and four were unable to attend. The boys are now following differ ent trails in life. They came from Antioch. Calif.. Pendleton. Medford and Estacada for the reunion. In occupational endeavor, one is now a superintendent of schools, another a Union oil distributor, another a Mrs. Jean Roberts of Mehama was farmer, one a Portland civil service Employee and “Doc" is Mill City's free this week of the body cast she had been in for the past four months druggist. Mrs. Roberts, popular Mehama cor respondent for the Enterprise, suf fered serious injuries in an automo bile accident five months ago. With pluck and determination she FRIDAY— has rallied from her adversity. It I.O.O.F. meeting wasn’t very long before she was do Lyons IWA meeting 2nd Friday. Mill City TWA meeting last Friday ing her housework with the help of her small daughter Lois. The Enter SATURDAY— prise this week welcomes her back Gates Womens Club Dance. with another of her lively contribu- Santiam Eagles Dance at Detroit. | tions. SUNDAY— Softball at 3 pm. Mill City SCHOOL CASE ORDER ENTERED MONDAY— An order of the court was handed Lions club meeting A F. * A M. No. 180 stated meet down in Linn county circuit court i last week on the case of Powelaon ing third Monday [vs. School District 129-J. The action TUESDAY— is quoted from the records as follows: Softball at 6:30 p m. Mill City “Now on this 1st day of August. Chamber of Commerce 8 p m 1950, defendant's motion to strike Women's club 8 p m 1st. 3rd Tues parts of plantiff's complaint was sub mitted to this Court without argu WEDNESDAY— ments of counsel and the Court being Softball at 6 p.m Mill City Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm fully advised as to what order to enter herein. at Detroit school building. “IT IS ORDERED THAT Defen Lions club auxiliary 8 30. Sth Wed. Santiam Rebekah 166 -1st and 3rd dant's motion as to subdivisions 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. and 9 be and the same Wed. at 8 pm. is hereby sustained and that Plaintiff THURSDAY— be granted 10 days in which to American Legion. 2d and 4th Thurs further plead herein. Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm VICTOR OUJVER. Garden club fourth Thursday “Circuit Judge " Plucky Mehama Writer Emerges From Body Cast (iniitttut titrntH: Serving: MILL CITY DETROIT 11 KIIORN GATES ID YNH \ uroara MEHAMA MONGOL!» Citizens Urged To Register Only eight weeks remain for citi zens of Oregon to register for the November general election. Mill City citizens who have not registered as yet can do so at Mrs. Arthur Kriever’s residence on the Linn county side and at Mrs. Curtis M. Cline’s residence on the Marion county side. Citizens from either side can reg ister with Don Peterson at the Mill City Enterprise. Throughout the state registration places will close their books on Sat urday. October 7. After that time no one may register and only reg istered voters will be permitted to cast ballots In the November election. “Laboring people, as well as citi zens in all walks of life, are facing one of their most important elec tions in history," said Phil Brady, president of the joint council of Teamsters as the Teamsters began a campaign to qualify all of their mem bers as voters. “One way in which American citi zens could lose their right to vote.” Brady said, “would be if this nation were conquered or overthrown by Communism. But there is a much easier way to lose the right to vote. And that way is to fail to register and vote. "In countries where freedom has been suppressed, one of the first steps of a dictatorial government is to take away the right to vote. Yet i thousands of Oregon residents volun tarily give up this precious right each year by failing to register.” Among the registration require ments are residence in the state six months immediately preceding the election. There is no specified time for residence in the precinct, county or ward. Absent voters may participate in elections by applying in advance for ballots and returning them as pro vided by statute. This privilege is available to an elector who is absent from the county of his legal resi dence. or whose place of residence is more than 15 miles from the polling place, or who is physically unable to go to the polling place. Prohibited from voting are aliens, insane, idiots, mentally diseased per sons and persons convicted of a felony. School district electors must be legal voters of the state who have resided within the district at least six months preceding the election They must also have been registered in a precinct within the school dis trict for at least 30 days prior to the school meeting or election. Hay Spills from Truck Near Philo Potter Farm Fox Valley A man from Indepen dence who is hauling Alfalfa hay from central Oregon, spilled his load Sunday on a highway curve near the Philo Potter place between Fox Val ley and Mill City. The load shifted as he was on a sharp curve and half of the bales left the truck Broken bales were scat tered along the highway Traffir was stalled briefly at the scene The hauler experienced better luck than a hay hauler did just recently on the road near Gates when his load of hay and truck were destroyed by a fire in the hay The heat reached such an intensity before the fire was discovered that it was impossible to put it out in time to rescue the truck Otis Dike Was Canyon Pioneer Gates—Otis Dike passed away Sun day, August 6. He was the eldest son of one of the earliest settlers in this area. He was bom at Red Dog, Calif He came here with his par- i ents at the age of eleven. The fam ily cleared and established their home on what is now the Gessner place. He early became identified with the logging industry in the can yon, where he spent the most of his time since. He was beloved of those with whom he worked, fished and hunted and his passing will be mourned by all who knew him. Otis Clarkeston Dike was born, October 14. 1876. He was the son of Harriet Francis Shetlon and Sam uel Dike. He married Della Heath November 25, 1909. Survivors in clude his widow, two daughters, Alura Chance and Dellora Stiff, both of Gates, a son, Kenneth Dike of Spokane, Wash., and two brothers, Lee and Lester Dike of Mill City and several grandchildren. Services were held at the First Christian church in Mill City, Wed nesday morning. Burial was in the Fairview cemetery. Bateson Nominated For State Senate Cornelius Bateson of Pratum will carry the Democratic banner this fall in the race for state senator from Marion county Bateson, who was Salem district supervisor for the 1950 census, re places Art Davis of Mill City in the race Davis withdrew because ne had established residence in Linn county. A meeting of 55 percinct commit teemen and women in Salem last Thursday picked Bateson for the nomination. The nominee is a grad uate of Willamette university. For five years, he held the job of investi gator and personnel man for the United States civil service. His cur rent occupation is bean and berry raising. Bateson's running mate in the cam paign for Marion county's two seats in the senate will be Frank Porter. Marion County Dogs Must Wear License Tacs Dog owners in Marion county were warned this month that beginning im mediately a campaign to license all dogs will be enforced. Ervin Ward, county dog control of ficer, said he will be citing into court dog owners who neglect to purchase dog tags. Another drive will bi launched against dog owners who per mit their pets to run loose Once purchased the tag must be attached to the dog's collar. Ward said. Dog licenses are available at the county clerk's office. Fee is $1 for males and spayed females and $2 for females. Santiam Eagles Sponsor Dance at Detroit Gym Canyon residents looking for a good time and a chance to help a worthy cause need look no further than the Detroit high school gym nasium this Saturday night Sammy Bridges and his Santiam playboys will furnish music for the Eagles dance scheduled for that night at the Detroit high school gym nasium. Sponsored by the Santiam Aerie No. 2745, the dance will begin at 9 and last until 1 am. The proceeds will go to the Eagles benefit-welfare fund. First Bucket of Concrete Poured for Detroit Dam Preliminary Work Ends, Construction Begins on Huge Canyon Project were made into the sub-surface fea tures of the damsite The quarry had to be located - a strain of rock found that would stand up to the severe test af time. Land had to be Scheduled to rise from the floor purchased. Surveys of the flooded of the canyon at the rate of three . area had to be made. A model of feet a week for the next three years. | the finished dam had to be built. Detroit dam entered its most spec Colonel Bums then described act tacular phase of construction this ual preliminary work at the damsite. week. He told of the difficulty of working When Gov. Douglas McKay poured on steep slopes of a narrow gorge in the first bucket of concrete about restricted working space. Offices and 3:20 p.m. Saturday, the end of many warehouses had to be erected. Ac months of preparatory work was at cess roads had to be carved out of hand. the rocky sides of the canyon. A District Engineer Donald S. Burns tunnel 1.300 feet long and 25 feet in described the work that had gone diameter had to be built to divert before the actual pouring to an audi the river. ence assembled at the observation Al Bauer, manager of the Consoli point alongside state highway 222. dated Builders, Inc., Detroit dam con He took the audience back to the years when Detroit dam was yet a tractors, told those assembled it was dream. He told of the struggle to a $6 million job just geting ready for the actual dam building. He said get the project authorized, of getting his firm had a record of finishing funds for the construction of the its jobs ahead of schedule and that dam. they had every intention of maintain “It was owing to the desires and ing that record at Detroit. united effort of the people of the Governor McKay considered the Willamette basin that the project was finally authorized and placed un benefits the dam would bestow. Flood control, a water-supply, irrigation, der construction,” he said. The But more preliminary work was and recreation were stressed. necessary, he pointed out. Designs governor insisted the time is ripe to had to be studied. Investigations develop the state's resources. Division Engineer Col. O. E Walsh expressed the hope that the dam be ing erected at Detroit would not be needed for war that the power gen- ; erated there would be used exclu sively for peaceful purposes. At the floor of the canyon was a crevice 60 feet deep. 30 feet wide at the top and a foot wide at the bot Eight members of the Mill City vol tom. Here some of the first concrete unteer fire department have been do will be placed. Spectators at the observation point ing double-duty lately as both fire men and members of the Mill City were denied the privilege of seeing the actual pouring of the first con Ambulance Service. crete They marvel«!, at the control * Dick Olmstead, chief or the service, lower sliding parallel to the river says men are available throughout guiding the bucket across the line the day providing 24-hour service in [ and dropping it down to the canyon case of emergency. The men donate . floor. their time and energy to rush vic Next week, dam officials promised, tims of sudden illnesses or accidents two control towers would be in oper to Salem hospitals. Working with ation, up-stream and down-stream, Dr. Reid the men are making the guiding the buckets across the lines community a safer place to live in I as the working pace increases. despite the obvious handicap of be Work will continue day and night ing thirty-five miles from a large i as long as weather permits until the modern hospital. I job is completed, offiicals said. Working on the team in addition As Governor McKay said, “a dream to Chief Olmstead are Burnett Cole, . of the North Santiam" is coming Dub Stewart, George Stewart. Dewey true. Flatman. Dallas Strickler. Ben Roten and Lee Knowles. Their record in responding to calls of the sick and injured is an example of civic spirit that really speaks louder than any words we could find. The ambulance service went into action early in June. Carl Paulmieur Linn county and three other Ore furnished the inspiration and the am bulance The eight men were given gon counties are now entitled to dis training in first-aid so they could trict courts under a 1949 legislative act providing that one of these provide on-the-spot assistance. Injured persons can reach the serv I courts may be established in a county ice through the telephone operator when it has reached a population in who can find the men on duty in a ' excess of 50,000 David O’Hara, in charge of the hurry. At present the service has two state elections bureau, Informed the Oregon Statesman that Douglas, cars, an ambulance and an aid car. Cases handled by the service have Jackson and Washington counties in been as far away as the Maples east addition to Linn county could estab lish the courts. of Gates. Under the district court system, An example of quick action of the service came last Friday night when local justice of the peace districts James Riddle, Lee logging company would be abolished and the district loader, cut his arm severely. Fol court established In the county seat. Such courts have been established lowing quick first aid by Dr. Reid, Riddle was rushed to a Salem hos in Clackamas, Marion and Lane pital in 55 minutes for further treat counties. The court has jurisdiction over all criminal cases where the ment. maximum penalty provided does not exceed one year in jail and a fine of 13,000 or both District judges are magistrates. In civil cases it has jurisdiction of all cases where the amount claimed does not exceed Five Mill City Boy Scouts spent $1,000. It has a small claims depart last week at Camp Pioneer on Pine ment which has jurisdiction but not exclusive, for the recovery of money Ridge lake. Donald Lemke, Gregory Peterson. or damages where the amount George Rambo. John Taylor, and claimed does not exceed $20 Richard Verbeck camped at Mt. Jef ferson campsite for the week. Two of the boys, Richard Verbeck and John Taylor were among the nine boys who were initiated into the Order of the Arrow. Richard, John “Guess What?” is hitting Gates this and Donald Lemke al) earned merit Saturday The word is out that It’s badges in swimming, life saving and a dance, but nobody's letting the full canoeing. secret out. One day the boys hiked eight miles Bob Venera, Mill City chamber of to Marion Lake. commerce president, had the slogan The boys agreed on their return '<n his hat last week, but everyone that they had had a wonderful time, xeems to be keeping it under their but the thing that seemed to impress hat this week. them most wax the food. Guess the beat way to find out is Louis Verbeck brought them to to attend the dance featuring Lyle within two miles of the campsite in Johnson's dance orchestra at Gates Earl Wilson's truck and returned the from 9:30 pm. to 12:30 am this boys by car a week later Saturday and find out. Ambulance Service Rushes injured to Salem Hospitals Linn Now Eligible For District Court Mill City Scouts Camp At Pine Ridge Lake Mystery Features Dance At Gates