The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, August 03, 1950, Image 1

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    Writer Attacks
Paper’s Policy
Although we have every reason to
be suspicious of the origin of the
1.1 ONS
following letter, we are printing it in
an effort to bring the school board
issue into clearer focus.
The letter was sent by registered
mail from Mill City, though the
writer tried to create the impression
he is from Salem. No complete ad­
dress was sent with the letter. No
Vol. AT—No. 31
$2.50 a A'ear, 5c a Copy
newspaper would feel obligated to
print such letters as they fall in the
category of anonymous letters. The
writer speaks of “responsible" citi­
zens. We are looking for "responsi­
ble” citizens who have the courage
to fully identify themselves when they
stand up to speak their mind.
We have answered our critic in
some detail on the editorial page.
We print the letter in full below:
Salem, Oregon
July 30, 1950
A three-span concrete steel-rein*
The Mill City Enterprise
forced bridge is to be built on the
Mill City. Oregon
Youngsters who have been riding
Blowout Creek-Idanha road, army their bikes on Mill City sidewalks
To the Editor;
engineers indicated in Portland this received a stern warning from Mill
I understand that you are a recent
Voters of Mill City school district were not aware of the existence of week
City police this week
Pouring of the first cement at De-
newcomer to the State of Oregon and 129-J were urged to vote down the the bond issue in July, 1949, and were
Bids, for the structure will be asked
Police Chief J. T King warned the ' troit dam will be made Saturday aft­
Mill City.
Therefore your lack of proposed $44,000 bond issue by the unable to audit the expenditure of the
knowledge and understanding of the Citizens League in a meeting last money when the books for the 1948- soon. District Engineer Donald S. youngsters that due to complaints re­ ernoon.
Burns, announced, The bridge, part
Oregon School Laws is obvious. You week.
The governor of Oregon. Douglas
1949 school year were supposed to be of the Detroit dam project, will span ceived by the police department the
ordinance concerning bicycle riding McKay, is scheduled to release the
have written of certain matters with­
The league heard a report of an audited. This year when the records the North Santiam river.
will be strictly enforced.
out proper information on the sub­ investigation into past school expend­ of school district 129-J were first sub­
first bucket about 3 p.m.
Maj. Sam Floyd Warren has been
Ordinance No. 20 section 4 states,
ject although it was available to you. itures.
League members expressed mitted to the proper authorities for
It will be the first cement of 1,-
I have some knowledge of school concern over permitting a further examination they did not contain data assigned to the Detroit project for j "No person shall ride or operate any 500.000 cubic yards of cement which
affairs and can sympathize with a bond issue when a previous bond issue [ pertaining to the bond issue. An ur­ training and observation of construc­ bicycle on any sidewalk in the city will eventually be poured Into the
tion, Colonel Burns said.
of Mill City.”
school board when the local public had yet to be properly audited.
gent request for such matter was
structure as it rises from the canyon
King stated that bicycle riders can floor to its full height of 463 feet.
news outlet opposes their every action
In September, 1948, they were told, drawn up this week by these author­
use city streets but that they must
by misleading publicity.
Following the Mill City school district sold the ities.
The dam will be 1,580 feet long and
j respect all traffic laws just like auto- 335 feet wide at its widest points.
your policy from the start and my bond issue of $101,700 for a $1,200
Up to Tuesday of this week, the
| mobile drivers.
inquiries on various issues I find your premium indicating the splendid state records of the bond issue expenditures
Appropriate ceremonies will be held
“One accident last Saturday involv­
attack on your school board is def­ of school district credit at that time. had not been placed for audit, the
at the damsite in honor of this im­
initely unwarranted. What prompted Though the bond issue was for build­ Enterprise learned.
Also unaudited
and a bicycle rider resulted in in­ portant event in the history of the
my decision to write this was your ings in Linn county and the district were warrants, etc., drawn on the
being received by both parties North Santiam canyon.
editorial ‘dig’ in last weeks Enter­ operates under the direction of the reserve fund of $43,594.80.
Joining the ranks of Mill City busi-
Beginning at 2 p.m. the ceremonlea
It is obvious of whom you Linn county superintendent of schools,
At last week's meeting. Citizens ' nesses last month was the Hill Top involved,” King stated. "Neither were presided over by Resident Engineer
on the
U4C j hurt seriously, but that was jwauw
refer to of inefficiency. It has been the bonds were placed under Marion League members expressed the wish I Lockers now doing business Vil
C. C. Davis include speeches by Al
with restraint that I have not voiced county jurisdiction.
' that the school board had sent a rep- l Linn county side, next to Red's Hill luck.”
Bauer, vice president of Consolidated
my thoughts prior to this, but enough
The Enterprise learned this week lesentative to help clear up doubts Top Trading Post on
¡chief said, "Come on you kids—and Builders; Col O. E. Walsh, division
in this case is to much. I have read that Linn county authorities thus . in their minds as to the wording of street.
engineer of the corps of engineers;
your editorials and ’news?’ items re­
Operating under the management | big kids- 1°°—stay off the sidewalks, Col. Donald S Burns, district engineer
I the request for the $44,000 bond issue.
garding the school situation in Mill
Most of them expressed total ap­ ! of Bill Hirte, the new
of the corps of engineers, and Gov­
City and have this to say.—You pro­
proval of any expenditure for a school 1 has 300 lockers ready to serve Mill walks could have his bike taken away ernor McKay.
fess to be unbiased and desirous of
bus but would have liked an account­ ' -
. -
Immediately after the speaking pro­
stating the truth and both sides of
ing of other expenditures. Some of vantage of modern freezing service. be made to pay a fine."
gram the governor with an official
an issue. Why have you not done so ?
them indicated the wording looked
Operating behind the slogan "Enjoy
party will enter the dam area for the
I am sure you have received a number
like a trick to get approval of the Summer Freshness All Winter Long,”
big event of the day, the actual pour­
of decent letters from responsible
total measure on the single strong the new firm informs its customers
ing of cement that will become part
people in behalf of your school board
need of a new school bus.
| of the dam.
The cement will be
that freezing is one of the simplest
but only one has appeared in your
Upon approval of this bond issue, and easiest methods of preserving
poured into the low point of the dam.
paper and it was subjected to your
voters of Mill City would place their foods in their natural "fresh” state
After the governor does his bit, work­
scurrilous comments and insinua­ 1 presiding. Linn county’s democratic district near the ultimate limit for
for future use, retaining practically
men will complete the first pour.
which they can bond the district. all the fresh flavor, vitamin content
The releasing of the bucket by the
In a back issue of your paper you Pioneer park in Brownsville Sunday. Thus in the event of a serious need
and food value.
governor will be made in full view
Featured speaker of the afternoon
stated that the cost of a new school
for credit in the near future occur,
of those at the observation point.
New customers are asked to follow
house was close to $200,000. I had . was democratic candidate for gov­ only the increased property valuations
Visitors from nil over the Willam­
heard differently and after checking
or approval of heavier yearly taxes mum benefit from their lockers. and Detroit dam would be raised 50 ette basin are expected to witness
on this figure with the proper author­
could rescue the district.
These rules include the selection of j percent under changes in fares pro­ , the event.
ities (you bad the same privilege) I J stand-pattism and do-nothingism have
Four men representing Mill City
foods of good quality, quick handling, posed by the Hamman Stage Lines,
a generation."
find -.1 is It- mh-statftnent.
The ■f' Oreg.»’
and Gates nN sctXu'ed to partici-
actual cost of the school and the gym
aging, proper wrapping material and is part of a number of rate changes ! pate in the ceremonies.
as it is today was a little less than state government is not run "by and
Mayor Albert Millsap and Cham­
techniques, and perhaps most import­ proposed for commuters between the
$168,000 and I am told this includes for” the people, but "by and for” 139
ant of all is "sharp freezing" before ‘ dam and points to the west. A pub­ ber of Commerce president W. R.
several thousand dollars more con­ I state boards and commissions, Flegel
storing in lockers.
"Single meal" lic hearing in the office of the state Hutcheson are expected to represent
struction than the specifications declared.
packaging and the labeling of all con­ public utilities commissioner will be Gates Mayor Albr-rt Toman and Bob
The commissions, Flegel charged.
called for that the lowest bid of about
July's dry spell ended none too soon tainers for quick and correct identi­ held at 10 a m. Thursday, August 17, i Veness. chamber president will rep­
$199,400 was on. Regardless ot any­ . are dominated by special interests,
thing appearing in your paper to the 'and act-as judge and jury under self- for the communities of Mongold and fication. Details can be obtained at to consider a petition requesting the resent Mill City.
Detroit along the upper reaches of the lockers.
contrary this was an actual saving to made rules and regulations.
fare boost.
The lockers are open from 10 a m. *The petition would increase the
Poor administration of state offices, the North Santiam River.
your districts tax payers of over $40-
to 7 p.m. daily and during berry pick­ fares of twelve one-way special com­
the state hospital, and other state
(Continued on Page 7)
agencies, were cited by Flegel, who Benton-Lincoln power co-operative ing season from 10 a m. to 12 noon mutation books from $3 to $4.50 for
said that records in the secretary of right-of-way two miles eats of Detroit on Sundays.
those traveling between Mill City and
state's office are audited by the sec­ dam Thursday threatened for a time
Detroit dam. Rates would be raised
retary. and not by an outside auditor the entire area. A half-inch of rain
from $4 50 to $6 for those traveling
Thursday night and Friday morning
George Steffy, chairman of the in­
responsible to the legislators.
to the dam from Mehama and Lyons.
Over 25 percent of the inmates in helped crews throw a line around the
Salem, Turner, Aumsville, Sublimity dustrial committee of the Mill City
the state hospital were placed there fire after it had already consumed
and Stayton commuters all pay the chamber of commerce, has been
Modern insecticides alone cannot because they were old, and had no 200 acres.
same rate. Currently the fare for named manager of the Mill City store
The fire began shortly after two in
control flies, I. G. Lermon, Marion place to live, but were not insane,
these commuters is $6 for twelve of the Epps Furniture Co., Dave
the afternoon. In a short while, ap­
county health department sanitarian, he stated.
Sale of 31 million feet of timber trip books The fare would be raised Epps announced this week.
"The Republicans have virtually proximately 100 loggers, dam work­ in the Sardine creek area between to $7 50 under the proposed change.
Steffy replaces Abe Harris who has
pointed out last week
"The elimination of breeding and been in charge of Oregon's state gov­ ers and forest service men were bat­ Gates and Detroit dam was approved
Untouched by the petition would returned to his home town of Kansas
feeding places should be the first step ernment for the past 72 years.” Flegel tling the blaze. These were supple­ Tuesday by the timber sales commit­ be fares between Gates and Detroit City, Missouri, after doing a splendid
in any control program.” Lermon declared, "and they can't escape their» mented by more fire fighters that tee of the state forestry board
dam. They will remain at $3 for the job at the Mill City store, Epps said.
Harris left for the midwest early
responsibility for poor and inefficient evening and Friday morning.
twelve one-way special commutation
The North
Santiam highway was
this week with his wife and two sons.
These breeding places exist in open government.”
The new manager has been in the
garbage cans, piles of leaves, com­
Also heard at the picnic were How­ closed briefly Thursday as the flames within a week, the committee de­
The hearing set for two weeks from
post and manure piles. The female ard Latourette, candidate for U. S. raced close to the highway on both cided. Members said bond and con­ today gives all the right to intervene construction business along the Pa-
fly lays 100 to 150 eggs which hatch Senate; Dave Shaw, candidate for sides, By nightfall the highway was tract requirements will be such to by filing an appearance at the hear- | cific Coast during the past 12 years
J house of representatives; Elmer Sahl­ cpen to one-way traffic.
in about a day.
[ ing. Such persons will be entitled being recently connected with the
By Saturday the fire was reported permit small as well as large timber to be heard. After the hearing, the 'CBJ. In accepting the new position
Together with good sanitation in­ strom and Walter Shelby, candidates
operators to bid.
sect sprays should be used. Although for the state senate: Dave Epps and under control The rain and the hard-
commissioner will rule on the change Steffy expressed his belief in the fu­
Minimum prices accepted were set
ture of the North Santiam country.
some strains of flies are developing Earl G, Mason, candidates for state work of fire-fighters had saved the
As chairman of the Industrial com-
resistance to DDT residual sprays, it representative; and Fred Mespelt, North Santiam country from disaster, at $20 a thousand for 21,500.000 feet
The fire reached a point about half of Douglas fir; $3 a thousand for
] mittee he has probed deeply into the
is still very effective. The most ef­ candidate for county commissioner.
potential economic assets of this area.
fective places to spray are around
Epps. Mill City and Sweet Home a mile from both Fisher's Camp and 8,500,000 feet of hemlock and cedar;
garbage cans or other attractant or merchant denounced "Republican bus­ Mongold, The T 4 H logging com- $8 per thousand for 1.000.000 feet of
Norman Marttala and Darrell Far-
man also serve customers patroniz­
wherever flies are most apt to light. iness leadership which is trying to pany put their entire crew on the white pine and noble fir
The timber will be sold at ay oral
ing the local store. Mr and Mrs.
In addition to DDT another chem­ kite the prices farmers and working fire lines to battle the blaze. Log­
ical. chlordane, is now being used people are paying. It is the Demo­ gers, mill crews and others joined auction.
Th«- Boy Scouts at Camp Pioneer Dave Epps will be In Mtll City han­
Members of the timber sales com­ turned primitive this week when a dling business matters during the
with good success. Lermon points out. cratic administration which is trying in the battle.
mittee are Floyd Hart, Medford; Leo big bear entered camp and found the next week.
Information regarding special in­ to protect the public from inflation.”
Hart. Antelope, and Albert Powers, fish heads in the garbage pit They
sect problems may be obtained by
Elmer Sahlstrom. Eugene attorney
Coos Bay.
calling or writing the Marion County who is contending for the joint Linn-
routed him with bows and arrows.
The minimum prices established by He has been pestering around for a
Health Department in Salem
Lane senate seat, called for "re-estab­
the committee put the anticipated few weeks making whoopee of the
lishment of two-party government in
Inter-community co-operation has
Salem, where Republicans have ruled reached a new high in the canyon this total price in the vicinity of $500,000, commissary department
Last week
of which 75 percent would go to the
since 1876"
week as citizens of Mill City who county and 25 percent to the state three forest service men waite«j pa­
The county school superintendent's
Introduced for brief statements notice what's on hats spied the slogan
tiently all night trying to get him
were Howard Latourette. candidate "Guess What?" on the topper belong­ for reforestation work
and as usual he didn't appear Carl office advises all parents of school
I.OOF meeting.
for U. S Senate; Mrs. Gladys Last ing to their Chamber of Commerce
Ball, "Tenny” Moore, and Howard age children to prepare them for en­
of Pendleton, new state vice chair­ president.
Lyons IWA meeting 2nd Friday.
Dean were very unhappy but they tering school on the opening day thia
Two Dates for Voters
couldn't do anything about the mat- coming September.
Mill City IWA meeting last Friday man of the Democratic State commit­
"Guess What?” is the slogan of the
The compulsory education I a w
tee. Monroe Sweetland of Milwaukee. ( Gates Womens club dance to be held
states that EVERY parent or guar­
Democratic national committeman for , on August 12 and to feature the Lyle will be two events on the school dis­
Lions club meeting
dian be held responsible for and re­
Oregon, and Fred Mespelt of Scio Johnson orchestra of Salem
trict calendar for next week
A F 4 AM No. 180 stated meet­ candidate for county commissioner.
quired to send all children of school
Tuesday, the $44,000 bond issue elec­ Canyon-Wide Dinner Meeting
ing third Monday
age under their control, to school reg­
Three-year-old Suzanne, daughter , mendable in that the chamber presi­ tion will be held from 2 to 8 p m.,
Planned for September 12
Boy Scouts 6 30 p m
of Mr and Mrs. Gordon Sasse of , dent operates an entertainment estab­ standard time.
Regular monthly
If for any reason any parent or
Harrisburg, sang for the crowd. A lishment himself.
Tickets will go on sale this week for
meeting of the school board will take
collection of more than $100 was
Softball 6 p m at Mongold
Mill City citizens are hoping the place on Wednesday at the Mill City the gigantic Canyon-wide industrial guardian la In doubt about the law.
taken for the Linn county committee president’s advertising campaign pays school building at 8 pm
Chamber of Commerce 8 pm
development dinner and meeting set additional information can be secured
Women's club 8 p m. 1st, 3rd Tues treasury
for the Mill City high school recrea­ from- your local school officials or
off and the dance floor is crowded
Old-timers stated that it was the with happy customers dancing cheek
tion room on Tuesday. Sept. 12. the county school office In Salem
biggest Linn county picnic in many to cheek and murmuring to each WEYERHAl'SER STRIKE ENDS
All persons in the Canyon area
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm
After nine weeks, the strike against from Mehama to Marion Forks In­ Hl T< HERON NAMED JUDGE
other, ' Aren't you glad we saw that
at Detroit school building
Gates The city council met in reg­
advertisement on Bob Veneaa' hat ?” the Weyerhauser timber company by cluding Elkhorn who are genuinely
Lions club auxiliary 8:30, 4th Wed.
interested in the future of thia area ular session. Friday evening The mat­
Maybe the orchestra could play a the IWA-CIO ended last week.
Santiam Rebekah 166 -1st and 3rd
In l*t week's issue the wrong firm new version of The Bird on Nelly's
The strike-ending agreement pro­ are urged to attend thia meeting Big ter of a city charter and certain ordi­
Wed at 8 p m
was credited with furnishing the Hat” calling it "Guess What's on vided for a five cent wage increase, plans are in the making'
nances were discussed W. R. Hutch­
Tickets can be obtained from eson was named municipal judge;
compact presented at the Air Show Bob's Hat.”
three paid holidays, a health and wel­
Softball 6 p m
The firm which furnished the com­
Incidentally, no one including Bob fare plan, the check-off for the pay­ George Steffy at the Epps Furniture Fred Butler, city recorder and Floyd
American Legion 2d and 4th Thun. pact at cost was Bakers' Mill City seems to know just how the sign’ got ment of union dues and initiation fees Store or from Bob Veness at the Mill Fleetwood, treasurer Joseph Devers
City Theatre.
Gates PT A 1st Thursday 8 pm.
was present as legal advisor
and a union security clause.
First Cement Pour Saturday At Dam
Citizens League Opposes
School Bond Proposal
Three Span Bridge Due
For Idanha-Blowout Road
Bike Riders Must
Stay Off Sidewalks
First Bucket
To Be Sent
By Governor
Mill City Now Has
Food Locker Service
Flegel Hits Power
Of State Boards
At County Picnic
Stage Lines Seeking
Boost in Commuter
Fares to Damsite
Dam Communities
Saved From Fire
Steffy Joins Staff
Of Epps Furniture
Fly Breeding Spots
Must Be Eliminated
Timber on Sardine
Creek To Be Sold
Camp Pioneer invader
Routed by Pay Scouts
"Guess What!
(£nntiiui turntfi:
Parents Required by Law
To Get Children to School