5— THE MILL ITTY ENTERPRISE IIHHI July 20. 1950 PAGE Double Wedding IOOF Installation Held Saturday Ceremonies Held Jusf Arrived... A SON AND A DAUGHTER -To Mr. and Mr». Forest Hollvman, Box 55«. Mill City. Saturday, July 15. A DAUGHTER To Mr. and Mrs Richard Cannon of Idanha. Sunday. ) July 16. A DAUGHTER To Mr and Mrs Kermit Mutsel of Lyons, Sunday, July 16 TWIN DAUGHTERS—To Mr and Mrs. Dale Stubbs of Gates. Monday. July 17. Mill City IOOF No. 144 held , joint Exchanging wedding vows Satur and open installation ceremonies Sa SATURDAY day evening at the Christian church turday night with Santiam Rebekah were Miss Sonnie Hoffman, daughter Lodge No. 166 in the Odd Fellow hall. of Mr and Mrs Al Hoffman and Ken- George Veteto. district deputy grand i neth Chance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl master and Wilma Stewart, district BEAN FESTIVAL In Stayton deputy president, were in charge. Plans for a joint four-community Mrs. Ernest Graham and Mrs. Les- Chance all of Mill City and Miss Otto Witt and Crissie Henderson "Well Baby Conference” were an , ter Mason arranged a surprise house- Juanita Thomas, daughter of Mr and acted as deputy marshalls and were SUNDAY and MONDAY nounced Tuesday by LaVon Kriever, J warning party for Mr. and Mrs Mrs. H. Thomas of Bend and Jack assisted by a staff of installing offi July 23rd and 24th Mrs. C. W. local chairman of the local health I Fred Gooch, Sr. who recently moved Stewart, son of Mr and Rev Thomas cers. Elective officers installed were: MARRIAGE LICENSES GENE KELLY, department committee. The confer to their new home east of Mill City j Stewart of Mill City. Vern Thomas and Hazel Nelson, noble Herbert Smith, 21. sawmill worker. VERA-ELLEN and ence is sponsored by the Marion from Lyons. Calling hours were Courtney. Jr., officiated at the rites. grand; Bert Morris and Alma Thomas West Stayton. and Marlene Eskew, FRANK SINATRA Lighting the tapers were Miss Sue vice grand; Bertha Baltimore, secre j from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday afternoon. County Public Health department. Peterson tary; Ada Plymale, treasurer. Ap 15. MUI City. Mikkelson and Miss Jane 1 Sweet peas and roses decorated the in Detroit, Gates, Idanha and Mill City pointive officials: George Veteto and would participate in the conference rooms. A buffet supper was served. in black and white dresses. scheduled for Tuesday, August 15 at The group presented the Gooch’s Preceding the ceremony Kirk Wi- Goldie Rambo, warden; L. E. Dike Stork Hits Schoolteacher Twice the high school recreation room. Any with an electric Universal coffee urn. rick sang ''Always" and "Because” and Antonia Thomas, conductor; In Technicolor Mr and Mrs. Forrest H. Hollyntan pre-school youngster can be brought Music was furnished by Delbert accompanied by Ardith Jones who Rachel Olmstead and Marvin Bart, are the proud parents of twins, born RSNG; George Berry and Wilma to the conference for free examina Jenkins, Mode Davis, Ed Davis and also played the wedding music. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Ushers were Bill Hoffman. Jerry Stewart, LSNG; Otto Witt and Crissie July 15 at Salem. The babies have tions and immunizations. If the Aug Mrs. J. A. Duncan of Salem. July 25th and 26th been named Catherine Edna and Jack Swan and Jack Scott. Henderson. RSVG; A. T. Koeneke and ust conference is well-attended, con Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haden. The couples exchanged their vows DANA ANDREWS and Bernice Taylor. LSVC; Otto Koeneke ference will be held quarterly for the Gooch, Sr. and their three children. before the altar with baskets of white and Dean Jackson, chaplain; Ruby Mrs. Hollyman and the babies will DON AMECHE upper canyon communities. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch. Jr. of lillies at the sides. Brisbin, musician; Mabel Veteto. be at the home of Mrs. Burton Bur Appointments will be necessary for Sweet Home; Mr and Mrs. Earl Preceding Miss Hoffman to the color bearer; Elmer Stewart and Al- roughs upon their return from the the August conference. Mrs. Charles Gooch and Twyla of Salem; and Mr. hospital. Harman will take appointments in and Mrs. J. A. Duncan (Sylvia Gooch) altar as bridesmaid was her cousin. lura Chance, inside guardian; Mel Mother, babies and the father, who Miss Le Anna Worland of Albany, in bourne Rambo and Bertha Shepherd, Gates and Mill City. La Velle Hase- of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye teaches the seventh grade at the Mill man of Idanha will take appointments of Corvallis; Mrs. Gwendolyn John a forest green satin gown with white outside guardian. Retiring noble City school, are doing nicely. Holly accessories. She wore a corsage of grands were Lowell Stiffler and Car in the Detroit-Idanha sector, son and Judy of Los Angeles, Calif man Stafford. Miss Stafford was man is attending summer school in Present plans call for Detroit and ornia; Mr. and Mrs Gill Coats and son white carnations. Miss Hoffman ’ s father gave her in THURSDAY, JULY 27th presented a PNC pin and gift from Monmouth. Idanha to participate in the confer of Portland; J. T. Henness. Mr. and marriage. For her wedding she chose the lodge. Receiving their certifi ence in the afternoon while Mill City Mrs. Ed Davis, Mrs. Lillie Lake, Mr RICHARD CONTE and and Gates children will be handled and Mrs. Albert Millsap all of Gates; an off white suit, with red hat, shoes cates as non-contributing members VALENTINA CORTESA and scarf. She carried a bouquet of were Mesdames Blanche Dean and in the morning. Mrs. Alta Bodeker, Mrs. Eva Bressler, white glads tied with satin ribbon. in Martha Bowes, sisters who have been Mrs. Effie Heineck, Lyons: and from Eugene Carey of Portland acted is Rebekahs for more than 55 years. Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clark, best man for his brother-in-law. were also given the two Mr and Mrs. Bert Morriss, Mr and Mrs. Marvin Cunningham of Can Corsages Mrs. Mode Davis, Mr. and Mrs. George yonville v as Miss Thomas’ brides ladies Flook, Mr. and Mrs. Ingle Johnson, maid. She wore a forest green satin Concluding the session was a drill Story of Trucking Business SHIRLEY LAIRD | Steve Honek, John Holman, Mr. and dress matching the other bridesmaid for about 15 minutes presented by the team with Eva Duffy and Goldie j Mrs. Lestre Mason, Mr. and Mrs. with white accessories and flowers. Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Rambo as leaders. Pot luck refresh , Ernie Graham, Mrs. Rose Daly, Mrs. Miss Thomas’ father gave her in Complete show can be seen any Phone 6103 | Bess Vandermeer, Mrs. Bertha Shep marriage. She was dressed identical ments were served by Loretta Iverson time up to 8:30 and Ida Fleetwood, kitchen commit herd, Mrs. Rosa Roten, Mrs. Ida Ged to Miss Hoffman. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll tee. MILL CITY des, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Jerry Stewart was best man for Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kelly, Miss Jack Stewart. :«• <« Don't Borrow—Subscribo Today! Daisy Geddes, Al Geddes, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman wore a forest green Larry Cribbs Honored by Party Mrs. Louis Slaton, Mrs. Mary Russell, gown with beige accessories. t I Mr. and Mrs. T. H Boughman, and Mrs Thomas wore a navy blue On His Eighth Birthday Mr and Mrs. Delbert Jenkins. dress with white accessories. Mrs. Virgil Cribbs entertained a Mrs. Chance chose all black and group of children Saturday afternoon Mrs. Stewart wore a brown and white in honor of her son Larry on his 8th print dress with brown accessories. birthday. The afternoon was spent FAWN AND MAUDE ARE DRIVING AGAIN The mothers all wore corsages of playing games and refreshments were FOR pink carnations served to Larry Cribbs, Ellena Nel Following the ceremony a reception son, Shirley Veness, Sandra Cribbs, was held in the church dining room. Mary Jo Cruson, Shirley Cree. Norma Mrs. Eugene Carey of Portland, sis Nelson, Bonnie Cruson, Carol Veness, LOTS, and HOMES FOR SALE ter of Mr. Chance, and Mrs. Jane Gary Bevier, Sharon Cribbs. Bob 1107 N. 17th Street, SALEM Peppering of Stayton, aunt of Miss Cree, Buddie Cruson, Mickey McClin IF YOU’RE A G.I., SEE FREE PLAYING CARDS Pit 'KUP TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS ¡Thomas, cut the wedding cake. tock. Michael Cruson, Stevey McClin Miss Sue Mikkelson presided at the tock. Larry Moberg, Jimmy Bevier, punch bowl and Miss Jane Frances Mary Gay Thome, Mrs. Paul Cree, ! Peterson presided at the coffee urn. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bevier, and Mr. Mrs. Clifford Young of Portland and and Mrs. Virgil Cribbs. Shirley Worland of Albany passed the guest books. In charge of the gift tables were Gloria Forland of Albany and Mrs. Bazaar Planned by Altar Society Lyons—Members of the altar so Delores Stewart. Three members of the bridal party ciety of the St. Patrick Catholic were members of the graduating class church held their regular business of 1950 from Mill City high school. meeting at the home of Mrs. Phillip Mr. Chance graduating with the class Pietrok Thursday evening. Plans were made and discussed for the an of '43. Both couples will make their home nual bazaar to be held Sunday, Aug in Gates. Mr. Chance is employed at ust 20 on the church grounds. the Detroit dam and Mr. Stewart is Following the business meeting associated with his father and broth Father Schneider showed pictures ers at Stewart’s grocery. taken last summer on his trip to his The Chances spent their honeymoon | home town in Wisconsin. Present for in northern California and southern , the meeting were Mesdames Herman Oregon and the Stewart's spent theirs I Free, Clarence Jungwirth, Ben Vol- at the beach. ten, Bob Free, Doc Jungwirth, Lloyd i Free, Pat Lyons, John Jungwirth, ROSS APPOINTED RECORDER Merrill Brassfield. Sam Bridges, Mike Lee Ross has been appointed Schwindt, Father Schneider and recorder and bookkeeper for the city the hostess, Mrs. Pietrok. of Mill City, according to an an- NEW AND USED nouncement by Mayor Al Toman last ¡GARDEN CLUB MAKES PLANS Tuesday. Lyons—The Garden club held their meeting at the community club house Wrote Dwight Morrow once to his with a small attendance due to other son: "The world is divided into peo activities. Mrs. Gertrude Woodman ple who do things and people who was in charge of the meeting. Many get the credit. Try, if you can, to plans were made and discussed. ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E belong to the first class. There's far A paper on transplanting by Mrs. WEST SALEM, OREGON less competition.”—G. G. Bernard. Percy Hiatt was read and discussed. Residence 3-5769 Phone 2-4151 Plans were made for those who could to attend the Jordan garden club picnic to be held at Wilson park near Jordan. The next meeting will be aa aaoi held August 9 with Mary Fink and Bea Hiatt hostess, and Ethel Huff man in charge of program and Mabel Downing, entertainment. Present were Gertrude Weidman, Laura Neal. Nina O'Neal. Helen Hubbard. Gladys Kuiken. Betty Johnston and Helen McClurg. Baby Conference Set for August 15 Couple Surprised By Housewarmers BATTLEGROUND On the Town A Prayer Thieves’ Highway Mom & Pop’s CAFE I Private Dining Room HELLO Thomas Housing Project Valet Dry Cleaners : G. E. THOMAS, Mill City STOP THAT DUST! TRAILER HOMES Road Oiling for Streets and Driveways 5c square yard Kits - Bales Aero Kenslcill - Angeles For Fast Service Call Allen Keith Chevron Station 2402 South Side Trailers Tweedie Fuel Oils We take pleasure Thinking in announcing the appointment of Building? Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today ! I Jim O’Leary as the new manager of our Mill City Store Porter & Lau RCA VICTOR — KELVINATOR WESTINGHOUSE Radios ■ Appliances ■ Service Stayton ............................................................................................................................................. Mill City Mill City GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING « » Expert work. Flosst mate rials. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed, I at tie giro yow a tree ertimele. WATÍHEH COME. IN AND SEE MODERN CONSTRUCTION DIAMONDS WITH MODERN MATERIALS JEWELRY FOSTORIA Maker's Mill City Jewelry Loc-Bloc Construction Co C. r. HUNTER M18 City RALPH HAROIJ) StaytM J