The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, July 20, 1950, Image 1

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    Gates Princess Wins
Air Queen Contest
Hundreds of Canyon couples tripped
the light fantastic at close range
Saturday night as the Queen contest
came to its end.
While hundreds thronged the Gates
high school gym, in another building
a committee was counting out the
votes the three princesses had col­
lected. It didn't take long to discover
who was the winner, but it took
nearly an hour to find out how many
votes she had gathered.
When the mathematics of the com-
mittee members was nearly exhausted
the figure of 24,200 was attained and
agreed on. It was more than half
again as many as the combined total
of the winner’s two rivals.
At midnight the committee carried
the news to the dance floor. Joan
Ryal of Gates was the lucky girl
with so many votes. Phyllis Timm
of Mill City and Dalphene Tucker of
Detroit-Idanha had both collected
enough votes to win any normal
contest. Phyllis had nearly 6.000
votes and Miss Tucker almost 10,000.
By sponsoring the winning candi­
date, the city of Gates had triumphed
again over its ambitious but lagging
rivals. The day before by getting be­
hind the walking man, Paul Smith,
they gained highway-long publicity
from Salem to their city limits.
Paul Smith's entry Into Gates Fri­
day was something the walking man
had never expected.
He was so pleased with his recep­
tion that he devoted part of his speech
before the crowd at the breakfast hop
to thanking his Gates friends. Later,
he requested the Enterprise to thank
the people again.
Smith had walked under fine colors.
The whole canyon should give thanks
to the city of Gates for making the
air show more than a success—a
super success.
g m 8
II» \NH \
Vol. VI—No. >9
Mill <TTY. OREGON, Till RSDAY, .11 IA ‘0, 1950
$2.50 a Year. 5c a Copy
Air Queen Joan of Gates
Reigns At Aviation Show
Motorists, Pilots Bask
tn Santiam Sunshine;
93 Pilots Land at Hop
Santiam sunshine and the brilliant
smile of Queen Joan I reigned over
the second annual Mill City air show.
Ninety-three planes and hundreds
of air-minded motorists thronged
Davis airport for the breakfast hop.
dedication ceremonies, crowning of
the queen and the afternoon air show.
Pilots began arriving at the airfield
about 8 a.m. for the breakfast hop.
Before the festivities were over planes
bearing passengers from four states
and forty-three communities had had
a glimpse of the magnificent pano­
rama of the North Santiam country
basking in the sun.
Three-year-old Davis airport was
officially dedicated in morning cere­
monies which included the reading
of a message from Governor McKay
and speeches from visiting pilots in­
cluding Jack Bartlett, director of the
state board of aeronautics.
Two thrills awaited the queen of
the air show, Joan Ryal of Gates.
Following her crowning by "Cookie”
Lyons, famous aviatrix of John Day.
Current issues facing the people of
Oregon, she was presented with a
the nation, state and county discussed
sparkling set of silverware. A few
at a picnic sponsored by the Linn
minutes later she took her first air­
County Democratic Central Commit­
Ql'EEN JOAN I kneels to accept the crown and begin her reign a* queen of the second annual Mill City­ plane ride with the famous aviatrix
tee set for historic Brownsville park
at the controls.
air show. Crowning Joan Ryal of Gates Is the famous aviatrix of John Day, Oregon, Mrs. \lola "Cookie"
Mrs. Lyons was presented with a
at 1 p.m. Sunday, July 30.
Lyons. Ixwtklng on are Princess Dalphene Tucker of Detroit-Idanha and Princess Phyllis Timm of Mill City.
(Photo courtesy Bob Veness and Capital Journal)
lady's solid gold ring set with
A Gibsofri Refrigerator will b*
uine Australian opal, the gift of
gram given away at the picnic.
Horner of the Homer’s Mineral and
The program will begin at 2:30.
Gem shop.
Included on the program are
Princess Dalphene Tucker of De­
speeches by Austin Flegel, nominee
troit-Idanha also took her first al r-
for governor; Dave Shaw, for U. S.
ride, but Mill City’s Phyllis Timm's
Congress; Elmer Sahlstrom and Wal­
venture aloft was her aecond.
ter Shelby for State Senator; Dave
. . Roy R. Hewitt. Democratic nominee
Ilo.ace H- dt’s Original Youth Op-
Spectators milling about the field
Epps ¿nd Far! Meson for State Rep­
resentative. and Fred Mespelt for
Herbert J. Ringquist. 19. of 2105 for Congress in the first Oregon dis­ between the breakfast hop tod the
be in Salem next Wednesday and S.E 96th Ave., Portland, drowned in trict, and James Patton, national air show witnessed a dramatic but
county commissioner.
The Linn County Democratic orga­ Thursday to conduct local auditions the ice-cold waters of the North San-1 president of the Farmers Union, will minor accident when the the plane
nization urges "all good Americans" for the appearance of the Heidt show tiam river about 11 a.m. Saturday be the principal speakers at the Demo- piloted by Herbert Whiting of Her­
in Salem under the sponsorship of morning, at a point upstream from I cratic picnic next Sunday afternoon miston made an unsuccessful landing.
to attend.
at Champoeg Park.
the Marion County Polio Chapter for Niagara.
| Neither Whiting nor his passenger.
the benefit of the Polio fund.
All democrats from Benton, Clack­ Ben Rhoten of Mill City, was Injured.
Both Herbert and his father, Julius
The day's second spill came during
James Rankin who will conduct the were in the water at one time. After amas. Clatsop. Columbia. Lincon,
auditions is searching for the out- Herbert fell from a log while fishing, Marion. Polk. Tillamook. Washington the air-show program when a pilot
) standing young professional and ama- his father went after him.
After and Yamhill counties are invited to engaged in a "now you have them
; teur talent in this area.
failing in the rescue attempt, the the picnic of the Farmers Union and now you don't (pants)” race applied
his brakes too soon and the plane
Anyone over the age of fourteen father managed to scramble ashore. Farmers Labor Council.
nosed over damaging its propeller.
Not satisfied with taking honors in either professional or amateur is cor­
At the time we go to press the body
the announcement as congressional By nightfall this plane was in the air
the Air Queen contest of 1950. Gates dially invited to try out. Group acts has not been recovered.
seemed to be building for the future are limited to four and all those
Attempts to rescue the body by district chairman, urged fellow party
The air show program began when
auditioning must bring their own ac- a Marion county deputy sheriff nearly members to bring a basket lunch and
this week.
Nibbier took to the skies where
Probably in preparation for the Air
resulted in another tragedy. A boat
throughout the show
This will be an excellent opportun­
Show of 1965. a Gates mother, Mrs.
The acts will be chosen from the manned by Ed Scott was swamped
performing numerous aerial feats.
Dale Stubbs, gave birth to twin girls number trying out, and they will ap- as he probed the waters with a small ity to meet your candidates.
Ted Galbraith of Scappoose thrilled
at Salem Memorial hospital Monday pear on the show competing for cash craft. Scott, a Marion county deputy
In addition to meeting their candi­ the crowd with a number of out­
night. This put Gates ahead of Mill prizes. At the same time they will sheriff, was swept quite a distance dates for office, democrats and mem­
City already though Mill City boasts be displaying their talents for Horace downstream before he could manage bers of their families will be able to standing performances. As a “d—d
fool woman” who carted her dog into
a brand new set of twins. One of ■ Heidt. “The Starmaker of America,” to scramble ashore.
play games designed for all. Square a plane and took off without know­
Mill City’s dual arrivals was ruled ! who. if he finds them with sufficient
dancing will be on the program. The ing how to fly, Ted Galbraith put on
out of the 1965 contest for an ob­ talent may invite them to appear on DRIVERS EXAMINER (TIMING TO picnic is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. a flying exhibition that tickled the
vious reason.
I a coast-to-coast broadcast at a later .MILL CITY TUESDAY
and end at 6 p.m.
The baby girls bom to Mr. and Mrs ■ date representing Salem and vicinity
The organidational meeting of the
I Ji ter in his AT-6 he dazzled the
Dale Stubbs weighed 6 pounds and and compete against the present
j first district congressional campaign
6 ounces and 6 pounds 1 ounce re­ | champions.
at the Fire Hall between the hours of I committee will be held. Officers of
spectively. Even in this respect they
The local auditions will be held at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to an I the committee will be elected.
edged out the Mill City twins who station KOCO starting at 8 p.m. rio
announcement received from the Sec­ James G. Patton, president of the
entered the world weighing 5 pounds formal application is necessary.
National Farmers Union, has just
retary of State’s office.
10 ounces and 5 pounds 7 ounces.
; returned to the United States follow-
Mill City’s twins, a girl and a boy,
Mill City police are at least $335
to drive are asked to get in touch with | ing a two months’ trip to Europe
were bom to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest CLl'B INVITED TO STAYTON
to a two-way radio setup today
the examiner well ahead of the
H Hollyman. Saturday.
At least
Members and friends of the Mill scheduled closing hour In order to agricultural leaders who made the as a result of last week’s policeman's
they got here before the air show.
j City Garden club are invited to an assure completion of their applica­ trip on an ECA mission to Investigate dance on the high school tennis court.
The preliminary figure was an­
the expenditure of Marshall plan
I inspection of begonia gardens in tions with a minimum of delay.
funds in Europe He viaited Greece. nounced this week by Patrolman Ken­
I Stayton The tour is sponsored by
Due to a lack of space we are un­ the Stayton Garden club. Those
Italy. France. Holland, Belgium, Eng­ neth Hunt. Tentative plans for an­
Regular monthly meetings of the land. Denmark. Norway and Ger- other radio fund dance have been
able to publish a list of those who ! wishing to go and those having car
•■ontributrd to the success of the air accommodations are asked to call school board of Mill City District many; and will be able to give a vivid made for August 6
Chief King thanks the general pub­
show in this week's issue.
No list I Mrs Fred Grimes. Regular month­ No. 129-J will be held on the sec­ first hand account of conditions in
(„(lid possibly be complete in this re­ ly meeting at Mrs Charles Dolezal's ond Wednesday of each month, Europe. In view of the tense inter­ lic, merchants and the orchestra for
national situation his report will be making the dance such an outstand­
spect but we will try to publish a list 1 home. Thursday evening. July 27. at Clerk Edna F Ross announces.
ing success.
especially valuable.
next week.
8 p.m.
Good Amerkons’
Invited to Picnic
crowd with his power dives and
Not to be overlooked was the work
of the "worried" announcer whose
description of events in the sky was
worth the price of admission.
Pleased by the large turnout, Byron
Davis is already making plans for
next year's air show. He announces
an attempt to obtain the well-known
air show of Swede Ralston for the
third annual air show.
Davis said
yesterday the Willamette Amusement
company has offered its public ad­
dress system for the 1951 show. The
company now announces the Salem
stock car races.
Explorer Scout Tells
Story of Journey
To Valley Forge, Pa.
So that the readers can understand
it better, I will first explain the pur­
pose of the 2nd National Boy Scout
It was to "Strengthen
Liberty" (Jamboree theme) by giving
us boys an opportunity to get to
understand boys from others states
and nations.
On the night of June 20th, at ap­
proximately 10 pm, after much bed-
Auditions for Heidt
Youth Drowns
Near Niagara
Democrats To Hold
Big Picnic Sunday
Gates Seems Ready
For 1965 Air Show
Policeman’s Dance Nets
$335 for Radio Setup
(imniiui ■¿units:
T hursday —
Softball 6 p.m
American Legion 2d and 4th Thurs
Gages PT A 1st Thursday 8 p.m.
I.O.O.F. meeting
Lyons IYVA meeting 2nd Friday.
Mill City IWA meeting last Friday
Softball 6 p.m.
Lions club meeting
A.F. 4 A.M. No. 180 stated meet­
ing third Monday.
Boy Scouts 6;3O p.m
Chamber of Commerce 8 pm.
Women’s club 8 p.m. 1st. 3rd Ties
Santiam Eagles and auxiliary 8 pm.
at Detroit school building
Lions club auxiliary 8 30, 4th Wed
Santiam R»bekah 166—1st and 3rd
Wed at 8 p m
Altar Society meets 2nd Wed
Ted Galbraith, talented Scappoose pilot, presents Mill City Prince«»
Ptiylli« Timm with her prtmews suit after a twenty-minute flight from
th«- '»aktn airport. The plane picked up Prince«« Phyllt«' costume for
deliver, In time for the Air Queen Da«we.
(Photo by Bob Veness)
Paul Smith. the < anvon's walking man. prenent« Gate* prim«»« Joan
Rval. with her prince«« suit after carrying the suit from Saiern to Gate».
Mayor Millsap of Gate« obsen«-» the transaction. The »tart of Smith's
long walk 1« pictured on page five.
Photo courtesy of Bob Vencaal
lam and confusion aboard the Jam-
boree train out of Salem. we were
(most of us) in bed with two yucca
packs, two day bags, assorted camera
cases, clothes, and another boy After
about 25 winks, we got up, some as
early as three o’clock, and others
I me) slept in until five, since we were
all too excited to sleep much anyway.
We lost three hours that night
waiting for streamliners to pass, so
we got into Spokane at 10 a.m. for
breakfast. Special mention is made
here that it waa a breakfast of scram­
bled egg» the first of a long series.
After the morning meal. Jamboree
Train No. 1140 < ontinued on across
Idaho and Montana for a day and a
night, arriving in Livingston, Mont.,
early In the morning, where we
boarded buses for a tour of Yellow­
stone national park. Enroute to the
park, the group stopped for a morn­
ing repast at Chico Hot Springs—
scrambled eggs, again Immediately
thereafter, we went on to Yellowstone
where we saw the Mammoth Ter­
races. Old Faithful, Artist's Point,
the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone
'308 foot drop), wild animals, .small
geysers, and other points of interest.
Returning from the park, the scouts
ate dinner at Chico Hot Springs, pre­
ceded by a short dip In the luke-warm
swimming pool
The next day or two were spent in
solid travel to Hannibal. Mo., where
we ate a breakfast more scrambled
eggs- at the Hotel Mark Twain be-
< Continued on Page 8)
The Queen'a dance picturea and
various shota of the airahow are now
on display at the Gatea Cafe and at
the Mill City theatre Orders will be
accepted at either location for copie».