Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1950)
LYONS ; MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats & Groceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special TOMATOES ■ ASPARAGUS - 19c n 13c X : Heat Suffers Defeat! AT THE HANDS OF NOHLGREN’S, COOL, ( LEAR, CLEAN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT UNDERNEATH THE George ClipfeU, Mis. Alice Huber and Mrs. Catherine Julian The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Art Boltzer with Mrs E. L. Roye By EVA BRESSLER Mr. and Mrs V. J. Henderson and assistant hostess Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Gunn and son daughters, Myrna Sue and Carolyn Brenda of Carcarun, Calif., visited at Richard of Oakland, Calif, spent sev the home of Mr. and Mrs Merlin eral days visiting relatives in Lyons. Knox. Mrs. Henderson is a sister of Mrs. Gunn will be remembered as Leona Lyons. She is a neice of Pat Mrs. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman and and Bert Lyons and Mrs. Amos Hiatt. daughters Janice and Jeanette at I Sunday, a famiy dinner was held at tended the South Dakota picnic held the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyons. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Gunn and at Jantzen’s beach Sunday. Mr. and Mis. George Clipfell and Richard, Mr and Mrs. Owen Minich their daughter Mrs. Elaine Hadley | of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Amos and children spent several days at Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons, Mr. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Shep and Mrs. Ed Gisler. Sharron and Joe, pard at Baker. Mrs. Sheppard is Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindemann, Rich ard and Linda, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert also a daughter of the Clipfells. Mr and Mrs Clyde Lewis and Fred Lyons. Weekend guests at the home of Vaughn visited in Tillamook at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt were her Santiam Valley Grange held their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs. Harry regular meeting at the hall Friday Reeves of Portland. Sunday with the evening, but due to the busy time a Hiatts and Mrs Hiatt's mother. Mrs. small crowd was in attendance. Mr. Jenner, they made a trip to Bend. and Mrs. Albert Julian gave a report They also visited the Peterson gar from State Grange they attended at dens while there. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Ontario. Mrs. Nellie Thomas of Medford and and Mrs. Albert Ring were Mr. and Mr. Comstock of Grants Pass visited Mrs. Ralph Trask of Albany, Mr. and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mrs. Dean Trask and daughter of Johnston. Mrs. Thomas is a sister of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith and baby of Amity. Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen attended Mrs. Albert Julian was hostess for the meeting of the Women's Society the Rural Carriers convention held in of Christian Service held at her home Salem Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lambert and Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. George Huffman presided over the meeting daughter Wilma and Mr. and Mrs. due to the absence of Mrs. Har Roy Lambert of Scio, returned home greaves. Mrs. George Clipfell lead ' Sunday evening from a vacation trip the devotions. Following the busi |to Yellowstone National park. Sunday dinner guests at the home ness meeting Mrs. Julian served re freshments to Mrs. Albert Ring, Mrs. I of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton in Clyde Pressler, Mrs. Charles Cruson, Salem were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bo- Mrs. Loren Chamberlain, Mrs. Glen deker, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressler Julian, Mrs. George Huffman, Mrs. and Elmer Hiatt of Lyons, and Mr. land Mrs. Norman Johnson of Salem. The occasion honored the birthday an niversaries of Earl Hampton and I Elmer Hiatt. A Friendly Place Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fink and Mr. and Mrs. John Jungwirth returned home Sunday evening from Roslyn, To While Away South Dakota, where they had spent the past month with relatives, and Your Idle Hours attended the wedding of their neice. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing were his brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Roy I Downing of Sutherlin. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry and son Donald of Tillamook visited at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mis. George Berry, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haynes, at Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and son GATES Glen Jr., made a business trip to Portland. Her mother. Mrs. White, returned home with them for an in definite stay. Little Kathryn and Kenton John ston, children of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston were saddened Monday aft ernoon when their pal "Buck", a large i St. Bernard dog was struck by »-hit and run driver. He was killed in stantly. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield and son Bob attended a family dinner with relatives at Hillsboro over the Fourth of July holiday. Kenneth Bo- sanko agent at the Southern Pacific ■lepot accompanied them to Hillsboro. Mrs. Minnie Smith has returned home after spending several days in QUALITY Portland at the home of her niece SECTIONAL FURNITURE Mrs. Summers and family. 3—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE RECORD NUMBER OF HOME UNITS STARTED IN MAY July 13. 1950 $10,700 per unit from $10.200 per unit for the same period last year. Homebuilders throughout the country started a total of 140.000 new units in May. a new all-time high for a single month. In releasing the figures, the De- partment of Labor commented that the first five months’ volume of new units this year was 52 percent more than the same period last year, pre saging a new all-time high in home building during 1950. Builders’ estimates of construction costs for one-family houses started during the first five months of this year increased to an average of LICENSED G\RBAGE SERVICE $1 per month and up Aino M-rving tistes and Lyons MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE i'HONE LEONARD HERMAN I I I I MILL CITY TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, Prop. I “At the Bottom of the Hill” I I I 4- i » OREGON MILL CITY, Electrical Contracting and Service FREE ESTIMATES — LICENSED EIJX TRICIA NS Write or Phone Collect BUSINESS PHONE — SALEM 3-55*1 HOME RHONE — SALEM •’-■-•800 Salem Equipment Co. 3455 D Street. SALEM KEN PRATT, Mgr. Electrical Dept. « Donn the Famous Nohlgren’s Alley, oft State street in Salem from 11 thru noon til 2 daily except Sunday Look what’s NEW in & $25950 Il’s Smart : It’s New! Where Friends On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY George ‘Sparky* Ditter Tony Ziebert Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today' A Store in Your Home simple to operate it's practically automatic THREE PANEL ’Clever".. /handsome".. .’solid comfort" 6-position lounye chairs ...»ay local ladies who previewed our showing ot Superhilt’s OMY A BID yesterday. And you II agree, lor never before have we offered such a versatile, magiv making idea for day or night home furnishing. Only OMY A BED is convertible into any of the illustrated combinations-^to he used separately or together. )ust as your household and family demands. OMY A BED is so simple and easy to operate it's practically automatic. You change positions with gentle, Anger-tip pressure, discover the 'hidden footrest" for use in lounging or sleeping. And. if you know good furniture, you know nationally advertised Superbuilr for Q«a/<ry — finest in ihe land Seasoned hardwood frames are double doweled, glued with plastics, scientifically reinforced and all comers blocked Choose sours in enuring new jew el toned fabrics in solid colors or two-tone styles woven for us by famous mills There's a Superbtlt OMY A-BFD io harmonize with your color scheme, your design for living. Be sure to come m soon! I niin for onlv PO OO W.UJ , Hr.k • Newest and biggest G-F Home Freezer holds up to 389 lb* of frozen foods! Just the thing for farms, suburban homes and large tamiliea! DOORS As Low As $7.35 Ask u* to prove how you can live better for lew! Jenkins Hardware Co. Dealer GENERAL ELECTRIC HOME FREEZERS FRERES BUILDING SUPPLY Mill City Stayton PHONE 3215 k