Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1950)
5—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE MILL CITY week were M lss Mary Grow and Clifford Swift of Othello. Wash. Fri day and Saturday, Mrs. Swift accom Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golden and sons panied the couple to the coast where have returned from their vacMion at they visited Mr and Mrs Robert Weiser, Idaho and Portland where' Landro. they visited relatives. They also' Mrs Ira Tuters and her daughter, visited friends at Taft. Ore. Mrs Cleo Fink and Margie of Klick Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gnuschke itat. Wash . were guests last week at attended a reunion of her family in the home of Mrs. Charlie Smith of Portland Sunday Gates Mrs. Smith took her guests to The Gates PT A met in the recrea Four young people from Mill City Mrs. Gordon Knox is ill at home. view the Detroit Dam and later to tion rooms of the high school, Thurs will participate in a double-wedding Her mother. Mrs. L. C. Salley of Los Mehama to visit Mabel Smith. Mrs Fink and her daughter left for their day evening, July 6. A short business j ceremony at the Christian church Angeles is caring for her. Saturday at 8 p.m. Mrs. Chester Ferguson and little home Monday morning session was held. Tony Baker presid Three of the four graduated with son. Gregory, left Salem by plane Sun Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caswell visited ing. The question of the change of the 1950 class of the Mill City high day afternoon for Medford where' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vincent while they the meeting date from the first school. The other, Kenneth Chance, they will visit relatives for two weeks. were in Salem Saturday. They re Thursday in each month to the second Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs port Mr Vincent is able to be up in who will wed Mary Jane (Sunnie) was discussed. It was decided to Hoffman, graduated with the class of ¡George Veteto were Mr. and Mrs a wheel chair each day and can visit table the discussion until such a time | Robert Reed. Mrs. J. Olstead. and his wife. , 1943 as there was a larger attendance. Juanita Thomas and Jack Stewart Mrs. David Maxon of Canby, and Mr. Mr. and Mi’s. Robert Allen of San Mrs. Walter Thomas gave an interest will also pronounce their vows before and Mis. Armel Peterson of Minn Francisco are visiting at the home of ing talk on scouting and displayed eapolis. his mother. Mrs. W. W. Allen. the work of several of the Cubs and Rev. Tom Courtney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plymale and The four invite all their friends to Lydia of Lebanon called on relatives Girl Scouts in her troops. Mrs. Mrs Floyd Johnson entertained Thomas made an earnest appeal to come to the ceremony and to the and friends recently. Saturday in honor of her daughter, the parents for more interest and reception at the church which will Mrs. Grace Dart has returned to her Frances, on her 14th birthday. Out co-operation on their part. She follow. home following several days visit at door games were played and refresh stressed the need of more leaders, Newport with her grandchildren, ments served. Present were Frances both for the Cubs and the girls. Group MRS. HAROLD WILSON WINS Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Plymale and Johnson, Carol Jane Blazek, Janet singing was led by Mr. Baker before DIAMOND IN RADIO CONTEST daughter of Lebanon were overnight Brittan. Betty Craven, Bunny Caudle, adjournment. Refreshments were Gates—Mrs. Harold Wilson is sport guests Friday at the Irl Plymale Shirley Cree, Joan Johnson. Kenny Andrews. Bobby Cree, Arthur Webb. served by the hostesses, Mr. Clarence ing a beautiful new diamond ring home. Johnnie Phillips. Boots Higdon and Johnson, Mrs. Elmer Klutke, Mrs. Joe which she won by naming a song Mrs. Florence Goudy and Jack of Joaquin, Mrs. A. L. Meirose and Mrs. heard over the radio. Only one meas Portland were weekend guests of Mr Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson. Cecil Haun. Recent guests at the home of Mr. ure was played and only once. The and Mrs. Harold Mason. Mrs. Gwendolyn Johnson and and Mrs. Lee Ross was their niece, title of the song mentioned the prod uct advertised by the program. Mrs. daughter Judy of Los Angeles. Calif, Marilyn Miller and her friend. Carol Wilson mailed a card with the name are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cotterell of Los Angeles, California. of the song as a lark. To her sur George Flook. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hathaway and Warren Burton of Scio spent Sun Miss Nellie Hathaway have returned prise she was notified she had won the diamond. She and Mrs. T. R. Bur day with his brother-in-law and from a trip to Redding, California, ton motored to Portland Thursday sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Cree. where they visited Mr and Mrs. Nor Guests of Mrs. Anna Swift last man Hathaway and Carol Sue. and claimed the prize at radio station KGW. Mr and Mrs. Max Kelly. Michael and Patricia of Barstow, California Mill City firemen and their families have been recent guests of their par held an all-day picnic at Wehlms ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Jepsen and Grove Sunday. Horseshoes and other other relatives. games were played and a picnic din Eight local Campfire girls left Sat -a ner featuring ice cream was served. urday morning for a week at Camp ! •»> •»> Kilawan. Mrs. Vincent Palmer. Mrs. L. Dyr-' man and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veness | provided transportation for the chil- ' dren and their baggage as far as I Salem. Children going were Georgia 1 and Margaret Palmer, Carolyn Har- | EVENING APPOINTMENTS SHIRLEY LAIRD man, Shereen Muir, Carol Veness. Located Next to Furniture Store Linda Dyrman, Carolyn Britton and I | Betsy Kriever. PHONE 5951 GATES Phone 6103 Reports from Camp Kilowan indi- ; ' cate that Lois White and Almeta MILL CITY Coffman of Lyons and Joyce Valen- I tine and Joyce Pemberton of Mehama •:« are also attending the second session of the camp established by the Will HAVE A BETTER KITCHEN amette area council of Campfire girls. July 13, 1950 PACE IIHHI Gates PT A Tables Move To Change Meeting Date Double Wedding Plans Made By Local Couples Mom & Pop's CAFE Private Dining Local Campfire Girls Go To Camp Kilowan Outing Room SIIIIU.EVS BEAI TY SHOP Beaiilj Salon DEDICATION SERVICES HELD AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH TRAILER HOMES Kits - Bales Aero Kenskill - Angeles 10 to 31 feet NEW AND USED South Side Trailers ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E xxxxxxxxxkxxxxxxxx X x X xxxxh If yours is a modern kitchen you already have experienced the sat isfaction of being able to keep the equipment clean with little effort. Steel kitchen cabinets, and most re frigerators and washing machines are finished in a hard, baked-on enamel paint that will not absorb dirt. And sink tops and ranges are cov ered with glass-like porcelain en amel that is impervious to dirt and will resist food acids which might cause staining. Dedication services were held Sun day morning for the church officers of the Christian church who were elected June 30 by members of the church. Officers are: Elders, Glen Shelton. Joe Vaughn, and Tom Shelton; dea cons, Eldon Hutchison, Jack John ston, George Ditto, Milton Roten, Buck Shoop, and Irl Plymale; dea Use a Damp Cloth conesses. Mrs. Joe Vaughn, Mrs. Irl Ordinarily just a swish of a damp Plymale, Mrs. Una White, Mrs. Elmer cloth across these surfaces will re Shaw, Mrs. Tom Shelton, and Mrs. move food particles, dust and dirt. Clarence Howe; treasurer, Mrs. Tom When foreign matter does become Shelton; Sunday school superintedent, l encrusted, a sudsy water made of Mrs. Carl Chance; assistant superin ! mild soap is recommended. Abra- tendent, Tom Shelton; Sunday school I sive cleansers should be used only in an emergency, because the tiny secretary. Mrs. Eldon Hutchison; but sharp edges of the abrasive ma church clerk. Mrs. Carl Charge; terial eventually will dull the church pianist. Mrs Eldon Hutchison; sparkle of both enamel and porce lain. assistant pianist, Mrs. Glen Shelton; The manufacturers of kitchen trustee, Irl Plymale, and cradle roll equipment and appliances are care superintendent, Mrs. Ed Cooke. ful to provide enamel surfaces that will clean easily and be resistant < HR AGO MARKET REFLECTS to wear. Before the paint is applied the steel is meticulously cleaned RISING I I MINER PRM I S and put through a special process Lumber and lumber product dealer that makes the metal resistant to to contractor prices continued to ad rusting. Then the enamel is vance generally in Chicago during sprayed on evenly and put through June for the fourth consecutive drying ovens in temperatures up month, says a current Department of to 275 degrees. This process gives a tough yet pliable finish that pre Labor bulletin. vents dirt from getting a foothold. No. 1 common Douglas fir two-by- Resists Food Acids fours increased 5 percent to $126.60 Porcelain enamel, which is the ! per 1,000 board feet. Douglas fir most practical, attractive and popu interior plywood panel, sound one lar material for sink tops, is es side, increased 4 percent to $192.25 sentially glass and by its very na per 1.000 square feet. Two panel ture dirt proof. An acid-resisting ingredient in the porcelain keeps Douglas fir doors increased 4 percent. food acids from leaving stains, al though the surface should be wiped Middle Age: When you begin to ex immediately after being exposed to change your emotions for symptoms. foods of this type. Carnival X I it X Just Arrived... A DAUGHTER To Mr and Mrs Charles Wolverton of Mill City and John Day. Oregon, Saturday, July 8. at the Salem General hospital. A SON—To Mr and Mrs. Hudson Behrens of Mehama, Saturday, July 8. at Salem Memorial hospital. A SON—To Mr and Mrs. Albert Yankus of Mill City, Tuesday, July 11, at Salem Memorial hospital. A DAUGHTER—To Mr. and Mrs Lenthal Ragsdale. Box 466. Mill City. Wednesday. July 12. THURSDAY. JULY 13th RICHARD WIDMARK In Slattery’s Hurricane Airforce vs. Tropical Hurricane! FR1D XY and SATURDAY July llth and 15th GENE AUTRY in Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women have a more subtle instinct: what they like is to be a man's last romance. O.W. Riders of the Whistling Pines — Plus --- ABBOTT IND COSTELLO in Keep Em Flying y ) Sl'NDAI and MONDAY July ltitli amt 17th DAN DAXLmr mid COLLEEN TOWNSEND in When Willie Comes Marching Home Funniest Comedy of the Y’ear! rials. Work done promptly ... and guaranteed. l et us give you a free estimate. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY July 18th and 19th GEORGE mon K.OMERY ROD CAMERON and MARIE WINDSOR tn WATCHES DIAMONDS Dakota Lil JEWELRY FOSTORIA In Color Doors ojien at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can bo seen any time up to 8:30 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllll Baker s Mill City Jewelry Don't Borrow—Subscribe Today! The Santiam Tailors OFFERS MORE THAN A THOUSAND PATTERNS FROM WHICH TO SELECT YOUR NEW SUIT. PRICES FROM $45 TO $95’*’* We also do alterations of all kinds. ACROSS FROM EPPS FURNITURE STORE IN MILL CITY STOP THAT DUST! Road Oiling for Streets and Driveways 5c square yard For Fast Service Call Allen Keith Chevron Station 2402 Mill City Tweedie Fuel Oils WEST SALEM, OREGON Phone 2-4151 Residence 3-5769 muanMMMin«uno mi w mi ■« iiH.aumrmmuaaHauanMB'ia rm.nnwm ui inm m Thinking oí Building? Parade » X’ X X X XI X X X Prizes X X Ä X X X X Fun x, I THE 11th ANM AL SANTI AM BEAN FESTIVAL I July 18 * 22 in Stay ton • DANCES • FREE BEANS • PARADES • AMATEUR HOUR • CARNIVAL • SPORTS EVENTS See Jack of the Beanstalk’ _________ I >0000000;x-xr-» » = xxrjrw’oacjQoorxxxjcxxanrif riny Melilla— PEPPERMINT STICK Brick - of - the - M o nth for July This month our special flavor is a creamy smooth ice cream made with real.crushed.peppermint stick candy Delightfully different—the whole family will enjoy it. ''M ayflower -’ " £ CR.tAM Firestone TIRES HOME and AUTO SUPPLIES COME IN AND SEE MODERN CONSTRUCTION WITH MODERN MATERIALS Loc-Bloc Construction Co. Firestone Stores Center and IJberty Sta. SALEM OREGON C. F. HUNTER Min City RALPH HAROLD Sta y ton |