LEGAL ADVERTISING All Section 9; All Section 10 except NEt43Et4; STATE TIMBER SALE SH Section U; AU Section “ ‘ 14; Notice is hereby given that oral AU Section 15; blds will be received by the State All Section 15; Forester or his authorized agent, act AU Section 17; ing in behalf of the State of Oregon N^Nt». SEL4NEi4 Section 18; by and through Its Board of Forestry, NEl4, Nt,NWt4 Section 20: at 2600 State Street, Salem. Oregon, Ntj Section 21; at 10:00 o'clock A.M., daylight sav Section 22. ing time, July 24, 1950, for unesti AU in T 10 S, R 3 E mated volume of mixed old growth Douglas fir, western hemlock and red EL. Section 12, T 10 S, R 2 E. cedar designated for cutting by the No bid will be considered for less State Forester or his agent upon the than $5 00 per MBF for old growth following described lands located in Douglas fir and $3.00 per MBF for Unn County, Oregon: western hemlock and red cedar. A NWy4NEtt, SttNEVi, SV4 Section 4; certified check in the amount of NWy4SEy4, SM>SEt4 Section 5; $1,000 00 must be in the hands of all S%NEy4, S^SWti, SEV4 Section 7; bidders at the time of sale to be ap AU Section 8 except SL4SWV4NEv4 plied on the purchase price by the and N^NWy4SEy4; I successful bidder or retained aa liqul- Headquarters for Garden Seeds (Packet or Bulk Pack) ALSO ITELI) and grass seeds Various Types of Garden Tools, Etc SANTIAM FARMERS CO-OP STAYTON, OREGON dated damages should the bidder fall NW a 4 of Section 2, Township 9 3., . 7—THE SUM. CITY ENTERPRISE J UM to execute the contract and furnish Range 2 West satisfactory bond in the amount of No bid will be considered for less ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC 110,000 00 within 30 days following than $10.00 per MBF for old growth acceptance of his bid. Before submit Douglas fir, $5 per MBF for second I CHURCH, MIIJ. (TTY ting bids, prospective purchasers growth fir. and $3 00 per MBF for [ Mass at 9 AM. GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH should secure a copy of the bid pros hemlock. A certified check in the Confessions heard before Mass. OF CHRIST pectus from the State Forester, amount of $500 00 must be in the Altar Society 2d Wednesday 8 pJB. Salem, Oregon or Elmer Taylor, Me [ han<is of all bidders at the time of , Sunday school at 10 am. Father C. Mai. Pastor hama, Oregon The State Forester sale, to be applied as part of the' Morning worship 11 a.m. • 00 reserves the right to waive minor purchase price by the successful bid Christian Endeavor 6:30 pjn. technicalities or to reject any or all der or retained as liquidated damages. ( FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH bids should the bidder fail to execute the 1 Evening worship 7:30 pjn. Services every Lord’s day Walter Smith, Pastor Signed: G. SPAUR. contract. Satisfactory bond for' Sunday school 9:45 p.m. • • • State Forester. $1.000 00 must be provided and ad Morning worship 11:00 A.M. First publication June 22, 1950—4t vance payment made in the amount' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Young People's meeting 6:30 P.M. of $10,000 00 within 30 days following Morning worship 11 a m. STATE TIMBER SALE acceptance of his bid. The balance Evening worship 7:30 P.M. Music by choir. Notice is hereby given that oral of the bid price shall be paid within T. Courtney, Jr., Pastor Dr. David J. Ferguson, Preaching bids wall be received by the State 90 days following acceptance of bld or prior to commencement of logging, Young People at 6:30 p.m., Mrs Forester or his authorized agent, act LD S. OF JESUS CHRIST CHURCH ing in behalf of the State of Oregon whichever may be the prior date. Arthur Kreiver, leader. Detroit by and through its Board of Forestry, Before submitting bids, prospective • • • at 2600 State Street, Salem, Oregon, i purchasers should secure a copy of I DETROIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday school each Sunday 10 a.m. at 9:00 o'clock A M., davlight sav the bld prospectus from the State in high school building, Detroit Sunday school at 10 a.m. ing time, July 24. 1950. for 1.339 MBF Forester. Salem, Oregon, or Elmer Priesthood meeting 11 a.m. [Taylor, Mehama, Oregon,. The State Morning worship 11 a.m. old growth Douglas fir, 409 MBF Zealand Fryer, Preaidtag second growth Douglas fir, and 50 1 Forester reserves the right to waive Youth meeting 6:45 p.m. ooo MBF western hemlock, more or less, i minor technicalities or to reject any Youth night Saturday 7 pjn. designated for cutting by the State | or all bids. IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Warren Knape. Pastor Signed: G. SPAUR. Forester or his agent upon the fol Sunday School 10 A.M. • • • State Forester. lowing described land located in Ma- Morning Service 11 A.M. J rion County. Oregon: First publication June 22, 1950—4t COMMUNITY CHURCH Youths Hour 6:15 P.M. FuU Gospel Preaching Evening Service 7 P.M. Sunday school 10 A.M. Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 PM Morning worship 11 A.M. Eldon Haley, Pastor Evangelistic service 8 P.M. Preaching services Wednesday and Friday 8 P.M. Rev. Wayne W. Watkins. Pastor Church Activities UUC Summer Driving FREE METHODIST CHURCH BUY A GUARANTEED Salem Automobile Co Used Car AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE State Offers Exams For Tax Commission M CHECK THIS LIST: CHRYSLER ROYAL 4-DOOR SEDAN PONTIAC TORPEDO 4-DOOR SEDAN CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR SEDAN CHEVROLET STYLELINE 2-DOOR SEDAN PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN, New Paint and Seat Covers, Extra Good. Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER - 405 N. Com'l St. Home of Service 495 N. Com'l St. PHONE 3-4117 - PLYMOUTH 435 N. Court St. c J Startling secrets she couldn't even reveal to her mother are finally told to her family doctor by Marcia Mae Jones, the feminine star, in the movie “Street Corner” The enlightening movie plays at the Mill City Theatre four times on Friday, July 7. Showings for men only will be at 10:30 a.m. and 9 p.m., for women only at 2 and 7 p.m. ANOTHER STRIKE ■/ AGAINST THE PUBLIC AND INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE SERVED BY FIVE WESTERN RAILROADS President Truman’s EMERGENCY BOARD recommends a 40-hour week and a pay increase of 18 cents an hour, or $1.44 a day for switchmen represented by the Switchmen’s Union of North America. • Notwithstanding the tremendous increase in their Opportunities to begin a career with the State Tax Commission or the State Library are being offered Oregon residents. An announcement by the State Civil Service Commission last week said three classes of posi tions were open for competitive ex aminations. The classes are Income Tax Auditor I, starting salary $250; Appraisal Engineer I, starting salary $280; and Librarian I, starting salary $210. Each class is the beginning level in a series of classes that climax with a position of major responsibility in the state government of Oregon. Pro motion is granted on the basis of , merit and fitness. Information and application forms may be obtained from the State Civil Service offices—102 Public Serv ice Building, Salem or 614 Mead Building, Portland—or any local Ore gon State Employment Service office. Last date for filing is July 15, 1950, except for the Librarian I test, also open to residents of other states, the last filing date of which is July 29, 1950 I WINTER SPORTS AREAS DREW FEWER VISITORS THIS YEAR Winter sports areas in the national forests of Oregon and Washington attracted a total of 427,703 visitors this past winter according to U.S. forest service estimates. Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood, with 86.9000 visitors, was the most pop ular area reported. This year's figures for the two states were 20 percent lower than last year. expenses involved, the Railroads’ answer to Board is Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy Rag Mop Johnson Rag Wedding Samba Quicksilver Come in and see our wide selections of 45 RPM and 78 RPM Popular«, Old Ttmers, Classical, and Semt-Classlcal Records. PORTER & LAU "First with What You Want Most" COMPLETE APPLIANCE SERVICK Radio, Washer, Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Mill City Lodge No. 144, I.O.O.F. meets every Friday night. Visiting brothers welcome. g-fr- Stayton 218 LITTLE ILLS MAKE fc\G B • True, that "little illnet«'* you've been mentioning in an offhand way, may nd aeem to amount to much— just a few faint symptoms But, neglected, these "little ilia" can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; <>. >t so mention needless suffering and loss of precious timet Consult a Doctor now— you'll save by it in the end. And, of course, we hope you’ll bring his prescription to ua for rarcfui compounding! Capital Drug Co. Salem SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Eagles | 2745 meets at Ladies Auxiliary Hall each Tuesday at 8 p.m. »illABlf a W 1 PRf SC RIPTION 3 Union leaders’ answer to Board In face of Board findings to the contrary, union leaders insist on 48 hours pay for 40 hours work. This would be an average in crease of 31 cents an hour, or $2.48 a day. So Union leaders have called a completely unjustified strike on 5 Western rail roads, effective June 25. On June 15, an Emergency Board ap pointed by President Truman under the terms of the Railway Labor Act recom mended the railroads grant switchmen a 40-hour week and a wage increase of 18 cents an hour, or $1.44 for an 8-hour day. Despite the added financial burden in volved, the railroads are ready to accept these recommendations, as they have al ways accepted Emergency Board recom mendations on national issues. But the leaders of the Switchmen’s Union refuse to accept! They demand an average increase of 31 cents an hour or $2.48 a day —although their present earn ings are substantially higher than those of workers in other industries! Board Says Demands Unjustified In its report, the Board declared thia de mand unjustified by all the evidence pre sented. It also pointed out that it would give the switchmen an unfair pay advan tage over other groups of railroad em ployes. and would add too great a burden to railroad coats. Here is another case of a railroad union flouting the findings of an Emergency Board —another case of calling • rippling I North MUI City Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Junior church 11:00 a.m. Evening service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p. Phone 1906 Rev. L. C. Gould, Pastor Can Be a Pleasure 1949 1948 1946 1948 1939 AT YOUR F INGER' rips FIVE WESTERN RAILROADS AFFECTED BY THE JUNE 25 STRIKE The five roi/rood« effected by ibis itriltt, which 9001 into effect at 600 A. At. local timo, Sunday, Juno 25, 1950, ore: strike in an outrageoua and reckless at tempt to force demands which the Board clearly labels as unjustified! Leaders of the Switchmen’s Union are calling this strike in defiance of the Board —in defiance of the fact»— and at the ex pense of the public! In its report on this case, the Board made this statement: "Ths railroad Industry, the Board be lieves, needs above ell else a period of relative stability to ed|ust end adapt itself to present «ompetitivo post-war condi Cbcigi trest Wtstsrs UsHest Cso*s«i Cbcifs. Bert idsM 4 Pacific Saiireed Caapaay Tks Desttc I R»e trseSs Wsttsrs Isilrssl Ceeess, great Nartkera faitwaj Caapaer Iks Waiter« Pacific (aSraaf Caapaej It is time to put an end to such un- American tactics! The Answer to a Raw Attempt At Dictatorship is “No!” tions." Despite this warning, the leaders of the Switchmen’s Union are upsetting the apple-cart—forcing a completely unjusti fied strike against everybody who uses the railroads. «ASTI os SOUTHEAST!RM WlfTIRM '. ■L'_ In the interest of the public who depend on the railroads every day, there can be only one answer to this outrageous, and dicta torial action by the leaders of the Switch men's Union And that answer is—"NOP R ailroads ‘ . ' W» are pubiiahin* thia and other advertieementa to talk to you st firet hand about mattare which are important to everybody. Are you in the new car picture? IF you are going to buy a new car soon, be sure to see us first about the financing. Our low-cost AUTO LOANS can save you money. MILL CITY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP I