Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1950)
June 22, 1»M» •—THE MIIX CITY ENTERPRISE Wants and Sales FOR SALE—Grand Piano, recondi FOR SALE — Three choice building lots in Swift’s addition, water, elec tioned and recently refinished ma tricity available, level ground. W. hogany baby grand. Guaranteed L. Peterson. 20tf perfect. »775.00 cash, terms, or rented with purchase option. Stone WE BUY- Cascara bark. Red’s Hill Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road. Top Trading Post. 24 Salem. 18tf FOR SALE OR TRADE — One acre FOR RENT Two-room housekeeping with two cabins, spring, and par apartment, suitable for two men. tially finished 4-room house. Will Inquire at The Enterprise. 25-3p take car or trailer house In trade Dan Morrison, Gates, Ore. 25-3p .WANTED — Experienced waitress Vlv’s Steak House. 26-1 FOR SALE — Kitchen sinks, heavy cast. »4 95. Red's Hill Top Trading KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED — 26tf Fastest service In Portland and sat-1 Post. iefaction guaranteed by Portland’s, •A H P. Lawson out- oldest company. Eight exposure FOR SALE—21, 17950; Maytag Pro- board motor _____ , _ roll developed and one print each i pane gas range »225 00. Stayton 25c. Two prints each 35c. Rolls Hardware & Furniture Co., Stayton. with more than eight exposures one Ore. 25tf print each 35c. Re-prints 3c each. Send coin. The Quality Picture Co. FOR SALE—One automatic coke dis Box 4401Z, Portland 8, Ore. 18tf penser, and one Pepsl-Cola cooler. See at King’s Trading Post. 26-3 FOR SALE—Power chain saw, 7 hp. Mall, 4 ft. bar chisel bit chain, ex FOR SALE — Used Tents, 16 x 32, cellent condition »150 00. Red's »39.00 Red’s Hill Top Trading HUI Top Trading Post. 26tf Post. 25tf I FOR BUX lEft. trailer, sleeps two, SALE—Half-finished 4-r house, very clean, your for »250. Adams FOR with 1*4 acres land, well, »1,200.00. Cabin Court, GateB. 25-3p Will accept trailer on trad». See B. J. Wriglesworth, Route 1. Lyons, FOR BALE- House trailer, sleeps 4, one mile east of Gates. 22-5t electric refrigerator, running water with or without 8x20 room. See at rear of Mrs. Agnes Allen. 26- lp A GOOD SELECTION of Unoleum yardage. 6 and 9 ft. widths, 69c per FOR SALE — 6 ft. Maytag Freezer ■q. yard. Dave Epps Furniture Co. »189 00 Stayton Hardware & Fur niture Co , Stayton, Ore. 25tf FOR SALE— Good ice boxes and re frigerators. Red’s Hill Top Trad ing Post. 26tf AUTO and home radio Mrvlce, 20 year» experience, all EXPERT make». Guaranteed service. Stiffler'» Radio and Appliance. 3tf FOR SALE—Spinet piano. Will sac rifice for quick sale. Cash or terms. Can be seen at Mill City. Write Tallman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th St., Salem, Oregon. 25-3 FOR SALE Rabbits, does and bucks, 68 breeding does, six bucks, good ■rice. All does due to kindle within the next 30 days. Write to R. W. Bchroll, M. R. Box 705, Clarks Mills FOR SALE — Trailer house, 21 ft. 1946 Master built mode), electric Rd , Sweet Home, Ore. 24-3p brakes, good rubber, butane heat and range. L. E. Woodraska, Box WANT TO RENT — 2 or 3-bedroom 212, Scio. 26-3p Souse, before school starts. Phone 5807 Mtf FOR SALE — 6 cu. ft. deep freeze »150 00, like new. Phone 5807. 25tf AVON PRODUCTS I Phone 3424 22-14t SANTIAM LIST YOUR homes and farms with ms Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, Detroit, Lyons. David M. 3tf Reid, Real Estate. GENERAL AUTO and TRUCK REPAIR for SALE — New home, 4 rooms, modem, wired for electric range, large lot, fine shade trees, in city. Would take late modern trailer house. See Bob Thompson, apt 7, Beebe Apts. Ph. 561. 24-3p Arc and Acetylene Welding Phone 3452 WHY PAY RENT? Buy income prop erty. New duplex for Bale. W. L. Peterson, Swift's addition. 20tf PLEASE LTST all available rooms, room and board, houses and apts. Write, telephone or visit Personnel Dept. 10 a m. to 3 p m. Consolidated ' Builders. Inc., Detroit Dam. 12tf j A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle Hours RICHARDS TAVERN GATES Directory Business I). \\. KEII). Ml) HARLOW L. WEINRICK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Attorney at law 318 Broadalbin 's Albany Mill City r LIPPOLD - BRENNER VERNES Accountants Bookkeeping Service Auditing Pay roll Reporta Income Tat Phones: MUI City 207 Salem 3-7615 BARBER SHOP .4 Broadway Mill Hours: 10 to 7 FIREWORKS For Sale by Boy Scouts Stands located at Lyons and Mill City On sale June 20th to July 4th by Jim Stevens Bride«* and Babies . . . FOR SALE—Spinet Piano, »35.00 de In other Junes I’ve held forth on posit, and »15.00 per month places the fact that young love and ro- a fine instrument in your home. mance form the most valuable mar- Can be seen locally. Write Stone ket asset of the forest industries. Piano Co., 1540 Fairgrounds Road, The like leads to home building at Salem. i the start. Wood furniture has its WE BUY—Fir pitch 75c per gallon early innings too. Paper products are See us for containers. Red’s Hill in the running all the way through, Top Trading Post. 24 from love letter to school books. Log FOR SALE—140 h p. deisel, double gers should be promoters of marriage drum, with lines, »3,500. Jungwirth standing like rocks against birth Sand & Gravel, ph 9242, Mill City. j control. 24-3 It' the little things, the processed ~ and finely finished items of everyday NUBBINS AND EYES spliced for j use that come from wood which return chokers. Inquire at Silver Saddle the most income to the industry and Service Station. 25-3p its help. There’s the 1950 census fig FOR SALE—Live weight or dressed ures that show the value of "lumber Fryers. Clayton Baltimore, phone and timber basic products’* a t 3934. 24-3 »1,122,058.000, while the value of "furniture and finished lumber pro- ducts" »1.267,724,000 and of “paper and allied products” »2,019,568,000. The moral is that small pieces of wood and little logs produce the big gest payrolls and require the utmost I in wood merchandising. And this comes back to forest con servation. The woods can’t be cleaned up rightly and left in shape for the growing of a new timber crop without sales to bring in the money to pay for all the work and expense. The more forest products for home and family use there are, the better the the forests will be used. Lullabye Logs . , . The men of the furniture industiy I boast of their commercial concern with the blushing bride and the young wife and mother. Their advertising literature features such items as the “Brideslove Bedroom Suite,” the Secur-I-Kidy High Chair,” and "Lull abye Children’s Furniture.” C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. ' In a booklet on the latter line the SHELL PRODUCTS firm has a series of illustrations that AUTO STORAGE BATTERIES range from its own timber through ZENITH TIRES the finished product. The pictures are captioned "Lullabye Timber,” FISHING TACKLE "Hauling Lullabye Logs," "Lullabye Sawmill." and so on. By old tradition, the lumber industry trade promotion was stodgy, stuffy and pompous. Now the theme of the West Coast Lumberman’s Ass ociation’s new motion picture in color may be stated as something like this, "Hi-yah, Bride! Come See what Paul MILL CITY Bunyan Has For You, Baby!" Now I dream of a magazine spread with a picture of a gay wolf of a log A FRIENDLY ger, looking like a movie actor, and FAMILY shown enticing a lovely bride to the charms of "Darling Douglas Fir” for ATMOSPHERE | her new home. PREVAILS Let such an advertisement have Menace Let it strongly suggest that | husbands come to hate other mater ials. And then say, "Keep your man —play safe with "Darling Douglas Fir” for your new home—America’s love lumber." I dream of that, but I don’t really expect it for some time. Lumber's Market Month . . . So June, the month of brides, is the market month for lumber. In Keokuk, Kanakakee, Kalamazoo and ten thousand other towns and cities brides-to-be are shopping for trous- seaus, furniture and homes. The timber faller who pauses for a 1 snort of snoose before tackling a ripe Western hemlock will do well to med itate for a moment on some of these things of June. The under things, for example which may come from thq ‘ hemlock tree. Or if he is too bashful for such meditation, the faller can eye a neighboring fir and see through its bark to housing items of lumber & “ which may make the new home a bride of this June may hope to have some fine day—-with luck and money. If there isn’t a solitary grain of ro- mance in the logger, he still should tip his hat to Honeybunch She will number up to half a milion this year. All in all. she will keep a lot of money (.anvon Garagi rolling to the mills and woods Paul Bunyan has a real stake in every Export Repairing bride, yes. sir SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES Since 1787 the art of government Detroit E. Frv, Mgr. has not progressed much. The found- ! ing fathers were the most amazingly keen and intellectual group of stu dents of government in the history of I the world This is the age of science. and Trailer Court That was the age of government.— HKST IN DETROIT Rep. John C. Kunkel, Pa. STILL FIRST IN DETROIT Red Rynearsnn Otto Russell Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! Glen Dry den Mom & Pop’s CAFE Private Dining Room MILL CITY Service Station Les’s Tavern Professional Detroit laveni /* RALEIGH HAROLD HOWARD CORSET SHOP Foundation Garments Special Attention Given to Fittings Hoaiery-1 .Ingerle- Drvases Smocks 131 High St. Salem Phone 4032 FLORIST and Nt'RSERY 319 W. Wash. Street blocks on W. Stay ton lllway Phone 3684 <_______________________________ z FLOWERS BARGAINS In Furniture, Stoves. Dishes Clothing, Housewares GOODE’S I LOW ER SHOP MAC'S Phone Blue GIB 145 S Church, next to Salem Parkins Stayton, Ore. WEDDLE FUNERAL HOME paMM DWIDM. liEII) Real Estate Mill Citv ■ New STOCK Drrss Prints — (Ml (loth silk and Wool Scarfs New Shades In Nylons < urttaln MJVrial — Ticking Heiidricsons Ston In the Dawes Bldg IPEP/ Modern Ennemi Service STAYTON OREGON C. E. Coville MIKE'S Septic Service : Septic Task« *n<l Sewer» (Aeaaed • Phone OIXM IMM ODLUBCT| I07H rtm Mt . W Aalem Mill. CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Garbage ashes. trimming», etc weekly pickup» »1 per month. Also light hauling eonard Herman Phone SttS ramnioan ■ o a u un b ■■■■■■■naaa Maim Street Out of the Woods Real Estate MASTER WMI . t>e< «MBDíononro Trovai Saftfv $•<»'<• aSEOSH] 2 s o ? 0 0 H. 0. Model Railroading Equipment SPECIALTY CARDS TOYS AND DOLLS TRICKS AND PUZZLES o ? B MODEL AIRPLANES MASQUERADE SUPPLIES MODEL AIRPLANE MOTORS Use Our Malt Order Service SALEM'S ORIGINAL o a Toy & Hobby Shop 163 N. Commercial SALEM Phone 2-1588 « Richfield Station Open Under New Management GOODYEAR ACCESSORIES: BATTERY C.ABLES CABLES TIRES BATTERY BATTERIES uimni radiator hose RADIATOR HOSE FAN BELTS SPARK PLUGS Frank's Richfield Service FRANK BARNEY WE HANDLE GUARANTEED RECAPS BY K. Rubber Welders