S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ■Inne 29, 1950 FEMME PAGE Mr and Mrs Brice Regal of Mill By REBA SNYDER City were business callers in Fox -Marla and Lanny Vickers left Mon- Valley Monday. day for a two-week vacation at Cen- Mr. and Mrs Hugh Johnston and tralia with their j^andmothor. M rs children visited in Creswell Sunday at Steinbrueck Dinner guests Wednesday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs Woodenpile ir the home of R. L. Tucker were The WoodenpUe family were former Mr. and Mrs McCalley, Mr. and Mrs. residents of Mill City Mrs. Martha Jane Chance, 89. Mr. Walter Bevier is slowly im (Harold Perton, Mrs Nina Tucker. passed away last Thursday at the Frank Tucker and Mrs Orval Lady. proving after his recent illness Powell nursing home in Albany, She Mrs Clifford West and Mrs. J H Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. was a resident of Mill City and Al- ¡Johnson were Silverton business vis Lloyd Girod and family were his sis- Mill City's American Legion aux- bany during the past 17 years. jter, Mrs. Ruben Jenson and son of itors Wednesday. Miss Pauline Scheiwek is home Funeral services were held last iliary unit 159 was officially installed I Astoria, and Mrs. Anna Girod of Sa- and its members initiated last Thurs after spending a week in Stayton, Saturday at the Fisher funeral home . lem Alan and Jimmie left with the ’ r in Albany. Committment was at St. day evening at the American Legion aunt for two or three week's vacation where she stayed with friends and hall. John's cemetery in Albany. and wua. Mrs Lester uuncj Honey caitM and , in the berry fields in the Fern i I Mr emu --- ----- Fourteen members were initiated ba^y spent the weekend in Salem *' Ridge 1J ‘ area The e strawberry crops Mrs. Chance, a member of the Meth , ------- •• reported rather short his mother, who returned home 1 ’ — are generally odist church, was born April 20. 1861 into the new unit while eight officers | | with installed. They are: Mrs Kay with visit" ••• them'fo'r'a *• • • • | this season, partly due to the late at Kokomo, Indiana, She married were 1 Vvi i t - I f 'V.-. »-1 « r AC i all spring weather. Edward H. Chance in 1884 in Kokomo. Colburn, president; Mrs. Tearly Muii, Most of Idanha were either at the First vice president; Mrs. Doris Jen- Several grade school graduate boys Mr. Chance and one daughter pre rodeo at Sisters or fishing at Suttle ' sen, second vice president; Mrs. are working for McCalls on Route 1 ceded her in death. lake the past weekend. Their report Delores Hollingworth, secretary; Mrs. | Stayton The boys are employed at Survivors include four sons, Jercy Nellie Stalman, treasurer; Mrs. Jud- was “good fishing a good rodeo". Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bangs, who ! stringing beans in McCall's yards. E. of Sweet Home, Lester Carl of ith Ragsdale, historian; Mrs. Alice Shirley Johnston of Fox Valley; Mill City, Eddie F. of Albany and (Jean) Roberts, chaplain; and Mrs. spent the winter with Mrs. Eli Bangs, Jean McDonald, of Mehama and moved to Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bruce A. of California. Barbara Yarnell, sergeant at arms. Helen Ware of Stayton Route 1 are Bangs moved to Albany during the Rev. Clark Wood of Idaho Falls, gone to Eugene for a summer session Other members initiated were: Mrs. Idaho, a grandson-in-law, officiated Martha Ragsdale, Mrs. Margie Rags weekend. Mrs. Bangs was principal of music for high school students. at the Detroit grade school the past at the services. Mrs. Glenn Taylor, dale, Mrs. Mabie Bruder; Mrs. Aud- Helen Ware and Jean McDonald had soloist, sang ‘‘Abide With Me” and ■ rey Strickler, Mrs. Delores Stewart, two years, and has a position for next I earned Scholarships for the term, year in Portland. “Sweet Bye and Bye”. Mrs. Phyllis Flatman and Mrs. Ellen Robert Lady is expected home the and Shirley Johnston hopes to qualify Pau Dearers were Edward Chance, Ping. Mrs. Stalman was installed in last of this week. He has been at too. They will be in Eugene a month. KennetTi Chance, Bud Chance, Cleo ' office by proxy. The George Nydegger family, Mr. Willamina since school let out visiting Chance, Eugene Carey and Jay Wood. Mrs. I. N. Bacon, president of dis his grandmother. Mrs. Alice Vonde and Mrs. Everett Limbeck and Cecil Bassett of Fox Valley, and Mr. and trict two was mistress of ceremonies. Lieth. Burton Burroughs spent the week She introduced Mrs. Leon Brown of Frank New slipped and injured his Mrs Earl Allen of Lyons were in end at his home. He is attending Salem, past department president right leg while bucking logs in the Sisters Sunday attending the rodeo. Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Kathryn John summer school at Eugene at the Uni I who delivered the obligation; Mrs. woods Tuesday. He was treated by versity of Oregon. Mae E. Whitcomb, secretary for the the local physician, but was unable ston and Leland Humphreys were Salem visitors Saturday. Leland . auxiliary department of Oregon who to return to work until Thursday. presented the local unit with its char- Donald Snyder received an inch- visited his grandmother, Mrs. Pearl ter, and Mrs. Robert N. Kreason, long gash on the right side of his Humphreys and the Earl Sandner | candidate for department vice presi- forehead when struck by a rock at home on State street. Mrs. Bessie Bassett is staying at ' dent who was honored in the organi the Mongold ball park Tuesday He zational formal program. was treated at the first aid station I the Walter Bevier home helping Mrs. The installation team of the Silver- by Leo Fitzgerald. Although painful Bevier care for Mr. Bevier who is not well. ton auxiliary installed the officers of it did not prove serious. Strawberry pickers report the berry , the local unit. A large delegation Twelve members, two guests and SHIRLEY LAIRD from Silverton was on hand for the nine children of the North Santiam season is well past the peak. This Willing Workers club met Wednesday season's crop is considerably shorter ceremonies. Idanha and Stayton were also re- afternoon in the home of Reba Snyder than usual. Some pickers plan to go Phone 6103 | presented at the installation cere for the second quarter birthday party. to '7 the tn' cane canJ berry uc,Iy fields Ilelaa to lo work wo' when T*h,. t,i'„ momn'hooo hirthdav« the strawberries are finished. The two members whose birthdays mony. MILL CITY Paul Johnston put some silage in came the second quarter were Elsie Don’t Borrow—Subscribe Today! Girod and Pearl Geibler. Games were his silos Monday. The weather may played with Georgia New, Mary Guli- be already for filling the silo, but it ford and Mabie Barney winning hasn't been very good hay curing weather this month. | prizes Mrs. George Huffman, who had her Ice cream, cake, coffee and punch were served to Mabie Barney, Doro finger injured some weeks ago. had thy Morgan. Evelyn Hansen, Gladys to have it amputated recently. Her LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON Streff, Pearl Gaibler, Edna Gordon, physiican had held hope of its grow PLUMBING AND HEATING Georgia New. Betty Pittam, Bertha ing together, but it failed to heal Reynolds. Mary Gulliford, Elsie Girod, satisfactorily. No Job Too Large and None Too Small Shortage of cars is expected to and the two guests, Eva New and | cause a shutdown, at the planer plant Ph. 2-7890 Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Road, SALEM Jeanette Morgan and the children. Nineteen dollars fifty five cents of the Clipfell Manthe company here wimiiiuiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiii iiiriiiriiiiiiiii'iiMiHuiiiiriiiiiimiiii iii! iiii iiinmiiiniiHHiuuiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiihiiHiinniiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuinFiiiuiiiiii was netted at the food sale Friday. for a ^ew days There was a demand for more cakes David Scheiwek visited friends in and pies than were had. Baked beans Independence the last of the week, and salads also sold well. Weekend guests at the Gwen Ges- | ton home were his brother, Joe and three sons of North Dakota and his brother Kris and wife of Milwaukie, Guests at the J. C. Kimmel home Oregon. Sunday were their niece. Mr. and Mrs, Idanha American Legion auxiliary O. E. Hoodenpyle and Donna of Cres members attending initiation and in well^ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carson and stallation ceremonies of the new Mill Linda of Marcola, and Lloyd and Paul City auxiliary last Thursday were Goff of Oakridge. Genevieve Bangs. Bemadine Stoll. Attending the rodeo at Sisters last Roselle Vickers. Burley Hansen, Pearl Glebler, Floy Storey, Esther Fouts, weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gnuschke, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, Myrtle Geston and Opal Leming Mr. and Mrs F Humphreys, Mr. Mr and Mrs. Paul Mason, Mr. and and Mrs. L. Humphreys and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd and Bill, and Mrs. Christenson of Stayton were Mr. and Mrs Morris Howe. NEW AND USED Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gorton, Lloyd guests. Jerry Pittam made a three-day and Dale, Mr, and Mrs. John Fehrli business trip early this week to Van of Salem and Sharon were Friday evening dinner guests at the Lowell couver and Salem. Mr. and Mrs Pat O'Brien announce Cree home. Patricia and Donald re- | the marriage of their daughter, | turned home from Salem with them, ALBANY — 2 Miles South on 99E Mrs. Frank Caraway is in Portland Elaine Hazel (Lois) to Carl Budlong in Vancouver Wednesday. June 21. with her daughter, Miss Frances Carl is the son of Mr and Mrs. Percy Caraway. Miss La Vetta Powelson is at New Budlong of the CCC camp In Idanha MILL CITY' — Highway 222 His sister, Lucille, of Salem accom port visiting Barbara Trimble, former panied the couple. At present they Mill City resident. are with his folks Nil-Method Dry Cleaners will be < l<>s<*d Monday and Tuesday, July 3rd and 4th. Paid Adv. fi Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Powelson and 0 O family are moving this week to the 0 place they purchased recently north 0 0 west of Gates. O Governor Douglas McKay this Rev. and Mrs. Clark Food and son o week issued a proclamation opening Jay, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, were din o o the first annual Oregon community ner guests Monday at the home of H thrift campaign which began last her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Carl 0 0 With $10.00 or More Order Tuesday. Chance. o o Citizens of Oregon were urged to Norman La Plante of Portland 0 1 Can CORNED BEEF ! rededicate themselves to the cause of spent last week with his uncle, aunt g O § O | thrift and security in their daily lives and cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Four by either saving regularly in a nier and Carol. Donna Fournier spent n O , savings account, protecting them- the week in Portland with Mr. and 0 â [ selves and their families with life Mrs. Norman La Plante. Sr. and 0 5 ? insurance or oy buying U.S savings Dennis. » SUNNY MORN COFFEE. lb. i bonds. Mrs Anna N Swift, R N . is spend § c ing the week at Camp Arrowan, a c IGA MUSTARD (with paddle) O c GATES HAS 422 RESIDENTS youth camp near Portland where she 0 Gates—A census of the incorpor is camp nurse. o D for 2 0 IGA PORK A BEANS. 2'j tin c ated city of Gates last week revealed Mr and Mrs Joe Cribbs and San- o ■ a population of 422 within the city 0 0 6 for 0 KOOL-AID Quality jòb printing at the Enter 0 limits. In size. Gates is about one 0 c mile long by a half-mile wide. prise. 0 0 o c 0 IGA SNO-KREEM. 3 lb*. Death Takes Elderly Citizen Linn County A IDANHA FOX Vi Installation Rites Held For Local Legion Auxiliary SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP BIKTHD1Y 1‘tRTY Mrs. Paul Cree was hostess for a group of young people honoring her son Bobby on his tenth birthday. Mrs. Cree served cake, jello, and punch to Bobby, Sandra Cribbs. James Meinert. Arthur Webb. Ronald Williams, Larry Howe, Ray Linn Goodwin. Eddie Caudle, Randy Marshall, Luther Nicholson, Donnie Hofe. Shirley Cree, Karen Marshall. Hazel and Bunny Caudle. Frances Johnson, Virginia Timm, Mrs. Joe Cribbs. Mrs. Walt Nicholson and Mrs Bert Tumidge MILL CITY David Harum Hi* Last and Best Picture— Brought Buck by Popular Request. I RIDAY und SATURI» 1Y DONALD WOODS and GLORIA WARREN In dra of Dallas spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Bert Tumidge. Mis. Glen Fink and daughter, Marjie of Klikatat. Wash., are visit ing her mother. Mrs. Ira Teters. The Clayton Baltimore family spent Sunday fishing at Clear Lake. Mr and Mrs. “Boots" Higdon were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Budlong at Detroit Sunday. The oc casion was Claudia Budlong's birth day. Mrs. Delta Allen of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Fem Graham and Mrs. Clifford Miller of Portland were guests at the home of Mrs. Ida Geddes recently X.X XI Bells of San Fernando — Plus --- Hollywood Barn Dance SUNDAY and MONDAY ROBERT YOUNG and BARBARA HALE in And Baby Makes Three TUES., WED. and THURS. SPENCER TRACY and KATHARINE HEPBURN In M X X.XXDCX.X X M SHAHS SHACH ADAM’S RIB Home of the Famous Friday, July 7 FISH AQUARIUM LUNCH COUNTER Specializing in Sandwiches Milk Shakes Chill loe Cream Pie a la Modo Sundlea Soft Drinks Doors open at 7:20 P.M. Complete show can be seen any time up to 8:30 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 CLOSED TUESDAYS On Hiway 222 East of .Mill City !- ' !l >0>< >i It..I I nn Don i :: k Stil,-, ribo Today ! Pegge's Beauty Salon EVENING APPOINTMENTS Located Next to Furniture Store PHONE 5951 GREENLY’S Plumbing & Heating ! TRAILER HOMES Till RSDAY WILL ROGERS In GATES MMNM SALEM LAUNDRY SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry—Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton Laundry and Dry Cleaning- Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafe, Idanha Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit 5 163 South High SALEM Phone 3-9123 Kits - Bales Aero Kenslcill - Angeles South Side Trailers Fir Grove Trailer Park MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Quality Meats (S' Groceries FROZEN FOODS Friday & Saturday Special TOMATOES No. 2ft can ASPARAGUS No. 2 can 19c 2 for 37c 13c 2 for 25c Govenor’s Proclamation Establishes Thrift Week Friday Ô* Saturday Specials FREE .29 .65 .13 .35 .25 .79 o 0 0 C 0 0 o I I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a GREEN SPOT ORANGEADE SUNSHINE HI HO CRACKERS .79 .33 .29 HILL TOP GENERAL STORE ALBERT TOMAN, Prop. MILL CITY Open Week Days from 8 A.M. to 7iM P.M. Sundarx 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE SERVICES: WINDSHIELD WASH, AIR I.N TIRES, TIRE IN SPECTION. BATTERY CHECK, DELIVER 0 fi 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 fi 0 0 0 0 ff "VFW VARIETIES” A Ift-HOI R COMEDY VARIETY SHOW FRIENDLY SERVICE DICK SWEETLAND FIELD, SALEM Friday, June 30, 8:00 P.M. Ticket.: (I Adult*, 5Oc Children. YvaltaHe at the Gate, Tax Included * Follow the Parade to the Show9 Sponsored by Veteraaa of Foreign War* 1950 Encampment ( ommiwilon VFW EM AMPMENT JUNE 23-July 1 Grand Parade: Friday. 3:M P.M. SWEEP OUT CAR. ETC., ETC. c NALLEY'S KOSHER DILLS IGA FLOUR. 1» lb*. Don't Hesitate AL JIM We tike better care of your car ALLEN KEITH CHEVRON GAS STATION