June .’9, 1950 4—THE MUX. CITY ENTERPRISE SPOUTS PACE Boyer in the first inning, but his sue- | cesaor REOS pitcher Frank Fisher , cooled the Teamsters by pitching three-hit ball the rest of the way. Johnnie Sugrue, Teamster short ; stop, collected the game's only home run. Tonight's fray shapes up as a w L Pct. "grudge" battle with the Teamsters League Standing»: 1 .750 "looking forward to their game with 3 CBI Engineers 3 1 .750 the 'bragging' C.B.I. Engineers and: REOS 3 1 .750 wondering "if they play as good a, Teamsters 500 game as they talk." 2 2 Shavers Meanwhile, the CBI engineers are 1 3 .250 Detroit 1 wondering if the Teamsters were j 0 4 .000 Operations holding back Monday for their date i With first place In the Detroit Dam tonight. softball league at stake, the CBI en After a long, refreshing layoff of gineers face the Teamsters tonight in ten days, the engineers "are itching" Mill City. I to be back on the diamond. They Both teams represent Mill City and claim they "will be so full of pep, are tied with the REOS for first i they will be hard to beat.” place in the six-team circuit. To One of the engineers who will put night’s winner moves into the first his batting record on the block to- place the loser slips back to third. [ night is Bill Nourse, slugging first The Teamsters had an unbeaten baseman, who is slamming the ball at, record up to Monday night when the a 518 clip. Nine of his fifteen hits REOS knocked them over 7 to 5. j this season have been doubles or Their star hurler, Nel LaVine has . better. On the first sack, he has i chalked up the only shutout in the | played a flawless fielding game. circuit this season. He will probably All in all tonight's game should be I face the CBI engineers star hurler, the top contest of the current soft- Ed Yarnell, who has been mowing j ball season with all the elements of down enemy batsmen with regular | a top athletic contest wrapped up in ity. He was on the sidelines when the the fray—competition, league leader- Engineers lost their only game. I ship and a good old grudge. LaVine scored his shutout a week ago today when he blanked the Sha I do not think we should intention- vers in a 6 to 0 game. ' ally lose the armaments race. To do I^ast Monday he was slugged hard I this would be to lose our liberties and, by the REOS who rapped out 15 hits with Patrick Henry, I value my liber in defeating the Teamsters, 7 to 5. ties more than my life.—Dr. Harold The Teamsters scored four runs off C. Urey. Lead at Stake in Grudge Bail Game Set for Tonight unuannnwunnnaianTuiinnuunuiaaa TRY OUR Hand Made Work Boots FOR LOM) WEAR GUARANTEED GARBAGE SERVICE $1 par month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons MILL CITY DICK’S SHOE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE Mill City LEONARD HERMAN PHONE 2352 HaHHnnnHHnianHnaiaHniannHnHHn OPEN .... Monday, July 3 at 5 P.M. Tuesday, July 4 at 12 noon Featuring .... Fresh Trout Dinners t ST. PAUL RODEO BEAUTIES and Casey Tibbs world champion bronc rider from Pierre, S.D., find mutual terest in arena sports. Rodeo court members—from left, Crown Princess Connie Cross, Salem; twin Queens Pat and Betty Zwick, Dundee; and Princess Mardell Bulla, Portland—will watch Tibbs defend his title during the saddle an bareback bronc events at St. Palls 15th annual show, July 1-2-3-4. In the bareback contest the rider uses only a halter, such as Tibbs is holding here. Laura Cullim, Ted Olsen, Georgia Thelma Jenkins, Don Jenkins, District 129-J School Board [lectors Listed Mason, Alvina Dannaman, Faith Veness. Mil dred Wilson, Mabel Nelson, Roger Harry Knight, Hazel Nelson Voters Congratulated for large Turnout Nelson, and Mary Toman. Following is the list of school dis Kathy A. Colburn, Jack D. Colburn, trict 129-J voters participating in the Audrey Strickler, R. S. Corbin, Dallas Strickler, Florence Timm, William J. school board election. They are to be congratulated for Timm, Vita Golden, Leila H. Clark, taking a greater interest in school Jennie Marttala, Anema W. Dickey, affairs, How many of these voters James A. Swan. Clara B. Swan, Mabel Schroeder, Mary H. Kelly and Ida will be present to vote tomorrow: Frances Dolezal, Aljha Grimes, Knight. Henry Calkin, Isabel Calkin, Jack W. Jake Meyer, Lois Meyer, Bessie Reid, Una White, Mabel Bruder, Jack Vandermeer, Fera Sisco, S. G. Hig Carey, William H. Davis. Jimmie don, Ruth Ramay, Ellen King, Flossie Davis, Eldie Clyde Turnidge, Clara Carter, Waldo Carter, Alice Thacker Morris, Eva Duffy, Bert Morris and and Rust King. Fred Duffy. William Stewart. Elizabeth Faust, Barney Ray, Lillie Ray, Mary Rada, Forrest Berry, Charly French, Adie Louis Rada, August T. Koeneke, Anna French, Maxine Hill. Delbert Hill, Crook, Beatrice Jepson, Sigvard Jep Maude Clark, C. E. Mason. Fem son, Barbara Yarnell, Bertha Shelton Shuey, Verne Clark, Ruby Gregory. and Ada Plymale. Eugene Gregory, Floyd Jones. Gwen- Edward J. Yarnell, Joe Plymale, ■ dolyn Jones, Ruth Lanphear, Nelson Goldie Sorenson. Alice C. Farmen. Lanphear, Lavon Bayless, Henry Bay Leo H. Farmen. Lowell Floyd Fleet less. William Bayless, Clyde T. Werly, wood. Evangelyn Shattuck. Alice. J Dean Jackson, Wilhelmina Kliever, Roberts, Minnie Personett, Roberta Harold Kliever, Al Toman, Vernon G. Longenecker, Carl H. Longenecker, Lowery, George Laird, Shirley Laird, Millie Bickett. Mildred Stewart, Bill IL M. Graham, Dick Stewart, E. W. Bickett, Isaac Meyers and Elsie G. Bauer, Ruth Bauer, Gladys Peterson, Meyers. Walter Peterson, Donald Bengston, S. J. Personett. William Stewart. Nora Dahlen, Lois Bengston, Charles Vernon S. Todd. Donald Sheythe. Wil Dahlen, Norman Jensen, Doris Jfn- liam B Shuey, Ruby Lee Herman. sen, Marion Todd, and Goldie Reigle. Charles C. Kelly, Ramon L. Roberts, Alice Hoeye. Wayne Watkins, Ruth Forest Hollyman, Nicolas B. Rich, Harmon, Laura Kramer, Mabel Gran- Lowell Stiffler and A. C. Bates. Carl Chance. Frank Rada. Clarence stov, Charles P. Hausman. Tina Howe, Anton Moravec, Joe Harlan, Graham, E. J. Graham, E. J. Graham. Mildred Wood. Harry Wood, Julia Bob Mundt and Ed Calkins. Russell Moberg. R. L. Faust. Otto Bassett, Ed Haynes. Susie Haynes, J. Witt, Stanley Chance. J. Plambeck, T. King, Kenneth Krosier, Miriam Del Jenkins, Carl Kelly, A. V. Her Potts, Leland Bassett, Bessie Bassett ron, Janies Barton, Don C. Peterson, Clyde Rogers and Dora Rogers. George Thomas, Richard Turpin, Ari Haun, Lee Ross. Vincent Palmer, Verne Shaw. Wendell Heller, Elmer George Steffy, Freida Bassett, Arthur Shaw. Floyd Johnson, Maggie Shaw, Bassett, Charley Stewart, Gladys Ma Ray Sisco. George Dickie. Bertha son. Ruth Witt. Belle Hawkins. Edith Dickie, Earl C. Wilson. L. H. Verbeck, Mason, Curtis Cline, Lettie Cline. Ed Fred Grimes. Lois oseline, Paul Hor ward Seats. Marjorie Seats, Cora Mo ner, Irene Podrabsky, Gertrude Bar berg. Inez Haun, Ellis Hill, Cleve ton, Jack Lacey. Earl Barnett and Davis. Lee Dike, Delia Dike, John Muir, Tearly Muir. William Cullim, Arey Podrabsky Gladys Lake. Dick Cain, James O’Leary, Merle A. Minton, Wanda Howe, M. C. Goodman. Augusta Witt. Arlene Downing. Ida Carey. Glen E. Shelton. Burton B Burrough, Edgar Kellom. Marcella Peterson. Otto J Koeneke and Eddie Goschie. and Margaret Burroughs. C H Fergu son. Hazel Hollyman. Lester Mason, Raymond McClain. Anna Jenkins. John Nelson. Elmer Barney, Robert FAMILY STYIÆ MEALS Veness. J. C. Kimmel. Helen Kimmel, Wanda Chance.. Louis Scott, Q W Under New Management Toman. Arthur W Robeson. Lellicia Swan. Grace Cooke. Ed Cooke. John L. Davidson. Elsbeth Wolverton. T J. Stocke. Dorothy Filliams, Paul L. Ma son. Lesley Mullens, Aral Williams, T H. Burghman. Edna F Ross and David A Kelly. Dorothy Kelly. Bette L Kelly. Ros- mond K Thom. C A Bruder. Doris Sheythe. Wave K Hill. Dorothy Har ris. Maude Flatman. George D. Jen kins. Russell Kelly. D. B Hill Jr . James Kenneth Harris. Irene O'Leary Mil! Citv Hotel Boarding House Opcrattng on Daylight Saving Time You Don't Need Cash To Buy the Things You Need . 'Firestone * ■ TIRES HOME and AUTO SUPPLIES Firestone Stores (Vater and liberty Me SAUM OREGON Francis Moravec, Charles Dolezal, Arlo Tuers, Mildred Allen, Segrun Grimstead, Vera Hathaway, Alice Smith, Thomas Courtney, Frances Courtney, Elizabeth Shaw, Dolores Stewart, Marie Stewart, Ralph Jet ton, Alice Jetton. Mabel Yakus, Stella M Kay, Freida Bates, Celia Howe, Mary Podrabsky, Dean Hoeye, Vivian Hoeye, Faye Verbeck, Gladys Podrab Podrab- sky Marye Ditter. Isabelle Green and Cecil Lake. John Smith. Smith, Beatrice Smith, Mon- Mon tana Bradshaw, W. D. Hoeye, Louise Palmer. Tom Bradshaw, Wes Greene, Palmer, Everett Warner, Betty Warner, Jac queline Heacox, Loretta Ziebert, Charles Sullivan and John Bradshaw. Charles Powelson, Bette Reid, Mel Robinson, Robinson. Harriett Reid. Elsie Potter, George Berry, Byron Davis. Marcel Davis, Davis. Chester Hollingshead, Mae Watkins. Arthur Hedge and Belle Hedge. I It’s New! It s Smart! Where Friends Meet On Highway 222, Linn County Side MILL CITY Tony Ziebert George ‘Sparky’ Ditter